Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override CSAssignment AssignContainers(Resource clusterResource, FiCaSchedulerNode
                                               node, ResourceLimits resourceLimits)
     lock (this)
         CSAssignment assignment = new CSAssignment(Resources.CreateResource(0, 0), NodeType
         ICollection <string> nodeLabels = node.GetLabels();
         // if our queue cannot access this node, just return
         if (!SchedulerUtils.CheckQueueAccessToNode(accessibleLabels, nodeLabels))
         while (CanAssign(clusterResource, node))
             if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                 Log.Debug("Trying to assign containers to child-queue of " + GetQueueName());
             // Are we over maximum-capacity for this queue?
             // This will also consider parent's limits and also continuous reservation
             // looking
             if (!base.CanAssignToThisQueue(clusterResource, nodeLabels, resourceLimits, minimumAllocation
                                            , Resources.CreateResource(GetMetrics().GetReservedMB(), GetMetrics().GetReservedVirtualCores
             // Schedule
             CSAssignment assignedToChild = AssignContainersToChildQueues(clusterResource, node
                                                                          , resourceLimits);
             // Done if no child-queue assigned anything
             if (Resources.GreaterThan(resourceCalculator, clusterResource, assignedToChild.GetResource
                                           (), Resources.None()))
                 // Track resource utilization for the parent-queue
                 base.AllocateResource(clusterResource, assignedToChild.GetResource(), nodeLabels);
                 // Track resource utilization in this pass of the scheduler
                 Resources.AddTo(assignment.GetResource(), assignedToChild.GetResource());
                 Log.Info("assignedContainer" + " queue=" + GetQueueName() + " usedCapacity=" + GetUsedCapacity
                              () + " absoluteUsedCapacity=" + GetAbsoluteUsedCapacity() + " used=" + queueUsage
                          .GetUsed() + " cluster=" + clusterResource);
             if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                 Log.Debug("ParentQ=" + GetQueueName() + " assignedSoFarInThisIteration=" + assignment
                           .GetResource() + " usedCapacity=" + GetUsedCapacity() + " absoluteUsedCapacity="
                           + GetAbsoluteUsedCapacity());
             // Do not assign more than one container if this isn't the root queue
             // or if we've already assigned an off-switch container
             if (!rootQueue || assignment.GetType() == NodeType.OffSwitch)
                 if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                     if (rootQueue && assignment.GetType() == NodeType.OffSwitch)
                         Log.Debug("Not assigning more than one off-switch container," + " assignments so far: "
                                   + assignment);