/// <summary>
 /// Helper method to reduce amount of code necessary to find a panel declaration component in the scene.
 /// </summary>
 public PanelDeclarationsType GetPanelDeclaration <PanelDeclarationsType>() where PanelDeclarationsType : AbstractPanelDeclarations
     return(SceneHierarchyTools.GetComponentInChildren <PanelDeclarationsType>(sceneHierarchyPathUi));
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method to get a specific state controller
 /// </summary>
 public FSMStateControllerType GetStateController <FSMStateControllerType>() where FSMStateControllerType : AbstractFSMStateController
     return(SceneHierarchyTools.GetComponentInChildren <FSMStateControllerType>(sceneHierarchyPathStateControllers));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private void Initialize()
        //	buildInfo.CreateInstance();

        _Logger.enableLogFile = GameGlobals.isLogFileEnabled;

        User = new User();
        //	GameStatsController = new GameStatsController();
        //	FileDownloadManager = GameObject.Find(SceneHierarchy.pathFileDownloadManager).GetComponent<FileDownloadManager>();
        //	LocaUpdateManager = new LocaUpdateManager();

        IsDebugMenuEnabled = false;

        //	if (buildInfo != null) {
        //	  if (EnvironmentEndpoints.TryGetValue(buildInfo.environment, out endpoint) == false) {
        //		endpoint = EnvironmentEndpoints[GameGlobals.environmentKeyDevelopment];
        //	  }
        //	} else {
        //	  log.Warn(Logger.User.Msaw, "BuildInfo.Instance is null, using fallback environment Development");
        //	}
        //	WSClient.ServerBaseUrl = endpoint;
        //	log.Debug(Logger.User.Msaw, "Using endpoint: " + WSClient.ServerBaseUrl);

        //	Webservices.Instance.ServerUrl = WSClient.ServerBaseUrl;
        //	Webservices.Instance.ErrorTokenExpired = ErrorMessages.tokenExpired.State;
        //	Webservices.Instance.OnTokenExpired += new System.Action(OnTokenExpired);

        //	PanelInfoErrorDialog = GetPanelDeclaration<PanelInfoErrorDialog>();
        //	PanelInfoErrorDialog.Initialize();

        //	List<AbstractFSMState> fsmStates = new List<AbstractFSMState>();
        //PanelMainView = GetPanelDeclaration<PanelMainView>();
        PanelMainMenu = GetPanelDeclaration <PanelMainMenu>();
        //	PanelMatch = GetPanelDeclaration<PanelMatch>();
        //	PanelMatchFinished = GetPanelDeclaration<PanelMatchFinished>();
        //	PanelDescriptionPopup = GetPanelDeclaration<PanelDescriptionPopup>();
        //	PanelIntro panelIntro = GetPanelDeclaration<PanelIntro>();
        //	GameStateMatchController = GetStateController<GameStateMatchController>();
        //	PanelDefaultMenuBackground panelDefaultMenuBackground = GetPanelDeclaration<PanelDefaultMenuBackground>();
        //	fsmStates.Add(new GameStateStartupGame("GameStateStartupGame", panelIntro));
        //	fsmStates.Add(new GameStateMainView("GameStateMainView", GetStateController<GameStateMainViewController>(), PanelMainView, PanelCashInfo, PanelMainView3d));
        //	fsmStates.Add(new GameStateMatch("GameStateMatch", GameStateMatchController, GetPanelDeclaration<PanelRoundFinished>(), PanelMatch, GetPanelDeclaration<PanelMatchTopHud>()));
        //	fsmStates.Add(new GameStateVerifyMatch("GameStateVerifyMatch"));
        //	fsmStates.Add(new GameStateMatchFinished("GameStateMatchFinished", PanelMatchFinished));
        //	FsmSystem = FSMSystem.CreateFSM("game_states", fsmStates, "");

        //	GameStatsController.OnGameEventReported += new GameStatsController.GameEventReported(OnGameEventReported);

        //	CharacterEnemy.IsHeadSideView = true; //Atm enemies are never seen from the front.

        //	// hide characters at start
        //	CharacterUserRoot.IsVisible = false;
        //	CharacterEnemyRoot.IsVisible = false;
        //  }

        //  public void OnGameEventReported(AbstractGameEvent gameEvent)
        //  {
        //	switch (gameEvent.GameEventType)
        //	{
        //	case GameEventType.GameDataReceived:
        //#if UNITY_EDITOR
        //	  LocaKeyGenerator.GenerateLocaKeys((gameEvent as EventGameDataReceived).GameData.BalancingData);
        //	  break;
        //	case GameEventType.SinglePlayerLevelEntered:
        //	  EnableMainInterface(false);
        //	  break;
        //	case GameEventType.SinglePlayerLevelLeft:
        //	  EnableMainInterface(true);
        //	  break;
        //	}
        //  }

