Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a tree from the given query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">Query to parse into a tree</param>
        /// <returns>The tree representation of the query</returns>
        public static Node CreateTree(string query)
            var queryIdentifiers = new[]

            Node tree;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                tree = new ScanNode();
            else if (!queryIdentifiers.Any(i => Regex.IsMatch(query, i)) && !query.TrimStart().StartsWith("*"))
                tree = new PhraseNode(query, false, null, null);
                lock (_fieldTypes)
                    tree = QueryParser.Parse(query);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private ScanNode ProcessElements(JournalScan sc, ISystem sys, SystemNode sn, string customname, List <string> elements, ScanNodeType starscannodetype, bool isbeltcluster)
            SortedList <string, ScanNode> cnodes = sn.starnodes;
            ScanNode node = null;

            for (int lvl = 0; lvl < elements.Count; lvl++)
                ScanNode     sublv;
                ScanNodeType sublvtype;
                string       ownname = elements[lvl];

                if (cnodes == null || !cnodes.TryGetValue(elements[lvl], out sublv))
                    if (node != null && node.children == null)
                        node.children = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>(new DuplicateKeyComparer <string>());
                        cnodes        = node.children;

                    if (lvl == 0)
                        sublvtype = starscannodetype;
                    else if (isbeltcluster)
                        sublvtype = lvl == 1 ? ScanNodeType.belt : ScanNodeType.beltcluster;
                        sublvtype = ScanNodeType.body;

                    sublv = new ScanNode
                        ownname  = ownname,
                        fullname = lvl == 0 ? (sys.Name + (ownname.Contains("Main") ? "" : (" " + ownname))) : node.fullname + " " + ownname,
                        ScanData = null,
                        children = null,
                        type     = sublvtype,
                        level    = lvl

                    cnodes.Add(ownname, sublv);

                node   = sublv;
                cnodes = node.children;

                if (lvl == elements.Count - 1)
                    node.ScanData   = sc;
                    node.customname = customname;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private bool Process(JournalScan sc, ISystem sys, bool reprocessPrimary = false)  // background or foreground.. FALSE if you can't process it
            SystemNode sn = GetOrCreateSystemNode(sys);

            // handle Earth, starname = Sol
            // handle Eol Prou LW-L c8-306 A 4 a and Eol Prou LW-L c8-306
            // handle Colonia 4 , starname = Colonia, planet 4
            // handle Aurioum B A BELT
            // Kyloasly OY-Q d5-906 13 1

            ScanNodeType starscannodetype = ScanNodeType.star;          // presuming..
            bool         isbeltcluster    = false;

            // Extract elements from name
            List <string> elements = ExtractElements(sc, sys, out isbeltcluster, out starscannodetype);

            // Bail out if no elements extracted
            if (elements.Count == 0)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Failed to add body {sc.BodyName} to system {sys.Name} - not enough elements");
            // Bail out if more than 5 elements extracted
            else if (elements.Count > 5)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Failed to add body {sc.BodyName} to system {sys.Name} - too deep");

            // Get custom name if different to designation
            string customname = GetCustomName(sc, sys);

            // Process elements
            ScanNode node = ProcessElements(sc, sys, sn, customname, elements, starscannodetype, isbeltcluster);

            // Process top-level star
            if (elements.Count == 1)
                // Process any belts if present
                ProcessBelts(sc, node);

                // Process primary star in multi-star system
                if (elements[0].Equals("A", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    CachePrimaryStar(sc, sys);

                    // Reprocess if we've encountered the primary (A) star and we already have a "Main Star"
                    if (reprocessPrimary && sn.starnodes.Any(n => n.Key.Length > 1 && n.Value.type == ScanNodeType.star))

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private bool ProcessSAAScan(JournalSAAScanComplete jsaa, ISystem sys, bool reprocessPrimary = false)  // background or foreground.. FALSE if you can't process it
            SystemNode sn          = GetOrCreateSystemNode(sys);
            ScanNode   relatedScan = null;

            if (sn.NodesByID.ContainsKey((int)jsaa.BodyID))
                relatedScan = sn.NodesByID[(int)jsaa.BodyID];
                if (relatedScan.ScanData != null && relatedScan.ScanData.BodyDesignation != null)
                    jsaa.BodyDesignation = relatedScan.ScanData.BodyDesignation;
            else if (jsaa.BodyDesignation != null && jsaa.BodyDesignation != jsaa.BodyName)
                foreach (var body in sn.Bodies)
                    if (body.fullname == jsaa.BodyDesignation)
                        relatedScan = body;

            if (relatedScan == null)
                foreach (var body in sn.Bodies)
                    if ((body.fullname == jsaa.BodyName || body.customname == jsaa.BodyName) &&
                        (body.fullname != sys.Name || body.level != 0))
                        relatedScan = body;

            if (relatedScan != null)
                relatedScan.IsMapped             = true; // keep data here since we can get scans replaced later..
                relatedScan.WasMappedEfficiently = jsaa.ProbesUsed <= jsaa.EfficiencyTarget;
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Setting SAA Scan for " + jsaa.BodyName + " " + sys.Name + " to Mapped: " + relatedScan.WasMappedEfficiently);

                if (relatedScan.ScanData != null)       // if we have a scan, set its values - this keeps the calculation self contained in the class.
                    relatedScan.ScanData.SetMapped(relatedScan.IsMapped, relatedScan.WasMappedEfficiently);
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(".. passing down to scan " + relatedScan.ScanData.ScanType);

