Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Index(SalaryResponse resp)
            //get values from textboxes using response
            string fName      = resp.firstName;
            string lName      = resp.lastName;
            double currSalary = resp.currentSalary;

            double nextSalary = 0;
            double bonus      = 0;
            double over;

            //assign proper bonus to calculate next years salary
            if (currSalary < 40000)
                bonus      = currSalary * 0.05;
                nextSalary = currSalary + bonus;
            else if (currSalary >= 40000)
                over       = currSalary - 40000;
                bonus      = (over * 0.02) + 2000;
                nextSalary = currSalary + bonus;

            //format to currency and add result to view bag to display on the index
            ViewBag.nextYear = "Next Year's Salary for " + fName + " " + lName + " should be : " + String.Format("{0:C2}", nextSalary);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the specified request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The request.</param>
        /// <returns>SalaryResponse.</returns>
        public SalaryResponse GetSalaries(SalaryRequest request)
            var response = new SalaryResponse();

            if (request.LoadOptions.Contains("GetRefNoSalary"))
                var autoNumber = AutoNumberDao.GetAutoNumberByRefTypeSalary(600, request.CurrDate);
                if (request.CurrencyCode == "USD")
                    response.Message = autoNumber.Prefix + autoNumber.Suffix + autoNumber.Value;
                    response.Message = autoNumber.Prefix + autoNumber.Suffix + autoNumber.ValueLocalCurency;
            if (request.LoadOptions.Contains("GetSalaryByMoth"))
                var salaries = SalaryDao.GetSalaryByMoth();
                response.Salaries = salaries;
            if (request.LoadOptions.Contains("GetRefNoEmployeePayroll"))
                var lstEmployeePayroll = SalaryDao.GetSalaryByDayDate(request.CurrDate);
                if (lstEmployeePayroll.Count > 0)
                    response.Message = lstEmployeePayroll[0].RefNo;

            if (request.LoadOptions.Contains("SalaryExistRefNoInDay"))
                var lstEmployeePayroll = SalaryDao.GetSalaryExistRefNoInDay(request.CurrDate, request.RefNo);
                if (lstEmployeePayroll.Count > 0)
                    response.Message = lstEmployeePayroll[0].RefNo;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the specified request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The request.</param>
        /// <returns>SalaryResponse.</returns>
        public SalaryResponse SetSalaries(SalaryRequest request)
            var response           = new SalaryResponse();
            var obJourentryAccount = new JournalEntryAccountEntity();
            IList <JournalEntryAccountEntity> listJournalEntryAccountEntity = new List <JournalEntryAccountEntity>();
            IList <AccountBalanceEntity>      listAccountBalanceEntity      = new List <AccountBalanceEntity>();
            var mapper = request.Salary;

            if (request.Action != PersistType.Delete)
                if (!mapper.Validate())
                    foreach (string error in mapper.ValidationErrors)
                        response.Message += error + Environment.NewLine;
                    response.Acknowledge = AcknowledgeType.Failure;
                if (request.LoadOptions.Contains("CalSalary"))
                    var lstDeposit = SalaryDao.GetSalaryByRefNo(mapper.RefNo);
                    if (lstDeposit.Count > 0)
                        response.Message     = "Đã tồn tại số chứng từ " + mapper.RefNo + " !";
                        response.Acknowledge = AcknowledgeType.Failure;
                    foreach (var employees in mapper.Employees)
                        mapper.EmployeeId = employees.EmployeeId;
                        response.SalaryId = SalaryDao.CalSalary(mapper);
                    var autoNumber = AutoNumberDao.GetAutoNumberByRefType(600);
                    //LinhMC 29/11/2014
                    //Lưu giá trị số tự động tăng theo loại tiền
                    if (request.Salary.CurrencyCode == "USD")
                        autoNumber.Value += 1;
                        autoNumber.ValueLocalCurency += 1;

                    response.Message = AutoNumberDao.UpdateAutoNumber(autoNumber);

