public Schedule_MatchUp(
        int _index,
        DateTime _date,
        Game _game,
        string _title               = "MatchUp",
        Categories _category        = Categories.MATCHUP,
        ScheduleCategory _schedules = ScheduleCategory.MATCHUP,
        string _desc = ""
        : base(_index, _date, _title, _category, _schedules, _desc)
        description = "We have a match on " + date.ToString("MMM dd", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")) + ".";

        isSelectable = false;

        game = _game;

        if (game.home == Values.myTeam)
            enemy = game.away;
            enemy = game.home;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Translate nodes to items
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodes"></param>
        /// <param name="category"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <Item> NodesToItems(ScheduleCategory category, HtmlNodeCollection nodes)
            //If there are no nodes then there is no list
            if (nodes == null)

            List <Item> items = new List <Item>();

            //Translate nodes to items and add them to the list
            foreach (var node in nodes)
                //Skip items with invalid id
                int id = -1;
                if (!int.TryParse(node.Id, out id))

                Item item = new Item();

                item.Id = id;

                item.Name = node.InnerText;

                item.Category    = category;
                item.HasSchedule = false;


Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <List <Item> > GetItemContentsAsync(int item_id, ScheduleCategory category)
            //Get the document containing wanted items
            string       url = $@"{(int)category}&branch={item_id}";
            HtmlDocument doc = await GetDocument(url, Encoding.UTF8);

            //Get items with no specific schedule as HTMLnodes
            var nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(@"//li[@class='closed']");

            //If these were found then translate them to list of items and return
            if (nodes != null)
                return(NodeAnalyzer.GetItemsFromNodesWithoutSchedule(category, nodes));

            //Otherwise find items that have a specific schedule
            nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(@"//li");

            //If these were found then translate them to list of items and return
            if (nodes != null)
                return(NodeAnalyzer.GetItemsFromNodesWithSchedule(category, nodes));

            //If no items were found return null
Ejemplo n.º 4
 //member functions
 public Schedule(int _index, DateTime _date, string _title, Categories _category, ScheduleCategory _schedules, string _desc, bool hasComponent = false)
     index            = _index;
     date             = _date;
     title            = _title;
     category         = _category;
     scheduleCategory = _schedules;
     description      = _desc;
    public Schedule_Test_noSelect(int _index, DateTime _date,
                                  string _title               = "Test schedule without items.",
                                  Categories _category        = Categories.TESTING,
                                  ScheduleCategory _schedules = ScheduleCategory.TESTING_NOSELECT,
                                  string _desc = "")
        : base(_index, _date, _title, _category, _schedules, _desc)
        description = "Hey, this is just a sample testing schedule in " + date.ToString("MMM dd", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")) + ", without selectable items!";

        isSelectable = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public ScheduleUnit GetScheduleUnit(WeekDay day, TimeSlot slot, ScheduleCategory category = ScheduleCategory.Default)
        if (dailyData.TryGetValue(day, out DailyScheduleData daily))
            if (, out ScheduleUnitData unitData))
                return(unitData.units.TryGetValue(category, out ScheduleUnit res) ? res : null);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <List <Item> > GetMainItemsOfCategoryAsync(ScheduleCategory category)
            List <Item> items = new List <Item>();

            //Get the document with the items
            string       url = $@"{(int)category}";
            HtmlDocument doc = await GetDocument(url, Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-2"));

            //Get the node with the items
            var main_tree_node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(@"//ul[@class='main_tree']");

            //Return items translated from nodes
            return(NodeAnalyzer.NodesToItems(category, main_tree_node.ChildNodes));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates node collection to list of items with a schedule
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category">Category of items</param>
        /// <param name="nodes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <Item> GetItemsFromNodesWithSchedule(ScheduleCategory category, HtmlNodeCollection nodes)
            //No nodes means no items
            if (nodes == null)

            List <Item> items = new List <Item>();

            //For each node create an item
            foreach (var node in nodes)
                //Extract hyperlink associated with nodes
                var hyperlink_node = node.Descendants().Single(n => n.Name == "a");