                return(true); // We already have the scan

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static void DumpTree(ScanNode top, string key, int level)         // debug dump out
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("                                                        ".Substring(0, level * 3) + key + ":" + top.BodyID + " " + top.fullname + " " + top.type);
     if (top.children != null)
         foreach (var c in top.children)
             DumpTree(c.Value, c.Key, level + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void ProcessBelts(JournalScan sc, ScanNode node)
            if (sc.HasRings)
                foreach (JournalScan.StarPlanetRing ring in sc.Rings)
                    ScanNode belt;
                    string   beltname  = ring.Name;
                    string   stardesig = sc.BodyDesignation ?? sc.BodyName;

                    if (beltname.StartsWith(stardesig, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        beltname = beltname.Substring(stardesig.Length).Trim();
                    else if (stardesig.ToLowerInvariant() == "lave" && beltname.ToLowerInvariant() == "castellan belt")
                        beltname = "A Belt";

                    if (node.children == null || !node.children.TryGetValue(beltname, out belt))
                        if (node.children == null)
                            node.children = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>(new DuplicateKeyComparer <string>());

                        belt = new ScanNode
                            ownname    = beltname,
                            fullname   = node.fullname + " " + beltname,
                            customname = ring.Name,
                            ScanData   = null,
                            BeltData   = ring,
                            children   = null,
                            type       = ScanNodeType.belt,
                            level      = 1

                        node.children.Add(beltname, belt);

                    belt.BeltData = ring;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        static public ScanNode ReadJSON(JObject jo)
            string   time  = jo["Epoch"].Str();
            DateTime epoch = time.HasChars() ? DateTime.Parse(time, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal | DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal) : DateTime.UtcNow;

            ScanNode n = new ScanNode();

            n.OwnName  = jo["Name"].Str();
            n.FullName = jo["FullName"].Str(n.OwnName);
            string nt = jo["NodeType"].Str();

            n.NodeType = nt.Equals("barycentre") ? ScanNodeType.barycentre : nt.Equals("body") ? ScanNodeType.body : ScanNodeType.star;

            if (jo.ContainsKey("SemiMajorAxis"))
                n.scandata = new JournalScan(n.OwnName, jo["StarClass"].StrNull(), jo["PlanetClass"].StrNull(), jo["Mass"].DoubleNull(),
                                             jo["OrbitalPeriod"].DoubleNull(), jo["AxialTilt"].DoubleNull(), jo["Radius"].DoubleNull(),
                                             jo["SemiMajorAxis"].DoubleNull(), // km
                                             jo["Inclination"].DoubleNull(),   // deg all
                if (n.scandata.nRadius.HasValue)
                    n.scandata.nRadius *= 1000;

            if (jo.ContainsKey("Bodies"))
                n.Children = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>();
                JArray ja = jo["Bodies"] as JArray;
                foreach (JObject o in ja)
                    var cn = ReadJSON(o);
                    n.Children.Add(cn.OwnName, cn);

Ejemplo n.º 8
            static private List <string> ExpandRecurivelyBarynodeTree(ScanNode top, ScanNode pos)       // go down tree, moving nodes from the top to their positions
                List <string> keystodelete = new List <string>();

                foreach (var k in pos.children)                                                     // all children of top
                    string keyid = k.Value.BodyID.ToStringInvariant("00000");                       // key from bodyid

                    if (k.Value.type == ScanNodeType.barycentre && top.children.ContainsKey(keyid)) // its a barycentre, and top has that barycentre, move it to here
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(".. barycenter  " + keyid);
                        ScanNode tocopy = top.children[keyid];

                        if (k.Value.children == null)
                            k.Value.children = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>();

                        foreach (var cc in tocopy.children)
                            string cckey = cc.Key;
                            if (!k.Value.children.ContainsKey(cckey))                               // may have been moved already, because we don't remove top keys until finished
                                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(".. " + cckey + " " + cc.Value.fullname + " onto " + keyid);
                                k.Value.children.Add(cckey, cc.Value);
                                ExpandRecurivelyBarynodeTree(top, k.Value);
                                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(".. Dup move " + cckey + " " + cc.Value.fullname + " onto " + keyid);


Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void Visit(ScanNode node) => Format(node);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void Visit(ScanNode node)
     Index          = _log.Search();
     Mode           = Query.EvaluationMode.Index;
     EstimatedCount = _log.Count;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private ScanNode ProcessElementsBodyAndID(IBodyNameAndID sc, ISystem sys, SystemNode sn, string customname, List <string> elements, ScanNodeType starscannodetype, bool isbeltcluster)
            SortedList <string, ScanNode> currentnodelist = sn.StarNodes;               // current operating node list, always made
            ScanNode previousnode = null;                                               // trails subnode by 1 to point to previous node

            for (int lvl = 0; lvl < elements.Count; lvl++)
                ScanNodeType sublvtype = starscannodetype;

                if (lvl > 0)
                    if (isbeltcluster)
                        sublvtype = lvl == 1 ? ScanNodeType.belt : ScanNodeType.beltcluster;
                        sublvtype = ScanNodeType.body;

                if (currentnodelist == null || !currentnodelist.TryGetValue(elements[lvl], out ScanNode subnode))
                    if (currentnodelist == null)    // no node list, happens when we are at least 1 level down as systemnode always has a node list, make one
                        currentnodelist = previousnode.Children = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>(new DuplicateKeyComparer <string>());

                    string ownname = elements[lvl];

