Ejemplo n.º 1
        // FUNCTION: GetPrinterDACL
        // PURPOSE: Obtains DACL from specified printer
        // RETURN VALUE: true or false
        // COMMENTS:
        unsafe static bool GetPrinterDACL(string szPrinterName, out SafePACL ppACL)
            ppACL = default;

            if (!OpenPrinter(szPrinterName, out var hPrinter, new PRINTER_DEFAULTS {
                DesiredAccess = ACCESS_MASK.READ_CONTROL

            using (hPrinter)
                // Call GetPrinter twice to get size of printer info structure.

                var PrnInfo3 = GetPrinter <PRINTER_INFO_3>(hPrinter);

                if (!GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(PrnInfo3.pSecurityDescriptor, out var bDaclPres, out var pACL, out var bDef))

                ppACL = new SafePACL(pACL);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void AddResourceAttributeAceTest()
            using (var pNewSacl = new SafePACL(256))
                using (var capId = new SafePSID("S-1-17-22"))
                    Assert.That(AddScopedPolicyIDAce(pNewSacl, ACL_REVISION, 0, 0, capId), ResultIs.Successful);

                var attrValues = new[] { 12L, 32L };
                using (var pattrValues = SafeHGlobalHandle.CreateFromList(attrValues))
                    var csattr = new CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1
                        Name       = "Int",
                        ValueCount = (uint)attrValues.Length,
                        Values     = new CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1.VALUESUNION {
                            pInt64 = (IntPtr)pattrValues
                    var attr = new[] { csattr };
                    using (var pattr = SafeHGlobalHandle.CreateFromList(attr))
                        var csi = CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION.Default;
                        csi.AttributeCount         = (uint)attr.Length;
                        csi.Attribute.pAttributeV1 = (IntPtr)pattr;
                        var len = 0U;
                        Assert.That(AddResourceAttributeAce(pNewSacl, ACL_REVISION, 0, 0, SafePSID.Everyone, csi, ref len), ResultIs.Successful);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // FUNCTION: AddAccessRights
        // PURPOSE: Applies ACE for access to specified object DACL
        // RETURN VALUE: true or false
        // COMMENTS:
        unsafe static bool AddAccessRights(string szPrinterName, uint dwAccessMask, AceFlags bAceFlags, string szUserName, byte bType)
            // ACL variables
            ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION?AclInfo = null;
            uint dwNewAceCount           = 0;

            // New ACL variables
            int dwNewACLSize;

            // Temporary ACE
            ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *pTempAce;             // structure is same for access denied ace
            uint CurrentAceIndex;

                // Call LookupAccountName

                if (!LookupAccountName(null, szUserName, out var pSid, out var szDomainName, out var SidType))
                    Console.WriteLine("Error {0} - LookupAccountName", Win32Error.GetLastError());

                Console.Write("Adding ACE for {0}\n", szUserName);

                // Get security DACL for printer

                if (!GetPrinterDACL(szPrinterName, out var pACL))
                    Console.Write("Error {0} getting printer DACL\n", Win32Error.GetLastError());

                // Compute size needed for the new ACL
                using (pACL)
                    if (!pACL.IsInvalid)                      // Get size of old ACL
                        AclInfo = ((PACL)pACL).GetAclInformation <ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION>();

                    if (!pACL.IsInvalid)                      // Add room for new ACEs
                        dwNewACLSize = (int)AclInfo.Value.AclBytesInUse +
                                       Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)) +
                                       GetLengthSid(pSid) - sizeof(uint);
                        dwNewACLSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)) +
                                       Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ACL)) +
                                       GetLengthSid(pSid) - sizeof(uint);
                // Allocate and setup ACL.

                using var pNewACL = new SafePACL(dwNewACLSize);
                if (pNewACL.IsInvalid)
                    Console.Write("LocalAlloc failed.\n");
                    throw new Exception();

                // If new ACE is Access Denied ACE add it to front of new ACL

                if (bType == ACCESS_DENY)
                    // Add the access-denied ACE to the new DACL
                    if (!AddAccessDeniedAce(pNewACL, 2, dwAccessMask, pSid))
                        Console.Write("Error %d: AddAccessDeniedAce\n", Win32Error.GetLastError());
                        throw new Exception();


                    // get pointer to ace we just added, so we can change the AceFlags

                    if (!GetAce(pNewACL, 0, out var mTempAce))
                        Console.Write("Error %d: GetAce\n", Win32Error.GetLastError());
                        throw new Exception();

                    pTempAce = (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *)(void *)mTempAce.DangerousGetHandle();
                    pTempAce->Header.AceFlags = bAceFlags;

                // If a DACL was present, copy the resident ACEs to the new DACL

                if (!pACL.IsInvalid)
                    // Copy the file's old ACEs to our new ACL

                    if (AclInfo.Value.AceCount > 0)
                        for (CurrentAceIndex = 0; CurrentAceIndex < AclInfo.Value.AceCount; CurrentAceIndex++)
                            // Get an ACE

                            if (!GetAce(pACL, CurrentAceIndex, out var mTempAce))
                                Console.Write("Error %d: GetAce\n", Win32Error.GetLastError());
                                throw new Exception();
                            pTempAce = (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *)(void *)mTempAce.DangerousGetHandle();

                            // Check to see if this ACE is identical to one were adding. If it is identical don't copy it over.
                            if (!EqualSid((IntPtr)(void *)&(pTempAce->SidStart), pSid) ||
                                (pTempAce->Mask != dwAccessMask) ||
                                (pTempAce->Header.AceFlags != bAceFlags))
                                // ACE is distinct, add it to the new ACL

                                if (!AddAce(pNewACL, 2, uint.MaxValue, (IntPtr)pTempAce, ((ACE_HEADER *)pTempAce)->AceSize))
                                    Console.Write("Error %d: AddAce\n", Win32Error.GetLastError());
                                    throw new Exception();


                // If the new ACE is an Access allowed ACE add it at the end.

                if (bType == ACCESS_ALLOW)
                    // Add the access-allowed ACE to the new DACL

                    if (!AddAccessAllowedAce(pNewACL, 2, dwAccessMask, pSid))
                        Console.Write("Error %d: AddAccessAllowedAce\n", Win32Error.GetLastError());
                        throw new Exception();

                    // Get pointer to ACE we just added, so we can change the AceFlags

                    if (!GetAce(pNewACL,
                                dwNewAceCount,                                 // Zero based position of the last ace
                                out var mTempAce))
                        Console.Write("Error %d: GetAce\n", Win32Error.GetLastError());
                        throw new Exception();
                    pTempAce = (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *)(void *)mTempAce.DangerousGetHandle();

                    pTempAce->Header.AceFlags = bAceFlags;

                // Set the DACL to the object

                if (!SetPrinterDACL(szPrinterName, pNewACL))
                    Console.Write("Error %d setting printer DACL\n", Win32Error.GetLastError());
                    throw new Exception();
