Ejemplo n.º 1
        public CommunicatorCore(IChatForm form)
            if (form == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("form");

            fConnected = false;
            fForm      = form;
            fLogger    = LogManager.GetLogger(ProtocolHelper.LOG_FILE, ProtocolHelper.LOG_LEVEL, "ChatDHTCP");
            fPeers     = new List <Peer>();
            fSTUNInfo  = null;

            fProfile = new UserProfile();

            fDatabase = IDatabase.CreateDefault();

            fDHTClient                   = new DHTClient(DHTClient.IPAnyAddress, DHTClient.PublicDHTPort, this, ProtocolHelper.CLIENT_VER);
            fDHTClient.PeersFound       += OnPeersFound;
            fDHTClient.PeerPinged       += OnPeerPinged;
            fDHTClient.QueryReceived    += OnQueryReceive;
            fDHTClient.ResponseReceived += OnResponseReceive;


            fTCPClient              = new TCPDuplexClient();
            fTCPClient.DataReceive += OnDataReceive;

            fTCPListenerPort = ProtocolHelper.PublicTCPPort;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void DetectSTUN(string stunServer, Socket socket)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stunServer))
                throw new Exception("Not specified STUN server");

            STUN_Result result = null;

            try {
                result = STUN_Client.Query(stunServer, 3478, socket);

                fLogger.WriteInfo("STUN Info:");
                fLogger.WriteInfo("NetType: {0}", result.NetType.ToString());
                fLogger.WriteInfo("LocalEndPoint: {0}", socket.LocalEndPoint.ToString());
                if (result.NetType != STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
                    fPublicEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(result.PublicEndPoint.Address, ProtocolHelper.PublicTCPPort);
                    fLogger.WriteInfo("PublicEndPoint: {0}", result.PublicEndPoint.ToString());
                    fPublicEndPoint = null;
                    fLogger.WriteInfo("PublicEndPoint: -");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                fLogger.WriteError("DetectSTUN() error", ex);

            fSTUNInfo = result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static STUN_Result Detect(int portNumber)
            fLogger.WriteInfo("STUN detecting started");

            using (Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp)) {
                socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, portNumber));

                fLogger.WriteInfo("Local Endpoint: " + socket.LocalEndPoint);

                STUN_Result result = STUN_Client.Query("stun1.l.google.com", 19302, socket);
                if (result.NetType == STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
                    foreach (var item in STUNProviders)
                        var res = STUN_Client.Query(item.Address, item.Port, socket);
                        if (res.NetType != STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
                            result = res;

                fLogger.WriteInfo("NAT Type: " + result.NetType);
                if (result.NetType != STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
                    fLogger.WriteInfo("Public Endpoint: " + result.PublicEndPoint);

                fLogger.WriteInfo("STUN detecting finished");

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void DetectSTUN(string stunServer, Socket socket)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stunServer))
                throw new ArgumentException("Not specified STUN server");

            STUN_Result result = null;

            try {
                result = STUN_Client.Query(stunServer, 3478, socket);

                fLogger.WriteInfo("STUN Info:");
                fLogger.WriteInfo("NetType: {0}", result.NetType);
                fLogger.WriteInfo("LocalEndPoint: {0}", socket.LocalEndPoint);
                if (result.NetType != STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
                    fPublicEndPoint = result.PublicEndPoint;
                    fPublicEndPoint = null;
                fLogger.WriteInfo("PublicEndPoint: {0}", fPublicEndPoint);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                fLogger.WriteError("DetectSTUN() error", ex);

            fSTUNInfo = result;
            fDHTClient.PublicEndPoint = fPublicEndPoint;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static void ReceiveSTUN()
            var         strHostName    = Dns.GetHostName();
            IPHostEntry ipEntry        = Dns.GetHostEntry(strHostName);
            var         localIPAddress = ipEntry.AddressList.First();

            Console.WriteLine($"Local IP: {localIPAddress}");

            var localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(localIPAddress, 4711);

            // Create new socket for STUN client.
            Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

            socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true);

            Console.WriteLine("Querying STUN server...");
            STUN_Result result = STUN_Client.Query("stun.sipgate.net", 3478, socket);

            if (result.NetType == STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: UDP blocked or bad STUN server");
                Console.WriteLine($"Success: Public Endpoint is {result.PublicEndPoint.ToString()} Type: {result.NetType}");

                Listen(new IPEndPoint(localIPAddress, result.PublicEndPoint.Port));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Test_STUN_Result_ctor()
            var endPoint   = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8000);
            var stunResult = new STUN_Result(STUN_NetType.PortRestrictedCone, endPoint);