                if (request.LoadOptions.Contains("SavePostedSalary"))
                    /* Danh sách các khoản lương
                     * Nhân viên liên kết Danh sách các khoản lương
                     * Lưu Chứng từ lương:  Nhân viên lấy từ lấy các khoản lương theo nhân viên==> tổng số tiền lương
                     * ==> Đồng thời lưu vào chứng từ Phiếu chi hoặc Giấy báo Nợ đặt mặc định RefType=600 vs Số chứng từ (RefNo) và ngày chứng từ lương
                     * ==> Khi lưu chứng từ Phiếu Chi hoặc Giấy báo Có được lưu dựa trên cách lưu của Phiếu Chi hoặc Giấy Báo Có
                     * ==> Để xác định chứng từ là Phiếu Chi hay Giấy báo Nợ phải dựa báo TK có trên Danh mục khoản lương
                    var depositEntity = new DepositEntity()
                        RefId                = 0,
                        RefTypeId            = mapper.RefTypeId,//
                        RefDate              = mapper.RefDate,
                        RefNo                = mapper.RefNo,
                        PostedDate           = mapper.PostedDate,
                        AccountingObjectType = 0,
                        AccountingObjectId   = null,
                        Trader               = "",
                        CustomerId           = null,
                        VendorId             = null,
                        EmployeeId           = null,// mapper.EmployeeId,
                        BankAccountCode      = "112",
                        CurrencyCode         = mapper.CurrencyCode,
                        ExchangeRate         = mapper.ExchangeRate,
                        TotalAmountOc        = 0, // employeePayItem.Amount,
                        TotalAmountExchange  = 0, // employeePayItem.Amount,
                        JournalMemo          = "Chứng từ lương tháng " + mapper.RefDate.Month + "/" + mapper.RefDate.Year,
                    depositEntity.DepositDetails = new List <DepositDetailEntity>();
                    var cashEntity = new CashEntity
                        RefId              = 0,
                        RefTypeId          = mapper.RefTypeId,//
                        RefNo              = mapper.RefNo,
                        RefDate            = mapper.RefDate,
                        PostedDate         = mapper.PostedDate,
                        AccountingObjectId = null,
                        CustomerId         = null,
                        VendorId           = null,
                        Trader             = "",
                        CurrencyCode       = mapper.CurrencyCode,
                        ExchangeRate       = mapper.ExchangeRate,

                        TotalAmount         = 0,
                        TotalAmountExchange = 0,
                        AccountNumber       = "",

                        JournalMemo          = "Chứng từ lương tháng " + mapper.RefDate.Month + "/" + mapper.RefDate.Year,
                        DocumentInclude      = "",
                        AccountingObjectType = 2,
                        //     CashDetails = cashDetails;
                        EmployeeId = null,
                    cashEntity.CashDetails = new List <CashDetailEntity>();

                    // var lstDeposit = SalaryDao.GetSalaryByRefNo(mapper.RefNo);
                    //if (lstDeposit.Count > 0)
                    //    response.Message = "Đã tồn tại số chứng từ " + mapper.RefNo + " !";
                    //    response.Acknowledge = AcknowledgeType.Failure;
                    //    return response;
                    //  var Cash
                    mapper.Employees = EmployeeDao.GetEmployeesForSalary(mapper.RefDate, mapper.RefNo);
                    foreach (var employee in mapper.Employees)
                        //Tính lại lương cho nhân viên trước khi ghi sổ
                        mapper.EmployeeId = employee.EmployeeId;
                        response.SalaryId = SalaryDao.CalSalary(mapper);