        //  public void Update()
        //  {

        //	LocaUpdateManager.Update();

        //	//Store current state name in variable that may be seen in the debug mode of the inspector. This is for debugging purpose only.
        //	currentFsmStateName = FsmSystem.CurrentStateName;
        //  }

        //  /// <summary>
        //  /// Method to retrieve the server side player stats.
        //  /// </summary>
        //  public void RequestPlayerStats()
        //  {

        //	log.Error(Logger.User.Msaw, "RequestPlayerStats() is currently not implemented due to backend system change.");

        //	//if (GameController.Instance.IsUserRegistered == true) {
        //	//  Webservices.Instance.SendRequest<WSResponsePlayerGetStats>(new WSRequestPlayerGetStats(PlayerId.ToString()), this);
        //	//}
        //  }

        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to reduce amount of code necessary to find a panel declaration component in the scene.
        /// </summary>

        //public static
        T GetPanelDeclaration <T>() where T : AbstractPanelDeclarations
            return(SceneHierarchyTools.GetComponentInChildren <T>(SceneHierarchy.pathUiCameraLevel));

        //  /// <summary>
        //  /// Helper method to reduce amount of code necessary to find a gamestate controller component in the scene.
        //  /// </summary>
        //  public static T GetStateController<T>() where T : AbstractFSMStateController
        //  {
        //	return (SceneHierarchyTools.GetComponentInChildren<T>(SceneHierarchy.pathStateControllers));
        //  }

        //  /// <summary>
        //  /// Method that allows to change to the login scene from wherever it is needed.
        //  /// </summary>
        //  public void ChangeStateToLogin()
        //  {
        //	FsmSystem.ChangeState("GameStateReadyForLogin");
        //  }

        //  /// <summary>
        //  /// GUI helper compatibility method.
        //  /// </summary>
        //  public static void AddLabelToAutoLocaList(UILabel label, string locaCode)
        //  {
        //	if (label != null)
        //	{
        //	  AutoLocaLabels.Add(new KeyValuePair<UILabel, string>(label, locaCode)); //Store label in case loca isn't ready yet and also for being able to change the text in case the game language is changed.
        //																			  // TODO: check if we have a situation where loca isn't ready yet
        //																			  //if (Loca == true) {
        //	  label.text = Loca.Get(locaCode);
        //	  //}
        //	}
        //  }

        //  /// <summary>
        //  /// Helper method to localize all registered labels according to the latest loca info.
        //  /// </summary>
        //  public static void PerformAutoLocalization()
        //  {
        //	int numRemovedItems = AutoLocaLabels.RemoveAll(item => item.Key == null); //Remove all labels that have become invalid (e.g. that have been deleted at runtime at some point).
        //	if (numRemovedItems > 0)
        //	{
        //	  log.InfoMS("Removed " + numRemovedItems + " label(s) from auto loca list.");
        //	}

        //	foreach (KeyValuePair<UILabel, string> kvp in AutoLocaLabels)
        //	{
        //	  if (kvp.Key != null)
        //	  {
        //		kvp.Key.text = Loca.Get(kvp.Value);
        //	  }
        //	  else
        //	  {
        //		log.Warn(Logger.User.Msaw, "Cannot apply localized text to label, because label is null. Text: " + Loca.Get(kvp.Value));
        //	  }
        //	}
        //  }

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates player data such as: equipment etc.
        /// </summary>
        void RequestPlayerUpdate()

        //  private void DebugStartLevel(string levelFullName)
        //  {
        //	//log.InfoMS("StartLevel - '" + levelFullName + "'");
        //	levelController = null; //Invalidate the level controller so it gets reassigned with the one from the newly loaded level.
        //	SceneFSM.SwitchState(levelFullName);
        //  }

        //  public void EnableMainInterface(bool enabled)
        //  {
        //	if (cameraMain != null)
        //	{
        //	  cameraMain.gameObject.SetActive(enabled);
        //	}
        //	//if (cameraMainUI != null) {
        //	//  cameraMainUI.gameObject.SetActive(enabled);
        //	//}
        //  }

        //  /// <summary>
        //  /// Method to load single-player scene setup in background. The given Action is invoked when the loading has completed.
        //  /// </summary>
        //  public void LoadSinglePlayerScene(Action sceneLoadedCallback)
        //  {
        //	StartCoroutine(LoadSinglePlayerSceneCoroutine(sceneLoadedCallback));
        //  }

