private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

            if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                MessageBox.Show("Salary was deleted!");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 工资管理模块
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void SalaryButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            stateflag = 3;
            pagename.Content = "工资管理";
            DataGridTextColumn dgtxtCol;

            string[] fields = { "id", "基本工资",    "最终工资",
                                "Id", "Pre_sal", "Current_sal" };
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                dgtxtCol         = new DataGridTextColumn();
                dgtxtCol.Header  = fields[i];
                dgtxtCol.Binding = new Binding(fields[i + 3]);
                UserGrid.Columns.Insert(1 + i, dgtxtCol);

            //List<Salary> salarys = new List<Salary>();
            Salary        salary    = new Salary();
            SalaryBLL     salaryBLL = new SalaryBLL();
            List <Salary> salary1   = salaryBLL.GetAllSalary();
            int           id        = 0;

            foreach (Salary item in salary1)
                id     = item.Id;
                salary = salaryBLL.GetsalaryByID(id);
                RP        rP    = new RP();
                RPBLL     rpBll = new RPBLL();
                List <RP> rps   = rpBll.GetRPsByUserId(id);
                int       sum   = 0;
                if (rps != null)
                    foreach (RP item1 in rps)
                        sum += item1.Sal;
                    salary.Current_sal = salary.Pre_sal + sum;
                Salary salary2 = new Salary();
                salary2 = salaryBLL.GetsalaryByID(id);
                if (salary2 != null)
            UserGrid.ItemsSource = salaryList;
            sum = salaryList.Count;            //sum是记录总数
            SalaryBinding(maxnum, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 列表展示薪酬标准,再由独立控制器处理薪酬标准的具体操作
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>返回薪酬标准的列表视图</returns>
        public ActionResult SalaryStandardManage()

            ISalaryBLL bLL = new SalaryBLL();

            ISalaryItemBLL salaryItemBLL = new SalaryItemBLL();

            List <SalaryStandard> standardList = bLL.GetAllSalaryStandard();

            List <Models.SalaryStandard> standardListView = new List <Models.SalaryStandard>();

            foreach (var s in standardList)
                List <StandardMapItem> tempMapList = bLL.GetAllStandardMapItemByStandardId(s.Id);

                Models.SalaryStandard tempStandard = new Models.SalaryStandard()
                    Id                 = s.Id,
                    StandardName       = s.StandardName,
                    StandardFileNumber = s.StandardFileNumber,
                    Registrant         = s.Registrant,
                    RegistTime         = s.RegistTime,
                    DesignBy           = s.DesignBy,
                    Total              = s.Total,
                    StandardState      = s.StandardState,
                    CheckDesc          = s.CheckDesc,
                    CheckBy            = s.CheckBy

                foreach (var m in tempMapList)
                    SalaryItem        tempSalaryItem = salaryItemBLL.GetSalaryItemById(m.ItemId);
                    Models.SalaryItem salaryItemView = new Models.SalaryItem {
                        Id = tempSalaryItem.Id, Name = tempSalaryItem.Name
                    tempStandard.ItemAmout.Add(salaryItemView, m.Amout);


            ViewData["standardListView"] = standardListView;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除一个用户记录
        /// </summary>
        private void bt_deleteonerecordSalary()
            Salary salary = (Salary)UserGrid.SelectedItem;
            int    Id     = salary.Id;