                        //Từng nhân viên - từng khoảng lương - tiền tương ứng.
                        IList <EmployeePayItemEntity> listPayItems = EmployeePayItemDao.GetEmployeeForViewtEmployeePayItem(employee.EmployeeId, mapper.RefDate, mapper.ExchangeRate);
                        // mapper.EmployeePayItemId = EmployeePayItemDao.GetEmployeePayItemsByEmployeeId(employee.EmployeeId);
                        foreach (var employeePayItemEntity in listPayItems)
                            mapper.EmployeePayItemId = employeePayItemEntity.EmployeePayItemId;
                            var payItems = PayItemDao.GetPayItem(employeePayItemEntity.PayItemId);
                            if (payItems.CreditAccountCode.Substring(0, 3).Contains("111"))
                                // khởi tạo phieu chi chi tiết
                                CashDetailEntity cashDetailEntity = new CashDetailEntity()
                                    RefDetailId   = 0,
                                    RefId         = 0,
                                    AccountNumber = payItems.DebitAccountCode,
                                    CorrespondingAccountNumber = payItems.CreditAccountCode,
                                    Description        = payItems.PayItemName + " tháng " + mapper.RefDate.Month + "/" + mapper.RefDate.Year,
                                    AmountOc           = employeePayItemEntity.Amount * mapper.ExchangeRate,
                                    AmountExchange     = employeePayItemEntity.Amount,
                                    VoucherTypeId      = null,
                                    BudgetSourceCode   = payItems.BudgetSourceCode,
                                    BudgetItemCode     = payItems.BudgetItemCode,
                                    AccountingObjectId = null,
                                    MergerFundId       = null
                                bool flag = false;
                                for (int i = 0; i < cashEntity.CashDetails.Count; i++)
                                    if (cashEntity.CashDetails[i].CorrespondingAccountNumber == cashDetailEntity.CorrespondingAccountNumber && cashEntity.CashDetails[i].AccountNumber == cashDetailEntity.AccountNumber && cashEntity.CashDetails[i].BudgetItemCode == cashDetailEntity.BudgetItemCode && cashEntity.CashDetails[i].BudgetSourceCode == cashDetailEntity.BudgetSourceCode)
                                        cashEntity.CashDetails[i].AmountOc       = cashEntity.CashDetails[i].AmountOc + cashDetailEntity.AmountOc;
                                        cashEntity.CashDetails[i].AmountExchange = cashEntity.CashDetails[i].AmountExchange + cashDetailEntity.AmountExchange;
                                        flag = true;
                                if (flag == false)
                                    if (cashDetailEntity.AmountOc > 0)
                                //Tính lại TotalAmountOc - TotalAmountExchange
                                cashEntity.TotalAmount         = cashEntity.TotalAmount + cashDetailEntity.AmountOc;
                                cashEntity.TotalAmountExchange = cashEntity.TotalAmountExchange + cashDetailEntity.AmountExchange;
                                //Get Bank Acount
                                cashEntity.AccountNumber = payItems.CreditAccountCode;
                            if (payItems.CreditAccountCode.Substring(0, 3).Contains("112") == true)
                                DepositDetailEntity depositDetailEntity = new DepositDetailEntity()
                                    RefDetailId   = mapper.RefTypeId,
                                    RefId         = 0,
                                    Description   = payItems.PayItemName + " tháng " + mapper.RefDate.Month + "/" + mapper.RefDate.Year,
                                    AccountNumber = payItems.DebitAccountCode,
                                    CorrespondingAccountNumber = payItems.CreditAccountCode,
                                    AmountOc           = employeePayItemEntity.Amount * mapper.ExchangeRate,
                                    AmountExchange     = employeePayItemEntity.Amount,
                                    VoucherTypeId      = 1,
                                    BudgetSourceCode   = payItems.BudgetSourceCode,
                                    AccountingObjectId = null,
                                    BudgetItemCode     = payItems.BudgetItemCode,
                                    //DepartmentId = mapper.DepartmentId,
                                    MergerFundId = null
                                bool flag = false;
                                for (int i = 0; i < depositEntity.DepositDetails.Count; i++)
                                    if (depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].CorrespondingAccountNumber == depositDetailEntity.CorrespondingAccountNumber && depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].BudgetItemCode == depositDetailEntity.BudgetItemCode && depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].BudgetSourceCode == depositDetailEntity.BudgetSourceCode)
                                        depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].AmountOc       = depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].AmountOc + depositDetailEntity.AmountOc;
                                        depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].AmountExchange = depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].AmountExchange + depositDetailEntity.AmountExchange;
                                        flag = true;
                                if (flag == false)
                                    if (depositDetailEntity.AmountOc > 0)
                                //Tính lại TotalAmountOc - TotalAmountExchange
                                depositEntity.TotalAmountOc       = depositEntity.TotalAmountOc + depositDetailEntity.AmountOc;
                                depositEntity.TotalAmountExchange = depositEntity.TotalAmountExchange + depositDetailEntity.AmountExchange;
                                //Get bank Acount
                                depositEntity.BankAccountCode = payItems.CreditAccountCode;
                    var autoNumber = AutoNumberDao.GetAutoNumberByRefType(600);
                    //LinhMC 29/11/2014
                    //Lưu giá trị số tự động tăng theo loại tiền
                    if (request.Salary.CurrencyCode == "USD")
                        autoNumber.Value += 1;
                        autoNumber.ValueLocalCurency += 1;