        //  /// <summary>
        //  /// Internal single player scene loading method.
        //  /// </summary>
        //  private IEnumerator LoadSinglePlayerSceneCoroutine(Action sceneLoadedCallback)
        //  {
        //	log.DebugMS("LoadSinglePlayerSceneCoroutine() - Start");
        //	while (FileDownloadManager.IsDownloadInProgress == true)
        //	{ //This is an attempt to find the crash bug that happened around 12.12.2014. The bug appeared to occur in case a user went to the surface too quickly after the launch of the app. Maybe the reason is some kind of interference with downloads still in progress.
        //	  yield return null;
        //	}
        //	yield return Application.LoadLevelAdditiveAsync(GameGlobals.sceneNameSinglePlayer);
        //	if (sceneLoadedCallback != null)
        //	{
        //	  sceneLoadedCallback.Invoke();
        //	}
        //	log.DebugMS("LoadSinglePlayerSceneCoroutine() - Finish");
        //  }

        //  /// <summary>
        //  /// Method to set up and display a description popup, e.g. used for the item features description
        //  /// </summary>
        //  /// <param name="localizedHeader"></param>
        //  /// <param name="localizedDescription"></param>
        //  /// <param name="confirmAction"></param>
        //  public void ShowPopupPanelDescription(string localizedHeader, string localizedDescription, string localizedConfirmButton, Action confirmAction)
        //  {
        //	PanelDescriptionPopup.SetupPanel(localizedHeader, localizedDescription, localizedConfirmButton, confirmAction);
        //	GUITools.SetActive(PanelDescriptionPopup.gameObject, true);
        //  }

        //  public void ShowPopupPanelGetMoreHardCash()
        //  {
        //	log.DebugMS("ShowPopupPanelGetMoreHardCash()");
        //	PanelDescriptionPopup.SetupPanelGetMoreHardCash();
        //	GUITools.SetActive(PanelDescriptionPopup.gameObject, true);
        //  }

        //  /// <summary>
        //  /// Method to display an info- or error-text
        //  /// </summary>
        //  public void ShowInfoErrorDialog(string locaString, DialogueType dialogueType = DialogueType.Info)
        //  {
        //	string text = Loca.Get(locaString);
        //	ShowInfoErrorDialogUnlocalized(text, dialogueType);
        //  }

        //  /// <summary>
        //  /// Method to display an info- or error-text
        //  /// </summary>
        //  public void ShowInfoErrorDialogUnlocalized(string text, DialogueType dialogueType = DialogueType.Info)
        //  {
        //	Color textColor = Color.cyan;
        //	switch (dialogueType)
        //	{
        //	case DialogueType.Info:
        //	  textColor = ColorManager.DefaultInfoTextColor;
        //	  break;
        //	case DialogueType.Error:
        //	  textColor = ColorManager.DefaultErrorTextColor;
        //	  break;
        //	default:
        //	  log.Error(Logger.User.Msaw, "Failed to fetch default color for dialogueType: " + dialogueType);
        //	  break;
        //	}
        //	//float displayTimeParam = infoDisplayTimeInSeconds;
        //	ShowInfoErrorDialog(text, dialogueType, textColor, infoDisplayTimeInSeconds);
        //  }

        //  /// <summary>
        //  /// Method to display an info- or error-text with custom color and time.
        //  /// </summary>
        //  private void ShowInfoErrorDialog(string text, DialogueType dialogueType, Color textColorParam, float displayTimeParam)
        //  {
        //	Color textColor = textColorParam;
        //	float displayTime = displayTimeParam;

        //	PanelInfoErrorDialog.SetupAndShowMessageUnlocalized(text, textColor, displayTime);
        //  }

        //  public Sprite LoadSkillIcon(string skillId)
        //  {
        //	return Resources.Load<UnityEngine.Sprite>("skill_icons/skill_icon_" + skillId.ToUpper());
        //  }

        //  public Sprite LoadSkillIconDisabled(string skillId)
        //  {
        //	return Resources.Load<UnityEngine.Sprite>("skill_icons/skill_icon_" + skillId.ToUpper() + "_disabled");
        //  }

        //  private void ChangeToMainViewCommon()
        //  {
        //	if (LevelController != null && LevelController.IsLevelStarted == true)
        //	{
        //	  LevelController.LeaveSinglePlayer();
        //	}

        //	// hide enemy
        //	CharacterEnemyRoot.IsVisible = false;
        //	CharacterEnemyRoot.IsDefenseTurretVisible = false;
        //  }

        //  /// <summary>
        //  /// Method to switch back to the main view. To be invoked in case of an error for example.
        //  /// </summary>
        //  public void ChangeToMainView()
        //  {
        //	ChangeToMainViewCommon();
        //	log.DebugMS("ChangeToMainView()");
        //	FsmSystem.ChangeState("GameStateMainView");
        //  }

        //  /// <summary>
        //  /// Creates a confirm dialog and adds it to the main UI
        //  /// </summary>
        //  public PanelConfirmDialog CreateConfirmDialog()
        //  {
        //	GameObject go = GUITools.AddChild(cameraMainUI.gameObject, prefabPanelConfirmDialog);
        //	return go.GetComponent<PanelConfirmDialog>();
        //  }