Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Use if you wish to make multiple changes and only send callback when finished.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="transaction">Transaction.</param>
    public void ExecuteTransaction(SaveTransaction transaction)
        inTransaction = true;
        inTransaction = false;

        if (dirty)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task AddOrUpdateTransaction(SaveTransaction saveTransaction)
            await Task.Run(async() =>
                // Thread.Sleep(1000);

                await _storage.AddOrUpdateAsync(new DBTransaction
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Delete(int id)
            IGetTransactions   readObject       = new ReadTransactions();
            List <Transaction> tempTransactions = new List <Transaction>();

            tempTransactions = readObject.GetAllTransactions();
            IDeleteTransaction deleteObject    = new SaveTransaction();
            Transaction        tempTransaction = new Transaction();

            foreach (Transaction t in tempTransactions)
                if (id == t.TransactionID)
                    tempTransaction = t;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public CreateTransaction(API api)
     _ynabApi     = api;
     _testBudget  = _ynabApi.Budgets.GetBudgetById("14235236-8085-4cf6-9fa6-92c34ed44b0c").Data.Budget;
     _transaction = new SaveTransaction
         AccountId  = _testBudget.Accounts.First().Id,
         Amount     = 100L,
         Date       = DateTime.Now,
         PayeeId    = _testBudget.Payees.First().Id,
         PayeeName  = _testBudget.Payees.First().Name,
         CategoryId = _testBudget.Categories.First().Id,
         Memo       = "Test Transaction",
         Approved   = true,
         Cleared    = SaveTransaction.ClearedEnum.Cleared,
         FlagColor  = SaveTransaction.FlagColorEnum.Red
 public Schema()
     : base() {
     InstanceType = typeof(__Franchis__);
     Html = Add<__TString__>("Html");
     Html.DefaultValue = "/Ahsan/FranchiseDetail/FranchiseDetailJson.html";
     Html.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return ((__Franchis__)_p_).__bf__Html__; }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__Franchis__)_p_).__bf__Html__ = (System.String)_v_; }, false);
     franchise = Add<__FfrSchema__>("franchise", bind:"franchise");
     franchise.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return ((__Franchis__)_p_).__bf__franchise__; }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__Franchis__)_p_).__bf__franchise__ = (__Frfranchis__)_v_; }, false);
     transaction = Add<__FtrSchema__>("transaction", bind:"transaction");
     transaction.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return ((__Franchis__)_p_).__bf__transaction__; }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__Franchis__)_p_).__bf__transaction__ = (__Frtransact__)_v_; }, false);
     TransactionList = Add<__TArray__>("TransactionList");
     TransactionList.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return ((__Franchis__)_p_).__bf__TransactionList__; }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__Franchis__)_p_).__bf__TransactionList__ = (__Arr__)_v_; }, false);
     SaveFranchise = Add<__TLong__>("SaveFranchise$");
     SaveFranchise.DefaultValue = 0L;
     SaveFranchise.Editable = true;
     SaveFranchise.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return ((__Franchis__)_p_).__bf__SaveFranchise__; }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__Franchis__)_p_).__bf__SaveFranchise__ = (System.Int64)_v_; }, false);
     SaveFranchise.AddHandler((Json pup, Property<Int64> prop, Int64 value) => { return (new Input.SaveFranchise() { App = (FranchiseDetalViewModel)pup, Template = (TLong)prop, Value = value }); }, (Json pup, Starcounter.Input<Int64> input) => { ((FranchiseDetalViewModel)pup).Handle((Input.SaveFranchise)input); });
     SaveTransaction = Add<__TLong__>("SaveTransaction$");
     SaveTransaction.DefaultValue = 0L;
     SaveTransaction.Editable = true;
     SaveTransaction.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return ((__Franchis__)_p_).__bf__SaveTransaction__; }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__Franchis__)_p_).__bf__SaveTransaction__ = (System.Int64)_v_; }, false);
     SaveTransaction.AddHandler((Json pup, Property<Int64> prop, Int64 value) => { return (new Input.SaveTransaction() { App = (FranchiseDetalViewModel)pup, Template = (TLong)prop, Value = value }); }, (Json pup, Starcounter.Input<Int64> input) => { ((FranchiseDetalViewModel)pup).Handle((Input.SaveTransaction)input); });
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private async Task CheckForVenmoDeposits()
            while (true)
                foreach (var workspace in Settings.SettingsObject.Workspaces.Workspaces)
                    WorkspaceInfo workspaceInfo = workspace.Value.ToObject <WorkspaceInfo>() !;
                    logger.LogDebug($"Processing workspace ${workspace.Key}");
                    MongoDatabase database   = new MongoDatabase(workspace.Key, mongoDatabaseLogger);
                    SlackCore     slackApi   = new SlackCore(workspaceInfo.BotToken);
                    var           slackUsers = await slackApi.UsersList();

