Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Training(IResults results, int start, int end)
            for (int scanNum = start; scanNum <= end; scanNum++)
                if (results.Contains(scanNum))
                    List <IScore> scores = results.GetResult(scanNum);
                    foreach (IScore score in scores)
                        double         y = (score as FDRScoreProxy).IsDecoy() ? 0 : 1;
                        List <SVMNode> X = new List <SVMNode>();
                        // store score value in X
                        int idx = 0;
                        foreach (MassType type in types)
                            SVMNode node = new SVMNode();
                            node.Index = idx;
                            node.Value = score.GetScore(type);
                        problem.Add(X.ToArray(), y);

            // training
            SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter();

            parameter.Probability = true;
            model = problem.Train(parameter);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Debug_DispPredict()

            this.libSVM_model = SVM.LoadModel(@"libsvm_model.xml");

            using (IplImage retPlot = new IplImage(300, 300, BitDepth.U8, 3))
                for (int x = 0; x < 300; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < 300; y++)
                        float[] sample = { x / 300f, y / 300f };
                        SVMNode[] node_array = new SVMNode[2];
                        node_array[0] = new SVMNode(1, sample[0]);
                        node_array[1] = new SVMNode(2, sample[1]);
                        int    ret_double = (int)SVM.Predict(libSVM_model, node_array);
                        int    ret_i      = (int)ret_double;
                        CvRect plotRect   = new CvRect(x, 300 - y, 1, 1);
                        if (ret_i == 1)
                            retPlot.Rectangle(plotRect, CvColor.Red);
                        else if (ret_i == 2)
                            retPlot.Rectangle(plotRect, CvColor.GreenYellow);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public EmotionModel()
            modelPathMap = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // 模型路径信息
            modelPathMap.Add("混合模型(5秒)", Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\models\\data_after_boardline_smote.scale.model");
            modelPathMap.Add("混合模型(10秒)", Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\models\\data_after_boardline_smote_and_pca_with_49.scale.model");
            modelPathMap.Add("交互模型(5秒)", Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\models\\data_after_undersampling.scale.model");
            modelPathMap.Add("交互模型(10秒)", Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\models\\data_after_undersampling_and_pca_with_49.scale.model");
            modelPathMap.Add("人像模型", Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\models\\data_after_undersampling_and_pca_with_49.scale.model");
            svmModel = SVM.LoadModel(modelPathMap["混合模型(5秒)"]); // 加载默认模型
            // 初始化特征向量
            for (int i = 0; i < featureNum; i++)
                svmFeature[i] = new SVMNode(i, 0);

            //indexEmotionMap.Add(1, 1);
            //indexEmotionMap.Add(4, 2);
            //indexEmotionMap.Add(5, 3);
            //indexEmotionMap.Add(6, 4);
            //indexEmotionMap.Add(7, 5);
            //indexEmotionMap.Add(8, 6);
            //indexEmotionMap.Add(9, 7);
            //indexEmotionMap.Add(10, 8);
            //indexEmotionMap.Add(11, 9);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public List <IProbScoreProxy> Predicting(IResults results, int scanNum)
            List <IScore>          scores         = results.GetResult(scanNum);
            ISpectrum              spectrum       = results.GetSpectrum(scanNum);
            List <double[]>        estimationList = new List <double[]>();
            List <IProbScoreProxy> probabilities  = new List <IProbScoreProxy>();

            foreach (IScore score in scores)
                List <SVMNode> X = new List <SVMNode>();
                // store score value in X
                int idx = 0;
                foreach (MassType type in types)
                    SVMNode node = new SVMNode();
                    node.Index = idx;
                    node.Value = score.GetScore(type);
            // prediction
            double[] target = testingProblem.PredictProbability(model, out estimationList);
            // create new scores
            for (int i = 0; i < scores.Count; i++)
                probabilities.Add(new ProbScoreProxy(scores[i], spectrum, estimationList[i][1]));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x"></param>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static SVMNode[] Normalize(SVMNode[] x, SVMNormType type)
     double norm_l = (double)(int)type;
     double norm = x.Sum(a => Math.Pow(a.Value, norm_l));
     norm = Math.Pow(norm, 1 / norm_l);
     SVMNode[] y = x.Select(a => new SVMNode(a.Index, a.Value / norm)).ToArray();
     return y;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void Add(SVMNode[] x, double y)
     if (x.Length > 0)
         SVMNode[] nodes = x.OrderBy(a => a.Index).ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void Insert(int index, SVMNode[] x, double y)
     if (x.Length > 0)
         SVMNode[] nodes = x.OrderBy(a => a.Index).ToArray();
         X.Insert(index, x);
         Y.Insert(index, y);
        protected SVMNode CreateNode(KeyValuePair <string, double> xValue)
            if (!Features.ContainsKey(xValue.Key))
                Features.Add(xValue.Key, Features.Count + 1);
            var node = new SVMNode(Features[xValue.Key], xValue.Value);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public int SVMPredict(FaceFeature.FeatureValue feature)
            if (this.LoadFlag == false)
                this.libSVM_model_1 = SVM.LoadModel(@"model_Feature_L_EYE_NOSE.xml");
                this.libSVM_model_2 = SVM.LoadModel(@"model_Feature_L_EYE_MOUTH.xml");
                this.libSVM_model_3 = SVM.LoadModel(@"model_Feature_R_EYE_MOUTH.xml");
                this.LoadFlag = true;

            double[] feature_array = new double[2];
            int[] answer = new int[3];

                SetFeatureToArray(feature, ref feature_array, LEARNING_TYPE.L_EYE_NOSE);

