Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ImageInfoViewModel(string imagePath, IFilter filter, IMediaImage imageFormat, Window view)

            _imagePath   = imagePath;
            _filter      = filter;
            _imageFormat = imageFormat;
            _view        = view;
            IAssetLoader assets = AvaloniaLocator.Current.GetService <IAssetLoader>();

            MediaTagsList         = new ObservableCollection <string>();
            SectorTagsList        = new ObservableCollection <string>();
            Sessions              = new ObservableCollection <Session>();
            Tracks                = new ObservableCollection <Track>();
            DumpHardwareList      = new ObservableCollection <DumpHardwareModel>();
            EntropyCommand        = ReactiveCommand.Create(ExecuteEntropyCommand);
            VerifyCommand         = ReactiveCommand.Create(ExecuteVerifyCommand);
            ChecksumCommand       = ReactiveCommand.Create(ExecuteChecksumCommand);
            ConvertCommand        = ReactiveCommand.Create(ExecuteConvertCommand);
            CreateSidecarCommand  = ReactiveCommand.Create(ExecuteCreateSidecarCommand);
            ViewSectorsCommand    = ReactiveCommand.Create(ExecuteViewSectorsCommand);
            DecodeMediaTagCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(ExecuteDecodeMediaTagCommand);

            var genericHddIcon =
                new Bitmap(assets.Open(new Uri("avares://Aaru.Gui/Assets/Icons/oxygen/32x32/drive-harddisk.png")));

            var genericOpticalIcon =
                new Bitmap(assets.Open(new Uri("avares://Aaru.Gui/Assets/Icons/oxygen/32x32/drive-optical.png")));

            var genericFolderIcon =
                new Bitmap(assets.Open(new Uri("avares://Aaru.Gui/Assets/Icons/oxygen/32x32/inode-directory.png")));

            var mediaResource = new Uri($"avares://Aaru.Gui/Assets/Logos/Media/{imageFormat.Info.MediaType}.png");

            MediaLogo = assets.Exists(mediaResource)
                            ? new Bitmap(assets.Open(mediaResource))
                            : imageFormat.Info.XmlMediaType == XmlMediaType.BlockMedia
                                ? genericHddIcon
                                : imageFormat.Info.XmlMediaType == XmlMediaType.OpticalDisc
                                    ? genericOpticalIcon
                                    : genericFolderIcon;

            ImagePathText       = $"Path: {imagePath}";
            FilterText          = $"Filter: {filter.Name}";
            ImageIdentifiedText = $"Image format identified by {imageFormat.Name} ({imageFormat.Id}).";

            ImageFormatText = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.Version)
                                  ? $"Format: {imageFormat.Format} version {imageFormat.Info.Version}"
                                  : $"Format: {imageFormat.Format}";

            ImageSizeText = $"Image without headers is {imageFormat.Info.ImageSize} bytes long";

            SectorsText =
                $"Contains a media of {imageFormat.Info.Sectors} sectors with a maximum sector size of {imageFormat.Info.SectorSize} bytes (if all sectors are of the same size this would be {imageFormat.Info.Sectors * imageFormat.Info.SectorSize} bytes)";

            MediaTypeText =
                $"Contains a media of type {imageFormat.Info.MediaType} and XML type {imageFormat.Info.XmlMediaType}";

            HasPartitionsText = $"{(imageFormat.Info.HasPartitions ? "Has" : "Doesn't have")} partitions";
            HasSessionsText   = $"{(imageFormat.Info.HasSessions ? "Has" : "Doesn't have")} sessions";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.Application))
                ApplicationText = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.ApplicationVersion)
                                      ? $"Was created with {imageFormat.Info.Application} version {imageFormat.Info.ApplicationVersion}"
                                      : $"Was created with {imageFormat.Info.Application}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.Creator))
                CreatorText = $"Created by: {imageFormat.Info.Creator}";

            if (imageFormat.Info.CreationTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                CreationTimeText = $"Created on {imageFormat.Info.CreationTime}";

            if (imageFormat.Info.LastModificationTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                LastModificationTimeText = $"Last modified on {imageFormat.Info.LastModificationTime}";

            if (imageFormat.Info.MediaSequence != 0 &&
                imageFormat.Info.LastMediaSequence != 0)
                MediaSequenceText =
                    $"Media is number {imageFormat.Info.MediaSequence} on a set of {imageFormat.Info.LastMediaSequence} medias";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaTitle))
                MediaTitleText = $"Media title: {imageFormat.Info.MediaTitle}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaManufacturer))
                MediaManufacturerText = $"Media manufacturer: {imageFormat.Info.MediaManufacturer}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaModel))
                MediaModelText = $"Media model: {imageFormat.Info.MediaModel}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaSerialNumber))
                MediaSerialNumberText = $"Media serial number: {imageFormat.Info.MediaSerialNumber}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaBarcode))
                MediaBarcodeText = $"Media barcode: {imageFormat.Info.MediaBarcode}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaPartNumber))
                MediaPartNumberText = $"Media part number: {imageFormat.Info.MediaPartNumber}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.DriveManufacturer))
                DriveManufacturerText = $"Drive manufacturer: {imageFormat.Info.DriveManufacturer}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.DriveModel))
                DriveModelText = $"Drive model: {imageFormat.Info.DriveModel}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.DriveSerialNumber))
                DriveSerialNumberText = $"Drive serial number: {imageFormat.Info.DriveSerialNumber}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.DriveFirmwareRevision))
                DriveFirmwareRevisionText = $"Drive firmware info: {imageFormat.Info.DriveFirmwareRevision}";

