public MessageAPI PostNotification(INotifier notifier, IAuthenticatedWho authenticatedWho, ServiceRequestAPI serviceRequest, String endpointUrl, String flowLink, ChatterPostedMessage chatterPostedMessage)
     return(PostNotification(notifier, authenticatedWho, SalesforceHttpUtils.GetAuthenticationDetails(authenticatedWho.Token).Token, serviceRequest, endpointUrl, flowLink, chatterPostedMessage));
        /// <summary>
        /// This method allows the user to share the flow app in salesforce with their friends.
        /// </summary>
        public MessageAPI PostNotification(INotifier notifier, IAuthenticatedWho authenticatedWho, String oauthToken, ServiceRequestAPI serviceRequest, String endpointUrl, String flowLink, ChatterPostedMessage chatterPostedMessage)
            HttpResponseMessage      httpResponseMessage      = null;
            HttpClient               httpClient               = null;
            MediaTypeFormatter       jsonFormatter            = null;
            MultipartFormDataContent multipartFormDataContent = null;
            ChatterMessage           chatterMessage           = null;
            ChatterAttachmentLink    chatterAttachmentLink    = null;
            MessageAPI               message = null;
            String chatterBaseUrl            = null;
            String adminEmail = null;

            if (oauthToken == null ||
                oauthToken.Trim().Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("BadRequest", "OAuthToken cannot be null or blank.");

            if (endpointUrl == null ||
                endpointUrl.Trim().Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("BadRequest", "EndpointUrl cannot be null or blank.");

            // Grab the values necessary to post the message over to chatter
            chatterBaseUrl = ValueUtils.GetContentValue(SalesforceServiceSingleton.SERVICE_VALUE_CHATTER_BASE_URL, serviceRequest.configurationValues, true);
            adminEmail     = ValueUtils.GetContentValue(SalesforceServiceSingleton.SERVICE_VALUE_ADMIN_EMAIL, serviceRequest.configurationValues, true);

            // Now we can create the multipart form we're going to post over to salesforce
            multipartFormDataContent = new MultipartFormDataContent();

            if (flowLink != null &&
                flowLink.Trim().Length > 0)
                // We also add the link to the app so the user has it
                chatterAttachmentLink = new ChatterAttachmentLink();
                chatterAttachmentLink.AttachmentType = "Link";
                chatterAttachmentLink.Url            = flowLink;
                chatterAttachmentLink.UrlName        = "Link to ManyWho Flow";

                chatterPostedMessage.Attachment = chatterAttachmentLink;

            // We enclose the request in a for loop to handle http errors
            for (int i = 0; i < SalesforceHttpUtils.MAXIMUM_RETRIES; i++)
                    // Create a new client object
                    httpClient = SalesforceHttpUtils.CreateHttpClient(oauthToken);

                    // Create a new json formatter so the request will be in the right format
                    jsonFormatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();

                    // Use the JSON formatter to create the content of the chatter post
                    multipartFormDataContent.Add(new ObjectContent <ChatterPostedMessage>(chatterPostedMessage, jsonFormatter), "json");

                    // Post the message over to chatter
                    httpResponseMessage = httpClient.PostAsync(endpointUrl, multipartFormDataContent).Result;

                    // Check the status of the response and respond appropriately
                    if (httpResponseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        // Grab the chatter message from the post
                        chatterMessage = httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsAsync <ChatterMessage>().Result;

                        // Convert it over to a manywho message
                        message = SalesforceSocialSingleton.GetInstance().ChatterMessageToMessageAPI(chatterBaseUrl, null, chatterMessage);

                        // We successfully executed the request, we can break out of the retry loop
                        // Make sure we handle the lack of success properly
                        BaseHttpUtils.HandleUnsuccessfulHttpResponseMessage(notifier, authenticatedWho, i, httpResponseMessage, endpointUrl);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    // Make sure we handle the exception properly
                    BaseHttpUtils.HandleHttpException(notifier, authenticatedWho, i, exception, endpointUrl);
                    // Clean up the objects from the request
                    BaseHttpUtils.CleanUpHttp(httpClient, null, httpResponseMessage);