                SVMNode[] node_array = new SVMNode[2];
                node_array[0] = new SVMNode(1, feature_array[0]);
                node_array[1] = new SVMNode(2, feature_array[1]);

                answer[0] = (int)SVM.Predict(libSVM_model_1, node_array);
                return answer[0];
                SetFeatureToArray(feature, ref feature_array, LEARNING_TYPE.L_EYE_MOUTH);

                SVMNode[] node_array = new SVMNode[2];
                node_array[0] = new SVMNode(1, feature_array[0]);
                node_array[1] = new SVMNode(2, feature_array[1]);

                answer[1] = (int)SVM.Predict(libSVM_model_2, node_array);
                SetFeatureToArray(feature, ref feature_array, LEARNING_TYPE.R_EYE_MOUTH);

                SVMNode[] node_array = new SVMNode[2];
                node_array[0] = new SVMNode(1, feature_array[0]);
                node_array[1] = new SVMNode(2, feature_array[1]);

                answer[2] = (int)SVM.Predict(libSVM_model_2, node_array);

            int final = answer[0] + answer[1] + answer[2];

            if(final < 5) { final = 1; }
            else { final = 2; }
            return final;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x1"></param>
 /// <param name="y1"></param>
 /// <param name="x2"></param>
 /// <param name="y2"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool IsEqual(SVMNode[] x1, double y1, SVMNode[] x2, double y2)
     bool same = false;
     if (y1 == y2 && x1.Length == x2.Length)
         same = true;
         for (int i = 0; i < x1.Length; i++)
             same &= x1[i].Equals(x2[i]);
     return same;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public double evaluate(double[] x0)
            int n = x0.Length;

            SVMNode[] x = new SVMNode[n];
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                x[j]       = new SVMNode();
                x[j].index = j + 1;
                x[j].value = x0[j];

            double v = libsvm.SVM.svm_predict(model, x);

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public SVMClassifier(int folds = 5)
            Folds         = folds;
            DataFile      = @"Data\data.csv";
            Data          = new DataLoader(Folds, DataFile);
            TrainProblems = new SVMProblem[folds];
            TestProblems  = new SVMProblem[folds];

            for (int i = 0; i < folds; i++)
                TrainProblems[i] = new SVMProblem();
                TestProblems[i]  = new SVMProblem();

            for (int i = 0; i < folds; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < folds; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < Data.InstancesPerFold; k++)
                        var nodes = new SVMNode[Data.FeatureCount];
                        var label = (double)Data.Labels[j, k];
                        for (int x = 0; x < Data.FeatureCount; x++)
                            nodes[x] = new SVMNode(x + 1, Data.Data[j, k, x]);
                        if (i != j)
                            TrainProblems[i].Add(nodes, label);
                            TestProblems[i].Add(nodes, label);
            Parameters        = new SVMParameter();
            Parameters.Type   = SVMType.C_SVC;
            Parameters.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF;
            Parameters.C      = 1000000;
            Parameters.Degree = 3;
            Parameters.Coef0  = 0;
            Parameters.Gamma  = 0.001;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static SVMProblem CreateCompleteProblemOneClass(this IEnumerable <List <double> > original)
            SVMProblem completeProblem = new SVMProblem();

            for (int i = 0; i < original.Count(); i++)
                SVMNode[] nodeSet = new SVMNode[original.ElementAt(i).Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < original.ElementAt(i).Count; j++)
                    SVMNode currentNode = new SVMNode();
                    currentNode.Index = j + 1;
                    currentNode.Value = original.ElementAt(i)[j];
                    nodeSet[j]        = currentNode;
                completeProblem.Add(nodeSet, 1);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static List <SVMNode[]> CreateNodesFromData(this IEnumerable <List <double> > original)
            List <SVMNode[]> svmNodeList = new List <SVMNode[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < original.Count(); i++)
                SVMNode[] nodeSet = new SVMNode[original.ElementAt(i).Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < original.ElementAt(i).Count; j++)
                    SVMNode currentNode = new SVMNode();
                    currentNode.Index = j + 1;
                    currentNode.Value = original.ElementAt(i)[j];
                    nodeSet[j]        = currentNode;

        public static void Train()
            SVMProblem svmproblem = new SVMProblem();
            List <Tuple <Sentence, string> > sentences = new List <Tuple <Sentence, string> >();
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("training_data.txt");
            string       line;

            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                string[] lines = line.Split(',');
                lines[0] = lines[0].Substring(1, lines[0].Length - 2);
                string sentence = lines[0];
                sentences.Add(Tuple.Create(Sentence.ParseIntoSentence(sentence, 0, false), lines[1]));

            List <SVMNode[]> modelNodes = new List <SVMNode[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < sentences.Count; i++)
                List <SVMNode> nodes = new List <SVMNode>();
                for (int j = 0; j < Corpus.count; j++)
                    SVMNode sentenceNode = new SVMNode(j, 0);
                for (int j = 0; j < sentences[i].Item1.SentenceWords.Count; j++)
                    CorpusWord cw                   = Corpus.CorpusList.Find(c => c.Word.Equals(sentences[i].Item1.SentenceWords[j].Stem.Word) && c.Attribute.Equals(sentences[i].Item1.SentenceWords[j].Stem.Attribute));
                    SVMNode    sentenceNode         = new SVMNode(Corpus.CorpusList.IndexOf(cw), 1);
                    SVMNode    sentenceNodeToRemove = new SVMNode(Corpus.CorpusList.IndexOf(cw), 0);
                SVMNode[] sentenceNodes = nodes.ToArray();
                sentenceNodes = sentenceNodes.OrderBy(x => x.Index).ToArray();