                    subnode = new ScanNode
                        OwnName  = ownname,
                        FullName = lvl == 0 ? (sys.Name + (ownname.Contains("Main") ? "" : (" " + ownname))) : previousnode.FullName + " " + ownname,
                        ScanData = null,
                        Children = null,
                        NodeType = sublvtype,
                        Level    = lvl,

                    currentnodelist.Add(ownname, subnode);

                if (lvl == elements.Count - 1)
                    subnode.CustomName = customname;

                    if (sc.BodyID != null)
                        subnode.BodyID = sc.BodyID;

                    if (sc.BodyType == "" || sc.BodyType == "Null" || sc.BodyType == "Barycentre")
                        subnode.NodeType = ScanNodeType.barycentre;
                    else if (sc.BodyType == "Belt")
                        subnode.NodeType = ScanNodeType.belt;

                previousnode    = subnode;
                currentnodelist = previousnode.Children;

Ejemplo n.º 12
        private ScanNode ProcessElementsJournalScan(JournalScan sc, ISystem sys, SystemNode sn, string customname, List <string> elements, ScanNodeType starscannodetype, bool isbeltcluster, bool isring = false)
            SortedList <string, ScanNode> cnodes = sn.starnodes;
            ScanNode node = null;
            List <JournalScan.BodyParent> ancestors      = sc.Parents?.AsEnumerable()?.ToList();
            List <JournalScan.BodyParent> ancestorbodies = ancestors?.Where(a => a.Type == "Star" || a.Type == "Planet" || a.Type == "Belt")?.Reverse()?.ToList();
            ScanNode toplevelnode = null;

            if ((ancestorbodies != null) && (starscannodetype != ScanNodeType.star))
                ancestorbodies.Insert(0, null);

            for (int lvl = 0; lvl < elements.Count; lvl++)
                ScanNode     sublv;
                ScanNodeType sublvtype;
                string       ownname = elements[lvl];

                if (lvl == 0)
                    sublvtype = starscannodetype;
                else if (isbeltcluster)
                    if (lvl == 1)
                        sublvtype = ScanNodeType.belt;          // A Belt
                        sublvtype = ScanNodeType.beltcluster;   // A Belt Cluster 1
                else if (isring && lvl == elements.Count - 1)       // detailed scans of rings.. placed under planets
                    sublvtype = ScanNodeType.ring;
                    sublvtype = ScanNodeType.body;

                if (cnodes == null || !cnodes.TryGetValue(elements[lvl], out sublv))
                    if (node != null && node.children == null)
                        node.children = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>(new DuplicateKeyComparer <string>());
                        cnodes        = node.children;

                    sublv = new ScanNode
                        ownname        = ownname,
                        fullname       = lvl == 0 ? (sys.Name + (ownname.Contains("Main") ? "" : (" " + ownname))) : node.fullname + " " + ownname,
                        ScanData       = null,
                        children       = null,
                        type           = sublvtype,
                        level          = lvl,
                        IsTopLevelNode = lvl == 0

                    cnodes.Add(ownname, sublv);

                if (ancestorbodies != null && lvl < ancestorbodies.Count && ancestorbodies[lvl] != null)
                    if (sublv.BodyID == null)
                        sublv.BodyID = ancestorbodies[lvl].BodyID;
                        sn.NodesByID[(int)sublv.BodyID] = sublv;

                node   = sublv;
                cnodes = node.children;

                if (lvl == elements.Count - 1)
                    node.ScanData = sc;                                                // only overwrites if scan is better
                    node.ScanData.SetMapped(node.IsMapped, node.WasMappedEfficiently); // pass this data to node, as we may have previously had a SAA Scan
                    node.customname = customname;

                    if (sc.BodyID != null)
                        node.BodyID = sc.BodyID;

                if (lvl == 0)
                    toplevelnode = node;

                if (node.BodyID != null)
                    if (lvl == 0 && node.BodyID > sn.MaxTopLevelBodyID)
                        sn.MaxTopLevelBodyID = (int)node.BodyID;
                    else if (lvl > 0 && node.BodyID < sn.MinPlanetBodyID)
                        sn.MinPlanetBodyID = (int)node.BodyID;

            if (ancestors != null && ancestorbodies != null && ancestorbodies.Count > 0 && ancestorbodies[0] == null && toplevelnode.BodyID == null)
                for (int lvl = 1; lvl < ancestors.Count; lvl++)
                    if (ancestors[lvl - 1].BodyID >= sn.MinPlanetBodyID && ancestors[lvl].BodyID <= sn.MaxTopLevelBodyID)
                        toplevelnode.BodyID = ancestors[lvl].BodyID;
                        sn.NodesByID[(int)toplevelnode.BodyID] = toplevelnode;

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public bool Process(JournalScan sc, EliteDangerous.ISystem sys)           // FALSE if you can't process it
            Tuple <string, long> withedsm = new Tuple <string, long>(sys.name, sys.id_edsm);

            SystemNode sn = null;

            if (scandata.ContainsKey(withedsm))         // if with edsm (if id_edsm=0, then thats okay)
                sn = scandata[withedsm];
            else if (scandataByName.ContainsKey(sys.name))  // if we now have an edsm id, see if we have one without it
                foreach (SystemNode _sn in scandataByName[sys.name])
                    if (_sn.system.Equals(sys))
                        if (sys.id_edsm != 0)             // yep, replace
                            scandata.Add(new Tuple <string, long>(sys.name, sys.id_edsm), _sn);
                        sn = _sn;

            if (sn == null)
                sn = new SystemNode()
                    system = sys, starnodes = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>(new DuplicateKeyComparer <string>())

                if (!scandataByName.ContainsKey(sys.name))
                    scandataByName[sys.name] = new List <SystemNode>();


                if (sys.id_edsm != 0)
                    scandata.Add(new Tuple <string, long>(sys.name, sys.id_edsm), sn);