                    List <Database.Models.VenmoUser> users = database.GetAllUsers();
                    foreach (var user in users)
                        if (user.YNAB != null && user.YNAB.DefaultAccount != null)
                            // Get YNAB access token
                            Configuration config          = helperMethods.CreateConfiguration(user.YNAB.Auth !.AccessToken !);
                            string?       ynabAccessToken = await helperMethods.CheckIfYNABAccessTokenIsExpired(user, database, new ApiClient(config));

                            if (ynabAccessToken == null)
                                logger.LogError($"Unable to refresh YNAB access token for {user.UserId}");
                                await WebhookController.SendSlackMessage(workspaceInfo, "Unable to import your Venmo deposits into YNAB because your YNAB authentication information is invalid. Please refresh it.",
                                                                         user.UserId, httpClient);

                            config = helperMethods.CreateConfiguration(ynabAccessToken);

                            // Get Venmo access token
                            VenmoApi venmoApi         = new VenmoApi(venmoApiLogger);
                            string?  venmoAccessToken = await helperMethods.CheckIfVenmoAccessTokenIsExpired(user, venmoApi, database);

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(venmoAccessToken))
                                logger.LogError($"Unable to refresh Venmo access token for {user.UserId}");
                                await WebhookController.SendSlackMessage(workspaceInfo,
                                                                         "Unable to process scheduled Venmos as your token has expired. Please refresh it.",
                                                                         user.UserId, httpClient);

                            venmoApi.AccessToken = venmoAccessToken;

                            logger.LogDebug($"Processing slack user {user.UserId}");

                            List <TransactionDetail> venmoDeposits = await GetVenmoDeposits(user, config);

                            if (!ShouldProcessLatestVenmoDeposit(venmoDeposits))

                            // (fromDate - toDate]. We can adjust which transactions get included after if the
                            // subtransactions total doesn't match the deposit total
                            DateOnly toDate = DateOnly.FromDateTime(venmoDeposits[0].Date !.Value);
                            DateOnly fromDate;
                            // if multiple deposits were made on the same day (due to Venmo transfer limits) then
                            // make sure we get the first deposit not on the same day
                            foreach (var deposit in venmoDeposits)
                                fromDate = DateOnly.FromDateTime(deposit.Date !.Value);
                                if (fromDate != toDate)
                            fromDate = fromDate.AddDays(1);

                            var venmoTransactions = await GetVenmoTransactionsBetweenDates(fromDate, toDate, venmoApi, user);

                            TransactionDetail         ynabDeposit         = venmoDeposits[0];
                            SaveTransaction?          newTransaction      = null;
                            List <SaveSubTransaction> subTransactions     = new List <SaveSubTransaction>();
                            VenmoTransaction?         previousTransaction = null;
                            decimal originalDepositAmount = 0;
                            decimal depositAmount         = 0;
                            bool    multipleTransfers     = false;
                            foreach (VenmoTransaction transaction in venmoTransactions)
                                if (previousTransaction == null)
                                    depositAmount         = transaction.Transfer !.Amount;
                                    originalDepositAmount = depositAmount;
                                    if (previousTransaction.Type == "transfer" && transaction.Type == "transfer")
                                        multipleTransfers     = true;
                                        depositAmount        += transaction.Transfer !.Amount;
                                        originalDepositAmount = depositAmount;

                                    if (transaction.Type == "payment")
                                        if (previousTransaction.Type == "transfer" && multipleTransfers)
                                            long   milliunitAmount = (long)(depositAmount * 1000m);
                                            string importId        = $"YNAB:{milliunitAmount}:{ynabDeposit.Date:yyyy-MM-dd}";
                                            newTransaction = new SaveTransaction(ynabDeposit.AccountId, ynabDeposit.Date,
                                                                                 amount: milliunitAmount, ynabDeposit.PayeeId, ynabDeposit.PayeeName,
                                                                                 ynabDeposit.CategoryId, memo: null, golf1052.YNABAPI.HelperMethods.ClearedEnum.Uncleared,
                                                                                 ynabDeposit.Approved, ynabDeposit.FlagColor, importId: importId,