                    response.Message = AutoNumberDao.UpdateAutoNumber(autoNumber);
                    // insert or update giấy báo nợ

                        var checkDepositEntity = DepositDao.GetDepositByRefdateAndReftype(depositEntity);
                        if (checkDepositEntity == null)
                            if (depositEntity.DepositDetails.Count > 0)
                                var depositRequest = new DepositRequest();
                                var oDepositFacade = new DepositFacade();
                                depositRequest.Action  = PersistType.Insert;
                                depositRequest.Deposit = depositEntity;
                        //Sẽ không còn trường hợp này nữa
                        //    //Update CheckDepositEntity with amuont depositEntity,..
                        //    checkDepositEntity.DepositDetails = new List<DepositDetailEntity>();
                        //    checkDepositEntity.RefDate = depositEntity.RefDate;
                        //    checkDepositEntity.RefNo = depositEntity.RefNo;
                        //    checkDepositEntity.ExchangeRate = depositEntity.ExchangeRate;
                        //    checkDepositEntity.CurrencyCode = depositEntity.CurrencyCode;
                        //    checkDepositEntity.ExchangeRate = depositEntity.ExchangeRate;
                        //    checkDepositEntity.TotalAmountOc = depositEntity.TotalAmountOc;
                        //    checkDepositEntity.TotalAmountExchange = depositEntity.TotalAmountExchange;
                        //    checkDepositEntity.BankAccountCode = depositEntity.BankAccountCode;
                        //    //Thêm các details mới+
                        //    foreach (var depositDetail in depositEntity.DepositDetails)
                        //    {
                        //        if (!depositDetail.Validate())
                        //        {
                        //            foreach (string error in depositDetail.ValidationErrors)
                        //                response.Message += error + Environment.NewLine;
                        //            response.Acknowledge = AcknowledgeType.Failure;
                        //            return response;
                        //        }
                        //        depositDetail.RefId = checkDepositEntity.RefId;
                        //        checkDepositEntity.DepositDetails.Add(depositDetail);
                        //    }
                        //    var depositRequest = new DepositRequest();
                        //    var oDepositFacade = new DepositFacade();
                        //    depositRequest.Action = PersistType.Update;
                        //    depositRequest.Deposit = checkDepositEntity;
                        //    oDepositFacade.SetDeposits(depositRequest);
                    // Insert phieu chi
                    //if (cashEntity.CashDetails.Count > 0)
                    var checkCashEntity = CashDao.GetCashByRefdateAndReftype(cashEntity);
                    if (checkCashEntity == null)
                        if (cashEntity.CashDetails.Count > 0)
                            var cashRequest = new CashRequest();
                            var oCashFacade = new CashFacade();
                            cashRequest.Action     = PersistType.Insert;
                            cashRequest.CashEntity = cashEntity;
                    //Sẽ không có trường hợp này nữa
                    //    //Update
                    //    checkCashEntity.CashDetails = new List<CashDetailEntity>();
                    //    checkCashEntity.RefDate = cashEntity.RefDate;
                    //    checkCashEntity.RefNo = cashEntity.RefNo;
                    //    checkCashEntity.ExchangeRate = cashEntity.ExchangeRate;
                    //    checkCashEntity.CurrencyCode = cashEntity.CurrencyCode;
                    //    checkCashEntity.ExchangeRate = cashEntity.ExchangeRate;
                    //    checkCashEntity.TotalAmount = cashEntity.TotalAmount;
                    //    checkCashEntity.TotalAmountExchange = cashEntity.TotalAmountExchange;
                    //    checkCashEntity.AccountNumber = cashEntity.AccountNumber;
                    //    //Thêm các details mới+
                    //    foreach (var cashDetail in cashEntity.CashDetails)
                    //    {
                    //        if (!cashDetail.Validate())
                    //        {
                    //            foreach (string error in cashDetail.ValidationErrors)
                    //                response.Message += error + Environment.NewLine;
                    //            response.Acknowledge = AcknowledgeType.Failure;
                    //            return response;
                    //        }
                    //        cashDetail.RefId = checkCashEntity.RefId;
                    //        checkCashEntity.CashDetails.Add(cashDetail);
                    //    }
                    //    var cashRequest = new CashRequest();
                    //    var oCashFacade = new CashFacade();
                    //    cashRequest.Action = PersistType.Update;
                    //    cashRequest.CashEntity = checkCashEntity;
                    //    oCashFacade.SetCashes(cashRequest);

