public void PriceForQuantity_OnItemQuantitySameAsThreshold_ShouldReturnDiscoutedPricing()
            var decorator = new SalePrice(_testItem, 1, 50);
            var expectedPricingInCents = 50 * 1; //1 apple in discount price

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPricingInCents, decorator.GetEffectivePrice(1));
        public void PriceForQuantity_OnItemQuantityAboveEligibleThreshold_ShouldReturnDiscountedPricing()
            var decorator = new SalePrice(_testItem, 1, 50);
            var expectedPricingInCents = 50 * 2; //2 apples in discount price

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPricingInCents, decorator.GetEffectivePrice(2));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void UploadToDatabase()
            string sql = $"INSERT INTO `service_products` (`id`, `name`, `price`, `group_price`, `group_limit`, `groups`)" +
                         $"VALUES (NULL, '{Name}', '{SalePrice.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}','{GroupPrice.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}','{GroupLimit}','{ServiceProductGroupID}');";

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void UploadToDatabase()
            string sql = "INSERT INTO `temp_products` (`id`, `sale_price`, `description`, `resolved`, `resolved_product_id`)" +
                         $"VALUES (NULL, '{SalePrice.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}', '{GetName()}', '{Convert.ToInt32(Resolved)}', '{ResolvedProductID}');";

Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void CostPrice_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
     if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
        public void PriceForQuantity_OnItemQuantityLessThanEligibleThreshold_ShouldReturnActualPricing()
            var decorator = new SalePrice(_testItem, 3, 50);
            var expectedPricingInCents = 75 * 2; //2 apples in actual price

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPricingInCents, decorator.GetEffectivePrice(2));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override string ToString()
            input = new ProductController();

            return("ID: " + input.toScreen(ID.ToString(), 4)
                   + "   | Name: " + input.toScreen(Name, 20)
                   + "   | Quantidade: " + input.toScreen(Quantity.ToString(), 4)
                   + "   | Valor Unitário: R$" + input.toScreen(SalePrice.ToString("F2"), 10));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override void UploadToDatabase()
            string sql = $"INSERT INTO `products` (`id`, `name`, `brand`, `groups`, `price`, `purchase_price` ,`discount`, `discount_price`)" +
                         $" VALUES (NULL, '{Name}', '{Brand}', '{ProductGroupID}', '{SalePrice.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}','{PurchasePrice.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}', '{Convert.ToInt32(DiscountBool)}', '{DiscountPrice.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}');";

            CreatedTime = DateTime.Now;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected void textBoxProductID_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string  ProductID   = textBoxProductID.Text;
            string  Name        = "";
            string  Description = "";
            decimal Price;
            decimal SalePrice;
            int     InSale;
            int     Quantity;
            string  CategoryName    = "";
            string  SubCategoryName = "";
            string  Color           = "";
            string  Weight          = "";
            //int ProductStatus;

            Products prodObj = new Products();

            prodObj.fnGetProductDetails(ProductID, out Name, out Description, out Price, out SalePrice, out InSale,
                                        out Quantity, out CategoryName, out SubCategoryName, out Color, out Weight);
            //out  ProductStatus);

            textBoxAddProductName.Text        = Name;
            textBoxAddProductDescription.Text = Description;
            textBoxAddProductPrice.Text       = Price.ToString();
            textBoxAddProductSalePrice.Text   = SalePrice.ToString();
            textBoxProductQuantity.Text       = Quantity.ToString();
            textBoxAddProductColor.Text       = Color;
            dropDownAddCategory.Text          = CategoryName;
            textBoxAddProductWeight.Text      = Weight;