            // handle Earth, starname = Sol
            // handle Eol Prou LW-L c8-306 A 4 a and Eol Prou LW-L c8-306
            // handle Colonia 4 , starname = Colonia, planet 4
            // handle Aurioum B A BELT
            // Kyloasly OY-Q d5-906 13 1

            List <string> elements;

            ScanNodeType starscannodetype = ScanNodeType.star;          // presuming..

            string rest = sc.IsStarNameRelatedReturnRest(sys.name);

            if (rest != null)                                   // if we have a relationship..
                if (rest.Length > 0)
                    elements = rest.Split(' ').ToList();

                    if (char.IsDigit(elements[0][0]))       // if digits, planet number, no star designator
                        elements.Insert(0, "Main Star");    // no star designator, main star, add MAIN
                    else if (elements[0].Length > 1)        // designator, is it multiple chars..
                        starscannodetype = ScanNodeType.barycentre;
                    elements = new List <string>();         // only 1 item, the star, which is the same as the system name..
                    elements.Add("Main Star");              // Sol / SN:Sol should come thru here
            {                                               // so not part of starname
                elements = sc.BodyName.Split(' ').ToList(); // not related in any way (earth) so assume all bodyparts, and
                elements.Insert(0, "Main Star");            // insert the MAIN designator as the star designator

            string customname = null;

            if (sc.BodyName.StartsWith(sys.name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                customname = sc.BodyName.Substring(sys.name.Length).TrimStart(' ', '-');

                if (customname == "" && !sc.IsStar)
                    customname = sc.BodyName;
                else if (customname == "" || customname == rest)
                    customname = null;
            else if (rest == null || !sc.BodyName.EndsWith(rest))
                customname = sc.BodyName;

            if (elements.Count >= 1)                          // okay, we have an element.. first is the star..
                ScanNode sublv0;

                if (!sn.starnodes.TryGetValue(elements[0], out sublv0))     // not found this node, add..
                    sublv0 = new ScanNode()
                        ownname  = elements[0],
                        fullname = sys.name + (elements[0].Contains("Main") ? "" : (" " + elements[0])),
                        ScanData = null,
                        children = null,
                        type     = starscannodetype

                    sn.starnodes.Add(elements[0], sublv0);
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Added star " + star.fullname + " '" + star.ownname + "'" + " under '" + designator + "' type " + ty);

                if (elements.Count >= 2)                        // we have a sub designator..
                    ScanNode sublv1;

                    if (sublv0.children == null || !sublv0.children.TryGetValue(elements[1], out sublv1))
                        if (sublv0.children == null)
                            sublv0.children = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>(new DuplicateKeyComparer <string>());

                        sublv1 = new ScanNode()
                            ownname = elements[1], fullname = sublv0.fullname + " " + elements[1], ScanData = null, children = null, type = ScanNodeType.body
                        sublv0.children.Add(elements[1], sublv1);

                    if (elements.Count >= 3)
                        ScanNode sublv2;

                        if (sublv1.children == null || !sublv1.children.TryGetValue(elements[2], out sublv2))
                            if (sublv1.children == null)
                                sublv1.children = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>(new DuplicateKeyComparer <string>());

                            sublv2 = new ScanNode()
                                ownname = elements[2], fullname = sublv0.fullname + " " + elements[1] + " " + elements[2], ScanData = null, children = null, type = ScanNodeType.body
                            sublv1.children.Add(elements[2], sublv2);

                        if (elements.Count >= 4)
                            ScanNode sublv3;

                            if (sublv2.children == null || !sublv2.children.TryGetValue(elements[3], out sublv3))
                                if (sublv2.children == null)
                                    sublv2.children = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>(new DuplicateKeyComparer <string>());

                                sublv3 = new ScanNode()
                                    ownname = elements[3], fullname = sublv0.fullname + " " + elements[1] + " " + elements[2] + " " + elements[3], ScanData = null, children = null, type = ScanNodeType.body
                                sublv2.children.Add(elements[3], sublv3);

                            if (elements.Count == 4)            // okay, need only 4 elements now.. if not, we have not coped..
                                sublv3.customname = customname;
                                sublv3.ScanData   = sc;
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Failed to add system " + sc.BodyName + " too long");
                            sublv2.customname = customname;
                            sublv2.ScanData   = sc;
                        sublv1.customname = customname;
                        sublv1.ScanData   = sc;
                    sublv0.customname = customname;
                    sublv0.ScanData   = sc;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Failed to add system " + sc.BodyName + " not enough elements");
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void Visit(ScanNode node) => Visit((MatchNode)node);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        // see above for elements

        private ScanNode ProcessElementsJournalScan(JournalScan sc, ISystem sys, SystemNode systemnode, string customname, List <string> elements,
                                                    ScanNodeType starscannodetype, bool isbeltcluster, bool isring)
            List <JournalScan.BodyParent> ancestors = sc.Parents?.AsEnumerable()?.ToList();      // this includes Rings, Barycentres(Nulls) that frontier put into the list..