                //Extract query string from hyperlink
                var link = hyperlink_node.Attributes.AttributesWithName("href").Single();
                var parsed_query_string = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(link.Value);

                //Parse id to int
                int id = -1;
                if (!int.TryParse(parsed_query_string.Get("amp;id"), out id))

                //Extract name
                byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(node.InnerText);

                //Create item
                Item item = new Item()
                    Id          = id,
                    HasSchedule = true,
                    Category    = category,
                    Name        = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes)


Ejemplo n.º 9
    public Schedule_Test_WithComponents(int _index, DateTime _date,
                                        string _title               = "Test schedule with components.",
                                        Categories _category        = Categories.TESTING,
                                        ScheduleCategory _schedules = ScheduleCategory.TESTING_WITHCOMPONENT,
                                        string _desc = "")
        : base(_index, _date, _title, _category, _schedules, _desc, true)
        description = "Hey, this is just a sample testing schedule in " + date.ToString("MMM dd", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")) + ", with some components!";

        items = new string[] {
            "Say hello to my friend.",
            "This is a test schedule item.",
            "Yes, of course you can.",
            "Sorry, better next time.",
            "I'm really disappointed with that."

        isSelectable = true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates node collection to list of items without a schedule
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category">Category of items</param>
        /// <param name="nodes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <Item> GetItemsFromNodesWithoutSchedule(ScheduleCategory category, HtmlNodeCollection nodes)
            //No nodes no items
            if (nodes == null)

            List <Item> items = new List <Item>();

            foreach (var node in nodes)
                //Get id from node as string
                var img_child_node = node.FirstChild;
                var tmp_string     = img_child_node?.Id == null ? "" : img_child_node.Id;
                var id_as_string   = Regex.Replace(tmp_string, "[^0-9.]", "");

                //Skip items with invalid id
                int id = -1;
                if (!int.TryParse(id_as_string, out id))

                //Extract name
                byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(node.InnerText);

                //Create item
                Item item = new Item()
                    Id          = id,
                    Category    = category,
                    HasSchedule = false,
                    Name        = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes),


Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static List <ScheduleItem> GetScheduleInfoFromNodes(ScheduleCategory category, HtmlNodeCollection nodes)
            List <ScheduleItem> items = new List <ScheduleItem>();

            foreach (var node in nodes)
                var children      = node.Descendants();
                var text_children = children.Where(child => child.Name == "#text" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(child.InnerText)).ToList();

                if (text_children.Count == 0)

                var current_child = text_children.First();

                #region Extract abbreviation and type

                //Extract abbreviation and the type of item
                string abrrev_and_type = current_child.InnerText;

                //Find separator
                int coma_pos = abrrev_and_type.LastIndexOf(',');
                if (coma_pos < 0)

                //Get abbreviation
                string abbrev = abrrev_and_type.Substring(0, coma_pos);

                //Get type
                string type_as_string = abrrev_and_type.Substring(coma_pos + 2);
                var    type           = Translator.TranslateAbbrevToItemType(type_as_string);

                //Remove child as it's content was analyzed


                #region Extract rooms, teachers and groups

                //Get nodes that are hyperlinks (these are either a teacher, a room or a group)
                var rooms_teachers_groups = children.Where(child => child.Name == "a");

                //Define lists for storing content associated with schedule item
                List <string> teachers = new List <string>();
                List <string> rooms    = new List <string>();
                List <string> groups   = new List <string>();

                //Add teachers and room to item
                foreach (var child in rooms_teachers_groups)
                    //Query string of the link contains information whether content is a room or a teacher
                    string link      = child.Attributes["href"].Value;
                    string query_str = link.Substring(link.IndexOf('?') + 1);
                    var    parsed    = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(query_str);

                    switch (parsed["type"])
                    case "0":
                        //Child is representing a group

                    case "10":
                        //Child is representing a teacher

                    case "20":
                        //Child is representing a room


                    //Remove any children of just processed child
                    text_children.RemoveAll(txt_child => child.ChildNodes.Contains(txt_child));


                #region Extract additional info

                string additional_info = string.Empty;

