public LogReservationsRepository( IReservationsRepository inner, ScopedLog log) { Inner = inner; Log = log; }
public object Create(ControllerContext context) { var controllerType = context.ActionDescriptor.ControllerTypeInfo.AsType(); if (controllerType == typeof(ReservationsController)) { var l = new ScopedLog(new FileLog(LogFile)); var controller = new ReservationsController( SeatingDuration, Tables, new LogReservationsRepository( new SqlReservationsRepository(ConnectionString), l), new LogClock( new SystemClock(), l)); Logs.AddOrUpdate(controller, l, (_, x) => x); return controller; } throw new InvalidOperationException( $"Unknown controller type: {controllerType}."); }
private HistoricDateTime HealDatetime(string field, string identifier, string originalText) { if (originalText == null) { return(null); } var corrected = false; // Mistyped textual values var correctedText = originalText; var(correctTerm, value) = DatetimeHealMap.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Value.Any(originalText.Contains)); if (correctTerm != null) { foreach (var incorrectTerm in value.Where(originalText.Contains)) { correctedText = originalText.Replace(incorrectTerm, correctTerm); corrected = true; break; } } if (!corrected) { if (originalText.Contains('-')) { var parts = originalText.Split('-').ToList(); if (parts.Count == 2) { if (parts[0].Length == 6) { var compositePart = parts[0]; parts.RemoveAt(0); parts.Add(compositePart.Substring(4, 2)); parts.Add(compositePart.Substring(0, 4)); parts.Reverse(); corrected = true; } } if (parts.Count == 3) { // 1740-20-08 var convertedParts = parts.Select(i => { var success = int.TryParse(i, out var result); return(success ? result : -1); }).ToList(); var canTry = convertedParts.All(i => i != -1); if (canTry) { if (convertedParts[0] > 1000) { if (convertedParts[1] > 12) // Improper date composition { var partA = convertedParts[1]; var partB = convertedParts[2]; convertedParts[1] = partB; convertedParts[2] = partA; corrected = true; } } } correctedText = string.Join('-', convertedParts); } } } if (corrected) { ScopedLog.Log($"{identifier}: [{field}] heal {originalText} -> {correctedText}", Message.EContentType.Maintenance); } return(corrected ? correctedText : originalText); }
public Personography() { ClearChangeTrack(); SourceRepository = new MoravianLivesGitHubFileStorage().ResolveStorage(); Identifier(entry => entry.Id) .Configure(config => { config.StaleRecordTimespan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); config.Collection = "Bucknell.MoravianLives.GitHub"; config.SourceIdentifierPath = "person.@xml:id"; config.Set = "Personography"; config.CollectionFullIdentifier = $"{config.Collection}.{config.Set}"; }) .Prepare(() => { // Prefetch gender entries GenderCategoryIdentifiers["f"] = Person.Descriptor.Gender.Fetch("female").Id; GenderCategoryIdentifiers["m"] = Person.Descriptor.Gender.Fetch("male").Id; // Prefetch unique Event types EventCategoryIdentifiers["birth"] = Event.Category.Fetch("life.birth").Id; EventCategoryIdentifiers["death"] = Event.Category.Fetch("life.death").Id; // Prefetch unique Event roles EventRoleIdentifiers["birth"] = Event.Role.Fetch("life.infant").Id; EventRoleIdentifiers["death"] = Event.Role.Fetch("life.deceased").Id; }) .SourceModel(raw => { // First - Persons. var source = SourceRepository .GetDynamic("Projects/Personography", "ML_personography-3.xml") .Result; raw.Source = source; // Select and Typecast the entries. var items = ((JArray)source.SelectToken("TEI.text.body.listPerson")) .Select(i => i.ToContentEntry(Configuration.SourceIdentifierPath)) .ToList(); raw.Items = items; }) .SourceValue((item, path) => item.Contents.SelectTokens(path).FirstOrDefault()?.ToString()) .ConvertToModelType(item => { if (item.Result == null) { return; } item.Result.Success = false; switch (item.HandlerType) { case "HistoricString": item.Result.Value = (HistoricString)item.Source; item.Result.Success = true; break; case "Historical.Geography": Geography tempValue = item.Source; item.Result.Value = tempValue; item.Result.Success = true; break; } }) .ResolveReference(source => { //Let's first try to identify if the item is already present on our database as a reference. // We'll receive a source item and try to resolve it to its 1:1 Data model. var sourceId = GetIdentifier(source); return(_personReference.GetReference(Configuration.CollectionFullIdentifier, sourceId, null)); }) .ComplexTransform(entry => { var mustMentionEntry = false; if (entry.targetModel == null) { return; } if (entry.sourceData?.Contents == null) { return; } if (entry.timeLog == null) { return; } entry.timeLog.Log("Entity serialization"); var serializedSource = entry.sourceData.Contents.ToJson(); var serializedModel = entry.targetModel.ToJson(); var source = entry.sourceData?.Contents; // Debug help if (entry.sourceData.Id == "mlper000215") // Anna Rosina Anders { } if (entry.sourceData.Id == "mlper000227") // Sarah Cennick { } if (entry.sourceData.Id == "mlper000566") // Nicolas Zinzendorf { } //If development - dump info. if (Host.IsDevelopment) { var devDumpPath = Path.Combine(Configuration.Set, $"{entry.sourceData.Id}.json"); var finalDumpPath = Local.WriteString(devDumpPath, serializedSource); if (_contentDumpPath == null) { _contentDumpPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(finalDumpPath); Log.Info("Debug dump location:"); Log.Info(_contentDumpPath); } } entry.timeLog.Log("Gender detection"); // Gender var gender = source.StrVal("person.@sex"); if (gender == null) { ScopedLog.Log($"{entry.sourceData.Id}: missing [Gender] value"); } else { if (!GenderCategoryIdentifiers.ContainsKey(gender)) { ScopedLog.Log($"{entry.sourceData.Id}: [Gender] unknown value '{gender}'", Message.EContentType.Info); mustMentionEntry = true; } else { entry.targetModel.Gender = GenderCategoryIdentifiers[gender]; } } entry.timeLog.Log("First name resolution"); var firstName = source?.StrVal(new[] { "person.persName.forename[0].#text", "person.persName.forename[0]", "person.persName.forename.#text", "person.persName.forename" }); var firstNameVariants = source ?.SelectTokens("person.persName.forename[?(@.@type == 'variant')].#text").ToList(); var midName = source?.StrVal(new[] { "person.persName.forename[0].addName", "person.persName.forename.addName" }); //if (midName != null) // firstName += " " + midName; var lastName = source?.StrVal(new[] { "person.persName.surname.#text", "person.persName.surname[?(@.@type == 'birth')].#text", "person.persName.surname" }); var surnameVariants = source?.SelectTokens("person.persName.surname").ToList(); if (surnameVariants.Count > 0) { if (surnameVariants[0].Type == JTokenType.Array) { surnameVariants = source?.SelectTokens("person.persName.surname[*]").ToList(); } } var fullName = $"{firstName} {midName} {lastName}".Trim(); //Birth entry.timeLog.Log("Birth event information"); var birthEventData = new PrimaryEventData { Token = source?.JValue(new[] { "[?(@.@type == 'birth' && @.@calendar == 'Gregorian' && @.@resp == 'memoir')]", "[?(@.@type == 'birth' && @.@calendar == 'Gregorian')]", "[?(@.@type == 'birth' && @.@calendar != 'Julian')]" }) }; if (birthEventData.Token != null) // There's a birthday, so let's parse. { birthEventData.Text = birthEventData.Token.StrVal("@when-iso") ?? birthEventData.Token.StrVal("#text"); birthEventData.Timestamp = HealDatetime("Birthdate", entry.sourceData.Id, birthEventData.Text); } birthEventData.PlaceIdentifier = source.StrVal("person.birth.placeName.@ref"); birthEventData.PlaceName = source.StrVal("person.birth.placeName.#text"); if (birthEventData.PlaceIdentifier != null) { birthEventData.Location = _locationReference.GetReference(Placeography.DefaultDomain, birthEventData.PlaceIdentifier, new Location() { Name = birthEventData.PlaceName }); } // Death entry.timeLog.Log("Death event information"); var deathEventData = new PrimaryEventData { Token = source?.JValue(new[] { "[?(@.@type == 'death' && @.@calendar == 'Gregorian' && @.@resp == 'memoir')]", "[?(@.@type == 'death' && @.@calendar == 'Gregorian')]", "[?(@.@type == 'death' && @.