            // remove all rings and barycenters first, since thats not in our element list. We just want the bodies and belts
            List <JournalScan.BodyParent> ancestorbodies = ancestors?.Where(a => a.Type == "Star" || a.Type == "Planet" || a.Type == "Belt")?.Reverse()?.ToList();

            // but we need to add back the barycenter at the top, since we do add that that in the element list
            if (ancestorbodies != null && ancestorbodies.Count > 0 && starscannodetype == ScanNodeType.barycentre)
                // this checks out, but disable for safety.  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ancestors[ancestors.Count - 1].Type == "Null");     // double check its a barycentre, it should be
                ancestorbodies.Insert(0, ancestors[ancestors.Count - 1]);

            // for each element we process into the tree

            SortedList <string, ScanNode> currentnodelist = systemnode.StarNodes;           // current operating node list, always made
            ScanNode previousnode = null;                                                   // trails subnode by 1 to point to previous node

            for (int lvl = 0; lvl < elements.Count; lvl++)
                ScanNodeType sublvtype = starscannodetype;                                  // top level, element[0] type is starscannode (star/barycentre)

                if (lvl > 0)                                                                // levels pass 0, we need to determine what it is
                    if (isbeltcluster)                                                      // a belt cluster is in three levels (star, belt, cluster number)
                        if (lvl == 1)                                                       // next level, its a belt
                            sublvtype = ScanNodeType.belt;
                            sublvtype = ScanNodeType.beltcluster;                           // third level, cluster
                    else if (isring && lvl == elements.Count - 1)                           // and level, and a ring, mark as a ring
                        sublvtype = ScanNodeType.ring;
                        sublvtype = ScanNodeType.body;                                      // default is body for levels 1 on

                // if not got a node list (only happens when we have a scannode from another scannode), or we are not in the node list

                if (currentnodelist == null || !currentnodelist.TryGetValue(elements[lvl], out ScanNode subnode)) // either no nodes, or not found the element name in the node list.
                    if (currentnodelist == null)                                                                  // no node list, happens when we are at least 1 level down as systemnode always has a node list, make one
                        currentnodelist = previousnode.Children = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>(new DuplicateKeyComparer <string>());

                    string ownname = elements[lvl];

                    subnode = new ScanNode
                        OwnName  = ownname,
                        FullName = previousnode == null ? (sys.Name + (ownname.Contains("Main") ? "" : (" " + ownname))) : previousnode.FullName + " " + ownname,
                        ScanData = null,
                        Children = null,
                        NodeType = sublvtype,
                        Level    = lvl,

                    currentnodelist.Add(ownname, subnode);

                if (ancestorbodies != null && lvl < ancestorbodies.Count)       // if we have the ancestor list, we can fill in the bodyid for each part.
                    subnode.BodyID = ancestorbodies[lvl].BodyID;
                    systemnode.NodesByID[(int)subnode.BodyID] = subnode;

                if (lvl == elements.Count - 1)                                                  // if we are at the end node..
                    subnode.ScanData = sc;                                                      // only overwrites if scan is better
                    subnode.ScanData.SetMapped(subnode.IsMapped, subnode.WasMappedEfficiently); // pass this data to node, as we may have previously had a SAA Scan
                    subnode.CustomName = customname;                                            // and its custom name

                    if (sc.BodyID != null)                                                      // if scan has a body ID, pass it to the node
                        subnode.BodyID = sc.BodyID;

                previousnode    = subnode;                                      // move forward 1 step
                currentnodelist = previousnode.Children;

Ejemplo n.º 16
 public override void _Ready()
     instance = this;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private bool Process(IBodyNameAndID sc, ISystem sys, bool reprocessPrimary = false)  // background or foreground.. FALSE if you can't process it
            SystemNode sn          = GetOrCreateSystemNode(sys);
            ScanNode   relatedScan = null;

            if ((sc.BodyDesignation == null || sc.BodyDesignation == sc.Body) && (sc.Body != sc.StarSystem || sc.BodyType != "Star"))
                foreach (var body in sn.Bodies)
                    if ((body.fullname == sc.Body || body.customname == sc.Body) &&
                        (body.fullname != sc.StarSystem || (sc.BodyType == "Star" && body.level == 0) || (sc.BodyType != "Star" && body.level != 0)))
                        relatedScan        = body;
                        sc.BodyDesignation = body.fullname;

            if (relatedScan == null)
                foreach (var body in sn.Bodies)
                    if ((body.fullname == sc.Body || body.customname == sc.Body) &&
                        (body.fullname != sc.StarSystem || (sc.BodyType == "Star" && body.level == 0) || (sc.BodyType != "Star" && body.level != 0)))
                        relatedScan = body;

            if (relatedScan != null && relatedScan.ScanData == null)
                relatedScan.BodyLoc = sc;
                return(true); // We already have the scan

            // handle Earth, starname = Sol
            // handle Eol Prou LW-L c8-306 A 4 a and Eol Prou LW-L c8-306
            // handle Colonia 4 , starname = Colonia, planet 4
            // handle Aurioum B A BELT
            // Kyloasly OY-Q d5-906 13 1

            ScanNodeType starscannodetype = ScanNodeType.star;          // presuming..
            bool         isbeltcluster    = false;

            // Extract elements from name
            List <string> elements = ExtractElements(sc, sys, out isbeltcluster, out starscannodetype);

            // Bail out if no elements extracted
            if (elements.Count == 0)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Failed to add body {sc.Body} to system {sys.Name} - not enough elements");
            // Bail out if more than 5 elements extracted
            else if (elements.Count > 5)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Failed to add body {sc.Body} to system {sys.Name} - too deep");