            if (imageFormat.Info.Cylinders > 0 &&
                imageFormat.Info.Heads > 0 &&
                imageFormat.Info.SectorsPerTrack > 0 &&
                imageFormat.Info.XmlMediaType != XmlMediaType.OpticalDisc &&
                (!(imageFormat is ITapeImage tapeImage) || !tapeImage.IsTape))
                MediaGeometryText =
                    $"Media geometry: {imageFormat.Info.Cylinders} cylinders, {imageFormat.Info.Heads} heads, {imageFormat.Info.SectorsPerTrack} sectors per track";

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags.Count > 0)
                foreach (MediaTagType tag in imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags.OrderBy(t => t))

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableSectorTags != null &&
                imageFormat.Info.ReadableSectorTags.Count > 0)
                foreach (SectorTagType tag in imageFormat.Info.ReadableSectorTags.OrderBy(t => t))

            PeripheralDeviceTypes scsiDeviceType = PeripheralDeviceTypes.DirectAccess;

            byte[]  scsiInquiryData = null;
            Inquiry?scsiInquiry     = null;

            Modes.DecodedMode?scsiMode        = null;
            byte[]            scsiModeSense6  = null;
            byte[]            scsiModeSense10 = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                scsiInquiryData = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SCSI_INQUIRY);

                scsiDeviceType = (PeripheralDeviceTypes)(scsiInquiryData[0] & 0x1F);

                scsiInquiry = Inquiry.Decode(scsiInquiryData);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                scsiModeSense6 = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SCSI_MODESENSE_6);
                scsiMode       = Modes.DecodeMode6(scsiModeSense6, scsiDeviceType);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                scsiModeSense10 = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SCSI_MODESENSE_10);
                scsiMode        = Modes.DecodeMode10(scsiModeSense10, scsiDeviceType);

            ScsiInfo = new ScsiInfo
                DataContext = new ScsiInfoViewModel(scsiInquiryData, scsiInquiry, null, scsiMode, scsiDeviceType,
                                                    scsiModeSense6, scsiModeSense10, null, _view)

            byte[] ataIdentify   = null;
            byte[] atapiIdentify = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                ataIdentify = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.ATA_IDENTIFY);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                atapiIdentify = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.ATAPI_IDENTIFY);

            AtaInfo = new AtaInfo
                DataContext = new AtaInfoViewModel(ataIdentify, atapiIdentify, null, _view)

            byte[]                toc                  = null;
            TOC.CDTOC?            decodedToc           = null;
            byte[]                fullToc              = null;
            FullTOC.CDFullTOC?    decodedFullToc       = null;
            byte[]                pma                  = null;
            byte[]                atip                 = null;
            ATIP.CDATIP?          decodedAtip          = null;
            byte[]                cdtext               = null;
            CDTextOnLeadIn.CDText?decodedCdText        = null;
            string                mediaCatalogueNumber = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                toc = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_TOC);

                if (toc.Length > 0)
                    ushort dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(toc, 0));

                    if (dataLen + 2 != toc.Length)
                        byte[] tmp = new byte[toc.Length + 2];
                        Array.Copy(toc, 0, tmp, 2, toc.Length);
                        tmp[0] = (byte)((toc.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                        tmp[1] = (byte)(toc.Length & 0xFF);
                        toc    = tmp;

                    decodedToc = TOC.Decode(toc);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                fullToc = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_FullTOC);

                if (fullToc.Length > 0)
                    ushort dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(fullToc, 0));

                    if (dataLen + 2 != fullToc.Length)
                        byte[] tmp = new byte[fullToc.Length + 2];
                        Array.Copy(fullToc, 0, tmp, 2, fullToc.Length);
                        tmp[0]  = (byte)((fullToc.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                        tmp[1]  = (byte)(fullToc.Length & 0xFF);
                        fullToc = tmp;

                    decodedFullToc = FullTOC.Decode(fullToc);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                pma = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_PMA);

                if (pma.Length > 0)
                    ushort dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(pma, 0));

                    if (dataLen + 2 != pma.Length)
                        byte[] tmp = new byte[pma.Length + 2];
                        Array.Copy(pma, 0, tmp, 2, pma.Length);
                        tmp[0] = (byte)((pma.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                        tmp[1] = (byte)(pma.Length & 0xFF);
                        pma    = tmp;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                atip = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_ATIP);

                uint dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(atip, 0));

