Ejemplo n.º 1
            /// <summary>
            /// スコアー初期化
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public IScore InitScore(int EndGameScore)
                CacheScore = ScoreFactory.Create(0, EndGameScore);

                IsCreated = true;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal override void Initialize()
            InputManager.ReplayScore = autoScore = ScoreFactory.Create(Player.Mode, "osu!", player.hitObjectManager.Beatmap); player.Ruleset.CreateAutoplayReplay();

            //This mode is totally unranked.

        public IEnumerable <Score> GetHighScoresForAllPlayers(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            GetHighScoresForAllPlayersResult dbResult = _gameRepository.GetHighScoresForAllPlayers(ROUNDS_PER_GAME, startDate, endDate);
            // One extra database round trip to get all user names... on second thought, this should've been in the USP
            Dictionary <int, UserEntity> userIds = _userRepository.GetAll(dbResult.Results.Select(r => r.UserId));

                   .Select(r => ScoreFactory.Create(r, userIds))
                   .OrderBy(x => x.AmountOfCorrectAnswers)
                   .ThenBy(x => x.Duration).ToList());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private Score getTeamScore(SlotTeams teamId)
            Score teamScore = ScoreFactory.Create(playMode, string.Empty, BeatmapManager.Current);

            int teamCount = 0;

            teamScore.HpGraph = new List <Vector2>();
            //we need the combined hpgaphs to be sorted
            //because it's probably out of order due to latency
            SortedDictionary <float, float> timeHealth = new SortedDictionary <float, float>();

            for (int i = 0; i < PlayerVs.LastScoreEntries.Count; i++)
                ScoreboardEntry entry = PlayerVs.LastScoreEntries[i];
                if (entry != null)
                    Score score = entry.Score;
                    if (score != null)
                        if (entry.Team == teamId)
                            teamScore.MaxCombo   += score.MaxCombo;
                            teamScore.TotalScore += score.TotalScore;
                            teamScore.Count300   += score.Count300;
                            teamScore.CountGeki  += score.CountGeki;
                            teamScore.Count100   += score.Count100;
                            teamScore.CountKatu  += score.CountKatu;
                            teamScore.Count50    += score.Count50;
                            teamScore.CountMiss  += score.CountMiss;

                            if (score.HpGraph != null)
                                if (PlayerVs.Match.matchTeamType == MatchTeamTypes.TeamVs)
                                    if (teamCount == 0)
                                    else // calculate average hpGraph
                                        for (int j = Math.Min(teamScore.HpGraph.Count, score.HpGraph.Count) - 1;
                                             j >= 0;
                                            teamScore.HpGraph[j] = new Vector2(teamScore.HpGraph[j].X,
                                                                               (teamScore.HpGraph[j].Y * teamCount +
                                                                                score.HpGraph[j].Y) /
                                                                               (teamCount + 1));
                                    foreach (Vector2 TimeHealth in score.HpGraph)
                                        // Will be sorted automaticlly
                                        if (!timeHealth.ContainsKey(TimeHealth.X))
                                            timeHealth.Add(TimeHealth.X, TimeHealth.Y);


            if (PlayerVs.Match.matchTeamType == MatchTeamTypes.TagTeamVs)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <float, float> th in timeHealth)
                    teamScore.HpGraph.Add(new Vector2(th.Key, th.Value));

        internal void HandleUpdate(bScoreFrame frame)
            Score newScore = ScoreFactory.Create(playMode, frame, null);

            newScore.EnabledMods = mods;
            Frame = frame;

            Score oldScore = Score;

            SetScore(newScore, frame.totalScore);

            Passing = frame.pass;

            if (oldScore != null && newScore.TotalHits != oldScore.TotalHits)
                string value = @"0";
                bool   mania = playMode == PlayModes.OsuMania;

                if (mania)
                    if (newScore.Count300 > oldScore.Count300)
                        value = @"300";
                    else if (newScore.Count100 > oldScore.Count100)
                        value = @"100";
                    else if (newScore.Count50 > oldScore.Count50)
                        value = @"50";
                    else if (newScore.CountGeki > oldScore.CountGeki)
                        value = @"300g";
                    else if (newScore.CountKatu > oldScore.CountKatu)
                        value = @"200";
                    if (newScore.Count300 > oldScore.Count300)
                        value = @"300";
                    else if (newScore.Count100 > oldScore.Count100)
                        value = @"100";
                    else if (newScore.Count50 > oldScore.Count50)
                        value = @"50";
                    if (newScore.CountGeki > oldScore.CountGeki)
                        value += @"g";
                    if (newScore.CountKatu > oldScore.CountKatu)
                        value += @"k";

                if (newScore.CurrentCombo == 0 && oldScore.CurrentCombo == 0)
                    return; //Don't draw consecutive misses.
                bool miss = value == @"0";

                if (!miss && lastHitSprite != null && lastHitSprite.Transformations.Count > 0 && lastHitSprite.Transformations[0].Time1 == GameBase.Time)
                    return; //Bundled sprites don't need to be drawn unless they are a miss.
                if (lastHitSprite != null && lastHitSprite.TagNumeric == 0)
                    lastHitSprite.Depth -= 0.0001f;

                    lastHitSprite.FadeOut(100); //Fade out any non-miss previously being displayed.