                svmproblem.Add(sentenceNodes, Corpus.CorpusList.IndexOf(Corpus.CorpusList.Find(c => c.Word.Equals(sentences[i].Item2))));

            model = SVM.Train(svmproblem, parameter);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static SVMProblem CreateCompleteProblem(this IEnumerable <List <double> > original, SAMData sam, SAMDataPoint.FeelingModel feelingModel)
            SVMProblem completeProblem = new SVMProblem();

            for (int i = 0; i < original.Count(); i++)
                SVMNode[] nodeSet = new SVMNode[original.ElementAt(i).Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < original.ElementAt(i).Count; j++)
                    SVMNode currentNode = new SVMNode();
                    currentNode.Index = j + 1;
                    currentNode.Value = original.ElementAt(i)[j];
                    nodeSet[j]        = currentNode;
                completeProblem.Add(nodeSet, sam.dataPoints[i].ToAVCoordinate(feelingModel));

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SVMProblem Load(string filename)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename) || !File.Exists(filename))

            NumberFormatInfo provider = new NumberFormatInfo();

            provider.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";

            SVMProblem problem = new SVMProblem();

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename))
                while (true)
                    string line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null)

                    string[] list = line.Trim().Split(' ');

                    double y = Convert.ToDouble(list[0].Trim());

                    List <SVMNode> nodes = new List <SVMNode>();
                    for (int i = 1; i < list.Length; i++)
                        string[] temp = list[i].Split(':');
                        SVMNode  node = new SVMNode();
                        node.Index = Convert.ToInt32(temp[0].Trim());
                        node.Value = Convert.ToDouble(temp[1].Trim(), provider);

                    problem.Add(nodes.ToArray(), y);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void pictureBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                int selIndex = 0;

                if (radioButton1.Checked)
                    selIndex = 0;
                if (radioButton2.Checked)
                    selIndex = 1;
                if (radioButton3.Checked)
                    selIndex = 2;
                if (radioButton4.Checked)
                    selIndex = 3;

                mList.Add(new DataInfo(selIndex, e.X, e.Y));

            else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                SVMNode[] node = new SVMNode[2];
                node[0] = new SVMNode(1, (double)e.X / (double)mWidth);
                node[1] = new SVMNode(2, (double)e.Y / (double)mHeight);

                SVMModel model  = SVM.LoadModel(FILE_MODEL);
                double   result = SVM.Predict(model, node);
                Console.WriteLine("result=" + result);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public int SVMPredict(FaceFeature.FeatureValue feature)
            if (this.LoadFlag == false)
                this.libSVM_model = SVM.LoadModel(@"model_FaceFeature.xml");
                this.LoadFlag     = true;

            //スケーリングファイルを読み込む あれば
            if (this.LoadScaleFlag == false && JudgeGUII.APPSetting.NORMALIZE_USE)
                this.LoadScaleFlag = ReadScaleFile(@"out/normalize_scale.csv");

            double[] feature_array = new double[FEATURE_COUNT];
            int      answer        = 0;

                SetFeatureToArray(feature, ref feature_array);
                if (this.LoadScaleFlag == true && JudgeGUII.APPSetting.NORMALIZE_USE)
                    execNormalize(ref feature_array);

                SVMNode[] node_array = new SVMNode[FEATURE_COUNT];

                for (int i = 0; i < FEATURE_COUNT; i++)
                    node_array[i] = new SVMNode(i + 1, feature_array[i]);

                answer = (int)SVM.Predict(libSVM_model, node_array);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public Tuple <List <double[]>, double[]> Predicting(List <IScore> scores)
            List <double[]> estimationList = new List <double[]>();

            foreach (IScore score in scores)
                List <SVMNode> X = new List <SVMNode>();
                // store score value in X
                int idx = 0;
                foreach (MassType type in types)
                    SVMNode node = new SVMNode();
                    node.Index = idx;
                    node.Value = score.GetScore(type);

            double [] target = testingProblem.PredictProbability(model, out estimationList);
            return(Tuple.Create(estimationList, target));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public static double Predict(this SVMModel model, SVMNode[] x)
     return SVM.Predict(model, x);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 private void CreateHRFeatures(List<HRDataReading> data)
     for (int time = 0; time < data.Last().timestamp - data.First().timestamp - (HR_DELAY + HR_DURATION); time += STEP_SIZE)
         SVMNode[] featureVector = new SVMNode[3];
         List<HRDataReading> d = data.SkipWhile(x => (x.timestamp - data.First().timestamp) < time + HR_DELAY).TakeWhile(x => time + HR_DURATION + HR_DELAY > (x.timestamp - data.First().timestamp)).Where(x => x.isBeat).ToList();
         if (d.Count == 0)
         featureVector[0] = new SVMNode(1, d.Select(x => (double)x.IBI).Average());
         double sd = Math.Sqrt(d.Average(x => Math.Pow((double)x.IBI - featureVector[0].Value, 2)));
         featureVector[1] = new SVMNode(2, sd);
         featureVector[2] = new SVMNode(3, FeatureCreator.HRVRMSSD(d.ToList<DataReading>()));
         featureVectors[SENSOR.HR].Add(new OneClassFV(featureVector, time));
     Log.LogMessage($"Calculation HR Feature Done: {sw.Elapsed}");
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Function which will run forever, continously classifying histogram batches into key events.
        /// </summary>
        public void run()
            List <Histogram> temp = null;
            List <Histogram> hb;