                if (request.LoadOptions.Contains("CheckCalSalaryState"))
                    var salaries = SalaryDao.GetSalaryByRefDateAndEmployId(mapper.RefDate, mapper.EmployeeId);
                    if (salaries.Count > 0)
                        response.Acknowledge = AcknowledgeType.Success;
                        response.Message     = @"Nhân viên đã được tính lương !";
                        response.Salary      = salaries[0];
                    response.Message = null;

                if (request.LoadOptions.Contains("CheckCalSalaryPostedState"))
                    var salaries = SalaryDao.GetSalaryPostedByRefDateAndEmployId(mapper.RefDate, mapper.EmployeeId);
                    if (salaries.Count > 0)
                        response.Acknowledge = AcknowledgeType.Success;
                        response.Message     = @"Nhân viên đã được tính lương !";
                        response.Salary      = salaries[0];
                    response.Message = null;

                if (request.LoadOptions.Contains("DeleteCalSalary"))
                    //foreach (var employee in mapper.Employees)
                    //    mapper.EmployeeId = employee.EmployeeId;
                    //    response.SalaryId = SalaryDao.DeleteCalSalary(mapper);

                    var depositEntity = new DepositEntity()
                        RefId                = 0,
                        RefTypeId            = mapper.RefTypeId,//
                        RefDate              = mapper.RefDate,
                        RefNo                = mapper.RefNo,
                        PostedDate           = mapper.PostedDate,
                        AccountingObjectType = 0,
                        AccountingObjectId   = null,
                        Trader               = "",
                        CustomerId           = null,
                        VendorId             = null,
                        EmployeeId           = null,// mapper.EmployeeId,
                        BankAccountCode      = "112",
                        CurrencyCode         = mapper.CurrencyCode,
                        ExchangeRate         = mapper.ExchangeRate,
                        TotalAmountOc        = 0, // employeePayItem.Amount,
                        TotalAmountExchange  = 0, // employeePayItem.Amount,
                        JournalMemo          = "Chứng từ lương tháng " + mapper.RefDate.Month + "/" + mapper.RefDate.Year,
                    depositEntity.DepositDetails = new List <DepositDetailEntity>();
                    var cashEntity = new CashEntity()
                        RefId              = 0,
                        RefTypeId          = mapper.RefTypeId,//
                        RefNo              = mapper.RefNo,
                        RefDate            = mapper.RefDate,
                        PostedDate         = mapper.PostedDate,
                        AccountingObjectId = null,
                        CustomerId         = null,
                        VendorId           = null,
                        Trader             = "",
                        CurrencyCode       = mapper.CurrencyCode,
                        ExchangeRate       = mapper.ExchangeRate,