            Assert.AreEqual(STUN_NetType.PortRestrictedCone, stunResult.NetType);
            Assert.AreEqual(endPoint, stunResult.PublicEndPoint);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static string GetPublicIpAdress(IPAddress ip, int port)
     socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
     //сюда вставить локальный ip адрес
     socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(ip, port));
     STUN = STUN_Client.Query(stunServer, stunPort, socket);
     return(string.Format("{0}:{1}", STUN.PublicEndPoint.Address.ToString(), STUN.PublicEndPoint.Port));
        public CommunicatorCore(IChatForm form)
            if (form == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("form");

            fConnectionState = ConnectionState.Disconnected;
            fForm            = form;
            fLogger          = LogManager.GetLogger(ProtocolHelper.LOG_FILE, ProtocolHelper.LOG_LEVEL, "CommCore");
            fPeers           = new List <Peer>();

            fProfile = new UserProfile();

            fDatabase = new GKNetDatabase();

            fBlockchainNode = new BlockchainNode(this, fDatabase);

            fDataPlugins = new List <IDataPlugin>();

            Port = DHTClient.PublicDHTPort;
            fLogger.WriteInfo("Port: {0}", Port);

            try {
                fSTUNInfo       = STUNUtility.Detect(Port);
                fPublicEndPoint = (fSTUNInfo.NetType != STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked) ? fSTUNInfo.PublicEndPoint : null;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                fLogger.WriteError("DetectSTUN() error", ex);
                fPublicEndPoint = null;

            if (UPnPEnabled)

            fDHTClient = new DHTClient(new IPEndPoint(DHTClient.IPAnyAddress, Port), this, ProtocolHelper.CLIENT_VER);
            fDHTClient.PublicEndPoint    = fPublicEndPoint;
            fDHTClient.PeersFound       += OnPeersFound;
            fDHTClient.PeerPinged       += OnPeerPinged;
            fDHTClient.QueryReceived    += OnQueryReceive;
            fDHTClient.ResponseReceived += OnResponseReceive;


            fTCPClient              = new TCPDuplexClient();
            fTCPClient.DataReceive += OnDataReceive;

            fTCPListenerPort = ProtocolHelper.PublicTCPPort;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public CommunicatorCore(IChatForm form)
            if (form == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("form");

            fConnected = false;
            fForm      = form;
            fLogger    = LogManager.GetLogger(ProtocolHelper.LOG_FILE, ProtocolHelper.LOG_LEVEL, "ChatDHTCP");
            fProfile   = new UserProfile();
            fParser    = new BencodeParser();
            fPeers     = new List <Peer>();
            fSTUNInfo  = null;

            int dhtPort = DHTClient.PublicDHTPort;

            fDHTClient             = new DHTClient(DHTClient.IPAnyAddress, dhtPort, this, CLIENT_VER);
            fDHTClient.PeersFound += delegate(object sender, PeersFoundEventArgs e) {
                fLogger.WriteInfo(string.Format("Found DHT peers: {0}", e.Peers.Count));

                bool changed = false;
                foreach (var p in e.Peers)
                    changed = UpdatePeer(p);

                if (changed)
            fDHTClient.PeerPinged += delegate(object sender, PeerPingedEventArgs e) {
                fLogger.WriteInfo(string.Format("Peer pinged: {0}", e.EndPoint));

                bool changed = CheckPeer(e.EndPoint);

                if (changed)
                    SendData(e.EndPoint, ProtocolHelper.CreateGetPeerInfoQuery());
            fDHTClient.QueryReceived    += OnQueryReceive;
            fDHTClient.ResponseReceived += OnResponseReceive;


            fTCPClient              = new TCPDuplexClient();
            fTCPClient.DataReceive += OnDataReceive;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static void CreateNATMapping(STUN_Result stunResult)
            fLogger = LogManager.GetLogger(ProtocolHelper.LOG_FILE, ProtocolHelper.LOG_LEVEL, "NATMapper");

            if (stunResult.NetType == STUN_NetType.OpenInternet)

            NatUtility.DeviceFound += DeviceFound;
            NatUtility.DeviceLost  += DeviceLost;

            fLogger.WriteInfo("NAT Discovery started");
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static STUN_Result StartStun(string stunaddress, int stunport, UdpClient udp = null)
            if (udp == null)
                udp = new UdpClient(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8787));

            // GoogleのSTUNサーバーに問い合わせる
            Console.WriteLine("Connecting... " + stunaddress + ":" + stunport);

            STUN_Result result = STUN_Client.Query(stunaddress, stunport, udp);