            Session["ProductID"]          = textBoxProductID.Text;
            Session["ProductName"]        = textBoxAddProductName.Text;
            Session["ProductDescription"] = textBoxAddProductDescription.Text;
            Session["ProductCategory"]    = dropDownAddCategory.SelectedItem;
            Session["ProductSubCategory"] = SubCategoryName;
            Session["ProductPrice"]       = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxAddProductPrice.Text);
            Session["ProductSalePrice"]   = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxAddProductSalePrice.Text);
            Session["ProductQuantity"]    = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxProductQuantity.Text);
            Session["ProductColor"]       = textBoxAddProductColor.Text;
            Session["ProductWeight"]      = textBoxAddProductWeight.Text;

            if (InSale == 1)
                checkBoxInSale.Checked = true;
                checkBoxInSale.Checked = false;

            dropDownAddCategory.SelectedValue = Session["ProductCategory"].ToString();
            dropDownAddCategory_SelectedIndexChanged(this.dropDownAddCategory, EventArgs.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override void UpdateInDatabase()
            string sql = $"UPDATE `temp_products` SET " +
                         $"`sale_price` = '{SalePrice.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}'," +
                         $"`description` = '{GetName()}'," +
                         $"`resolved` = '{Convert.ToInt32(Resolved)}'," +
                         $"`resolved_product_id` = '{ResolvedProductID}' " +
                         $"WHERE `id` = {ID};";

Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert current product price to other currency using currency exchange rate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currency"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ProductPrice ConvertTo(Currency currency)
            var retVal = new ProductPrice(currency);

            retVal.ListPrice      = ListPrice.ConvertTo(currency);
            retVal.SalePrice      = SalePrice.ConvertTo(currency);
            retVal.DiscountAmount = DiscountAmount.ConvertTo(currency);
            retVal.ProductId      = ProductId;

        public override object Clone()
            var result = MemberwiseClone() as ProductPrice;

            result.Currency       = Currency?.Clone() as Currency;
            result.DiscountAmount = DiscountAmount?.Clone() as Money;
            result.ListPrice      = ListPrice?.Clone() as Money;
            result.SalePrice      = SalePrice?.Clone() as Money;
            result.TierPrices     = TierPrices?.Select(x => x.Clone() as TierPrice).ToList();
            result.Discounts      = Discounts?.Select(x => x.Clone() as Discount).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override void UpdateInDatabase()
            string sql = $"UPDATE `service_products` SET " +
                         $"`name` = '{Name}'," +
                         $"`price` = '{SalePrice.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}'," +
                         $"`group_price` = '{GroupPrice.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}'," +
                         $"`group_limit` = '{GroupLimit}'," +
                         $"`active` = '{Convert.ToInt32(_active)}'," +
                         $"`groups` = '{ServiceProductGroupID}' " +
                         $"WHERE `id` = {ID};";

Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static async Task UpdateSalePrice(int id, SalePrice salePrice)
            var client = new HttpClient();

            client.BaseAddress = new Uri(savePriceUrl);
            var content  = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(salePrice), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
            var response = await client.PutAsync(string.Empty + id, content);

            if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                Console.WriteLine("Update sale price failed for ID " + id + " with error " + response.ReasonPhrase);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void CreateCart_ForValidInput_ShouldReturnExpectedPromoDecoratedItems()
            Cart cart = _cartFactory.CreateCart(GetTestOrdersStream(), TEST_ORDER_DATE);

            Assert.IsTrue(cart.GetOrderItems().Count == 2, "Expected 2 Cart Items");
            var appleProductItem      = new ProductItem("111", "APPLE", 75);
            var expectedDecoratedItem = new SalePrice(appleProductItem, 1, 50);

                .Any(keyValue => keyValue.Key.Equals(expectedDecoratedItem) && keyValue.Value.Equals(7)),
                "Card Items didn't match expected ProductItem: " + appleProductItem);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override void UpdateInDatabase()
            string sql = $"UPDATE `products` SET " +
                         $"`name` = '{GetName()}'," +
                         $"`brand` = '{Brand}'," +
                         $"`groups` = '{ProductGroupID}'," +
                         $"`price` = '{SalePrice.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}'," +
                         $"`discount` = '{Convert.ToInt32(DiscountBool)}'," +
                         $"`discount_price` = '{DiscountPrice.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}'," +
                         $"`purchase_price` = '{PurchasePrice.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}' " +
                         $"WHERE `id` = {ID};";

Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert current product price to other currency using currency exchange rate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currency"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ProductPrice ConvertTo(Currency currency)
            var retVal = new ProductPrice(currency);

            retVal.ListPrice = ListPrice.ConvertTo(currency);
            retVal.SalePrice = SalePrice.ConvertTo(currency);
            retVal.ProductId = ProductId;
            if (ActiveDiscount != null)
                retVal.ActiveDiscount = ActiveDiscount.ConvertTo(currency);
            if (PotentialDiscount != null)
                retVal.PotentialDiscount = PotentialDiscount.ConvertTo(currency);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public override object Clone()
            var result = (ConfiguredGroup)base.Clone();

            result.ListPrice            = ListPrice?.Clone() as Money;
            result.SalePrice            = SalePrice?.Clone() as Money;
            result.ListPriceWithTax     = ListPriceWithTax?.Clone() as Money;
            result.SalePriceWithTax     = SalePriceWithTax?.Clone() as Money;
            result.PlacedPrice          = PlacedPrice?.Clone() as Money;
            result.PlacedPriceWithTax   = PlacedPriceWithTax?.Clone() as Money;
            result.ExtendedPrice        = ExtendedPrice?.Clone() as Money;
            result.ExtendedPriceWithTax = ExtendedPriceWithTax?.Clone() as Money;
            result.TaxTotal             = TaxTotal?.Clone() as Money;

            result.Items = new List <LineItem>();

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public override int GetHashCode()
                var hashCode = Attributes != null?Attributes.GetHashCode() : 0;

                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (CatalogVisibility != null ? CatalogVisibility.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Categories != null ? Categories.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Description != null ? Description.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (ExternalUrl != null ? ExternalUrl.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Featured.GetHashCode();
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Id;
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Images != null ? Images.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ InStock.GetHashCode();
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ManageStock.GetHashCode();
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Name != null ? Name.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ OnSale.GetHashCode();
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ParentId;
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Permalink != null ? Permalink.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Price != null ? Price.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (PriceHtml != null ? PriceHtml.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Purchasable.GetHashCode();
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (RegularPrice != null ? RegularPrice.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (RelatedIds != null ? RelatedIds.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (SalePrice != null ? SalePrice.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (ShortDescription != null ? ShortDescription.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Sku != null ? Sku.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Slug != null ? Slug.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Status != null ? Status.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (StockQuantity != null ? StockQuantity.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Tags != null ? Tags.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (TaxClass != null ? TaxClass.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (TaxStatus != null ? TaxStatus.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ TotalSales;
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Type != null ? Type.GetHashCode() : 0);
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Virtual.GetHashCode();
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public override object Clone()
            var result = base.Clone() as LineItem;

            result.ListPrice             = ListPrice?.Clone() as Money;
            result.SalePrice             = SalePrice?.Clone() as Money;
            result.DiscountAmount        = DiscountAmount?.Clone() as Money;
            result.DiscountAmountWithTax = DiscountAmountWithTax?.Clone() as Money;
            result.DiscountTotal         = DiscountTotal?.Clone() as Money;
            result.DiscountTotalWithTax  = DiscountTotalWithTax?.Clone() as Money;
            result.ListPriceWithTax      = ListPriceWithTax?.Clone() as Money;
            result.SalePriceWithTax      = SalePriceWithTax?.Clone() as Money;
            result.PlacedPrice           = PlacedPrice?.Clone() as Money;
            result.PlacedPriceWithTax    = PlacedPriceWithTax?.Clone() as Money;
            result.ExtendedPrice         = ExtendedPrice?.Clone() as Money;
            result.ExtendedPriceWithTax  = ExtendedPriceWithTax?.Clone() as Money;
            result.TaxTotal = TaxTotal?.Clone() as Money;

