Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task RaceCondition()
            var stats   = new SampleStats();
            var counter = 0;
            var tcs     = new TaskCompletionSource();

            for (var i = 0; i < RaceConditionTotalThreads; i++)
                new Thread(() =>
                    Repeat(() => stats.TotalVisits.Inc(),

                    Interlocked.Increment(ref counter); // thread safe
                    if (counter == RaceConditionTotalThreads)

            await tcs.Task;

            Assert.Equal(RaceConditionTotalThreads * RaceConditionIncrementsPerThread,
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void UntaggedProperties()
            var stats = new SampleStats();

            foreach (var untaggedTag in SampleStats.ExpectedUntaggedTags)
                Assert.Equal(untaggedTag, stats[untaggedTag].DisplayName);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Clearing()
            var stats  = new SampleStats();
            var random = new Random();

            // increase all properties' values
            foreach (var stat in stats.RegisteredSafeInts)
                stat.SafeInt.Inc(random.Next(1, 100));

            // make sure increment is successful
            Assert.All(stats.RegisteredSafeInts, tag => Assert.NotEqual(0, tag.SafeInt.I));

            // make sure clear is successful
            Assert.All(stats.RegisteredSafeInts, tag => Assert.Equal(0, tag.SafeInt.I));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Can_Sync_Single_Insert_On_Client_Roundtrip_With_Server()
            var sampleStats     = new SampleStats();
            var crmConnString   = GetCrmServiceProvider().ConnectionProvider.OrganisationServiceConnectionString;
            var sampleSyncAgent = new TestDynamicsCrmSyncAgent(SqlCompactDatabaseConnectionString, crmConnString);

            SyncStatistics syncStatistics = sampleSyncAgent.Synchronize();

            sampleStats.DisplayStats(syncStatistics, "initial");

            // get number of existing records.
            // assert that the client only has one record and that the server only has 1 record.
            int existingCount = 0;

            using (var clientConn = new SqlCeConnection(SqlCompactDatabaseConnectionString))
                using (var sqlCeCommand = clientConn.CreateCommand())
                    sqlCeCommand.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT COUNT({0}) FROM {1}", TestDynamicsCrmServerSyncProvider.IdAttributeName, TestDynamicsCrmServerSyncProvider.TestEntityName);
                    existingCount            = (int)sqlCeCommand.ExecuteScalar();
                    // Assert.That(rowCount, Is.EqualTo(1), string.Format("Only 1 record was synchronised however {0} records ended up in the client database!", rowCount));

            //Make changes on the client.
            // We will insert into the same columns on the client that the server sync provider includes in its server insert statement,
            // with exception of the sync client id field (thats only provided during a sync)

            var columnsForClientInsert = TestDynamicsCrmServerSyncProvider.InsertColumns.ToList();
            var syncClientIdColumn     = columnsForClientInsert.First(c => c.AttributeName == SyncColumnInfo.CreatedBySyncClientIdAttributeName);

            sampleSyncAgent.ClientSyncProvider.InsertTestRecord(1, columnsForClientInsert);

            //Now sync the new record on the client to the server.
            syncStatistics = sampleSyncAgent.Synchronize();
            sampleStats.DisplayStats(syncStatistics, "second");

            // Verfiy new record is added on server.
            Assert.That(syncStatistics.DownloadChangesFailed, Is.EqualTo(0), "There were failed downloads during the sync.");
            Assert.That(syncStatistics.UploadChangesFailed, Is.EqualTo(0), "There were failed uploads during the sync.");
            var service = new CrmServiceProvider(new ExplicitConnectionStringProviderWithFallbackToConfig(), new CrmClientCredentialsProvider());

            using (var orgService = service.GetOrganisationService() as OrganizationServiceContext)
                var entity = (from a in orgService.CreateQuery(TestDynamicsCrmServerSyncProvider.TestEntityName) orderby a["createdon"] descending select a).FirstOrDefault();
                Assert.That(entity, Is.Not.Null);
                var clientId = entity.Attributes[SyncColumnInfo.CreatedBySyncClientIdAttributeName];
                Assert.That(clientId, Is.EqualTo(SelectIncrementalCreatesCommand.SyncClientId), "A record was inserted during synchronisation, however it did not have a client id set.");

                // verify all the other fields are set.
                foreach (var col in columnsForClientInsert)
                    var testAttribute = entity.Attributes[col.AttributeName];
                    Assert.That(testAttribute, Is.Not.Null, "A record was inserted during synchronisation, however it did not have a value for the attribute:  " + col.AttributeName);
                    Assert.That(testAttribute.ToString(), Is.Not.EqualTo(""), "The attribute " + col.AttributeName + " had a value inserted to the client but was then synced to the server, and was blank on the server after the sync finished.");

            // Now sync one more time and verify that the new reocrd that has been applied to the server does not come back as an insert on the client again!
            // The server updates the record as its saved to the server so it should come back as an update with the server generated values set on the record.
            syncStatistics = sampleSyncAgent.Synchronize();
            sampleStats.DisplayStats(syncStatistics, "third");

            // assert that the client only has one record and that the server only has 1 record.
            using (var clientConn = new SqlCeConnection(SqlCompactDatabaseConnectionString))
                using (var sqlCeCommand = clientConn.CreateCommand())
                    sqlCeCommand.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT COUNT({0}) FROM {1}", TestDynamicsCrmServerSyncProvider.IdAttributeName, TestDynamicsCrmServerSyncProvider.TestEntityName);
                    var rowCount = (int)sqlCeCommand.ExecuteScalar();
                    Assert.That(rowCount, Is.EqualTo(existingCount + 1), string.Format("Only 1 new record was created, however after a few synchronisations, {0} new records ended up in the client database!", rowCount - existingCount));