                        TotalAmount         = 0,
                        TotalAmountExchange = 0,
                        AccountNumber       = "",

                        JournalMemo          = "Chứng từ lương tháng " + mapper.RefDate.Month + "/" + mapper.RefDate.Year,
                        DocumentInclude      = "",
                        AccountingObjectType = 2,
                        //     CashDetails = cashDetails;
                        EmployeeId = null,
                    cashEntity.CashDetails = new List <CashDetailEntity>();

                    //  var Cash
                    foreach (var employee in mapper.Employees)
                        //Xóa EmployeePayroll
                        mapper.EmployeeId = employee.EmployeeId;
                        response.SalaryId = SalaryDao.DeleteCalSalary(mapper);
                        //End Xóa EmployeePayroll
                        //Từng nhân viên - từng khoảng lương - tiền tương ứng.
                        IList <EmployeePayItemEntity> listPayItems = EmployeePayItemDao.GetEmployeePayItemsByEmployeeId(employee.EmployeeId);
                        foreach (var employeePayItemEntity in listPayItems)
                            mapper.EmployeePayItemId = employeePayItemEntity.EmployeePayItemId;
                            var payItems = PayItemDao.GetPayItem(employeePayItemEntity.PayItemId);
                            if (payItems.CreditAccountCode.Substring(0, 3).Contains("111"))
                                // khởi tạo phieu chi chi tiết
                                var cashDetailEntity = new CashDetailEntity()
                                    RefDetailId   = 0,
                                    RefId         = 0,
                                    AccountNumber = payItems.DebitAccountCode,
                                    CorrespondingAccountNumber = payItems.CreditAccountCode,
                                    Description        = payItems.PayItemName + " tháng " + mapper.RefDate.Month + "/" + mapper.RefDate.Year,
                                    AmountOc           = employeePayItemEntity.Amount,
                                    AmountExchange     = employeePayItemEntity.Amount / mapper.ExchangeRate,
                                    VoucherTypeId      = null,
                                    BudgetSourceCode   = payItems.BudgetSourceCode,
                                    BudgetItemCode     = payItems.BudgetItemCode,
                                    AccountingObjectId = null,
                                    MergerFundId       = null
                                bool flag = false;
                                for (int i = 0; i < cashEntity.CashDetails.Count; i++)
                                    if (cashEntity.CashDetails[i].CorrespondingAccountNumber == cashDetailEntity.CorrespondingAccountNumber &&
                                        cashEntity.CashDetails[i].AccountNumber == cashDetailEntity.AccountNumber &&
                                        cashEntity.CashDetails[i].BudgetItemCode == cashDetailEntity.BudgetItemCode &&
                                        cashEntity.CashDetails[i].BudgetSourceCode == cashDetailEntity.BudgetSourceCode)
                                        cashEntity.CashDetails[i].AmountOc       = cashEntity.CashDetails[i].AmountOc + cashDetailEntity.AmountOc;
                                        cashEntity.CashDetails[i].AmountExchange = cashEntity.CashDetails[i].AmountExchange + cashDetailEntity.AmountExchange;
                                        flag = true;
                                        //   break;

                                if (flag == false)