        /// <summary>
        /// This is a general purpose method for getting user information from chatter.
        /// </summary>
        public WhoAPI GetUserInfoById(INotifier notifier, IAuthenticatedWho authenticatedWho, String streamId, String id, SocialServiceRequestAPI socialServiceRequestAPI)
            List <WhoAPI>       stuffAuthenticatedUserIsFollowing = null;
            ChatterUserInfo     chatterUserInfo     = null;
            HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = null;
            HttpClient          httpClient          = null;
            WhoAPI who            = null;
            String chatterBaseUrl = null;
            String endpointUrl    = null;
            String adminEmail     = null;

            if (authenticatedWho == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("BadRequest", "AuthenticatedWho is null.");

            if (id == null ||
                id.Trim().Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("BadRequest", "Id for user is null or blank.");

            if (streamId == null ||
                streamId.Trim().Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("BadRequest", "Stream identifier is null or blank.");

            if (socialServiceRequestAPI == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("BadRequest", "SocialServiceRequest is null.");

            // We only need the chatter base url for this call
            chatterBaseUrl = ValueUtils.GetContentValue(SalesforceServiceSingleton.SERVICE_VALUE_CHATTER_BASE_URL, socialServiceRequestAPI.configurationValues, true);
            adminEmail     = ValueUtils.GetContentValue(SalesforceServiceSingleton.SERVICE_VALUE_ADMIN_EMAIL, socialServiceRequestAPI.configurationValues, true);

            // We enclose the request in a for loop to handle http errors
            for (int i = 0; i < SalesforceHttpUtils.MAXIMUM_RETRIES; i++)
                    // Create a new client object
                    httpClient = SalesforceHttpUtils.CreateHttpClient(SalesforceHttpUtils.GetAuthenticationDetails(authenticatedWho.Token).Token);

                    // Create the endpoint url
                    endpointUrl = chatterBaseUrl + SalesforceServiceSingleton.CHATTER_URI_PART_API_VERSION + SalesforceServiceSingleton.CHATTER_URI_PART_USERS + "/" + id;

                    // Call the get method on the chatter API to grab the user information
                    httpResponseMessage = httpClient.GetAsync(endpointUrl).Result;

                    // Check the status of the response and respond appropriately
                    if (httpResponseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        // Grab the chatter user info from the result
                        chatterUserInfo = httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsAsync <ChatterUserInfo>().Result;

                        // Convert the chatter user info over to a who
                        who = this.ChatterUserInfoToWhoAPI(chatterUserInfo);

                        // Get the stuff this user is following
                        stuffAuthenticatedUserIsFollowing = this.GetStuffAuthenticatedUserIsFollowing(httpClient, chatterBaseUrl);

                        // Check to see if the authenticated user is also the id
                        if (id.Equals(SalesforceServiceSingleton.CHATTER_ME, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == false)
                            // Check to see if the currently authenticated user is following the provided user id
                            if (stuffAuthenticatedUserIsFollowing != null &&
                                stuffAuthenticatedUserIsFollowing.Any(x => == id) == true)
                                // The authenticated user is following the provided user id
                                who.isFollower = true;
                            // If the authenticated user is the same as the provided id, the "is following" refers to the stream
                            if (stuffAuthenticatedUserIsFollowing != null &&
                                stuffAuthenticatedUserIsFollowing.Any(x => == streamId) == true)
                                // We are following this stream
                                who.isFollower = true;

                        // We successfully executed the request, we can break out of the retry loop
                        // Make sure we handle the lack of success properly
                        BaseHttpUtils.HandleUnsuccessfulHttpResponseMessage(notifier, authenticatedWho, i, httpResponseMessage, endpointUrl);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    // Make sure we handle the exception properly
                    BaseHttpUtils.HandleHttpException(notifier, authenticatedWho, i, exception, endpointUrl);
                    // Clean up the objects from the request
                    BaseHttpUtils.CleanUpHttp(httpClient, null, httpResponseMessage);
