Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void InitParameter()
            EvalParameter = new ScalarDependentParameter("read_initial_values", @"If the initial values of the signals should be recorded then the value of this parameter must be set to true.
e.g. read_initial_values            = 'True' 

", "True", "True");
        private void InitParameter()
            EvalParameter = new ScalarDependentParameter("read_CAN_signal_over_time", @"Note: Time = 0 corresponds to the time when CAN Trace was started

If the CAN signal values are to be read at specified time then this parameter is used. Here the time is given at which the CAN signals should be read. All the values of the CAN signals available in the signal_list will be read from the CAN trace file.
e.g. read_CAN_signal_over_time = '5000'     # msec
# Time at which the CAN signals should be read from the CAN trace file
# read_CAN_signal_over_time = '5000:6000:7000' this format is not recommended because of CAN-Tx not support multiple measurement points, and verdict will be IN-CONC.  
", TimeInTrace.ToString(), "0");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Init parameter set up with empty key
        /// </summary>
        private void InitParameter()
            EvalParameter = new ScalarDependentParameter("Operation_state_pattern_stop_time", @"These three keywords are used to detect signal value change pattern between two trig-ger points, signals which need to be detected should be defined by user in keyword “signal_list”

CAN_operation_state_Pattern     = @('init1', 'init2', 'normal', 'speedX')
Operation_state_pattern_start_time = ‘Trigger1’
Operation_state_pattern_stop_time = ‘10000’
evaluate_as_range = @('Sig1','Sig2','Sig3','Sig4')

‘TriggerX’ or number can be used in “Operation_state_pattern_start_time” and “Opera-tion_state_pattern_stop_time”.

", "", null);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Init parameter set up with empty key
        /// </summary>
        private void InitParameter()
            Dictionary <string, string> argKvPairs = new Dictionary <string, string>()

            EvalParameter = new ScalarDependentParameter("First_Frame_Check", @"This two parameters are used for detecting time when the ECU send Messages are re-ceived for the First time after IG ON and detecting time when the ECU send the first frame(it could be any message) after IG ON.

ECU ON trigger should be given by user; otherwise CAN batch will LC INFO signal as default trigger. 
First_Frame_Check = ‘xx-yy’
First_Frame_Check_All_Msg = %(‘Msg1’ => ‘xx-yy’, ‘Msg2’ => ‘>aa’, ‘Msg3’ => ‘<aa’)
ECU_ON_Trigger = %(‘Sig1’ => ‘xx’)

", "", null);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Init parameter set up with empty key
        /// </summary>
        private void InitParameter()
            Dictionary <string, string> argKvPairs = new Dictionary <string, string>()

            EvalParameter = new ScalarDependentParameter("Last_Frame_Check", @"This parameter can be used to detect time when ECU send last frame (it could be any message) after IG ON.

Expected time should be given by user as a range.

Last_Message_Check = ‘10000-12000’
ECU_ON_Trigger = %(‘Sig1’ => ‘xx’)

", "", null);