            if (MessageBox.Show("是否删除该用户的信息?", "Tips", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                SalaryBLL salaryBLL = new SalaryBLL();
            salaryList = SalaryBLL.GetAllSalary();
            SalaryBinding(maxnum, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void FrmSalary_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dto = SalaryBLL.GetAll();
            if (!isUpdate)
                dataGridView1.DataSource            = dto.Employees;
                dataGridView1.Columns[0].Visible    = false;
                dataGridView1.Columns[1].HeaderText = "User No";
                dataGridView1.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Name";
                dataGridView1.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Surname";
                dataGridView1.Columns[4].Visible    = false;
                dataGridView1.Columns[5].Visible    = false;
                dataGridView1.Columns[6].Visible    = false;
                dataGridView1.Columns[7].Visible    = false;
                dataGridView1.Columns[8].Visible    = false;
                dataGridView1.Columns[9].Visible    = false;
                dataGridView1.Columns[10].Visible   = false;
                dataGridView1.Columns[11].Visible   = false;
                dataGridView1.Columns[12].Visible   = false;
                dataGridView1.Columns[13].Visible   = false;
                combofull = false;
                cmbDepartment.DataSource    = dto.Departments;
                cmbDepartment.DisplayMember = "DepartmentName";
                cmbDepartment.ValueMember   = "ID";

                cmbPosition.DataSource      = dto.Positions;
                cmbPosition.DisplayMember   = "PositionName";
                cmbPosition.ValueMember     = "ID";
                cmbDepartment.SelectedIndex = -1;
                cmbPosition.SelectedIndex   = -1;
                if (dto.Departments.Count > 0)
                    combofull = true;
            cmbMonth.DataSource    = dto.Months;
            cmbMonth.DisplayMember = "MonthName";
            cmbMonth.ValueMember   = "ID";
            cmbMonth.SelectedIndex = -1;
            if (isUpdate)
                txtName.Text           = detail.Name;
                txtSalary.Text         = detail.SalaryAmount.ToString();
                txtSurname.Text        = detail.Surname;
                txtYear.Text           = detail.SalaryYear.ToString();
                cmbMonth.SelectedValue = detail.MonthID;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult DynamicStandardByOcc(string id)
            ISalaryBLL bLL = new SalaryBLL();

            List <SalaryStandard> list = new List <SalaryStandard>();

            List <SalaryStandard> tempList = bLL.GetAllStandardByOccId(Convert.ToInt32(id));

            if (tempList != null)
                list = tempList;

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public ActionResult DeleteSalaryStandard(string id)
            ISalaryBLL bLL = new SalaryBLL();

            if (bLL.DeleteSalaryStandard(Convert.ToInt32(id)))
                TempData["info"] = "删除成功";
                TempData["error"] = "删除失败,这个薪酬标准正在使用中";
        public ActionResult AddOccupationName()
            IOccupationBLL bLL = new OccupationBLL();

            ISalaryBLL salaryBLL = new SalaryBLL();

            List <Models.OccupationClass> occupationgClassList = new List <Models.OccupationClass>();

            foreach (var oc in bLL.GetAllOccupationClass())
                Models.OccupationClass tempClass = new Models.OccupationClass
                    Id   = oc.Id,
                    Name = oc.Name

            ViewData["occupationClassList"] = occupationgClassList;

            List <Models.SalaryStandard> standardList = new List <Models.SalaryStandard>();

            foreach (var s in salaryBLL.GetAllSalaryStandard())
                Models.SalaryStandard tempS = new Models.SalaryStandard
                    Id           = s.Id,
                    StandardName = s.StandardName,
                    Total        = s.Total
            ViewData["standardList"] = standardList;

Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// 条件查询
 /// </summary>
 private void search_buttonSalary()
     if (combox_search.SelectedItem == null)
     if (txt_search.Text != "" && (combox_search.SelectedItem).ToString() != "")
         SalaryBLL salaryBLL = new SalaryBLL();
         Salary    salary    = null;
         if (combox_search.SelectedIndex == 1)
             if (!isInteger(txt_search.Text))
                 txt_search.Text = "";
             int id = int.Parse(txt_search.Text);
             salary = salaryBLL.GetsalaryByID(id);
             if (salary != null)
                 UserGrid.ItemsSource = salaryList;
         sum = salaryList.Count;
         SalaryBinding(maxnum, 1);
     txt_search.Text = "";
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// 批量删除用户记录
 /// </summary>
 private void bt_deletemanySalary()
     if (selectedID.Count != 0)
         if (MessageBox.Show("是否删除所选中的员工信息?", "Tips", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
             foreach (int i in selectedID)
                 SalaryBLL salaryBLL = new SalaryBLL();
                 salaryBLL.DeletSalary(i);                         //循环遍历删除里面的记录
         salaryList = SalaryBLL.GetAllSalary();
         SalaryBinding(maxnum, 1);                     //刷新页面
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (txtYear.Text.Trim() == "")
         MessageBox.Show("Please fill the year");
     else if (cmbMonth.SelectedIndex == -1)
         MessageBox.Show("Please select month");
     else if (txtSalary.Text.Trim() == "")
         MessageBox.Show("Please fill the salary");
     else if (txtUserNo.Text.Trim() == "")
         MessageBox.Show("Please select the employee");
         bool control = false;
         if (!isUpdated)
             if (salary.EmployeeID == 0)
                 MessageBox.Show("Please select the employee from the table");
                 salary.Year    = Convert.ToInt32(txtYear.Text);
                 salary.MonthID = Convert.ToInt32(cmbMonth.SelectedValue);
                 salary.Amount  = Convert.ToInt32(txtSalary.Text);
                 if (salary.Amount > oldSalary)
                     control = true;
                 SalaryBLL.AddSalary(salary, control);
                 MessageBox.Show("Salary added!");
                 cmbMonth.SelectedIndex = -1;
                 salary = new SALARY();
             DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "title", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
             if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                 SALARY salary = new SALARY();
                 salary.ID         = detail.SalaryID;
                 salary.EmployeeID = detail.EmployeeID;
                 salary.Year       = Convert.ToInt32(txtYear.Text);
                 salary.MonthID    = Convert.ToInt32(cmbMonth.SelectedValue);
                 salary.Amount     = Convert.ToInt32(txtSalary.Text);
                 if (salary.Amount > detail.OldSalary)
                     control = true;
                 SalaryBLL.UpdateSalary(salary, control);
                 MessageBox.Show("Salary updated!");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txtYear.Text.Trim() == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Year is empty");
            else if (cmbMonth.SelectedIndex == -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a Month");
            else if (txtSalary.Text.Trim() == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Salary is empty");
            else if (txtUserNo.Text.Trim() == "")
                MessageBox.Show("User number is empty");
                //Guardando el salario maximo del empleado
                bool control = false;
                if (!isUpdate)
                    if (salary.EmployeeID == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Select an Employee");
                        salary.Year    = Convert.ToInt32(txtYear.Text);
                        salary.MonthID = Convert.ToInt32(cmbMonth.SelectedValue);
                        salary.Amount  = Convert.ToInt32(txtSalary.Text);
                        if (salary.Amount > oldsalary)
                            control = true;
                        SalaryBLL.AddSalary(salary, control);
                        MessageBox.Show("Salary Added");
                        cmbMonth.SelectedIndex = -1;
                        salary = new Salary();
                    DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                    if (DialogResult.Yes == result)
                        Salary salary = new Salary();
                        salary.ID         = detail.SalaryID;
                        salary.EmployeeID = detail.EmployeeID;
                        salary.Year       = Convert.ToInt32(txtYear.Text);
                        salary.MonthID    = Convert.ToInt32(cmbMonth.SelectedValue);
                        salary.Amount     = Convert.ToInt32(txtSalary.Text);

                        if (salary.Amount > detail.OldSalary)
                            control = true;
                        SalaryBLL.UpdateSalary(salary, control);
                        MessageBox.Show("Salary Updated");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public ActionResult StandardSearch(FormCollection formCollection)
            ISalaryBLL bLL = new SalaryBLL();

            ISalaryItemBLL salaryItemBLL = new SalaryItemBLL();

            List <SalaryStandard> list = new List <SalaryStandard>();

