Ejemplo n.º 1
    // It is recommended to deserialize a scene from scene fragments
    // consider all scenes as made up of scene fragments, even if only one.
    private SceneFragment GetLatestSceneSerialization()
        SceneFragment fragmentToReturn = null;

        lock (SUDataLock)
            if (LatestSUSceneData != null)
                byte[] sceneBytes  = null;
                int    sceneLength = LatestSUSceneData.Length;
                sceneBytes = new byte[sceneLength];

                Array.Copy(LatestSUSceneData, sceneBytes, sceneLength);

                // Deserialize the scene into a Scene Fragment
                fragmentToReturn = SceneFragment.Deserialize(sceneBytes);

Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// This coroutine will deserialize the latest SU data, either queried from the device
    /// or from disk and use it to create Unity Objects that represent that geometry
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="completionSource">
    /// The <see cref="TaskCompletionSource{TResult}"/> that can be used to signal the coroutine is complete.
    /// </param>
    private IEnumerator DisplayDataRoutine(TaskCompletionSource <bool> completionSource)
        Debug.Log("SceneUnderstandingManager.DisplayData: About to display the latest set of Scene Objects");
        Scene suScene = null;

        // Get Latest Scene and Deserialize it
        // Scenes Queried from a device are Scenes composed of one Scene Fragment
        SceneFragment sceneFragment = GetLatestSceneSerialization();

        SceneFragment[] sceneFragmentsArray = new SceneFragment[1] {
        suScene = Scene.FromFragments(sceneFragmentsArray);

        // Get Latest Scene GUID
        Guid latestGuidSnapShot = GetLatestSUSceneId();

        LastDisplayedSceneGuid = latestGuidSnapShot;

        if (suScene != null)
            // Retrieve a transformation matrix that will allow us orient the Scene Understanding Objects into
            // their correct corresponding position in the unity world

            System.Numerics.Matrix4x4?sceneToUnityTransformAsMatrix4x4 = GetSceneToUnityTransformAsMatrix4x4(suScene);

            if (sceneToUnityTransformAsMatrix4x4 != null)
                // If there was previously a scene displayed in the game world, destroy it
                // to avoid overlap with the new scene about to be displayed

                // Allow from one frame to yield the coroutine back to the main thread
                yield return(null);

                // Using the transformation matrix generated above, port its values into the tranform of the scene root (Numerics.matrix -> GameObject.Transform)
                SetUnityTransformFromMatrix4x4(SceneRoot.transform, sceneToUnityTransformAsMatrix4x4.Value, true);

                // After the scene has been oriented, loop through all the scene objects and
                // generate their corresponding Unity Object
                IEnumerable <SceneObject> sceneObjects = suScene.SceneObjects;

                int i = 0;
                foreach (SceneObject sceneObject in sceneObjects)
                    if (DisplaySceneObject(sceneObject))
                        if (++i % NumberOfSceneObjectsToLoadPerFrame == 0)
                            // Allow a certain number of objects to load before yielding back to main thread
                            yield return(null);

            // When all objects have been loaded, finish.
            Debug.Log("SceneUnderStandingManager.DisplayData: Display Completed");

            // Run CallBacks for Onload Finished

            // Let the task complete