                if (lastHitSprite != null)

                var     texture = mania ? TextureManager.LoadAll(@"mania-hit" + value)[0] : TextureManager.Load(@"hit" + value);
                pSprite p       = new pSprite(texture, Origins.Centre, SpriteAvatar.Position, (miss ? 0.95f : 0.949f) - (rank * 0.001f), false, Color.White)
                    Field      = SpriteBackground.Field,
                    TagNumeric = miss ? 1 : 0

                lastHitSprite = p;


                if (value == @"0")
                    p.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Fade, 0, 1, GameBase.Time, GameBase.Time + HitObjectManager.HitFadeIn));
                    p.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Scale, 0.6F, 0.4F, GameBase.Time, (int)(GameBase.Time + (HitObjectManager.HitFadeIn * 1.4))));
                    p.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Fade, 1, 0, GameBase.Time + HitObjectManager.PostEmpt / 2, GameBase.Time + HitObjectManager.PostEmpt + HitObjectManager.HitFadeOut));
                    p.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Fade, 0, 1, GameBase.Time, GameBase.Time + HitObjectManager.HitFadeIn));
                    p.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Scale, 0.2F, 0.4F, GameBase.Time, (int)(GameBase.Time + (HitObjectManager.HitFadeIn * 0.8))));

                    p.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Scale, 0.4F, 0.3F, GameBase.Time + HitObjectManager.HitFadeIn, (int)(GameBase.Time + (HitObjectManager.HitFadeIn * 1.2))));
                    p.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Scale, 0.3F, 0.35F, GameBase.Time + HitObjectManager.HitFadeIn, (int)(GameBase.Time + (HitObjectManager.HitFadeIn * 1.4))));

                    p.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Fade, 1, 0, GameBase.Time + HitObjectManager.PostEmpt, GameBase.Time + HitObjectManager.PostEmpt / 2 + HitObjectManager.HitFadeOut));

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static void HandleSongChange(bool resetStart, bool useScoreV2)
            lock (LockReplayScore)
                if (CurrentlySpectating == null)

                Beatmap b = BeatmapManager.GetBeatmapByChecksum(CurrentlySpectating.CurrentBeatmapChecksum);

                if (b != null)
                    NotificationManager.ShowMessage("Host is playing:" + b.DisplayTitle, Color.Green, 1000);

                    BeatmapManager.Current   = b;
                    InputManager.ReplayMode  = true;
                    InputManager.ReplayToEnd = false;

                    InputManager.ReplayStreaming = true;

                    InputManager.ReplayScore = ScoreFactory.Create(CurrentlySpectating.PlayMode, null, BeatmapManager.Current, useScoreV2);
                    InputManager.ReplayScore.EnabledMods = CurrentlySpectating.CurrentMods;

                    if (resetStart)
                        InputManager.ReplayStartTime = 0;

                    if (NewUserAndSong)
                        GameBase.Scheduler.Add(delegate { if (ChatEngine.IsVisible)
                                                              ChatEngine.Visibility = ChatVisibility.ChatOnly;
                        NewUserAndSong = false;

                    GameBase.ChangeMode(OsuModes.Play, true);
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapName))
                    if (CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapId > 0 && (BanchoClient.Permission & Permissions.Supporter) > 0)
                        if (OsuDirect.ActiveDownloads.Find(d => d.beatmap != null && d.beatmap.beatmapId == CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapId) == null &&
                            (OsuDirect.RespondingBeatmap == null || OsuDirect.RespondingBeatmap.beatmapId != CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapId))
                            OsuDirect.HandlePickup(LinkId.Beatmap, CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapId, RestartSpectating);
                        string message = string.Format("You don't have the beatmap the host is playing ({0}).", CurrentlySpectating.BeatmapName);

                    BanchoClient.SendRequest(RequestType.Osu_CantSpectate, null);
                    iDontHaveThatBeatmap = true;

                    InputManager.ReplayMode = false;
                    if (GameBase.Mode == OsuModes.Play)
                        GameBase.ChangeMode(OsuModes.Menu, true);