            List <SalaryStandard> tempList = new List <SalaryStandard>();

            if (formCollection["Keyword"] != "")
                list = bLL.GetAllSalaryStandardByKeyword(formCollection["Keyword"]);

                tempList = list;

                if (formCollection["BeginDate"] != "")
                    var l = from s in list
                            where s.RegistTime > Convert.ToDateTime(formCollection["BeginDate"])
                            select s;
                    tempList = l.ToList();

                    if (formCollection["EndDate"] != "")
                        var l2 = from s in tempList
                                 where s.RegistTime < Convert.ToDateTime(formCollection["EndDate"])
                                 select s;
                        tempList = l2.ToList();

                list = tempList;
                list = bLL.GetAllSalaryStandard();

                tempList = list;

                if (formCollection["BeginDate"] != "")
                    var l = from s in list
                            where s.RegistTime > Convert.ToDateTime(formCollection["BeginDate"])
                            select s;
                    tempList = l.ToList();

                    if (formCollection["EndDate"] != "")
                        var l2 = from s in tempList
                                 where s.RegistTime < Convert.ToDateTime(formCollection["EndDate"])
                                 select s;
                        tempList = l2.ToList();

                list = tempList;

            List <Models.SalaryStandard> standardListView = new List <Models.SalaryStandard>();

            if (list != null)
                foreach (var s in list)
                    List <StandardMapItem> tempMapList = bLL.GetAllStandardMapItemByStandardId(s.Id);

                    Models.SalaryStandard tempStandard = new Models.SalaryStandard()
                        Id                 = s.Id,
                        StandardName       = s.StandardName,
                        StandardFileNumber = s.StandardFileNumber,
                        Registrant         = s.Registrant,
                        RegistTime         = s.RegistTime,
                        DesignBy           = s.DesignBy,
                        Total              = s.Total,
                        StandardState      = s.StandardState,
                        CheckDesc          = s.CheckDesc,
                        CheckBy            = s.CheckBy

                    foreach (var m in tempMapList)
                        SalaryItem        tempSalaryItem = salaryItemBLL.GetSalaryItemById(m.ItemId);
                        Models.SalaryItem salaryItemView = new Models.SalaryItem {
                            Id = tempSalaryItem.Id, Name = tempSalaryItem.Name
                        tempStandard.ItemAmout.Add(salaryItemView, m.Amout);


            ViewData["standardListView"] = standardListView;

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public ActionResult SalaryPaymentDetail(string id)
            ISalaryGrantBLL salaryGrantBLL = new SalaryGrantBLL();

            IStaffBLL staffBLL = new StaffBLL();

            ISalaryBLL salaryBLL = new SalaryBLL();

            ISalaryItemBLL salaryItemBLL = new SalaryItemBLL();

            IOrgBLL orgBLL = new OrgBLL();

            List <StaffPayment> staffPaymentList = salaryGrantBLL.GetAllStaffPaymentByPaymentId(Convert.ToInt32(id));

            List <Models.StaffPayment> staffPaymentListView = new List <Models.StaffPayment>();

            foreach (var sp in staffPaymentList)
                Models.StaffPayment staffPayment = new Models.StaffPayment
                    Id         = sp.Id,
                    OddAmout   = sp.OddAmout,
                    MinusAmout = sp.MinusAmout

                StaffSalary        staffSalary     = salaryGrantBLL.GetStaffSalaryById(sp.StaffSalaryId);
                Models.StaffSalary staffSalaryView = new Models.StaffSalary
                    Id = staffSalary.Id,
                    StaffFileNumber = staffSalary.StaffFileNumber

                Staff staff = staffBLL.GetStaffById(staffSalary.StaffId);
                staffSalaryView.Staff = new Models.Staff {
                    Id = staff.Id, StaffName = staff.StaffName

                ThirdOrg  thirdOrg  = orgBLL.GetThirdOrgById(staff.ThirdOrgId);
                SecondOrg secondOrg = orgBLL.GetSecondOrgById(thirdOrg.ParentOrgId);
                FirstOrg  firstOrg  = orgBLL.GetFirstOrgById(secondOrg.ParentOrgId);