                                        if (depositAmount - transaction.Payment !.Amount > 0)
                                            string?memo       = transaction.Payment.Note;
                                            Guid?  categoryId = null;
                                            if (user.YNAB.Mapping != null && user.YNAB.Mapping.Count > 0 && memo != null)
                                                foreach (var mapping in user.YNAB.Mapping)
                                                    if (mapping.VenmoNote.Equals(memo, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                                        categoryId = new Guid(mapping.CategoryId);
                                            var subTransaction = new SaveSubTransaction(amount: (long)(transaction.Payment.Amount * 1000),
                                                                                        payeeId: null, payeeName: null, categoryId: categoryId, memo);
                                            depositAmount -= transaction.Payment.Amount;
                                previousTransaction = transaction;

                            if (depositAmount > 0)
                                var unknownSubTransaction = new SaveSubTransaction(amount: (long)(depositAmount * 1000),
                                                                                   payeeId: null, payeeName: null, categoryId: null, memo: "UNKNOWN");

                            TransactionsApi transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi(config);
                            if (multipleTransfers)
                                // we created a new transaction so POST it
                                var createTransactionsResponse = await transactionsApi.CreateTransactionAsync(Default,
                                                                                                              new SaveTransactionsWrapper(newTransaction));

                                // then "delete" the other transfers
                                List <UpdateTransaction> transactionsToDelete = new List <UpdateTransaction>();
                                for (int i = 0; i < venmoDeposits.Count; i++)
                                    TransactionDetail transactionDetail = venmoDeposits[i];
                                    VenmoTransaction  venmoTransaction  = venmoTransactions[i];
                                    if (venmoTransaction.Type != "transfer")

                                    UpdateTransaction updateTransaction = new UpdateTransaction(transactionDetail.AccountId,
                                                                                                transactionDetail.Date, transactionDetail.Amount, transactionDetail.PayeeId,
                                                                                                transactionDetail.PayeeName, transactionDetail.CategoryId,
                                                                                                memo: $"<DELETE ME: Combined into ${originalDepositAmount:F2} Transfer from Venmo> {transactionDetail.Memo}",
                                                                                                transactionDetail.Approved, transactionDetail.FlagColor, transactionDetail.ImportId,
                                                                                                new List <SaveSubTransaction>());

                                var updateTransactionsResponse = await transactionsApi.UpdateTransactionsAsync(Default, new UpdateTransactionsWrapper(transactionsToDelete));

                                await WebhookController.SendSlackMessage(workspaceInfo,
                                                                         $"Imported and created a new YNAB Venmo transaction totaling ${originalDepositAmount:F2} with " +
                                                                         $"{subTransactions.Count} Venmo subtransactions combining {transactionsToDelete.Count} " +
                                                                         $"transactions which occured on {newTransaction!.Date:d}. " +
                                                                         $"Please go into YNAB, confirm the new transaction and delete the old transactions.",
                                                                         user.UserId, httpClient);
                                // we didn't create a new transaction so just PUT the existing transaction
                                newTransaction = new SaveTransaction(ynabDeposit.AccountId, ynabDeposit.Date,
                                                                     ynabDeposit.Amount, ynabDeposit.PayeeId, ynabDeposit.PayeeName, ynabDeposit.CategoryId,
                                                                     ynabDeposit.Memo, golf1052.YNABAPI.HelperMethods.ClearedEnum.Uncleared, ynabDeposit.Approved,
                                                                     ynabDeposit.FlagColor, ynabDeposit.ImportId, subTransactions);
                                var response = await transactionsApi.UpdateTransactionAsync(Default, ynabDeposit.Id,
                                                                                            new SaveTransactionWrapper(newTransaction));

                                await WebhookController.SendSlackMessage(workspaceInfo,
                                                                         $"Updated a YNAB Venmo transaction with {subTransactions.Count} Venmo subtransactions which occured" +
                                                                         $"on {newTransaction.Date:d}. Please go into YNAB and confirm the updated transaction.",
                                                                         user.UserId, httpClient);
                await Task.Delay(CheckDuration.ToTimeSpan());
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Put([FromBody] Transaction item) //Used when returning an item to update it to current date
            IUpdateTransactionReturnDate updateObject = new SaveTransaction();

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Transaction([FromBody] Transaction transaction)
            IAddTransaction addObject = new SaveTransaction();