            SVMProblem problem = SVMProblemHelper.Load(PipelineConstants.SVMFeaturesFile);

            SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter();

            parameter.Type   = SVMType.C_SVC;
            parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF;
            parameter.C      = 13.9;
            parameter.Gamma  = .029;
            SVMModel model = SVM.Train(problem, parameter);

            string[]        eventTrigger = { "standing", "leftShoulder", "rightShoulder", "leftHip", "rightHip" };
            ScanCodeShort[] keyEvents    = { ScanCodeShort.KEY_S, ScanCodeShort.KEY_I, ScanCodeShort.KEY_O, ScanCodeShort.KEY_K, ScanCodeShort.KEY_L };

            // Continuously scan the histogram share point for new histogram data
            while (true)
                hb = hsp.histBatch;
                // Compare references -- if the share point has a different reference, we're out of date
                if (temp != hb && hb != null)
                    temp = hb;
                    int count = 1;
                    // Convert histogram bins into SVM feature vectors
                    List <SVMNode> nodes = new List <SVMNode>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < temp.Count; i++)
                        Histogram histObject = temp[i];
                        for (int j = 0; j < histObject.BucketCount; j++)
                            SVMNode node = new SVMNode();
                            node.Index = count++;
                            node.Value = histObject[j].Count / SkeletonFrameWindowProcessor.WindowSize;
                    // Get a prediction
                    double y = SVM.Predict(model, nodes.ToArray());
                    // Use a sliding of votes to filter out brief moments of misclassification
                    while (votingWindow.Count > VotingWindowSize)
                    // Neat one-liner taken from http://stackoverflow.com/a/8260598
                    // Group the votes, sorty by group size, select the largest, select the associated vote value
                    double vote = votingWindow.GroupBy(v => v).OrderByDescending(g => g.Count()).First().Key;

                    // Change the console title to make it clear what the classifier is seeing
                    System.Console.Title = eventTrigger[(int)vote];

                    // Only trigger a keypress when the voted value changes
                    // This has the result of holding a pose being equivalent to quickly dropping it
                    // i.e., the gesture is invariant to duration
                    if (vote != 0 && vote != previousVote)
                    previousVote = vote;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public static double PredictValues(this SVMModel model, SVMNode[] x, out double[] values)
     return PredictValues(model, x, out values);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void Fit(List <double[]> batch)
            if (this.quiet)
                libsvm.SVM.svm_set_print_string_function(new svm_print_null());

            List <SVMNode[]> vx = new List <SVMNode[]>();
            int max_index       = 0;

            int m = batch.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
                double[] x0 = batch[i];

                int n = x0.Length;

                SVMNode[] x = new SVMNode[n];
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    x[j]       = new SVMNode();
                    x[j].index = j + 1;
                    x[j].value = x0[j];

                if (n > 0)
                    max_index = Math.Max(max_index, x[n - 1].index);


            SVMProblem prob = new SVMProblem();

            prob.ProblemSize = m;
            prob.x           = new SVMNode[m][];
            for (int i = 0; i < prob.ProblemSize; i++)
                prob.x[i] = vx[i];
            prob.y = new double[m];
            for (int i = 0; i < prob.ProblemSize; i++)
                prob.y[i] = 0;

            if (param.Gamma == 0 && max_index > 0)
                param.Gamma = 1.0 / max_index;

            model = libsvm.SVM.svm_train(prob, param, (iteration) =>
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public double PredictValues(SVMNode[] x, out double[] values)
     return x.PredictValues(_ptr_model, out values);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SVMProblem trainingSet = new SVMProblem();
            SVMProblem testSet     = trainingSet;

            foreach (DataInfo info in mList)
                SVMNode[] node = new SVMNode[2];
                node[0] = new SVMNode(1, info.X / mWidth);
                node[1] = new SVMNode(2, info.Y / mHeight);
                trainingSet.Add(node, info.Group);

            // Normalize the datasets if you want: L2 Norm => x / ||x||
            //trainingSet = trainingSet.Normalize(SVMNormType.L2);

            // Select the parameter set
            SVMParameter parameter = new SVMParameter();

            parameter.Type   = SVMType.C_SVC;
            parameter.Kernel = SVMKernelType.RBF;
            parameter.C      = 1;
            parameter.Gamma  = 4;
            parameter.Coef0  = hScrollBar1.Value;
            parameter.Degree = 3;

            // Do cross validation to check this parameter set is correct for the dataset or not
            double[] crossValidationResults; // output labels
            int      nFold = 5;

            trainingSet.CrossValidation(parameter, nFold, out crossValidationResults);

            // Evaluate the cross validation result
            // If it is not good enough, select the parameter set again
            double crossValidationAccuracy = trainingSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(crossValidationResults);

            // Train the model, If your parameter set gives good result on cross validation
            SVMModel model = trainingSet.Train(parameter);

            // Save the model
            SVM.SaveModel(model, FILE_MODEL);

            // Predict the instances in the test set
            double[] testResults = testSet.Predict(model);

            // Evaluate the test results
            int[,] confusionMatrix;
            double testAccuracy = testSet.EvaluateClassificationProblem(testResults, model.Labels, out confusionMatrix);

            // Print the resutls
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nCross validation accuracy: " + crossValidationAccuracy);
            Console.WriteLine("\nTest accuracy: " + testAccuracy);
            Console.WriteLine("\nConfusion matrix:\n");

