Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called after the execution of run/compile/check/prolint
        /// </summary>
        public static void OnSingleExecutionOk(ProExecutionHandleCompilation lastExec, List <FileToCompile> filesToCompile, List <FileToDeploy> filesToDeploy)
            try {
                var treatedFile = lastExec.Files.First();
                CurrentOperation currentOperation;
                if (!Enum.TryParse(lastExec.ExecutionType.ToString(), true, out currentOperation))
                    currentOperation = CurrentOperation.Run;

                var isCurrentFile     = treatedFile.SourcePath.EqualsCi(Npp.CurrentFile.Path);
                var otherFilesInError = false;
                int nbWarnings        = 0;
                int nbErrors          = 0;

                // count number of warnings/errors, loop through files > loop through errors in each file
                foreach (var fileInError in filesToCompile.Where(file => file.Errors != null))
                    foreach (var error in fileInError.Errors)
                        if (error.Level <= ErrorLevel.StrongWarning)
                    otherFilesInError = otherFilesInError || !treatedFile.SourcePath.EqualsCi(fileInError.SourcePath);

                // Prepare the notification content
                var notifTitle    = currentOperation.GetAttribute <CurrentOperationAttr>().Name;
                var notifImg      = (nbErrors > 0) ? MessageImg.MsgError : ((nbWarnings > 0) ? MessageImg.MsgWarning : MessageImg.MsgOk);
                var notifTimeOut  = (nbErrors > 0) ? 0 : ((nbWarnings > 0) ? 10 : 5);
                var notifSubtitle = lastExec.ExecutionType == ExecutionType.Prolint ? (nbErrors + nbWarnings) + " problem" + ((nbErrors + nbWarnings) > 1 ? "s" : "") + " detected" :
                                    (nbErrors > 0) ? nbErrors + " error" + (nbErrors > 1 ? "s" : "") + " found" :
                                    ((nbWarnings > 0) ? nbWarnings + " warning" + (nbWarnings > 1 ? "s" : "") + " found" :
                                     "Syntax correct");

                // when compiling, transferring .r/.lst to compilation dir
                if (filesToDeploy != null)
                    filesToDeploy = lastExec.ProEnv.Deployer.DeployFiles(filesToDeploy, null, null);

                // Notify the user, or not
                if (Config.Instance.CompileAlwaysShowNotification || !isCurrentFile || !Sci.GetFocus() || otherFilesInError)
                    UserCommunication.NotifyUnique(treatedFile.SourcePath, "<div style='padding-bottom: 5px;'>Was " + currentOperation.GetAttribute <CurrentOperationAttr>().ActionText + " :</div>" + ProExecutionCompile.FormatCompilationResultForSingleFile(treatedFile.SourcePath, treatedFile, filesToDeploy), notifImg, notifTitle, notifSubtitle, null, notifTimeOut);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                ErrorHandler.ShowErrors(e, "Error in OnExecutionOk");