                Models.FirstOrg firstOrgView = new Models.FirstOrg {
                    Id = firstOrg.Id, OrgLevel = firstOrg.OrgLevel, OrgName = firstOrg.OrgName
                Models.SecondeOrg secondeOrgView = new Models.SecondeOrg {
                    Id = secondOrg.Id, OrgName = secondOrg.OrgName, OrgLevel = secondOrg.OrgLevel, ParentOrg = firstOrgView
                staffSalaryView.ThirdOrg = new Models.ThirdOrg {
                    Id = thirdOrg.Id, ParentOrg = secondeOrgView, OrgLevel = thirdOrg.OrgLevel, OrgName = thirdOrg.OrgName

                SalaryStandard        salaryStandard     = salaryBLL.GetSalaryStandardById(staffSalary.StandardId);
                Models.SalaryStandard salaryStandardView = new Models.SalaryStandard
                    Id           = salaryStandard.Id,
                    StandardName = salaryStandard.StandardName,
                List <StandardMapItem> standardMapItemList = salaryBLL.GetAllStandardMapItemByStandardId(salaryStandard.Id);
                foreach (var item in standardMapItemList)
                    SalaryItem salaryItem = salaryItemBLL.GetSalaryItemById(item.ItemId);

                    Models.SalaryItem salaryItemView = new Models.SalaryItem
                        Id   = salaryItem.Id,
                        Name = salaryItem.Name

                    salaryStandardView.ItemAmout.Add(salaryItemView, item.Amout);;

                staffSalaryView.SalaryStandard = salaryStandardView;

                staffPayment.StaffSalary = staffSalaryView;

                SalaryPayment salaryPayment = salaryGrantBLL.GetSalaryPaymentById(sp.PaymentId);
                staffPayment.SalaryPayment = new Models.SalaryPayment
                    Id          = salaryPayment.Id,
                    TotalPerson = salaryPayment.TotalPerson,
                    TotalAmout  = salaryPayment.TotalAmout,
                    FileState   = salaryPayment.FileState,
                    FileNumber  = salaryPayment.FileNumber,
                    Registrant  = salaryPayment.Registrant,
                    RegistTime  = salaryPayment.RegistTime,
                    TotalReal   = salaryPayment.TotalReal,
                    CheckBy     = salaryPayment.CheckBy,
                    CheckTime   = salaryPayment.CheckTime


            ViewData["staffPaymentListView"] = staffPaymentListView;

Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存薪酬标准,编辑或添加
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formCollection">表单值容器</param>
        /// <returns>成功则重定向到刚刚保存的薪酬标准的详情页,否则回到源URL</returns>
        public ActionResult SaveStandard(FormCollection formCollection)
            ISalaryBLL salaryBLL = new SalaryBLL();

            ISalaryItemBLL bLL = new SalaryItemBLL();

            SalaryStandard salaryStandard = new SalaryStandard();

            Type type = salaryStandard.GetType();

            var props = type.GetProperties();

            foreach (var p in props)
                if (p.Name != "StandardState" && p.Name != "Id")
                    p.SetValue(salaryStandard, Convert.ChangeType(formCollection[p.Name], p.PropertyType));

            salaryStandard.Id = Convert.ToInt32(formCollection["Id"]);

            if (formCollection["StandardChecked"] == "Checked")
                salaryStandard.StandardState = EnumState.StandardStateEnum.Checked;
                salaryStandard.StandardState = EnumState.StandardStateEnum.WaitCheck;


            salaryStandard.Id = salaryBLL.GetSalaryStandardIdByfileNumber(salaryStandard.StandardFileNumber);

            var itemcheckbox = formCollection["ItemCheckbox"];

            decimal total = 0;

            foreach (var i in itemcheckbox.Split(','))
                StandardMapItem tempMap = new StandardMapItem {
                    StandardId = salaryStandard.Id, ItemId = Convert.ToInt32(i), Amout = Convert.ToDecimal(formCollection["value" + i])
                total += tempMap.Amout;

            salaryStandard.Total = total;

