// Mark chained Units then call destroy Units method
    public void markChainedUnits()
        GameStateController.currentState = GameStateController.gameState.destroyingUnit;

        // Create a puzzle value matrix to scan for chained units
        _noChainedUnit = true;
        for (int YIndex = 0; YIndex < puzzleGen._rows; YIndex++)
            for (int XIndex = 0; XIndex < puzzleGen._columns; XIndex++)
                scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex] = new ScanUnit(puzzleGen._unitARR[XIndex, YIndex].GetComponent<UnitInfo>()._value);

        #region Scan and Mark chained Units



        // Call Destroy Chained Unit method if there are chained Units
        if (!_noChainedUnit)
            // Update game info texts
            _turnPointText.text = (_turnPoint.ToString());
            _unitCounterText.text = (_unitCounter.ToString());
            _unitTypeCounter = puzzleGen._unitPrefabsContainer.Length - _unitTypeCheckContainer.Count;           
            _unitTypeCounterText.text = (_unitTypeCounter.ToString());         
            // Update total score if there are no more chained units
            iTween.ValueTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash("from", _score, "to", _score + (_turnPoint * _unitTypeCounter), "time", 0.6, "onUpdate", "updateScore", "ignoretimescale", true));
            _score += (_turnPoint * _unitTypeCounter);

            GameStateController.currentState = GameStateController.gameState.idle;
            // End game if out of turns
            if (puzzleGen._turns < 1)
    // Mark chained Units then call destroy Units method
    public void markChainedUnits()
        GameStateController.currentState = GameStateController.gameState.destroyingUnit;

        // Create a puzzle value matrix to scan for chained units
        bool noChainedUnit = true;
        for (int YIndex = 0; YIndex < puzzleGen._rows; YIndex++)
            for (int XIndex = 0; XIndex < puzzleGen._columns; XIndex++)
                scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex] = new ScanUnit(puzzleGen._unitARR[XIndex, YIndex].GetComponent<UnitInfo>()._value);

        #region Scan and Mark chained Units
        for (int YIndex = 0; YIndex < puzzleGen._rows; YIndex++)
            for (int XIndex = 0; XIndex < puzzleGen._columns; XIndex++)
                if (isBlockNineChained(XIndex, YIndex))
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex - 1, YIndex - 1]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex - 1]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex + 1, YIndex - 1]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex - 1, YIndex]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex + 1, YIndex]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex - 1, YIndex + 1]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex + 1]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex + 1, YIndex + 1]._isChained = true;

                    print("Block9 chained at" + XIndex + " : " + YIndex + "value :" + scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value);
                    noChainedUnit = false;
                    _unitCounter += 9;
                    if (_unitTypeCheckContainer.Contains(scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value))
                        _unitTypeCheckContainer.Remove(scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value);

        for (int YIndex = 0; YIndex < puzzleGen._rows; YIndex++)
            for (int XIndex = 0; XIndex < puzzleGen._columns; XIndex++)
                if (isHorizontalTreeChained(XIndex, YIndex))
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex - 1, YIndex]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex + 1, YIndex]._isChained = true;

                    print("Horizontal3 chained at" + XIndex + " : " + YIndex + "value :" + scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value);
                    noChainedUnit = false;
                    _unitCounter += 3;
                    if (_unitTypeCheckContainer.Contains(scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value))
                        _unitTypeCheckContainer.Remove(scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value);

        for (int YIndex = 0; YIndex < puzzleGen._rows; YIndex++)
            for (int XIndex = 0; XIndex < puzzleGen._columns; XIndex++)
                if (isVerticalTreeChained(XIndex, YIndex))
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex - 1]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex + 1]._isChained = true;

                    print("Vertical3 chained at" + XIndex + " : " + YIndex + "value :" + scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value);
                    noChainedUnit = false;
                    _unitCounter += 3;
                    if (_unitTypeCheckContainer.Contains(scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value))
                        _unitTypeCheckContainer.Remove(scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value);

        // Call Destroy Chained Unit method if there are chained Units
        if (!noChainedUnit)
            _unitCounterText.text = (_unitCounter.ToString());
            _unitTypeCounter = puzzleGen._unitPrefabsContainer.Count - _unitTypeCheckContainer.Count;
            _unitTypeCounterText.text = (_unitTypeCounter.ToString());
            GameStateController.currentState = GameStateController.gameState.idle;
    // Mark chained Units then call destroy Units method
    public void markChainedUnits()
        GameStateController.currentState = GameStateController.gameState.destroyingUnit;

        // Create a puzzle value matrix to scan for chained units
        bool noChainedUnit = true;

        for (int YIndex = 0; YIndex < puzzleGen._rows; YIndex++)
            for (int XIndex = 0; XIndex < puzzleGen._columns; XIndex++)
                scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex] = new ScanUnit(puzzleGen._unitARR[XIndex, YIndex].GetComponent <UnitInfo>()._value);

        #region Scan and Mark chained Units
        for (int YIndex = 0; YIndex < puzzleGen._rows; YIndex++)
            for (int XIndex = 0; XIndex < puzzleGen._columns; XIndex++)
                if (isBlockNineChained(XIndex, YIndex))
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex - 1, YIndex - 1]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex - 1]._isChained     = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex + 1, YIndex - 1]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex - 1, YIndex]._isChained     = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._isChained         = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex + 1, YIndex]._isChained     = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex - 1, YIndex + 1]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex + 1]._isChained     = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex + 1, YIndex + 1]._isChained = true;

                    print("Block9 chained at" + XIndex + " : " + YIndex + "value :" + scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value);
                    noChainedUnit = false;
                    _unitCounter += 9;
                    if (_unitTypeCheckContainer.Contains(scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value))
                        _unitTypeCheckContainer.Remove(scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value);

        for (int YIndex = 0; YIndex < puzzleGen._rows; YIndex++)
            for (int XIndex = 0; XIndex < puzzleGen._columns; XIndex++)
                if (isHorizontalTreeChained(XIndex, YIndex))
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex - 1, YIndex]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._isChained     = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex + 1, YIndex]._isChained = true;

                    print("Horizontal3 chained at" + XIndex + " : " + YIndex + "value :" + scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value);
                    noChainedUnit = false;
                    _unitCounter += 3;
                    if (_unitTypeCheckContainer.Contains(scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value))
                        _unitTypeCheckContainer.Remove(scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value);

        for (int YIndex = 0; YIndex < puzzleGen._rows; YIndex++)
            for (int XIndex = 0; XIndex < puzzleGen._columns; XIndex++)
                if (isVerticalTreeChained(XIndex, YIndex))
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex - 1]._isChained = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._isChained     = true;
                    scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex + 1]._isChained = true;

                    print("Vertical3 chained at" + XIndex + " : " + YIndex + "value :" + scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value);
                    noChainedUnit = false;
                    _unitCounter += 3;
                    if (_unitTypeCheckContainer.Contains(scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value))
                        _unitTypeCheckContainer.Remove(scanUnitARR[XIndex, YIndex]._value);

        // Call Destroy Chained Unit method if there are chained Units
        if (!noChainedUnit)
            _unitCounterText.text     = (_unitCounter.ToString());
            _unitTypeCounter          = puzzleGen._unitPrefabsContainer.Count - _unitTypeCheckContainer.Count;
            _unitTypeCounterText.text = (_unitTypeCounter.ToString());
            GameStateController.currentState = GameStateController.gameState.idle;