                                //Tính lại TotalAmountOc - TotalAmountExchange
                                cashEntity.TotalAmount         = cashEntity.TotalAmount + cashDetailEntity.AmountOc;
                                cashEntity.TotalAmountExchange = cashEntity.TotalAmountExchange + cashDetailEntity.AmountExchange;
                                //Get Bank Acount
                                cashEntity.AccountNumber = payItems.CreditAccountCode;
                            if (payItems.CreditAccountCode.Substring(0, 3).Contains("112"))
                                var depositDetailEntity = new DepositDetailEntity()
                                    RefDetailId   = mapper.RefTypeId,
                                    RefId         = 0,
                                    Description   = payItems.PayItemName + " tháng " + mapper.RefDate.Month + "/" + mapper.RefDate.Year,
                                    AccountNumber = payItems.DebitAccountCode,
                                    CorrespondingAccountNumber = payItems.CreditAccountCode,
                                    AmountOc           = employeePayItemEntity.Amount,
                                    AmountExchange     = employeePayItemEntity.Amount / mapper.ExchangeRate,
                                    VoucherTypeId      = 1,
                                    BudgetSourceCode   = payItems.BudgetSourceCode,
                                    AccountingObjectId = null,
                                    BudgetItemCode     = payItems.BudgetItemCode,
                                    //    DepartmentId = mapper.DepartmentId,
                                    MergerFundId = null
                                bool flag = false;
                                for (int i = 0; i < depositEntity.DepositDetails.Count; i++)
                                    if (depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].CorrespondingAccountNumber == depositDetailEntity.CorrespondingAccountNumber &&
                                        depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].BudgetItemCode == depositDetailEntity.BudgetItemCode &&
                                        depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].BudgetSourceCode == depositDetailEntity.BudgetSourceCode)
                                        depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].AmountOc       = depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].AmountOc + depositDetailEntity.AmountOc;
                                        depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].AmountExchange = depositEntity.DepositDetails[i].AmountExchange + depositDetailEntity.AmountExchange;
                                        flag = true;
                                        //  break;

                                if (flag == false)
                                //Tính lại TotalAmountOc - TotalAmountExchange
                                depositEntity.TotalAmountOc       = depositEntity.TotalAmountOc + depositDetailEntity.AmountOc;
                                depositEntity.TotalAmountExchange = depositEntity.TotalAmountExchange +
                                //Get bank Acount
                                depositEntity.BankAccountCode = payItems.CreditAccountCode;
                    var cashRequest = new CashRequest();
                    var oCashFacade = new CashFacade();
                    cashRequest.Action = PersistType.Delete;
                    var cashForDelete = CashDao.GetCashByRefdateAndReftype(cashEntity);
                    if (cashForDelete != null)
                        cashRequest.RefId     = cashForDelete.RefId;
                        cashRequest.RefTypeId = cashForDelete.RefTypeId;
                        //    cashRequest.CashEntity = cashEntity;

                    var depositRequest = new DepositRequest();
                    var oDepositFacade = new DepositFacade();
                    depositRequest.Action = PersistType.Delete;
                    var depositForDelete = DepositDao.GetDepositByRefdateAndReftype(depositEntity);
                    if (depositForDelete != null)
                        depositRequest.RefId   = depositForDelete.RefId;
                        depositRequest.RefType = depositForDelete.RefTypeId;
                        //    depositRequest.Deposit = depositEntity;
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Acknowledge = AcknowledgeType.Failure;
                response.Message     = ex.Message;
            response.Acknowledge = response.Message != null ? AcknowledgeType.Failure : AcknowledgeType.Success;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override Task <ISalaryResponse> GetSalary(SalaryRequest request, ServerCallContext context)
            ISalaryResponse response = new()
                Status = new BaseResponse {
                    Code = Code.Success, ErrorMessage = string.Empty

                IQueryable <Staff> staffs = request.ManagerId == 0 ? _staffRepository.GetAll() : _staffRepository.GetByManagerId(request.ManagerId);
                IQueryable <IGrouping <long?, Staff> > groupedStaff = staffs.Where(e => e.PersonId.HasValue)
                                                                      .GroupBy(e => e.PersonId);
                foreach (IGrouping <long?, Staff> data in groupedStaff)
                    SalaryResponse salaryResponse = CalculateCurrentSalary(data, request.StartDate.ToDateTime(), request.EndDate.ToDateTime());
                    salaryResponse = CalculateOtherPayments(salaryResponse, request.StartDate.ToDateTime(), request.EndDate.ToDateTime());
            catch (NullReferenceException nrex)
                LogData logData = new()
                    CallSide         = nameof(SalaryService),
                    CallerMethodName = nameof(GetSalary),
                    CreatedOn        = _dateTimeUtil.GetCurrentDateTime(),
                    Request          = request,
                    Response         = nrex