            if (salaryBLL.GetAllStandardMapOccByStandardId(salaryStandard.Id) != null)
                if (!salaryBLL.DeleteAllOccMapByStandardId(salaryStandard.Id))
                    TempData["error"] = "保存失败";
            for (int i = Convert.ToInt32(formCollection["eCount"]); i < 3; i++)
                if (Convert.ToInt32(formCollection["occName" + i]) != 0)
                    StandardMapOccupationName standardMapOccupationName = new StandardMapOccupationName {
                        StandardId = salaryStandard.Id, OccupationNameId = Convert.ToInt32(formCollection["occName" + i])

            if (salaryBLL.SaveSalaryStandard(salaryStandard))
                TempData["info"] = "保存成功";
                return(RedirectToAction("DetailSalaryStandard", new { id = salaryStandard.Id }));
                TempData["error"] = "保存失败";
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// 薪酬标准详情
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">薪酬标准的id</param>
        /// <returns>薪酬标准详情页</returns>
        public ActionResult DetailSalaryStandard(string id)
            ISalaryBLL salaryBLL = new SalaryBLL();

            ISalaryItemBLL salaryItemBLL = new SalaryItemBLL();

            IOccupationBLL occupationBLL = new OccupationBLL();

            SalaryStandard salaryStandard = salaryBLL.GetSalaryStandardById(Convert.ToInt32(id));

            Models.SalaryStandard salaryStandardView = new Models.SalaryStandard
                Id                 = salaryStandard.Id,
                StandardName       = salaryStandard.StandardName,
                StandardFileNumber = salaryStandard.StandardFileNumber,
                Registrant         = salaryStandard.Registrant,
                RegistTime         = salaryStandard.RegistTime,
                DesignBy           = salaryStandard.DesignBy,
                Total              = salaryStandard.Total,
                StandardState      = salaryStandard.StandardState,
                CheckDesc          = salaryStandard.CheckDesc,
                CheckBy            = salaryStandard.CheckBy

            List <StandardMapItem> tempMapList = salaryBLL.GetAllStandardMapItemByStandardId(salaryStandard.Id);

            foreach (var m in tempMapList)
                SalaryItem        tempSalaryItem = salaryItemBLL.GetSalaryItemById(m.ItemId);
                Models.SalaryItem salaryItemView = new Models.SalaryItem {
                    Id = tempSalaryItem.Id, Name = tempSalaryItem.Name
                salaryStandardView.ItemAmout.Add(salaryItemView, m.Amout);

            List <StandardMapOccupationName> occList = salaryBLL.GetAllStandardMapOccByStandardId(salaryStandard.Id);

            if (occList != null)
                foreach (var o in occList)
                    OccupationName        tempOccName        = occupationBLL.GetOccupationNameById(o.OccupationNameId);
                    Models.OccupationName occupationNameView = new Models.OccupationName {
                        Id = tempOccName.Id, Name = tempOccName.Name
                    OccupationClass tempOccClass = occupationBLL.GetOccupationClassById(tempOccName.ClassId);
                    occupationNameView.OccupationClass = new Models.OccupationClass {
                        Id = tempOccClass.Id, Name = tempOccClass.Name

            ViewData["salaryStandardView"] = salaryStandardView;

Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// 控制器内部方法,通过id获取薪酬标准的详细信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">薪酬标准的id</param>
        private void GetStandardById(string id)
            ISalaryBLL salaryBLL = new SalaryBLL();

            ISalaryItemBLL salaryItemBLL = new SalaryItemBLL();

            IOccupationBLL occupationBLL = new OccupationBLL();

            SalaryStandard salaryStandard = salaryBLL.GetSalaryStandardById(Convert.ToInt32(id));

            Models.SalaryStandard salaryStandardView = new Models.SalaryStandard
                Id                 = salaryStandard.Id,
                StandardName       = salaryStandard.StandardName,
                StandardFileNumber = salaryStandard.StandardFileNumber,
                Registrant         = salaryStandard.Registrant,
                RegistTime         = salaryStandard.RegistTime,
                DesignBy           = salaryStandard.DesignBy,
                Total              = salaryStandard.Total,
                StandardState      = salaryStandard.StandardState,
                CheckDesc          = salaryStandard.CheckDesc,
                CheckBy            = salaryStandard.CheckBy