            // Print formatted confusion matrix
            Console.Write(String.Format("{0,6}", ""));
            for (int i = 0; i < model.Labels.Length; i++)
                Console.Write(String.Format("{0,5}", "(" + model.Labels[i] + ")"));
            for (int i = 0; i < confusionMatrix.GetLength(0); i++)
                Console.Write(String.Format("{0,5}", "(" + model.Labels[i] + ")"));
                for (int j = 0; j < confusionMatrix.GetLength(1); j++)
                    Console.Write(String.Format("{0,5}", confusionMatrix[i, j]));

            Pen[] pen = new Pen[4];
            pen[0] = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
            pen[1] = new Pen(Color.Red, 1);
            pen[2] = new Pen(Color.LightGreen, 1);
            pen[3] = new Pen(Color.Blue, 1);

            Pen[] pen2 = new Pen[4];
            pen2[0] = new Pen(Color.LightGray, 1);
            pen2[1] = new Pen(Color.DarkRed, 1);
            pen2[2] = new Pen(Color.DarkGreen, 1);
            pen2[3] = new Pen(Color.DarkBlue, 1);

            Bitmap canvas = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.ClientSize.Width, pictureBox1.ClientSize.Height);

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(canvas))
                for (int i = 0; i < pictureBox1.ClientSize.Width; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < pictureBox1.ClientSize.Height; j++)
                        SVMNode[] node = new SVMNode[2];
                        node[0] = new SVMNode(1, (double)i / (double)mWidth);
                        node[1] = new SVMNode(2, (double)j / (double)mHeight);

                        double result = SVM.Predict(model, node);
                        g.DrawRectangle(pen2[(int)result], i, j, 1, 1);

                foreach (DataInfo info in mList)
                    g.DrawEllipse(pen[(int)info.Group], (float)info.X - 5, (float)info.Y - 5, 5, 5);

            Bitmap image = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.ClientSize.Width, pictureBox1.ClientSize.Height);

            pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = canvas; // 設置為背景層
            pictureBox1.CreateGraphics().DrawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model"></param>
 /// <param name="x"></param>
 /// <param name="values"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static double PredictValues(SVMModel model, SVMNode[] x, out double[] values)
     IntPtr ptr_model = SVMModel.Allocate(model);
     double result = PredictValues(ptr_model, x, out values);
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Item1 is the training set, Item2 is the prediction set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="original"></param>
        /// <param name="nFold"></param>
        /// <returns>returns null if the collection can't be nfolded</returns>
        public static List <Tuple <SVMProblem, SVMProblem> > GetCrossValidationSets <T>(this IEnumerable <List <double> > original, SAMData samData, SAMDataPoint.FeelingModel feelingsmodel, int nFold, bool UseIAPSRatings = false)
            //TODO: Needs to be tested, can't test before data can be loaded into the program
            List <Tuple <SVMProblem, SVMProblem> > allSets = new List <Tuple <SVMProblem, SVMProblem> >();

            if (original.Count() % nFold != 0)

            //Full List of indicies
            List <int> counter = new List <int>();

            for (int k = 0; k < original.Count(); k++)
            //Divide indicies into correct nfold
            List <List <int> > trainIndicies   = new List <List <int> >();
            List <List <int> > predictIndicies = new List <List <int> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < original.Count(); i += nFold)
                var temp = counter.Skip(i).Take(nFold).ToList();

            for (int j = 0; j < original.Count(); j++)
                //Create training problem
                SVMProblem trainSVMProblem = new SVMProblem();
                //Foreach training index, add features to the problem
                foreach (int trainIndex in trainIndicies[j])
                    SVMNode[] featureVector = new SVMNode[original.ElementAt(trainIndex).Count];
                    for (int w = 0; w < original.ElementAt(trainIndex).Count; w++)
                        featureVector[w] = new SVMNode(w + 1, original.ElementAt(trainIndex)[w]);
                    trainSVMProblem.Add(featureVector, samData.dataPoints[trainIndex].ToAVCoordinate(feelingsmodel, UseIAPSRatings));

                //Create predict problem
                SVMProblem predictSVMProblem = new SVMProblem();
                //Foreach predict index, add features to the problem
                foreach (int predictIndex in predictIndicies[j])
                    SVMNode[] featureVector = new SVMNode[original.ElementAt(predictIndex).Count];
                    for (int w = 0; w < original.ElementAt(predictIndex).Count; w++)
                        featureVector[w] = new SVMNode(w + 1, original.ElementAt(predictIndex)[w]);
                    predictSVMProblem.Add(featureVector, samData.dataPoints[predictIndex].ToAVCoordinate(feelingsmodel, UseIAPSRatings));

                allSets.Add(new Tuple <SVMProblem, SVMProblem>(trainSVMProblem, predictSVMProblem));

Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// This function does classification or regression on a test vector x given a model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">SVM model.</param>
        /// <param name="x">Test vector.</param>
        /// <returns>For a classification model, the predicted class for x is returned.
        /// For a regression model, the function value of x calculated using the model is returned. 
        /// For an one-class model, +1 or -1 is returned.</returns>
        public static double Predict(SVMModel model, SVMNode[] x)
            if (model == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("model");

            if (x == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("x");

            IntPtr ptr_model = SVMModel.Allocate(model);
            double result = Predict(ptr_model, x);
            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        private void CreateFACEFeatures(List<DataReading> data)
            List<int> leftSide = new List<int>() { 5, 13, 15 };
            for (int time = 0; time < data.Last().timestamp - data.First().timestamp - (FACE_DELAY + FACE_DURATION); time += STEP_SIZE)
                List<DataReading> dataSlice = data.SkipWhile(x => (x.timestamp - data.First().timestamp) < FACE_DELAY + time).TakeWhile(x => time + FACE_DELAY + FACE_DURATION > (x.timestamp - data.First().timestamp)).ToList();
                if (dataSlice.Count == 0)