                response.Status.ErrorMessage = $"Some data has not found (type: {nrex.GetType().Name})";
                response.Status.Code         = Code.DataError;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogData logData = new()
                    CallSide         = nameof(SalaryService),
                    CallerMethodName = nameof(GetSalary),
                    CreatedOn        = _dateTimeUtil.GetCurrentDateTime(),
                    Request          = request,
                    Response         = ex

                response.Status.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
                response.Status.Code         = Code.UnknownError;

            LogData log = new()
                CallSide         = nameof(SalaryService),
                CallerMethodName = nameof(GetSalary),
                CreatedOn        = _dateTimeUtil.GetCurrentDateTime(),
                Request          = request,
                Response         = response



        private SalaryResponse CalculateCurrentSalary(IGrouping <long?, Staff> staff, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            IQueryable <DayOff>  dayOffs  = _dayOffRepository.GetByDateRangeAndPersonId(startDate, endDate, staff.First().PersonId.Value);
            IQueryable <Holiday> holidays = _holidaysRepository.GetByDateRange(startDate, endDate);
            SalaryResponse       response = new()
                StartedOn = Timestamp.FromDateTime(staff.First().CreatedOn.ToUniversalTime())
            double workHours = GetWorkHours();

            for (DateTime current = startDate.Date; current.Date <= endDate.Date; current = current.AddDays(1))
                bool todoDay = (current.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || current.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) &&
                               holidays.Any(e => e.ToDoDate.HasValue && e.ToDoDate.Value.Date == current.Date);

                bool workDay = current.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday &&
                               current.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Sunday &&
                               !holidays.Any(e => e.HolidayDate.Date == current.Date);

                Staff currentStaff = staff.OrderByDescending(e => e.CreatedOn).FirstOrDefault(e => e.CreatedOn.Date <= current.Date);
                if (currentStaff is not null)
                    Position position = _positionsRepository.Get(currentStaff.PositionId);
                    MotivationModificator modificator = null;
                    if (currentStaff.MotivationModificatorId.HasValue)
                        modificator = _motivationModificatorRepository.GetByStaffId(currentStaff.MotivationModificatorId.Value);
                    double rate = modificator != null ? position.HourRate * modificator.ModValue : position.HourRate;
                    response.CurrentPosition = position.Id;
                    response.PersonId        = currentStaff.PersonId.GetValueOrDefault();
                    if (workDay || todoDay)
                        if (!dayOffs.Any(e => e.CreatedOn.Date == current.Date))
                            response.Salary += workHours * rate;
                            DayOff dayOff = dayOffs.First(e => e.CreatedOn.Date == current.Date);
                            response.DayOffs.Add(new DayOffInfo
                                DayOffType = (int)dayOff.DayOffType,
                                Hours      = dayOff.Hours
                            if (dayOff.IsPaid)
                                if (dayOff.Hours < workHours)
                                    response.Salary += dayOff.Hours * rate + (workHours - dayOff.Hours) * rate;
                                    response.Salary += dayOff.Hours * rate;
                                response.Salary += (workHours - dayOff.Hours) * rate;
                    else if (holidays.Any(e => e.HolidayDate.Date == current.Date && !e.ToDoDate.HasValue))
                        response.Salary += workHours * rate;

        private SalaryResponse CalculateOtherPayments(SalaryResponse calculatedSalary, DateTime start, DateTime end)
            IQueryable <OtherPayment> otherPayments = _otherPaymentsRepository.GetByPersonIdAndDateRange(calculatedSalary.PersonId, start, end);

            foreach (OtherPayment otherPayment in otherPayments)
                calculatedSalary.Salary += otherPayment.Value;
