private void Start()
     if (!SS_GUILayout.IsRuntimePlatformMobile())
         SS_Extensions.SetActive(gameObject, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void Start()
     if (!SS_GUILayout.IsRuntimePlatformMobile())
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private void Update()
        if ((SS_GUILayout.IsRuntimePlatformMobile() && Input.touchCount < 2) || !Input.GetMouseButton(1))

        if (axes == RotationAxes.MouseXAndY)
            float rotationX = transform.localEulerAngles.y + Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * sensitivityX;

            rotationY += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * sensitivityY;
            rotationY  = Mathf.Clamp(rotationY, minimumY, maximumY);

            transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-rotationY, rotationX, 0);
        else if (axes == RotationAxes.MouseX)
            transform.Rotate(0, Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * sensitivityX, 0);
            rotationY += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * sensitivityY;
            rotationY  = Mathf.Clamp(rotationY, minimumY, maximumY);

            transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-rotationY, transform.localEulerAngles.y, 0);
    protected override void Start() {

        Application.targetFrameRate = 2000;
        if (SS_GUILayout.IsRuntimePlatformMobile())
            Shader.globalMaximumLOD = 150;

        if (TerrainDemoPrimaryCamera != null)
            _terrainDemoPrimaryCameraLayersDefault = TerrainDemoPrimaryCamera.cullingMask;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    private void OnGUI()
        if (!visible)

        const float initWidth      = 275f;
        float       initHeight     = 70f;
        const float initItemHeight = 30f;

        SS_GUILayout.itemWidth  = initWidth - 20f;
        SS_GUILayout.itemHeight = initItemHeight;
        SS_GUILayout.yPos       = 0f;
        SS_GUILayout.hovered    = false;

        if (SS_GUILayout.IsRuntimePlatformMobile())
            SS_GUILayout.UpdateScaleDesktop(initHeight + 30f);

        string levelName = Application.loadedLevelName;
        string sceneName = string.Empty;
        string text      = string.Empty;

        switch (levelName)
        case "SS_DiscoLights":
            sceneName = "Disco Lights Scene";
            text      = "    This is an example of a more creative use of Swift Shadows, with hundreds " +
                        "of shadow objects calculated and drawn at the same. All light spots " +
                        "use a special \"light\" material and are rendered within a single draw call.";

        case "SS_Helicopter":
            sceneName = "Animated Shadows Scene";
            text      = "    This scene demonstrates shadows following the transform of object they " +
                        "are attached to. In this scene, the blades and body of helicopter, as " +
                        "well as the platform and dish of the radar station, are actually two " +
                        "different overlayed shadows. Nevertheless, the shadows are still drawn in a single " +
                        "draw call by using a texture atlas.";

        case "SS_MovingCubes":
            sceneName = "Moving Cubes Scene";
            text      = "    This is a generic demonstration of what Swift Shadows can do.\n" +
                        "    A raycast from the light source to the cubes determines the position of shadow, " +
                        "and a projected quad is rendered in place. All shadows are drawn with a single " +
                        "draw call, which is especially useful for mobile devices.\n" +
                        "    You can also notice the limitation: shadows are casted on one surface at time and " +
                        "can extend beyond the surface they are projected on. Shadows can be set to fade away " +
                        "as they fall at extreme angles to make this effect less noticeable.";

        case "SS_MultipleShadows":
            sceneName = "Multiple Shadows Demo";
            text      = "    Multiple shadows components can be set for a single object. " +
                        "There are 4 light sources in this scene, each resulting in a separate shadow of the object.";

        case "SS_TerrainInteraction":
            initHeight += 25f;
            sceneName   = "Terrain Interaction Demo";
            text        = "    This demonstrates how Swift Shadows can be used on uneven surfaces like terrain.\n" +
                          "    \"Use two cameras\" enables drawing the character and shadow on a separate pass, " +
                          "which eliminates the effect of shadow being clipped with terrain. This comes with the cost " +
                          "of some possible artifacts that aren't noticeable for most situations.\n";

        if (levelName != "SS_TerrainInteraction")
            if (SS_GUILayout.IsRuntimePlatformMobile())
                text += "\n    You can rotate the camera with two fingers.\n";
                if (levelName == "SS_DiscoLights")
                    text += "\n    You can rotate the camera by holding the right mouse button.\n";
                    text += "\n    You can rotate the camera by holding the right mouse button and zoom with mouse wheel.\n";

        foreach (SS_ShadowMeshManager meshManager in SS_ShadowManager.Instance.ShadowManagers)
            text += string.Format((meshManager.IsStatic ? "\nTotal shadows (static): " : "\nTotal shadows: ") + "{0}, drawn: {1}",

        var centeredStyle =;

        centeredStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;

        float textHeight = centeredStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(text, ""), SS_GUILayout.itemWidth);

        initHeight += textHeight;

        GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(15f, 15f, initWidth, initHeight), sceneName,;

        SS_GUILayout.yPos = 20f;

        SS_GUILayout.itemHeight = centeredStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(text, ""), SS_GUILayout.itemWidth);

        SS_GUILayout.itemHeight = initItemHeight;

        if (levelName == "SS_TerrainInteraction" && TerrainDemoPrimaryCamera != null)
            bool changed;
            _terrainDemoSecondaryCameraOn = SS_GUILayout.Toggle(_terrainDemoSecondaryCameraOn, "Use two cameras", out changed);
            if (changed)
                if (_terrainDemoSecondaryCameraOn)
                    SS_Extensions.SetActive(TerrainDemoSecondaryCamera.gameObject, true);
                    TerrainDemoPrimaryCamera.cullingMask = _terrainDemoPrimaryCameraLayersDefault;
                    SS_Extensions.SetActive(TerrainDemoSecondaryCamera.gameObject, false);
                    TerrainDemoPrimaryCamera.cullingMask = TerrainDemoPrimaryCameraLayers;


        GUI.color = new Color(1f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1f);
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(SS_GUILayout.paddingLeft, initHeight - 40f, SS_GUILayout.itemWidth, 30f), "Back to Main Menu"))
            SS_CameraFade.StartAlphaFade(, false, 0.5f, 0f, () => Application.LoadLevel("SS_Menu"));


        GUI.color = Color.white;
Ejemplo n.º 6
     * Camera logic on LateUpdate to only update after all character movement logic has been handled.

    private void UpdatePlayerFollow()
        // If either mouse buttons are down, let the mouse govern camera position
        if (GUIUtility.hotControl == 0)
            if (SS_GUILayout.IsRuntimePlatformMobile() && Input.touchCount >= 2)
                Touch touch = Input.touches[0];
                if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
                    _xDeg += touch.deltaPosition.x * XSpeed * 0.0065f;
                    _yDeg -= touch.deltaPosition.y * YSpeed * 0.0065f;
            else if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
                _xDeg += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * XSpeed * 0.02f;
                _yDeg -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * YSpeed * 0.02f;
            // otherwise, ease behind the target if any of the directional keys are pressed
            else if (RotateToTarget)
                float targetRotationAngle  = Target.eulerAngles.y;
                float currentRotationAngle = transform.eulerAngles.y;
                _xDeg = Mathf.LerpAngle(currentRotationAngle, targetRotationAngle, RotationDampening * Time.deltaTime);

        //_targetPos = Vector3.Lerp(_targetPos, Target.position, Time.deltaTime * PositionDampening);
        _targetPos = Target.position;

        // calculate the desired distance
        _desiredDistance -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * Time.deltaTime * ZoomRate * Mathf.Abs(_desiredDistance) * SpeedDistance;
        _desiredDistance  = Mathf.Clamp(_desiredDistance, MinDistance, MaxDistance);

        _yDeg = ClampAngle(_yDeg, YMinLimit, YMaxLimit);

        // set camera rotation
        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(_yDeg, _xDeg, 0);

        _correctedDistance = _desiredDistance;

        // calculate desired camera position
        Vector3 vTargetOffset = new Vector3(0, -TargetHeight, 0);
        Vector3 position      = _targetPos - (rotation * Vector3.forward * _desiredDistance + vTargetOffset);

        // check for collision using the true target's desired registration point as set by user using height
        RaycastHit collisionHit;
        Vector3    trueTargetPosition = new Vector3(_targetPos.x, _targetPos.y, _targetPos.z) - vTargetOffset;