                SVMNode[] featureVector = new SVMNode[4];
                double average12 = dataSlice.Average(d => ((FaceDataReading)d).data[FaceShapeAnimations.RighteyeClosed]);
                double average11 = dataSlice.Average(d => ((FaceDataReading)d).data[FaceShapeAnimations.LefteyeClosed]);

                double sd12 = Math.Sqrt(dataSlice.Average(x => Math.Pow(((FaceDataReading)x).data[FaceShapeAnimations.RighteyeClosed] - average12, 2)));
                double sd11 = Math.Sqrt(dataSlice.Average(x => Math.Pow(((FaceDataReading)x).data[FaceShapeAnimations.LefteyeClosed] - average11, 2)));
                featureVector[0] = new SVMNode(1, average11);
                featureVector[1] = new SVMNode(2, average12);
                featureVector[2] = new SVMNode(3, sd11);
                featureVector[3] = new SVMNode(4, sd12);

                featureVectors[SENSOR.FACE].Add(new OneClassFV(featureVector, time));

            Log.LogMessage($"Calculation FACE Feature: {sw.Elapsed}");
Ejemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model"></param>
 /// <param name="x"></param>
 /// <param name="estimations"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static double PredictProbability(SVMModel model, SVMNode[] x, out double[] estimations)
     IntPtr ptr_model = SVMModel.Allocate(model);
     double result = PredictProbability(ptr_model, x, out estimations);
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public double Predict(SVMNode[] x)
     return x.Predict(_ptr_model);
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (field1.Text != "" && field2.Text != "")
                sentence1 = Sentence.ParseIntoSentence(field1.Text, 1, true);
                sentence2 = Sentence.ParseIntoSentence(field2.Text, 2, true);
                if (sentence1 != null && sentence2 != null)
                    List <SVMNode> nodes = new List <SVMNode>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < Corpus.count; j++)
                        SVMNode sentenceNode = new SVMNode(j, 0);
                    for (int j = 0; j < sentence1.SentenceWords.Count; j++)
                        CorpusWord cw                   = Corpus.CorpusList.Find(c => c.Word.Equals(sentence1.SentenceWords[j].Stem.Word) && c.Attribute.Equals(sentence1.SentenceWords[j].Stem.Attribute));
                        SVMNode    sentenceNode         = new SVMNode(Corpus.CorpusList.IndexOf(cw), 1);
                        SVMNode    sentenceNodeToRemove = new SVMNode(Corpus.CorpusList.IndexOf(cw), 0);
                    SVMNode[] sentenceNodes = nodes.ToArray();
                    sentenceNodes = sentenceNodes.OrderBy(x => x.Index).ToArray();

                    double s1_prediction = SVM.Predict(SVMInterface.model, sentenceNodes);

                    nodes = new List <SVMNode>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < Corpus.count; j++)
                        SVMNode sentenceNode = new SVMNode(j, 0);
                    for (int j = 0; j < sentence2.SentenceWords.Count; j++)
                        CorpusWord cw                   = Corpus.CorpusList.Find(c => c.Word.Equals(sentence2.SentenceWords[j].Stem.Word) && c.Attribute.Equals(sentence2.SentenceWords[j].Stem.Attribute));
                        SVMNode    sentenceNode         = new SVMNode(Corpus.CorpusList.IndexOf(cw), 1);
                        SVMNode    sentenceNodeToRemove = new SVMNode(Corpus.CorpusList.IndexOf(cw), 0);
                    sentenceNodes = nodes.ToArray();
                    sentenceNodes = sentenceNodes.OrderBy(x => x.Index).ToArray();

                    double s2_prediction = SVM.Predict(SVMInterface.model, sentenceNodes);

                    Console.WriteLine(s1_prediction + " " + s2_prediction);

                    if (s1_prediction != s2_prediction)
                        result.Text = "UNRELATED";
                    else if (sentence1 != null && sentence2 != null)
                        if (sentence1.Polarity == sentence2.Polarity)
                            result.Text = "NO CONTRADICTION";
                        if (sentence1.Polarity != sentence2.Polarity)
                            result.Text = "CONTRADICTION";
Ejemplo n.º 35
 /// <summary>
 /// This function does classification or regression on a test vector x given a model.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model">SVM model.</param>
 /// <param name="x">Test vector.</param>
 /// <returns>For a classification model, the predicted class for x is returned.
 /// For a regression model, the function value of x calculated using the model is returned. 
 /// For an one-class model, +1 or -1 is returned.</returns>
 public static double Predict(SVMModel model, SVMNode[] x)
     IntPtr ptr_model = SVMModel.Allocate(model);
     double result = Predict(ptr_model, x);
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SVMProblem Load(string filename)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename) || !File.Exists(filename))
                return null;

            NumberFormatInfo provider = new NumberFormatInfo();
            provider.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";

            SVMProblem problem = new SVMProblem();
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename))
                while (true)
                    string line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null)

                    string[] list = line.Trim().Split(' ');

                    double y = Convert.ToDouble(list[0].Trim(), provider);