                //Any text content that wasn't processed earlier belongs to additional information
                while (text_children.Count > 0)
                    var child = text_children.First();
                    additional_info += child.InnerText;


                #region Extract day, parity and time

                //The style of the div contains position of the item which can be converted to day and time of the course
                string style = node.Attributes["style"].Value;

                //Find position attributes in format attribute: value
                Regex regex   = new Regex(@"\w{1,}: \d{1,}");
                var   matches = regex.Matches(style);

                int width  = -1;
                int height = -1;
                int xpos   = -1;
                int ypos   = 1;

                //Extract values for the attributes above
                foreach (Match match in matches)
                    //Get position of semicolon
                    int semicolon_pos = match.Value.IndexOf(':');

                    string key = match.Value.Substring(0, semicolon_pos);

                    //Extract value
                    //Skip on failure
                    int value = -1;
                    if (!int.TryParse(match.Value.Substring(semicolon_pos + 2), out value))

                    //Assign value to corresponding key
                    switch (key)
                    case "width":
                        width = value;

                    case "height":
                        height = value;

                    case "left":
                        xpos = value;

                    case "top":
                        ypos = value;


                //Calculate position of item in amount of fields
                int amount_left   = (xpos - 88) / 131;
                int amount_top    = Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDouble(ypos) - 236.5) / 11.3);
                int amount_height = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(height) / 10.0));
                int amount_width  = width / 119;

                Parity parity;

                //Extract parity depending on width of block and position
                if (amount_width == 1)
                    parity = (Parity)(amount_left % 2);
                    parity = Parity.Both;

                //Convert from number to DayOfWeek
                var day = (DayOfWeek)((amount_left / 2 + 1) % 7);

                //Convert from position to time
                var starting_time = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 7, 0, 0) + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15 * amount_top);
                var ending_time   = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 7, 0, 0) + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15 * (amount_top + amount_height));


                #region Assign extracted data

                ScheduleItem item;

                //Add a schedule item to list with extracted content
                switch (category)
                case ScheduleCategory.Groups:
                    //Item for group schedule
                    item = new GroupsScheduleItem()
                        Teachers = teachers,
                        Rooms    = rooms

                case ScheduleCategory.Teachers:
                    //Item for teacher schedule
                    item = new TeachersScheduleItem()
                        Groups = groups,
                        Rooms  = rooms

                case ScheduleCategory.Rooms:
                    //Item for room schedule
                    item = new RoomsScheduleItem()
                        Groups   = groups,
                        Teachers = teachers

                    //Improper value of category

                //Assign common data
                item.Abbrev         = abbrev;
                item.Type           = type;
                item.Day            = day;
                item.Parity         = parity;
                item.StartingTime   = starting_time;
                item.EndingTime     = ending_time;
                item.AdditionalInfo = additional_info;



Ejemplo n.º 12
        public async Task <Tuple <string, List <ScheduleItem> > > GetScheduleInfoAsync(int id, ScheduleCategory category, Semester semester, CancellationToken ct)
            //Get document with schedule
            string       url = $@"{(((int)category - 1) * 10)}&id={id}&winW=2000&winH=1000&wd={(int)semester}";
            HtmlDocument doc = await GetDocument(url, Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-2"));

            //Check if task is canceled and exit task if true

            lock (_lock)
                //Get title of the schedule
                var    title_node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(@"/html[1]/body[1]/div[3]/div[1]");
                string title      = title_node?.InnerText.Trim();

                //Get nodes representing courses
                var nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(@"//div[@class='coursediv']");

                if (nodes == null)
                    return(new Tuple <string, List <ScheduleItem> >(title, null));

                //Get node containing legend
                var legend_node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(@"//div[@class='data']");

                //Get legend
                var legend = NodeAnalyzer.MapLegend(legend_node);

                //Get appropriate schedule items depending on the category
                List <ScheduleItem> items = NodeAnalyzer.GetScheduleInfoFromNodes(category, nodes);

                //Map full names to abbrev of the items
                foreach (var item in items)
                    var name = "";

                    if (!legend.TryGetValue(item.Abbrev, out name))

                    item.Name = name;

                return(new Tuple <string, List <ScheduleItem> >(title, items));