Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>This operation allows to query for the current status of an already initiated purchase 
        ///     (i.e. payment transaction).</summary>
        /// <param name="transactionId">The id of the transaction wich status is going to be retrieved.</param>
        /// <returns>A PaymentResult.</returns>
        public PaymentStatus GetPaymentStatus(String transactionId)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(transactionId))
                throw new BlueviaException("Null or Empty transactionId when requesting a payment status."
                        , ExceptionCode.InvalidArgumentException);

            //Building the object wich will be serialized to serve as body
            GetPaymentStatusParamsType paymentStatusParams = new GetPaymentStatusParamsType();
            paymentStatusParams.transactionId = transactionId;

            MethodCallType1 mct1 = new Schemas.MethodCallType1();
            mct1.id = HttpTools.generateRPCId();
            mct1.version = Core.Constants.blueviaRPCAccessVersion;
            mct1.method = MethodType.GET_PAYMENT_STATUS;
            mct1.@params = new MethodCallTypeParams();
            [email protected] = paymentStatusParams;

            //Selecting the apropiate parser/serializer for the operation:
            serializer = xmlSerializer;
            parser = xmlParser;

            //The Bluevia´s complex response object, as result of the call:
            MethodResponseType1 response = BaseCreate<MethodResponseType1, MethodCallType1>(
                string.Format(paymentUrl, Constants.PaymentGetPaymentStatus)
                , CreateParameters()
                , mct1
                , CreateHeaders(HttpTools.ContetTypeXML));

            return PaymentSimplifiers.SimplifyPaymentStatusResultType((GetPaymentStatusResultType)response.result.Item);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Cancels the previous AccesToken requested, before making the payment.</summary>
        /// <remarks> 2012/03/29. </remarks>
        public bool CancelAuthorization()
            MethodCallType1 mct1 = new Schemas.MethodCallType1();
            mct1.id = HttpTools.generateRPCId();
            mct1.version = Core.Constants.blueviaRPCAccessVersion;
            mct1.method = Schemas.MethodType.CANCEL_AUTHORIZATION;

            //Selecting the apropiate parser/serializer for the operation:
            serializer = xmlSerializer;
            parser = null;

            //No complex response object expected, as result of the call:
            BaseCreate<bool, MethodCallType1>(
                string.Format(paymentUrl, Constants.PaymentCancelAuthorization)
                , CreateParameters()
                , mct1
                , CreateHeaders(HttpTools.ContetTypeXML));
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>This operation allows to request a charge in the account indicated by the end user identifier,
        ///     with information about the purchase, such as economic units, the currency employed, 
        ///     optional information about additional taxes that could apply, 
        ///     generic code and a suggested reference code which uniquely identifies the current payment event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amount">Unsigned int whith the amount (without decimals), of the desired payment.</param>
        /// <param name="currency">String with the currency of the payment.</param>
        /// <param name="endpoint"> Optional: String which contains the endpoint where status notifications will be sent.</param>
        /// <param name="correlator">Optional, Mandatory if Notifications: The correlator for the status notifications.</param>
        /// <returns>A PaymentResult Object.</returns>
        public PaymentResult Payment(uint amount, String currency, String endpoint = null, String correlator = null)
                throw new BlueviaException("Null or empty Tokens when making a Payment."
                        , ExceptionCode.InvalidArgumentException);
            if (amount < 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(currency))
                throw new BlueviaException("Wrong mandatory parameters when making a Payment."
                        , ExceptionCode.InvalidArgumentException);

            PaymentParamsType paymentParams = new PaymentParamsType();
            paymentParams.paymentInfo = new PaymentInfoType();
            paymentParams.paymentInfo.amountSpecified = true;
            paymentParams.paymentInfo.amount = amount;
            paymentParams.paymentInfo.currency = currency;

            double seconds = Convert.ToInt64(HttpTools.GenerateTimeStamp());
            DateTime date = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
            date = date.AddSeconds(seconds);
            paymentParams.timestamp = date;

            //OPtional fields
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpoint) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(correlator))//Both endpoint and correlator arent null nor empty
                paymentParams.receiptRequest = new SimpleReferenceType() { endpoint = endpoint, correlator = correlator };
            else if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpoint) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(correlator)))//One of enpoint or correlator is null or empty
                throw new BlueviaException("Both endpoint and correlator parameters,are mandatory when making payment with status notifications."
                        , ExceptionCode.InvalidArgumentException);

            //Building the object wich will be serialized to serve as body
            MethodCallType1 mct1 = new Schemas.MethodCallType1();
            mct1.id = HttpTools.generateRPCId();
            mct1.version = Core.Constants.blueviaRPCAccessVersion;
            mct1.method = Schemas.MethodType.PAYMENT;
            mct1.@params = new Schemas.MethodCallTypeParams();
            [email protected] = paymentParams;
            //As the timestamp of the payment must be the same as the Oauth:
            Dictionary<string, string> oauthExtra = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            oauthExtra.Add(OAuthConstants.OAuthTimestampKey, seconds.ToString());

            //Selecting the apropiate parser/serializer for the operation:
            serializer = xmlSerializer;
            parser = xmlParser;

            //The Bluevia´s complex response object, as result of the call:
            MethodResponseType1 response = BaseCreate<MethodResponseType1, MethodCallType1>(
                string.Format(paymentUrl, Constants.PaymentPayment)
                , CreateParameters()
                , mct1
                , CreateHeaders(HttpTools.ContetTypeXML));
            return PaymentSimplifiers.SimplifyPaymentResultType((PaymentResultType)response.result.Item);