                    List<SVMNode> nodes = new List<SVMNode>();
                    for (int i = 1; i < list.Length; i++)
                        string[] temp = list[i].Split(':');
                        SVMNode node = new SVMNode();
                        node.Index = Convert.ToInt32(temp[0].Trim());
                        node.Value = Convert.ToDouble(temp[1].Trim(), provider);

                    problem.Add(nodes.ToArray(), y);

            return problem;
Ejemplo n.º 37
 public static double PredictProbability(this SVMModel model, SVMNode[] x, out double[] estimations)
     return SVM.PredictProbability(model, x, out estimations);
Ejemplo n.º 38
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="estimations"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double PredictProbability(SVMModel model, SVMNode[] x, out double[] estimations)
            if (model == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("model");

            if (x == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("x");

            IntPtr ptr_model = SVMModel.Allocate(model);
            double result = PredictProbability(ptr_model, x, out estimations);
            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 39
 public double PredictProbability(SVMNode[] x, out double[] estimations)
     return x.PredictProbability(_ptr_model, out estimations);
        private async Task PerformAnalysis(String path, Rectangle rectangle)
            UShortArrayAsImage image = null;

            double[] pcaComponents = null;
            int      tasksComplete = 0;

            UpdateStatus(path, startingImageStatusStr);
            List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>()
                new Task(() =>
                    var file = db.FileStorage.FindById($"images/{path}");
                    var ms   = new MemoryStream();
                    ms.Seek(0, 0);
                    image = DicomFile.Open(ms).GetUshortImageInfo();

                    UpdateStatus(path, loadedImageStatusStr);
                new Task(() =>
                    image = Normalization.GetNormalizedImage(image, rectangle,
                    db.FileStorage.Upload($"images/{path}-cropped", $"{path}-cropped",

                    UpdateStatus(path, croppedImageStatusStr);
                new Task(() =>
                    image = Contrast.ApplyHistogramEqualization(image);

                    db.FileStorage.Upload($"images/{path}-croppedContrast", $"{path}-croppedContrast",

                    UpdateStatus(path, contrastImageStatusStr);
                new Task(() =>
                    PCA pca = PCA.LoadModelFromFile(Configuration.Get("PcaModelLocation"));

                    if (!int.TryParse(Configuration.Get("componentsToUse"), out int components))
                        components = pca.Eigenvalues.Length;
                    pcaComponents = pca.GetComponentsFromImage(image, components);
                    UpdateStatus(path, pcaImageStatusStr);
                new Task(() =>
                    SVMProblem svmProblem = new SVMProblem();

                    // add all the components to an SVMNode[]
                    SVMNode[] nodes = new SVMNode[pcaComponents.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < pcaComponents.Length; i++)
                        nodes[i] = new SVMNode(i + 1, pcaComponents[i]);

                    svmProblem.Add(nodes, 0);

                    svmProblem = svmProblem.Normalize(SVMNormType.L2);

                    SVMModel svmModel = SVM.LoadModel(Configuration.Get("ModelLocation"));

                    double[] results = svmProblem.PredictProbability(svmModel, out var probabilities);

                    var analysis              = db.GetCollection <Analysis>("analysis");
                    Analysis currentAnalysis  = analysis.FindOne(x => x.Id.ToString().Equals(path));
                    currentAnalysis.Certainty = results[0] == 0 ? probabilities[0][1] * 100 : probabilities[0][0] * 100;
                    currentAnalysis.Diagnosis = results[0] == 0
                        ? DdsmImage.Pathologies.Benign
                        : DdsmImage.Pathologies

                    UpdateStatus(path, svmImageStatusStr);

            foreach (Task task in tasks)
                await task;

                // lets set percentage done:
                var      analysis        = db.GetCollection <Analysis>("analysis");
                Analysis currentAnalysis = analysis.FindOne(x => x.Id.ToString().Equals(path));
                currentAnalysis.PercentageDone = (++tasksComplete * 100) / tasks.Count;

            UpdateStatus(path, doneStatusStr);
Ejemplo n.º 41
        // label: 1.0 : -1.0
        public AccuracyMetric Fit(List <KeyValuePair <double[], bool> > train_data, List <KeyValuePair <double[], bool> > test_data)
            if (this.quiet)
                libsvm.SVM.svm_set_print_string_function(new svm_print_null());

            List <double>    vy = new List <double>();
            List <SVMNode[]> vx = new List <SVMNode[]>();
            int max_index       = 0;

            int m = train_data.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
                double[] x0 = train_data[i].Key;
                int      n  = x0.Length;

                vy.Add(train_data[i].Value ? 1 : -1);

                SVMNode[] x = new SVMNode[n];
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    x[j]       = new SVMNode();
                    x[j].index = j + 1;
                    x[j].value = x0[j];

                if (n > 0)
                    max_index = Math.Max(max_index, x[n - 1].index);


            SVMProblem prob = new SVMProblem();

            prob.ProblemSize = m;
            prob.x           = new SVMNode[m][];
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                prob.x[i] = vx[i];
            prob.y = new double[m];
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                prob.y[i] = vy[i];

            if (_param.Gamma == 0 && max_index > 0)
                _param.Gamma = 1.0 / max_index;

            model = libsvm.SVM.svm_train(prob, _param, (state) => { return(false); });

            AccuracyMetric metric = new AccuracyMetric();

            metric.TrainAccuracy = GetAccuracy(train_data);
            metric.TestAccuracy  = GetAccuracy(test_data);
Ejemplo n.º 42
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptr_model"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="values"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double PredictValues(IntPtr ptr_model, SVMNode[] x, out double[] values)
            if (ptr_model == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ptr_model");

            int classCount = libsvm.svm_get_nr_class(ptr_model);
            int size = (int)(classCount * (classCount - 1) * 0.5);
            IntPtr ptr_values = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * size);