@calendar != 'Julian')]", "" }) }; if (deathEventData.Token != null) // { deathEventData.Text = deathEventData.Token.StrVal("@when-iso") ?? deathEventData.Token.StrVal("#text"); deathEventData.Timestamp = HealDatetime("Deathdate", entry.sourceData.Id, deathEventData.Text); } deathEventData.PlaceIdentifier = source.StrVal("person.death.placeName.@ref"); deathEventData.PlaceName = source.StrVal("person.death.placeName.#text"); if (deathEventData.PlaceIdentifier != null) { deathEventData.Location = _locationReference.GetReference(Placeography.DefaultDomain, deathEventData.PlaceIdentifier, new Location() { Name = deathEventData.PlaceName }); } // Add name variants entry.timeLog.Log("Name variant detection"); entry.targetModel.Name ??= new HistoricString(); entry.targetModel.Name.SetVariant(fullName); entry.targetModel.Firstname ??= new HistoricString(); entry.targetModel.Lastname ??= new HistoricString(); entry.targetModel.Addname ??= new HistoricString(); entry.targetModel.Firstname.SetVariant(firstName); //entry.targetModel.Lastname.SetVariant(lastName); entry.targetModel.Addname.SetVariant(midName); entry.targetModel.MemoirInfo ??= new Person.MemoirDesc(); foreach (var sv in surnameVariants) { if (sv == null) { continue; } if (!(sv is JObject)) { continue; } var qsv = (JObject)sv; var variantName = $"{qsv.StrVal("#text")}".Trim(); var variantComment = qsv.StrVal("@type"); if (qsv.StrVal("@resp") != null) { variantComment += ", " + qsv.StrVal("@resp"); } variantComment = variantComment.Trim(); //entry.targetModel.Name.SetVariant(variantName, null, variantComment); entry.targetModel.Lastname.SetVariant(variantName, null, variantComment); } foreach (var fnv in firstNameVariants) { entry.targetModel.Firstname.SetVariant(fnv.ToString(), null, "firstname variant"); } if (birthEventData.Timestamp != null) { var targetNameVariant = entry.targetModel.Name.Variants.FirstOrDefault().Value.Variants .FirstOrDefault(); if (targetNameVariant != null) { targetNameVariant.Period = birthEventData.Timestamp; targetNameVariant.Period.End = null; var nameResp = birthEventData.Token.StrVal("@resp"); if (nameResp != null) { targetNameVariant.Comments ??= $"Source: {nameResp}"; } } } // read memoir information entry.timeLog.Log("Memoir information detection"); var MemoirArchive = source?.StrVal(new[] { "person.listBibl.msDesc.msIdentifier.institution.orgName", }); var Memoirshelfmark = source?.StrVal(new[] { "person.listBibl.msDesc.msIdentifier.institution.idno", }); var MemoirLang = source?.StrVal(new[] { "person.listBibl.msDesc.msIdentifier.institution.lang", }); var MemoirLink = source.StrVal("person.listBibl.msDesc.msIdentifier.institution.ptr.@target"); //entry.targetModel.MemoirArchive ??= MemoirArchive; //entry.targetModel.MemoirShelfmark ??= Memoirshelfmark; //entry.targetModel.MemoirLink ??= MemoirLink; //entry.targetModel.MemoirLang ??= MemoirLang; entry.targetModel.MemoirInfo.archive ??= MemoirArchive; entry.targetModel.MemoirInfo.shelfmark ??= Memoirshelfmark; ??= MemoirLink; entry.targetModel.MemoirInfo.lang ??= MemoirLang; //read office information //entry.targetModel.officeinfo ??= new List<OfficeString>(); var officestr = new OfficeString(); var offices = source?.SelectTokens("[*]").Select(i => (JObject)i).ToList(); foreach (var @office in offices) { var title = @office.StrVal("#text"); var orgname = @office.StrVal("@placeName"); officestr.SetVariant(title, orgname); entry.targetModel.officeinfo.Add(officestr); var eventModel = Office.Where(i => i.Value == title).FirstOrDefault(); if (eventModel == null) { eventModel = new Office { Value = title } } ; } // Finally, event handling. entry.timeLog.Log("Unique event: Birth"); if (birthEventData.Timestamp != null) { var birthEventModel = DataSets.Store(Event.FetchUnique(entry.targetModel.Id, EventRoleIdentifiers["birth"], EventCategoryIdentifiers["birth"])); birthEventModel.Name ??= "Birth of " + entry.targetModel.Name; birthEventModel.Date ??= birthEventData.Timestamp; birthEventModel.Place ??= birthEventData.Location?.Id; birthEventModel.Source ??