            List <StandardMapItem> tempMapList = salaryBLL.GetAllStandardMapItemByStandardId(salaryStandard.Id);

            foreach (var m in tempMapList)
                SalaryItem        tempSalaryItem = salaryItemBLL.GetSalaryItemById(m.ItemId);
                Models.SalaryItem salaryItemView = new Models.SalaryItem {
                    Id = tempSalaryItem.Id, Name = tempSalaryItem.Name
                salaryStandardView.ItemAmout.Add(salaryItemView, m.Amout);

            List <StandardMapOccupationName> occList = salaryBLL.GetAllStandardMapOccByStandardId(salaryStandard.Id);

            if (occList != null)
                foreach (var o in occList)
                    OccupationName        tempOccName        = occupationBLL.GetOccupationNameById(o.OccupationNameId);
                    Models.OccupationName occupationNameView = new Models.OccupationName {
                        Id = tempOccName.Id, Name = tempOccName.Name
                    OccupationClass tempOccClass = occupationBLL.GetOccupationClassById(tempOccName.ClassId);
                    occupationNameView.OccupationClass = new Models.OccupationClass {
                        Id = tempOccClass.Id, Name = tempOccClass.Name

            ViewData["salaryStandardView"] = salaryStandardView;

            List <SalaryItem> salaryList = salaryItemBLL.GetAllSalaryItem();

            List <Models.SalaryItem> itemList = new List <Models.SalaryItem>();

            foreach (var item in salaryList)
                Models.SalaryItem tempItem = new Models.SalaryItem
                    Id   = item.Id,
                    Name = item.Name

            ViewData["itemList"] = itemList;

            List <OccupationClass>        occClassList     = occupationBLL.GetAllOccupationClass();
            List <Models.OccupationClass> occClassListView = new List <Models.OccupationClass>();

            if (occClassList != null)
                foreach (var oc in occClassList)
                    Models.OccupationClass tempClass = new Models.OccupationClass()
                        Id = oc.Id, Name = oc.Name
            ViewData["occClassListView"] = occClassListView;

            List <Models.OccupationName> occNameList = new List <Models.OccupationName>();

            for (int i = 0; i < salaryStandardView.OccList.Count; i++)
                List <OccupationName> tempList = occupationBLL.GetAllOccNameByClassId(salaryStandardView.OccList[i].OccupationClass.Id);
                foreach (var on in tempList)
                    Models.OccupationName tempOccupationName = new Models.OccupationName {
                        Id = on.Id, Name = on.Name, OccupationClass = salaryStandardView.OccList[i].OccupationClass
            ViewData["occNameList"] = occNameList;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txtYear.Text.Trim() == "")
                MessageBox.Show("year is empty");
            else if (txtSalary.Text.Trim() == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Salary is empty");
            else if (cmbMonth.SelectedIndex == -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Select a month");
                bool control = false;
                if (!isUpdate)
                    if (salary.EmployeeID == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("please select an employee from table");
                        salary.Year    = Convert.ToInt32(txtYear.Text);
                        salary.MonthID = Convert.ToInt32(cmbMonth.SelectedValue);
                        salary.Amount  = Convert.ToInt32(txtSalary.Text);
                        if (salary.Amount > oldsalary)
                            control = true;
                        SalaryBLL.AddSalary(salary, control);
                        MessageBox.Show("Salary was added");
                        cmbMonth.SelectedIndex = -1;
                        salary = new SALARY();
                    DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "title", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                    if (DialogResult.Yes == result)
                        SALARY salary = new SALARY();
                        salary.ID         = detail.SalaryID;
                        salary.EmployeeID = detail.EmployeeID;
                        salary.Year       = Convert.ToInt32(txtYear.Text);
                        salary.MonthID    = Convert.ToInt32(cmbMonth.SelectedValue);
                        salary.Amount     = Convert.ToInt32(txtSalary.Text);