            Console.WriteLine("[STUN] EndPoint:" + result.PublicEndPoint.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("[STUN] NetType:" + result.NetType.ToString());

            if (result.NetType == STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
                // UDPがブロックされる
                Console.WriteLine("[STUN] UDP is always blocked.");
            else if (result.NetType == STUN_NetType.SymmetricUdpFirewall)
                Console.WriteLine("[STUN] SymmetricUdpFirewall");
            else if (result.NetType == STUN_NetType.Symmetric)
                Console.WriteLine("[STUN] Symmetric NAT");
            else if (result.NetType == STUN_NetType.PortRestrictedCone)
                // 相手がシンメトリックだった場合に通信できないので、ホスト対応から外す
                Console.WriteLine("[STUN] PortRestrictedCone");
            else if (result.NetType == STUN_NetType.RestrictedCone)
                // Clientのエフェメラルポートがわかれば対応できるが、netcodeの実装上使うポートが不明なので一旦非対応
                Console.WriteLine("[STUN] RestrictedCone");
                Console.WriteLine("[STUN] Host Ready");

            // 上記以外のNATはUDPホールパンチング対応

Ejemplo n.º 12
 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     this.Cursor             = Cursors.WaitCursor;
     connectToServer.Visible = false;
     startServer.Visible     = false;
     chatInput.Visible       = false;
     chatOutput.Visible      = false;
         Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
         socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, portNumber));
         STUN_Result result = STUN_Client.Query("stun1.l.google.com", 19302, socket);
         if (result.NetType == STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
             PrintOutput("Did not manage to contact STUN server, trying alternatives");
             foreach (var item in STUN_PROVIDERS)
                 var res = STUN_Client.Query(item.Item1, item.Item2, socket);
                 if (res.NetType != STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
                     result = res;
         PrintOutput("NAT Type: " + result.NetType.ToString());
         PrintOutput("Local Endpoint: " + socket.LocalEndPoint.ToString());
         if (result.NetType != STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
             PrintOutput("Public Endpoint: " + result.PublicEndPoint.ToString());
             var id = Base64Encode(result.PublicEndPoint.ToString());
             idText.Text = id;
     catch (Exception x)
         MessageBox.Show(this, "Error: " + x.ToString(), "Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
         this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        IPEndPoint getEndpoint()
            // Query STUN server
            STUN_Result result = STUN_Client.Query("stun.l.google.com", 19302, udpClient.Client);

            if (result.NetType == STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
                // UDP blocked or !!!! bad STUN server
                IPEndPoint publicEP = result.PublicEndPoint;
                // Do your stuff
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void SysInfoWin_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var peerInfo = new PeerProfile();


            textBox1.Text += "UserName: "******"\r\n";
            textBox1.Text += "UserCountry: " + peerInfo.Country + "\r\n";
            textBox1.Text += "TimeZone: " + peerInfo.TimeZone + "\r\n";
            textBox1.Text += "Languages: " + peerInfo.Languages + "\r\n\r\n\r\n";

            string server = "stun.ekiga.net";

            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            try {
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(server))
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "Please specify STUN server!", "Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
                socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));

                STUN_Result result = STUN_Client.Query(server, 3478, socket);
                textBox1.Text += "NET type: " + result.NetType.ToString() + "\r\n";
                textBox1.Text += "Local end point: " + socket.LocalEndPoint.ToString() + "\r\n";
                if (result.NetType != STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
                    textBox1.Text += "Public end point: " + result.PublicEndPoint.ToString() + "\r\n";
                    textBox1.Text += "Public end point: -\r\n";
            } catch (Exception x) {
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Error: " + x.ToString(), "Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            } finally {
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Socket socket = new Socket
                                (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

            socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));

            // Query STUN server
            STUN_Result result = STUN_Client.Query("stun.sipgate.net", 3478, socket);

            if (result.NetType != STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
                // UDP blocked or !!!! bad STUN server
                IPEndPoint publicEP = result.PublicEndPoint;
                // Do your stuff
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void STUN()
     if (UniP2PManager.AdvancedSettings.isSTUN)
         STUN_Result result = STUN_Client.Query(UniP2PManager.AdvancedSettings.STUNURL, UniP2PManager.AdvancedSettings.STUNPort, UdpSocket);
         Debugger.Log("[STUN] NetType:" + result.NetType.ToString());
         if (result.NetType == STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
             Debugger.Error("[STUN] UDP blocked");
             HLAPI.NetworkErrorCanvas.isError = true;
         else if (result.NetType == STUN_NetType.Symmetric || result.NetType == STUN_NetType.SymmetricUdpFirewall)
             Debugger.Log("[STUN] Symmetric NAT");
             HLAPI.NetworkErrorCanvas.isError = true;
             IPEndPoint publicEP = result.PublicEndPoint;
             Debugger.Log("[STUN] IPEndPoint:" + publicEP.Address + ":" + publicEP.Port);
             STUNIPEndPoint = publicEP;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public async Task launch()
            SystemLog.addEntry("Beginning network setup...");
            SystemLog.addEntry("Deleting old UPnP mappings...");
            if (App.settings.getBool("Use UPnP", true))
                bool done = false;
                System.Threading.Semaphore s = new System.Threading.Semaphore(0, 1);
                System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(async delegate()
                    await unMapPorts();
                    done = true;
                t.IsBackground = true;
                t.Name         = "UPnP test thread";