            if (Discounts != null)
                result.Discounts = new List <Discount>(Discounts.Select(x => x.Clone() as Discount));
            if (TaxDetails != null)
                result.TaxDetails = new List <TaxDetail>(TaxDetails.Select(x => x.Clone() as TaxDetail));
            if (DynamicProperties != null)
                result.DynamicProperties = new MutablePagedList <DynamicProperty>(DynamicProperties.Select(x => x.Clone() as DynamicProperty));
            if (ValidationErrors != null)
                result.ValidationErrors = new List <ValidationError>(ValidationErrors.Select(x => x.Clone() as ValidationError));

Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void Put(int id, [FromBody] SalePrice value)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public string SearchQuery()
     return(CurrentPrice.ToString() + "/" + SalePrice.ToString() + "/" + RegularPrice.ToString() + "/" + (IsOnSale ? "sale" : "not"));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 protected bool Equals(SalePrice other)
     return(GetOrderItem().Equals(other.GetOrderItem()) && _thresholdQuantity == other._thresholdQuantity &&
            _salePriceInCents == other._salePriceInCents);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public override string ToString() => $"{Quantity} @ {SalePrice.ToCurrency(2)} on {SaleDate.ToShortDateString()}";
Ejemplo n.º 25
        protected void textBoxProductID_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string  ProductID   = textBoxProductID.Text;
            string  Name        = "";
            string  Description = "";
            decimal Price;
            decimal SalePrice;
            int     InSale;
            int     Quantity;
            string  CategoryName    = "";
            string  SubCategoryName = "";
            string  Color           = "";
            string  Weight          = "";

            //int ProductStatus;

                Products prodObj = new Products();
                prodObj.fnGetProductDetails(ProductID, out Name, out Description, out Price, out SalePrice, out InSale,
                                            out Quantity, out CategoryName, out SubCategoryName, out Color, out Weight);
                //out  ProductStatus);

                Session["ProductCategory"] = CategoryName;

                if (Name != null)
                    textBoxAddProductName.Text = Name;
                if (Description != null)
                    textBoxAddProductDescription.Text = Description;

                textBoxAddProductPrice.Text = Price.ToString();

                textBoxAddProductSalePrice.Text = SalePrice.ToString();

                textBoxProductQuantity.Text = Quantity.ToString();

                if (Color != null)
                    textBoxAddProductColor.Text = Color;

                if (CategoryName != null)
                    dropDownAddCategory.Text = CategoryName;

                if (Weight != null)
                    textBoxAddProductWeight.Text = Weight;

                Session["ProductID"]          = textBoxProductID.Text;
                Session["ProductName"]        = textBoxAddProductName.Text;
                Session["ProductDescription"] = textBoxAddProductDescription.Text;
                Session["ProductCategory"]    = dropDownAddCategory.SelectedItem;
                Session["ProductSubCategory"] = SubCategoryName.ToString();
                Session["ProductPrice"]       = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxAddProductPrice.Text);
                Session["ProductSalePrice"]   = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxAddProductSalePrice.Text);
                Session["ProductQuantity"]    = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxProductQuantity.Text);
                Session["ProductColor"]       = textBoxAddProductColor.Text;
                Session["ProductWeight"]      = textBoxAddProductWeight.Text;

                if (InSale == 1)
                    checkBoxInSale.Checked = true;
                    checkBoxInSale.Checked             = false;
                    textBoxAddProductSalePrice.Enabled = false;