            // Get custom name if different to designation
            string customname = GetCustomName(sc, sys);

            // Process elements
            ScanNode node = ProcessElements(sc, sys, sn, customname, elements, starscannodetype, isbeltcluster);

            if (node.BodyID != null)
                sn.NodesByID[(int)node.BodyID] = node;

Ejemplo n.º 18
            // given a list of scannodes, construst a tree of barynodes with their scans underneath.
            // reconstructs the node tree and inserts barynodes into it from the parent info

            static public ScanNode PopulateBarycentres(List <ScanNode> nodes)
                ScanNode top = new ScanNode();

                top.children = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>();

                foreach (var sn in nodes)
                    if (sn.ScanData?.Parents != null)
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Scan " + sn.ScanData.BodyName + ":" + sn.ScanData.BodyID + " " + sn.ScanData.ParentList());

                        for (int i = 0; i < sn.ScanData.Parents.Count; i++) // go thru all parents of the body
                            var sd = sn.ScanData;
                            var sp = sd.Parents[i];

                            if (sp.Type == "Null")      // any barycenters, process
                                ScanNode bodynode = null;

                                if (i > 0)                                                    // so its not the last barycentre (remembering its in reverse order- last entry is the deepest (say Star) node
                                    int bodyid = sd.Parents[i - 1].BodyID;                    // pick up the body ID of the previous entry
                                    bodynode = nodes.Find((x) => x.BodyID == bodyid);         // see if its in the scan database

                                    if (bodynode == null && sd.Parents[i - 1].Type == "Null") // if can't find, and its another barycentre, add a new dummy barycentre node
                                        bodynode = new ScanNode()
                                            BodyID = bodyid, type = ScanNodeType.barycentre, fullname = "Created Barynode " + bodyid, ownname = bodyid.ToString("00000")
                                    bodynode = sn;      // its directly under the body, so the node is the scan node (Node-barycentre)

                                if (bodynode != null)
                                    string   barykey = sp.BodyID.ToStringInvariant("00000"); // sp is a barycentre, so get its body id
                                    ScanNode cur     = null;

                                    if (top.children.ContainsKey(barykey))      // if top has this barycentre..
                                        cur = top.children[barykey];
                                        cur = new ScanNode()
                                            BodyID = sp.BodyID, type = ScanNodeType.barycentre, fullname = "Created Barynode " + sp.BodyID
                                        };                                                                                                                          // make it
                                        cur.children          = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>();
                                        top.children[barykey] = cur;

                                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Scan add " + entry + " to " + barykey);

                                    if (!cur.children.ContainsKey(bodynode.ownname))
                                        cur.children[bodynode.ownname] = bodynode;

                List <string> keystodelete = new List <string>();

                foreach (var n in top.children)
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Top Node  " + n.Value.BodyID);
                    keystodelete.AddRange(ExpandRecurivelyBarynodeTree(top, n.Value));      // move bary-node on the top to their positions in the tree

                foreach (var k in keystodelete)     // remove any moved keys

        private bool ProcessSAASignalsFound(JournalSAASignalsFound jsaa, ISystem sys, bool reprocessPrimary = false)  // background or foreground.. FALSE if you can't process it
            SystemNode sn          = GetOrCreateSystemNode(sys);
            ScanNode   relatednode = null;

            if (sn.NodesByID.ContainsKey((int)jsaa.BodyID)) // find by ID
                relatednode = sn.NodesByID[(int)jsaa.BodyID];
                if (relatednode.ScanData != null && relatednode.ScanData.BodyDesignation != null)
                    jsaa.BodyDesignation = relatednode.ScanData.BodyDesignation;
            else if (jsaa.BodyDesignation != null && jsaa.BodyDesignation != jsaa.BodyName)
                foreach (var body in sn.Bodies)
                    if (body.fullname == jsaa.BodyDesignation)
                        relatednode = body;

            if (relatednode != null && relatednode.type == ScanNodeType.ring && relatednode.ScanData != null && relatednode.ScanData.Parents != null && sn.NodesByID.ContainsKey(relatednode.ScanData.Parents[0].BodyID))
                relatednode = sn.NodesByID[relatednode.ScanData.Parents[0].BodyID];

            if (relatednode == null || relatednode.type == ScanNodeType.ring)
                bool   ringname    = jsaa.BodyName.EndsWith("A Ring") || jsaa.BodyName.EndsWith("B Ring") || jsaa.BodyName.EndsWith("C Ring") || jsaa.BodyName.EndsWith("D Ring");
                string ringcutname = ringname ? jsaa.BodyName.Left(jsaa.BodyName.Length - 6).TrimEnd() : null;

                foreach (var body in sn.Bodies)
                    if ((body.fullname == jsaa.BodyName || body.customname == jsaa.BodyName) &&
                        (body.fullname != sys.Name || body.level != 0))
                        relatednode = body;
                    else if (ringcutname != null && body.fullname.Equals(ringcutname))
                        relatednode = body;

            if (relatednode != null)
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Setting SAA Signals Found for " + jsaa.BodyName + " @ " + sys.Name + " body "  + jsaa.BodyDesignation);

                if (relatednode.Signals == null)
                    relatednode.Signals = new List <JournalSAASignalsFound.SAASignal>();

                relatednode.Signals.AddRange(jsaa.Signals); // add signals to list of signals of this entity