                if (!done)
                if (!done)
                    SystemLog.addEntry("Failed to find UPnP router in a timely fashion. Disabling UPnP...");
                    UPnPActive = false;
            SystemLog.addEntry("Binding UDP sockets.");
            Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

            listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, App.settings.getInt("Default Data Port", 0));

            internalDataPort = ((IPEndPoint)listener.Server.LocalEndPoint).Port;
            SystemLog.addEntry("Binding to TCP port " + internalDataPort.ToString());
            int control = App.settings.getInt("Default Control Port", 0);

            if (control == Dimension.Model.NetConstants.controlPort)
                control = 0;
            unreliableClient    = new UdpClient(control);
            internalControlPort = ((IPEndPoint)unreliableClient.Client.LocalEndPoint).Port;
            if (control == 0)
                App.settings.setInt("Default Control Port", internalControlPort);
            SystemLog.addEntry("Successfully bound to UDP control port " + internalControlPort);

            publicControlEndPoint = (IPEndPoint)unreliableClient.Client.LocalEndPoint;
            publicDataEndPoint    = (IPEndPoint)listener.Server.LocalEndPoint;


            if (App.settings.getBool("Use UPnP", true) == false || LANMode || !UPnPActive || behindDoubleNAT)
                SystemLog.addEntry("STUNning NAT");
                    string      stunUrl = "stun.l.google.com";
                    STUN_Result result  = STUN_Client.Query(stunUrl, 19302, unreliableClient.Client);
                    SystemLog.addEntry("Attempting to STUN control port to " + stunUrl + ".");

                    if (result.NetType == STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
                        SystemLog.addEntry("STUN failed. Assuming network is LAN-only.");
                        LANMode    = true;
                        UPnPActive = false;
                        publicControlEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(result.PublicEndPoint.Address, result.PublicEndPoint.Port);
                        publicDataEndPoint    = new IPEndPoint(result.PublicEndPoint.Address, internalDataPort);
                        SystemLog.addEntry("STUN successful. External control endpoint: " + result.PublicEndPoint.ToString());
                        SystemLog.addEntry("External data endpoint: " + publicDataEndPoint.ToString());
                catch (Exception) //STUN can throw generic exceptions :(
                    SystemLog.addEntry("Failed to STUN. Working in LAN mode.");
                    //Stun failed, offline mode
                    LANMode = true;

            Random r = new Random();

            internalDHTPort = App.settings.getInt("Default DHT Port", 0);
            if (internalDHTPort == 0)
                internalDHTPort = r.Next(short.MaxValue - 1000) + 1000;
            publicDHTPort = internalDHTPort;
            if (App.settings.getBool("Use UPnP", true) && !LANMode && UPnPActive && !behindDoubleNAT)
                SystemLog.addEntry("UPnP enabled. Attempting to map UPnP ports...");

                publicControlEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(publicControlEndPoint.Address, r.Next(short.MaxValue - 1000) + 1000);
                publicDataEndPoint    = new IPEndPoint(publicControlEndPoint.Address, r.Next(short.MaxValue - 1000) + 1000);
                publicDHTPort         = r.Next(short.MaxValue - 1000) + 1000;

                SystemLog.addEntry("Creating control UPnP mapping (random external port)...");
                await mapPorts(((IPEndPoint)unreliableClient.Client.LocalEndPoint).Port, publicControlEndPoint.Port, false);

                SystemLog.addEntry("Creating data UPnP mapping (random external port)...");
                await mapPorts(((IPEndPoint)listener.Server.LocalEndPoint).Port, publicDataEndPoint.Port, true);

                SystemLog.addEntry("Creating DHT UPnP mapping (random external port)...");
                await mapPorts(internalDHTPort, publicDHTPort, false);

                publicControlEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(externalIPFromUPnP, publicControlEndPoint.Port);
                publicDataEndPoint    = new IPEndPoint(externalIPFromUPnP, publicDataEndPoint.Port);

                if (externalIPFromUPnP.ToString().StartsWith("10.") || externalIPFromUPnP.ToString().StartsWith("192."))
                    behindDoubleNAT = true;
                    SystemLog.addEntry("WARNING! Your router provided a local IP address as the external endpoint.");
                    SystemLog.addEntry("This probably means you're running more than one router in a row (double NAT).");
                    SystemLog.addEntry("Dimension is going to disable UPnP and try STUNning again to get through this.");
                    SystemLog.addEntry("If this is your home network, please talk to a network engineer -- having UPnP with double NAT is a very bad idea.");
                    goto tryAgain;
            SystemLog.addEntry("Network setup complete.");