Ejemplo n.º 1
        public STLinkReturnCodes ProgramTarget(string a_BinFilePath, UInt32 a_FlashAddress, out string a_ResultOut)
            STLinkReturnCodes l_STLinkReturnCode = STLinkReturnCodes.Success;

            a_ResultOut = string.Empty;
            if (File.Exists(a_BinFilePath) == false)
                l_STLinkReturnCode = STLinkReturnCodes.Failure;
                a_ResultOut        = "Bin file doesn't exist.";

            if (l_STLinkReturnCode == STLinkReturnCodes.Success)
                string l_CommandArguments = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} \"{3}\" 0x{4:X8} {5} {6} {7}", CmdConnectToTarget, CmdFlashErase, CmdProgramFromFile, a_BinFilePath, a_FlashAddress, CmdVerifyProgramming, CmdNoPrompt, CmdRunFirmware);

                l_STLinkReturnCode = ExecuteCommandSync(STLinkCLIAppPath, l_CommandArguments, out a_ResultOut);
                if (l_STLinkReturnCode == STLinkReturnCodes.Success)
                    if (a_ResultOut.Contains("Verification...OK"))
                        a_ResultOut        = "Target successfully programmed.";
                        l_STLinkReturnCode = STLinkReturnCodes.Success;
                        a_ResultOut       += "Programming failed!";
                        l_STLinkReturnCode = STLinkReturnCodes.Failure;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        #region Procedures
        public STLinkReturnCodes FindSTLink(out string a_ResultOut)
            STLinkReturnCodes l_STLinkReturnCode = STLinkReturnCodes.Success;

            l_STLinkReturnCode = ExecuteCommandSync(STLinkCLIAppPath, CmdListDevices, out a_ResultOut);
            if (l_STLinkReturnCode == STLinkReturnCodes.Success)
                if (a_ResultOut.Contains("No ST-LINK detected"))
                    a_ResultOut        = "No ST-Link found";
                    l_STLinkReturnCode = STLinkReturnCodes.Failure;
                    a_ResultOut = "ST-Link detected";
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a shell command synchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">string command</param>
        /// <returns>string, as output of the command.</returns>
        private STLinkReturnCodes ExecuteCommandSync(string a_AppPath, string a_CommandParameters, out string a_ResultOut)
            STLinkReturnCodes l_STLinkReturnCode = STLinkReturnCodes.Success;

            a_ResultOut = string.Empty;

                // create the ProcessStartInfo using "cmd" as the program to be run, and "/c " as the parameters.
                // Incidentally, /c tells cmd that we want it to execute the command that follows, and then exit.
                System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
                procStartInfo.FileName  = a_AppPath;
                procStartInfo.Arguments = a_CommandParameters;
                // The following commands are needed to redirect the standard output.
                //This means that it will be redirected to the Process.StandardOutput StreamReader.
                procStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                procStartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;

                // Do not create the black window.
                procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

                // Now we create a process, assign its ProcessStartInfo and start it
                using (Process l_process = Process.Start(procStartInfo))

                    // Get the output into a string
                    using (StreamReader reader = l_process.StandardOutput)
                        a_ResultOut = reader.ReadToEnd();
                l_STLinkReturnCode = STLinkReturnCodes.Success;
            catch (Exception objException)
                l_STLinkReturnCode = STLinkReturnCodes.Failure;
                a_ResultOut        = "Failure";
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public STLinkReturnCodes ConnectToTarget(string a_TargetProcessor, out string a_ResultOut)
            STLinkReturnCodes l_STLinkReturnCode = STLinkReturnCodes.Success;

            l_STLinkReturnCode = ExecuteCommandSync(STLinkCLIAppPath, CmdConnectToTarget, out a_ResultOut);

            if (l_STLinkReturnCode == STLinkReturnCodes.Success)
                if (a_ResultOut.Contains(a_TargetProcessor))
                    a_ResultOut        = "Target processor found: " + a_TargetProcessor;
                    l_STLinkReturnCode = STLinkReturnCodes.Success;
                    a_ResultOut        = "Target processor not found.";
                    l_STLinkReturnCode = STLinkReturnCodes.Failure;