            List<SVMNode> nodes = x.Select(a => a.Clone()).ToList();
            nodes.Add(new SVMNode(-1, 0));
            IntPtr ptr_nodes = SVMNode.Allocate(nodes.ToArray());

            double result = libsvm.svm_predict_values(ptr_model, ptr_nodes, ptr_values);

            values = new double[size];
            Marshal.Copy(ptr_values, values, 0, values.Length);

            ptr_values = IntPtr.Zero;

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 43
        private void CreateEEGFeatures(List<DataReading> data)
            for (int time = 0; time < data.Last().timestamp - data.First().timestamp - (EEG_DELAY + EEG_DURATION); time += STEP_SIZE)
                SVMNode[] featureVector = new SVMNode[10];
                List<DataReading> slice = data.SkipWhile(x => (x.timestamp - data.First().timestamp) < EEG_DELAY + time).TakeWhile(x => time + EEG_DELAY + EEG_DURATION > (x.timestamp - data.First().timestamp)).ToList();
                List<string> names = new List<string>() { "Delta", "Theta", "Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma" };
                if (slice.Count == 0)
                int counter = 0;
                foreach (string name in names)
                    featureVector[counter] = new SVMNode(counter + 1, FeatureCreator.DASM(slice, name,
                        (x => FeatureCreator.EEGValueAccessor(x, EEGDataReading.ELECTRODE.AF3.ToString())),
                        (x => FeatureCreator.EEGValueAccessor(x, EEGDataReading.ELECTRODE.AF4.ToString()))));
                    featureVector[counter] = new SVMNode(counter + 1, FeatureCreator.DASM(slice, name,
                        (x => FeatureCreator.EEGValueAccessor(x, EEGDataReading.ELECTRODE.F3.ToString())),
                        (x => FeatureCreator.EEGValueAccessor(x, EEGDataReading.ELECTRODE.F4.ToString()))));
                featureVectors[SENSOR.EEG].Add(new OneClassFV(featureVector, time));

            Log.LogMessage($"Calculation EEG Feature: {sw.Elapsed}");
Ejemplo n.º 44
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptr_model"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double Predict(IntPtr ptr_model, SVMNode[] x)
            if (ptr_model == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ptr_model");

            List<SVMNode> nodes = x.Select(a => a.Clone()).ToList();
            nodes.Add(new SVMNode(-1, 0));
            IntPtr ptr_nodes = SVMNode.Allocate(nodes.ToArray());

            double result = libsvm.svm_predict(ptr_model, ptr_nodes);


            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 45
        private void CreateGSRFeatures(List<GSRDataReading> data)
            for (int time = 0; time < data.Last().timestamp - data.First().timestamp - (GSR_DELAY + GSR_DURATION); time += STEP_SIZE)
                SVMNode[] featureVector = new SVMNode[4];
                List<double> slice = data.SkipWhile(x => (x.timestamp - data.First().timestamp) < GSR_DELAY + time).TakeWhile(x => time + GSR_DELAY + GSR_DURATION > (x.timestamp - data.First().timestamp)).Select(x => (double)x.resistance).ToList();
                if (slice.Count == 0)
                featureVector[0] = new SVMNode(1, slice.Average());
                double sd = Math.Sqrt(slice.Average(x => Math.Pow(x - slice.Average(), 2)));
                featureVector[1] = new SVMNode(2, sd);
                featureVector[2] = new SVMNode(3, slice.Max());
                featureVector[3] = new SVMNode(4, slice.Min());
                featureVectors[SENSOR.GSR].Add(new OneClassFV(featureVector, time));

            Log.LogMessage($"Calculation GSR Feature: {sw.Elapsed}");
Ejemplo n.º 46
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptr_model"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="estimations"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double PredictProbability(IntPtr ptr_model, SVMNode[] x, out double[] estimations)
            if (ptr_model == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ptr_model");

            bool isProbabilityModel = libsvm.svm_check_probability_model(ptr_model);
            if (!isProbabilityModel)
                estimations = null;
                return -1;

            int classCount = libsvm.svm_get_nr_class(ptr_model);

            IntPtr ptr_estimations = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double)) * classCount);
            List<SVMNode> nodes = x.Select(a => a.Clone()).ToList();
            nodes.Add(new SVMNode(-1, 0));
            IntPtr ptr_nodes = SVMNode.Allocate(nodes.ToArray());

            double result = libsvm.svm_predict_probability(ptr_model, ptr_nodes, ptr_estimations);

            estimations = new double[classCount];
            Marshal.Copy(ptr_estimations, estimations, 0, estimations.Length);

            ptr_estimations = IntPtr.Zero;

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 47
        public void Debug_DispPredict()
            this.libSVM_model = SVM.LoadModel(@"libsvm_model.xml");

            using (IplImage retPlot = new IplImage(300, 300, BitDepth.U8, 3))
                for (int x = 0; x < 300; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < 300; y++)
                        float[] sample = { x / 300f, y / 300f };
                        SVMNode[] node_array = new SVMNode[2];
                        node_array[0] = new SVMNode(1, sample[0]);
                        node_array[1] = new SVMNode(2, sample[1]);
                        int ret_double = (int)SVM.Predict(libSVM_model, node_array);
                        int ret_i = (int)ret_double;
                        CvRect plotRect = new CvRect(x, 300 - y, 1, 1);
                        if (ret_i == 1)
                            retPlot.Rectangle(plotRect, CvColor.Red);
                        else if (ret_i == 2)
                            retPlot.Rectangle(plotRect, CvColor.GreenYellow);