                        if (salary.Amount > detail.oldSalary)
                            control = true;
                        SalaryBLL.UpdateSalary(salary, control);
                        MessageBox.Show("Salary was Uptaded");
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// 控制器内部方法
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">通过id装载视图模型Staff</param>
        private void GetStaffById(string id)
            IStaffBLL staffBLL = new StaffBLL();

            IOrgBLL orgBLL = new OrgBLL();

            IOccupationBLL occupationBLL = new OccupationBLL();

            ISalaryBLL salaryBLL = new SalaryBLL();

            Staff staff = staffBLL.GetStaffById(Convert.ToInt32(id));

            Models.Staff staffView = new Models.Staff();

            Type type = typeof(Models.Staff);

            Type modelType = typeof(Staff);

            var props = type.GetProperties();

            foreach (var p in props)
                if (modelType.GetProperty(p.Name) != null)
                    p.SetValue(staffView, modelType.GetProperty(p.Name).GetValue(staff));

            ThirdOrg        thirdOrg        = orgBLL.GetThirdOrgById(staff.ThirdOrgId);
            SecondOrg       secondOrg       = orgBLL.GetSecondOrgById(thirdOrg.ParentOrgId);
            FirstOrg        firstOrg        = orgBLL.GetFirstOrgById(secondOrg.ParentOrgId);
            OccupationName  occupationName  = occupationBLL.GetOccupationNameById(staff.OccId);
            OccupationClass occupationClass = occupationBLL.GetOccupationClassById(occupationName.ClassId);
            SalaryStandard  salaryStandard  = salaryBLL.GetSalaryStandardById(staff.StandardId);
            TechnicalTitle  technicalTitle  = occupationBLL.GetTechnicalTitleById(staff.TechnicalTitleId);

            staffView.FirstOrg = new Models.FirstOrg {
                Id = firstOrg.Id, OrgLevel = firstOrg.OrgLevel, OrgName = firstOrg.OrgName
            staffView.SecondeOrg = new Models.SecondeOrg {
                Id = secondOrg.Id, OrgName = secondOrg.OrgName, OrgLevel = secondOrg.OrgLevel, ParentOrg = staffView.FirstOrg
            staffView.ThirdOrg = new Models.ThirdOrg {
                Id = thirdOrg.Id, ParentOrg = staffView.SecondeOrg, OrgLevel = thirdOrg.OrgLevel, OrgName = thirdOrg.OrgName
            staffView.OccupationClass = new Models.OccupationClass {
                Id = occupationClass.Id, Name = occupationClass.Name
            staffView.OccupationName = new Models.OccupationName {
                Id = occupationName.Id, Name = occupationName.Name, OccupationClass = staffView.OccupationClass
            staffView.SalaryStandard = new Models.SalaryStandard {
                Id = salaryStandard.Id, StandardName = salaryStandard.StandardName, Total = salaryStandard.Total
            staffView.TechnicalTitle = new Models.TechnicalTitle {
                Id = technicalTitle.Id, Name = technicalTitle.Name

            ViewData["staffView"] = staffView;

            List <Models.TechnicalTitle> list = new List <Models.TechnicalTitle>();

            List <TechnicalTitle> tempList = occupationBLL.GetAllTechnicalTitle();

            foreach (var tt in tempList)
                Models.TechnicalTitle tempTechnicalTitle = new Models.TechnicalTitle
                    Id   = tt.Id,
                    Name = tt.Name

            ViewData["tTitleList"] = list;

            List <SalaryStandard> standardList = salaryBLL.GetAllStandardByOccId(staff.OccId);

            List <Models.SalaryStandard> standardListView = new List <Models.SalaryStandard>();

            foreach (var s in standardList)
                Models.SalaryStandard tempStandard = new Models.SalaryStandard
                    Id           = s.Id,
                    StandardName = s.StandardName,
                    Total        = s.Total

            ViewData["standardListView"] = standardListView;