                dropDownAddCategory.Text = Session["ProductCategory"].ToString();
                dropDownAddCategory_SelectedIndexChanged(this.dropDownAddCategory, EventArgs.Empty);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Response.Write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>alert('" + ex.Message + "')</SCRIPT>");
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public Schema()
     : base()
     InstanceType = typeof(__HousesVi__);
     Html = Add <__TString__>("Html");
     Html.DefaultValue = "/Noman/HousesView.html";
     Html.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__Html__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__Html__ = (System.String)_v_; }, false);
     url = Add <__TString__>("url", bind: "url");
     url.DefaultValue = "";
     url.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__url__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__url__ = (System.String)_v_; }, false);
     House_No = Add <__TString__>("House_No$");
     House_No.DefaultValue = "";
     House_No.Editable     = true;
     House_No.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__House_No__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__House_No__ = (System.String)_v_; }, false);
     Street = Add <__TString__>("Street$");
     Street.DefaultValue = "";
     Street.Editable     = true;
     Street.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__Street__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__Street__ = (System.String)_v_; }, false);
     ZipCode = Add <__TString__>("ZipCode$");
     ZipCode.DefaultValue = "";
     ZipCode.Editable     = true;
     ZipCode.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__ZipCode__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__ZipCode__ = (System.String)_v_; }, false);
     City = Add <__TString__>("City$");
     City.DefaultValue = "";
     City.Editable     = true;
     City.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__City__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__City__ = (System.String)_v_; }, false);
     State = Add <__TString__>("State$");
     State.DefaultValue = "";
     State.Editable     = true;
     State.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__State__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__State__ = (System.String)_v_; }, false);
     Country = Add <__TString__>("Country$");
     Country.DefaultValue = "";
     Country.Editable     = true;
     Country.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__Country__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__Country__ = (System.String)_v_; }, false);
     TransactionTime = Add <__TString__>("TransactionTime$");
     TransactionTime.DefaultValue = "";
     TransactionTime.Editable     = true;
     TransactionTime.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__TransactionTime__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__TransactionTime__ = (System.String)_v_; }, false);
     SalePrice = Add <__TLong__>("SalePrice$");
     SalePrice.DefaultValue = 0L;
     SalePrice.Editable     = true;
     SalePrice.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__SalePrice__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__SalePrice__ = (System.Int64)_v_; }, false);
     Commision = Add <__TLong__>("Commision$");
     Commision.DefaultValue = 0L;
     Commision.Editable     = true;
     Commision.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__Commision__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__Commision__ = (System.Int64)_v_; }, false);
     CompleteAddress = Add <__TString__>("CompleteAddress", bind: "CompleteAddress");
     CompleteAddress.DefaultValue = "";
     CompleteAddress.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__CompleteAddress__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__CompleteAddress__ = (System.String)_v_; }, false);
     Longitude = Add <__TString__>("Longitude$");
     Longitude.DefaultValue = "";
     Longitude.Editable     = true;
     Longitude.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__Longitude__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__Longitude__ = (System.String)_v_; }, false);
     Latitude = Add <__TString__>("Latitude$");
     Latitude.DefaultValue = "";
     Latitude.Editable     = true;
     Latitude.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__Latitude__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__Latitude__ = (System.String)_v_; }, false);
     latitude = Add <__TLong__>("latitude", bind: "latitude");
     latitude.DefaultValue = 0L;
     latitude.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__latitude__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__latitude__ = (System.Int64)_v_; }, false);
     longitude = Add <__TLong__>("longitude", bind: "longitude");
     longitude.DefaultValue = 0L;
     longitude.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__longitude__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__longitude__ = (System.Int64)_v_; }, false);
     RegisterHouse = Add <__TLong__>("RegisterHouse$");
     RegisterHouse.DefaultValue = 0L;
     RegisterHouse.Editable     = true;
     RegisterHouse.SetCustomAccessors((_p_) => { return(((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__RegisterHouse__); }, (_p_, _v_) => { ((__HousesVi__)_p_).__bf__RegisterHouse__ = (System.Int64)_v_; }, false);
     RegisterHouse.AddHandler((Json pup, Property <Int64> prop, Int64 value) => { return(new Input.RegisterHouse()
             App = (HousesView)pup, Template = (TLong)prop, Value = value
         }); }, (Json pup, Starcounter.Input <Int64> input) => { ((HousesView)pup).Handle((Input.RegisterHouse)input); });