                return(true);                               // all ok

        private bool ProcessSAASignalsFound(JournalSAASignalsFound jsaa, ISystem sys, bool saveprocessinglater = true)  // background or foreground.. FALSE if you can't process it
            SystemNode sn          = GetOrCreateSystemNode(sys);
            ScanNode   relatednode = null;

            if (sn.NodesByID.ContainsKey((int)jsaa.BodyID)) // find by ID
                relatednode = sn.NodesByID[(int)jsaa.BodyID];
                if (relatednode.ScanData != null && relatednode.ScanData.BodyDesignation != null)
                    jsaa.BodyDesignation = relatednode.ScanData.BodyDesignation;
            else if (jsaa.BodyDesignation != null && jsaa.BodyDesignation != jsaa.BodyName)
                foreach (var body in sn.Bodies)
                    if (body.FullName == jsaa.BodyDesignation)
                        relatednode = body;

            if (relatednode != null && relatednode.NodeType == ScanNodeType.ring && relatednode.ScanData != null && relatednode.ScanData.Parents != null && sn.NodesByID.ContainsKey(relatednode.ScanData.Parents[0].BodyID))
                relatednode = sn.NodesByID[relatednode.ScanData.Parents[0].BodyID];

            if (relatednode == null || relatednode.NodeType == ScanNodeType.ring)
                bool   ringname    = jsaa.BodyName.EndsWith("A Ring") || jsaa.BodyName.EndsWith("B Ring") || jsaa.BodyName.EndsWith("C Ring") || jsaa.BodyName.EndsWith("D Ring");
                string ringcutname = ringname ? jsaa.BodyName.Left(jsaa.BodyName.Length - 6).TrimEnd() : null;

                foreach (var body in sn.Bodies)
                    if ((body.FullName == jsaa.BodyName || body.CustomName == jsaa.BodyName) &&
                        (body.FullName != sys.Name || body.Level != 0))
                        relatednode = body;
                    else if (ringcutname != null && body.FullName.Equals(ringcutname))
                        relatednode = body;

            if (relatednode != null)
                //  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Setting SAA Signals Found for " + jsaa.BodyName + " @ " + sys.Name + " body "  + jsaa.BodyDesignation);
                if (relatednode.Signals == null)
                    relatednode.Signals = new List <JournalSAASignalsFound.SAASignal>();

                foreach (var x in jsaa.Signals)
                    if (relatednode.Signals.Find(y => y.Type == x.Type && y.Count == x.Count) == null)

                if (saveprocessinglater)
                    SaveForProcessing(jsaa, sys);
                //  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("No body to attach data found for " + jsaa.BodyName + " @ " + sys.Name + " body " + jsaa.BodyDesignation);

Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void Visit(ScanNode node)
     Fields = node.Fields;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        // take the journal scan and add it to the node tree

        private bool ProcessJournalScan(JournalScan sc, ISystem sys, bool reprocessPrimary = false)  // background or foreground.. FALSE if you can't process it
            SystemNode sn = GetOrCreateSystemNode(sys);

            // handle Earth, starname = Sol
            // handle Eol Prou LW-L c8-306 A 4 a and Eol Prou LW-L c8-306
            // handle Colonia 4 , starname = Colonia, planet 4
            // handle Aurioum B A BELT
            // Kyloasly OY-Q d5-906 13 1

            // Extract elements from name, and extract if belt, top node type, if ring
            List <string> elements = ExtractElementsJournalScan(sc, sys, out ScanNodeType starscannodetype, out bool isbeltcluster, out bool isring);

            // Bail out if no elements extracted
            if (elements.Count == 0)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Failed to add body {sc.BodyName} to system {sys.Name} - not enough elements");
            // Bail out if more than 5 elements extracted
            else if (elements.Count > 5)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Failed to add body {sc.BodyName} to system {sys.Name} - too deep");

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Made body JS " + sc.BodyName);

            // Get custom name if different to designation
            string customname = GetCustomNameJournalScan(sc, sys);

            // Process elements,
            ScanNode node = ProcessElementsJournalScan(sc, sys, sn, customname, elements, starscannodetype, isbeltcluster, isring);

            if (node.BodyID != null)
                sn.NodesByID[(int)node.BodyID] = node;

            // Process top-level star
            if (elements.Count == 1)
                // Process any belts if present
                ProcessBelts(sc, node);

                // Process primary star in multi-star system
                if (elements[0].Equals("A", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    BodyDesignations.CachePrimaryStar(sc, sys);

                    // Reprocess if we've encountered the primary (A) star and we already have a "Main Star", we reprocess to
                    // allow any updates to PrimaryCache to make a difference

                    if (reprocessPrimary && sn.StarNodes.Any(n => n.Key.Length > 1 && n.Value.NodeType == ScanNodeType.star))
                        // get bodies with scans
                        List <JournalScan> bodies = sn.Bodies.Where(b => b.ScanData != null).Select(b => b.ScanData).ToList();

                        // reset the nodes to zero
                        sn.StarNodes = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>(new DuplicateKeyComparer <string>());
                        sn.NodesByID = new SortedList <int, ScanNode>();

                        foreach (JournalScan js in bodies)              // replay into process the body scans.. using the newly updated body designation (primary star cache) to correct any errors
                            js.BodyDesignation = BodyDesignations.GetBodyDesignation(js, sn.System.Name);
                            ProcessJournalScan(js, sn.System);

            ProcessedSaved();  // any saved JEs due to no scan, add

Ejemplo n.º 23
        private bool ProcessBodyAndID(IBodyNameAndID sc, ISystem sys)  // background or foreground..
            SystemNode sn          = GetOrCreateSystemNode(sys);
            ScanNode   relatedScan = null;