= $"{Configuration.CollectionFullIdentifier}:{entry.sourceData.Id}"; } entry.timeLog.Log("Unique event: Death"); if (deathEventData.Timestamp != null) { var deathEventModel = DataSets.Store(Event.FetchUnique(entry.targetModel.Id, EventRoleIdentifiers["death"], EventCategoryIdentifiers["death"])); deathEventModel.Name ??= "Death of " + entry.targetModel.Name; deathEventModel.Date ??= deathEventData.Timestamp; deathEventModel.Place ??= deathEventData.Location?.Id; deathEventModel.Source ??= $"{Configuration.CollectionFullIdentifier}:{entry.sourceData.Id}"; } // Listed Events. var events = source?.SelectTokens("person.event[*]").Select(i => (JObject)i).ToList(); foreach (var @event in events) { var mustMentionEvent = false; var serializedEvent = @event.ToJson(); Location eventLocation = null; HistoricDateTime eventDatetime = null; // What? var rawEventType = @event.StrVal("@type"); var eventType = EventTypeHealMap.ConvertByOptionsMap(rawEventType); if (eventType == null) { ScopedLog.Log($"{entry.sourceData.Id}: [Event] unknown type '{rawEventType}'", Message.EContentType.Critical); ScopedLog.Log($"{entry.sourceData.Id}: {serializedEvent}", Message.EContentType.Critical); continue; } if (!EventRolePerEventType.ContainsKey(eventType)) { ScopedLog.Log($"{entry.sourceData.Id}: [Event] no event role described for event type '{rawEventType}'", Message.EContentType.Critical); ScopedLog.Log($"{entry.sourceData.Id}: {serializedEvent}", Message.EContentType.Critical); continue; } var eventRole = EventRolePerEventType[eventType]; var eventCategoryModelId = Event.Category.Fetch(eventType).Id; // Where? var rawEventPlace = @event.StrVal("@where"); if (rawEventPlace == null) { ScopedLog.Log($"{entry.sourceData.Id}: [Event] no location listed", Message.EContentType.Info); mustMentionEvent = true; } else { eventLocation = _locationReference.GetReference(Placeography.DefaultDomain, rawEventPlace); } //When? var rawEventTime = @event.StrVal(new[] { "@when-iso", "@when" }); if (rawEventTime == null) { ScopedLog.Log($"{entry.sourceData.Id}: [Event] no Date/time (@when-iso/@when)", Message.EContentType.Info); mustMentionEvent = true; } eventDatetime = HealDatetime("Eventdate", entry.sourceData.Id, rawEventTime); // All set? Let's search for event, or create. var eventRoleId = Event.Role.Fetch(eventRole).Id; var eventLocationId = eventLocation?.Id; var eventModel = Event.Where(i => i.Date == eventDatetime && i.Place == eventLocationId && i.Roles.Any(j => j.RoleId == eventRoleId && j.PersonId == entry.targetModel.Id)).FirstOrDefault(); if (eventModel == null) { eventModel = new Event { Date = eventDatetime, Place = eventLocationId, Roles = new List <Event.RoleDescriptor> { new Event.RoleDescriptor { PersonId = entry.targetModel.Id, RoleId = eventRoleId } } } } ; eventModel.Categories ??= new List <string>(); eventModel.Categories.Ensure(eventCategoryModelId); DataSets.Store(eventModel); var eventDescription = @event.StrVal(new[] { "desc.#text", "desc" }); //Anyone else mentioned? var otherPersonRefId = @event.StrVal("@ref"); string eventPlaceDescriptionPart = null; if (otherPersonRefId != null) { string otherPersonName = null; if (eventCategoryModelId == "marriage") { if (eventDescription.StartsWith("married ")) { var eventDescriptionParts = eventDescription.Substring(8) .Split(" at ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); otherPersonName = eventDescriptionParts[0].Trim(); if (eventDescriptionParts.Length > 1) { if (eventLocation.Name == null) { eventLocation.Name = eventDescriptionParts[1].Trim(); ScopedLog.Log( $"{entry.sourceData.Id}: [Event:{eventCategoryModelId}] place name assigned from Event Description - {eventLocation.Name}", Message.EContentType.Info); mustMentionEvent = true; } } } } // {"@type":"ordination","@where":"#mlpla000040","@ref":"#mlper000557","desc":"ordained as a deacon at Gracehill Samuel Benade"} if (eventCategoryModelId == "ordination") { if (eventDescription.StartsWith("ordained")) { var eventDescriptionParts = eventDescription.Substring(8) .Split(" at ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (eventDescriptionParts.Length > 1) { if (eventLocation.Name == null) { eventLocation.Name = eventDescriptionParts[1].Trim(); ScopedLog.Log( $"{entry.sourceData.Id}: [Event:{eventCategoryModelId}] place name assigned from Event Description - {eventLocation.Name}", Message.EContentType.Info); mustMentionEvent = true; } } } } var otherPersonModel = _personReference.GetReference(Configuration.CollectionFullIdentifier, otherPersonRefId, new Person() { Name = otherPersonName }); eventModel.Roles.Ensure(new Event.RoleDescriptor { PersonId = otherPersonModel.Id, RoleId = eventRoleId }); ScopedLog.Log($"{entry.sourceData.Id}: [Event:{eventCategoryModelId}] referenced Person - {otherPersonModel.Name ?? otherPersonModel.Id} as {eventRoleId}", Message.EContentType.Info); } var placeName = eventLocation?.Name != null ? eventLocation.Name + ", " : ""; eventModel.Name ??= $"{eventCategoryModelId.ToTitleCase()} - {placeName}{eventDatetime}"; eventModel.Description ??= eventDescription; if (mustMentionEvent) { ScopedLog.Log($"{entry.sourceData.Id}: {serializedEvent}", Message.EContentType.MoreInfo); } } if (mustMentionEntry) { ScopedLog.Log($"{entry.sourceData.Id}: {serializedModel}", Message.EContentType.MoreInfo); } }) .OnCommit(() => { _personReference.Save(); _locationReference.Save(); }); }
public Memoirs() { ClearChangeTrack(); SourceRepository = new MoravianLivesGitHubFileStorage().ResolveStorage(); _ = Identifier(entry => entry.Id) .Configure(config => { config.StaleRecordTimespan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); config.Collection = "Bucknell.MoravianLives.GitHub"; config.SourceIdentifierPath = "person.@xml:id"; config.Set = "Memoirs"; config.CollectionFullIdentifier = $"{config.Collection}.{config.Set}"; }) .Prepare(() => { }) .SourceModel(raw => { raw.Items = new List <ContentEntry>(); var memoirs = SourceRepository.Collection("Fulneck/StandardXML").Result; foreach (var memoir in memoirs) { try { var source = (JObject)SourceRepository .GetDynamic("Fulneck/StandardXML", memoir.Value.StorageName) .Result; raw.Items.Add(new ContentEntry() { Id = memoir.Value.StorageName.Trim().ToLower(), Contents = source }); } catch (Exception e) { ScopedLog.Log($"{memoir.Value.StorageName}: [Load] File Error ({e.FancyString()})", Message.EContentType.Critical); continue; } } }) .SourceValue((item, path) => item.Contents.SelectTokens(path).FirstOrDefault()?.ToString()) .ConvertToModelType(item => { if (item.Result == null) { return; } item.Result.Success = false; switch (item.HandlerType) { case "HistoricString": item.Result.Value = (HistoricString)item.Source; item.Result.Success = true; break; case "Historical.Geography": Geography tempValue = item.Source; item.Result.Value = tempValue; item.Result.Success = true; break; } }) .ResolveReference(source => { //Let's first try to identify if the item is already present on our database as a reference. // We'll receive a source item and try to resolve it to its 1:1 Data model. var sourceId = GetIdentifier(source); return(_sourceReference.GetReference(Configuration.CollectionFullIdentifier, sourceId, null)); }) .ComplexTransform(entry => { if (entry.targetModel == null) { return; } if (entry.sourceData?.Contents == null) { return; } if (entry.timeLog == null) { return; } entry.timeLog.Log("Entity serialization"); var serializedSource = entry.sourceData.Contents.ToJson(); var serializedModel = entry.targetModel.ToJson(); var source = entry.sourceData?.Contents; //If development - dump info. if (Host.IsDevelopment) { var devDumpPath = Path.Combine(Configuration.Set, $"{entry.sourceData.Id}.json"); var finalDumpPath = Local.WriteString(devDumpPath, serializedSource); if (_contentDumpPath == null) { _contentDumpPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(finalDumpPath); Log.Info("Debug dump location:"); Log.Info(_contentDumpPath); } } entry.timeLog.Log("Gender detection"); // Gender }) .OnCommit(() => { _personReference.Save(); _locationReference.Save(); }); }