        // if there was a collision, correct the camera position and calculate the corrected distance
        bool isCorrected = false;

        if (Physics.Linecast(trueTargetPosition, position, out collisionHit, CollisionLayers.value))
            // calculate the distance from the original estimated position to the collision location,
            // subtracting out a safety "offset" distance from the object we hit.  The offset will help
            // keep the camera from being right on top of the surface we hit, which usually shows up as
            // the surface geometry getting partially clipped by the camera's front clipping plane.
            _correctedDistance = Vector3.Distance(trueTargetPosition, collisionHit.point) - OffsetFromWall;
            isCorrected        = true;

        // For smoothing, lerp distance only if either distance wasn't corrected, or correctedDistance is more than currentDistance
        _currentDistance = !isCorrected || _correctedDistance > _currentDistance?Mathf.Lerp(_currentDistance, _correctedDistance, Time.deltaTime *ZoomDampening) : _correctedDistance;

        // keep within legal limits
        _currentDistance = Mathf.Clamp(_currentDistance, MinDistance, MaxDistance);

        // recalculate position based on the new currentDistance
        position = _targetPos - (rotation * Vector3.forward * _currentDistance + vTargetOffset);
        //position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, Target.position, Time.deltaTime * PositionDampening) - (rotation * Vector3.forward * _currentDistance + vTargetOffset);
        //Debug.Log(Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, Target.position, Time.deltaTime * PositionDampening));

        transform.rotation = rotation;
        transform.position = position;
        //transform.position = isCorrected ? position : position;
        // Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, position, Time.deltaTime * PositionDampening);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    private void OnGUI()
        var centeredStyle =;

        const float width        = 250f;
        const float buttonHeight = 35f;

        float height     = 155f + buttonHeight * 3f;
        float logoHeight = Logo.height;

        if (Application.isWebPlayer)
            height -= 25f + buttonHeight;

        float totalHeight = height + logoHeight;

        if (SS_GUILayout.IsRuntimePlatformMobile())

        Rect totalRect = new Rect(
            Screen.width / 2f / SS_GUILayout.scaleFactor - width / 2f,
            Screen.height / 2f / SS_GUILayout.scaleFactor - totalHeight / 2f,

        Rect logoRect = totalRect;

        logoRect.height = logoHeight;

        Rect rect = totalRect;

        rect.yMin += logoHeight;

            "", ""


        if (GUILayout.Button("Moving cubes", GUILayout.Height(buttonHeight)))
            SS_CameraFade.StartAlphaFade(, false, 0.5f, 0f, () => Application.LoadLevel("SS_MovingCubes"));
        if (GUILayout.Button("Animated shadows", GUILayout.Height(buttonHeight)))
            SS_CameraFade.StartAlphaFade(, false, 0.5f, 0f, () => Application.LoadLevel("SS_Helicopter"));

        if (GUILayout.Button("Terrain interaction", GUILayout.Height(buttonHeight)))
            SS_CameraFade.StartAlphaFade(, false, 0.5f, 0f, () => Application.LoadLevel("SS_TerrainInteraction"));

        if (GUILayout.Button("Disco lights", GUILayout.Height(buttonHeight)))
            SS_CameraFade.StartAlphaFade(, false, 0.5f, 0f, () => Application.LoadLevel("SS_DiscoLights"));
        if (GUILayout.Button("Multiple shadows", GUILayout.Height(buttonHeight)))
            SS_CameraFade.StartAlphaFade(, false, 0.5f, 0f, () => Application.LoadLevel("SS_MultipleShadows"));

        if (!Application.isWebPlayer)
            GUI.color = new Color(1f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1f);
            if (GUILayout.Button("Quit", GUILayout.Height(buttonHeight)))
                SS_CameraFade.StartAlphaFade(, false, 0.5f, 0f, Application.Quit);


        GUI.color =;
        centeredStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;

        if (!SS_GUILayout.IsRuntimePlatformMobile() && !Application.isEditor)
            Screen.fullScreen = GUI.Toggle(
                new Rect(rect.xMin - 90f,
                         100f, 400f), Screen.fullScreen, " Fullscreen");
        //GUI.Label(new Rect(rect.xMax + 10f,
        //    rect.yMin, Mathf.Min(200f, Screen.width - rect.xMax - 10f), 400f),
        //          "You can press Enter/Menu button to disable GUI (as Unity GUI may cause slowdown, especially on mobile)");