            // try and find the scan related to the body name

            // no designation, or same designation AND not a star
            if ((sc.BodyDesignation == null || sc.BodyDesignation == sc.Body) && (sc.Body != sc.StarSystem || sc.BodyType != "Star"))
                foreach (var body in sn.Bodies)
                    if ((body.FullName == sc.Body || body.CustomName == sc.Body) &&
                        (body.FullName != sc.StarSystem || (sc.BodyType == "Star" && body.Level == 0) || (sc.BodyType != "Star" && body.Level != 0)))
                        relatedScan        = body;
                        sc.BodyDesignation = body.FullName;

            // else just try and find any matches
            if (relatedScan == null)
                foreach (var body in sn.Bodies)
                    if ((body.FullName == sc.Body || body.CustomName == sc.Body) &&
                        (body.FullName != sc.StarSystem || (sc.BodyType == "Star" && body.Level == 0) || (sc.BodyType != "Star" && body.Level != 0)))
                        relatedScan = body;

            if (relatedScan != null && relatedScan.ScanData == null)
                return(true); // We already have the node, with no scan, so reject

            // Extract elements from name
            List <string> elements = ExtractElementsBodyAndID(sc, sys, out bool isbeltcluster, out ScanNodeType starscannodetype);

            // Bail out if no elements extracted
            if (elements.Count == 0)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Failed to add body {sc.Body} to system {sys.Name} - not enough elements");
            // Bail out if more than 5 elements extracted
            else if (elements.Count > 5)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Failed to add body {sc.Body} to system {sys.Name} - too deep");

            // Get custom name if different to designation
            string customname = GetCustomNameBodyAndID(sc, sys);

            // Process elements
            ScanNode node = ProcessElementsBodyAndID(sc, sys, sn, customname, elements, starscannodetype, isbeltcluster);

            if (node.BodyID != null)
                sn.NodesByID[(int)node.BodyID] = node;

            ProcessedSaved();  // any saved JEs due to no scan, add

Ejemplo n.º 24
        private ScanNode ProcessElements(JournalScan sc, ISystem sys, SystemNode sn, string customname, List <string> elements, ScanNodeType starscannodetype, bool isbeltcluster)
            SortedList <string, ScanNode> cnodes = sn.starnodes;
            ScanNode node = null;
            List <JournalScan.BodyParent> ancestors      = sc.Parents?.AsEnumerable()?.ToList();
            List <JournalScan.BodyParent> ancestorbodies = ancestors?.Where(a => a.Type == "Star" || a.Type == "Planet" || a.Type == "Belt")?.Reverse()?.ToList();
            ScanNode toplevelnode = null;

            if ((ancestorbodies != null) && (starscannodetype != ScanNodeType.star))
                ancestorbodies.Insert(0, null);

            for (int lvl = 0; lvl < elements.Count; lvl++)
                ScanNode     sublv;
                ScanNodeType sublvtype;
                string       ownname = elements[lvl];

                if (lvl == 0)
                    sublvtype = starscannodetype;
                else if (isbeltcluster)
                    sublvtype = lvl == 1 ? ScanNodeType.belt : ScanNodeType.beltcluster;
                    sublvtype = ScanNodeType.body;

                if (cnodes == null || !cnodes.TryGetValue(elements[lvl], out sublv))
                    if (node != null && node.children == null)
                        node.children = new SortedList <string, ScanNode>(new DuplicateKeyComparer <string>());
                        cnodes        = node.children;

                    sublv = new ScanNode
                        ownname        = ownname,
                        fullname       = lvl == 0 ? (sys.Name + (ownname.Contains("Main") ? "" : (" " + ownname))) : node.fullname + " " + ownname,
                        ScanData       = null,
                        children       = null,
                        type           = sublvtype,
                        level          = lvl,
                        IsTopLevelNode = lvl == 0

                    cnodes.Add(ownname, sublv);

                if (ancestorbodies != null && lvl < ancestorbodies.Count && ancestorbodies[lvl] != null)
                    if (sublv.BodyID == null)
                        sublv.BodyID = ancestorbodies[lvl].BodyID;
                        sn.NodesByID[(int)sublv.BodyID] = sublv;

                node   = sublv;
                cnodes = node.children;

                if (lvl == elements.Count - 1)
                    node.ScanData   = sc;
                    node.customname = customname;

                    if (sc.BodyID != null)
                        node.BodyID = sc.BodyID;

                if (lvl == 0)
                    toplevelnode = node;

                if (node.BodyID != null)
                    if (lvl == 0 && node.BodyID > sn.MaxTopLevelBodyID)
                        sn.MaxTopLevelBodyID = (int)node.BodyID;
                    else if (lvl > 0 && node.BodyID < sn.MinPlanetBodyID)
                        sn.MinPlanetBodyID = (int)node.BodyID;

            if (ancestors != null && ancestorbodies != null && ancestorbodies[0] == null && toplevelnode.BodyID == null)
                for (int lvl = 1; lvl < ancestors.Count; lvl++)
                    if (ancestors[lvl - 1].BodyID >= sn.MinPlanetBodyID && ancestors[lvl].BodyID <= sn.MaxTopLevelBodyID)
                        toplevelnode.BodyID = ancestors[lvl].BodyID;
                        sn.NodesByID[(int)toplevelnode.BodyID] = toplevelnode;

Ejemplo n.º 25
 public void Visit(ScanNode node) => VisitInternal(node);