                if (dataLen + 4 != atip.Length)
                    byte[] tmp = new byte[atip.Length + 4];
                    Array.Copy(atip, 0, tmp, 4, atip.Length);
                    tmp[0] = (byte)((atip.Length & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
                    tmp[1] = (byte)((atip.Length & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
                    tmp[2] = (byte)((atip.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                    tmp[3] = (byte)(atip.Length & 0xFF);
                    atip   = tmp;

                decodedAtip = ATIP.Decode(atip);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                cdtext = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_TEXT);

                uint dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(cdtext, 0));

                if (dataLen + 4 != cdtext.Length)
                    byte[] tmp = new byte[cdtext.Length + 4];
                    Array.Copy(cdtext, 0, tmp, 4, cdtext.Length);
                    tmp[0] = (byte)((cdtext.Length & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
                    tmp[1] = (byte)((cdtext.Length & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
                    tmp[2] = (byte)((cdtext.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                    tmp[3] = (byte)(cdtext.Length & 0xFF);
                    cdtext = tmp;

                decodedCdText = CDTextOnLeadIn.Decode(cdtext);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                byte[] mcn = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_MCN);

                mediaCatalogueNumber = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mcn);

            CompactDiscInfo = new CompactDiscInfo
                DataContext = new CompactDiscInfoViewModel(toc, atip, null, null, fullToc, pma, cdtext, decodedToc,
                                                           decodedAtip, null, decodedFullToc, decodedCdText, null,
                                                           mediaCatalogueNumber, null, _view)

            byte[] dvdPfi = null;
            byte[] dvdDmi = null;
            byte[] dvdCmi = null;
            byte[] hddvdCopyrightInformation = null;
            byte[] dvdBca = null;
            PFI.PhysicalFormatInformation?decodedPfi = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdPfi     = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_PFI);
                decodedPfi = PFI.Decode(dvdPfi);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdDmi = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_DMI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdCmi = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_CMI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                hddvdCopyrightInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.HDDVD_CPI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdBca = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_BCA);

            DvdInfo = new DvdInfo
                DataContext = new DvdInfoViewModel(imageFormat.Info.MediaType, dvdPfi, dvdDmi, dvdCmi,
                                                   hddvdCopyrightInformation, dvdBca, null, decodedPfi, _view)

            byte[] dvdRamDds                     = null;
            byte[] dvdRamCartridgeStatus         = null;
            byte[] dvdRamSpareArea               = null;
            byte[] lastBorderOutRmd              = null;
            byte[] dvdPreRecordedInfo            = null;
            byte[] dvdrMediaIdentifier           = null;
            byte[] dvdrPhysicalInformation       = null;
            byte[] hddvdrMediumStatus            = null;
            byte[] dvdrLayerCapacity             = null;
            byte[] dvdrDlMiddleZoneStart         = null;
            byte[] dvdrDlJumpIntervalSize        = null;
            byte[] dvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba = null;
            byte[] dvdPlusAdip                   = null;
            byte[] dvdPlusDcb                    = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdRamDds = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDRAM_DDS);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdRamCartridgeStatus = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDRAM_MediumStatus);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdRamSpareArea = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDRAM_SpareArea);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                lastBorderOutRmd = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDR_RMD);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdPreRecordedInfo = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDR_PreRecordedInfo);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrMediaIdentifier = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDR_MediaIdentifier);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrPhysicalInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDR_PFI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                hddvdrMediumStatus = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.HDDVD_MediumStatus);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrLayerCapacity = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDDL_LayerCapacity);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrDlMiddleZoneStart = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDDL_MiddleZoneAddress);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrDlJumpIntervalSize = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDDL_JumpIntervalSize);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDDL_ManualLayerJumpLBA);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdPlusAdip = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_ADIP);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdPlusDcb = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DCB);

            DvdWritableInfo = new DvdWritableInfo
                DataContext = new DvdWritableInfoViewModel(imageFormat.Info.MediaType, dvdRamDds, dvdRamCartridgeStatus,
                                                           dvdRamSpareArea, lastBorderOutRmd, dvdPreRecordedInfo,
                                                           dvdrMediaIdentifier, dvdrPhysicalInformation,
                                                           hddvdrMediumStatus, null, dvdrLayerCapacity,
                                                           dvdrDlMiddleZoneStart, dvdrDlJumpIntervalSize,
                                                           dvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba, null, dvdPlusAdip, dvdPlusDcb,

            byte[] blurayBurstCuttingArea = null;
            byte[] blurayCartridgeStatus  = null;
            byte[] blurayDds                  = null;
            byte[] blurayDiscInformation      = null;
            byte[] blurayPowResources         = null;
            byte[] bluraySpareAreaInformation = null;
            byte[] blurayTrackResources       = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayBurstCuttingArea = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_BCA);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayCartridgeStatus = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_CartridgeStatus);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayDds = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_DDS);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayDiscInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_DI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayPowResources = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_POWResourcesInformation);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                bluraySpareAreaInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_SpareArea);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                bluraySpareAreaInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_TrackResourcesInformation);

            BlurayInfo = new BlurayInfo
                DataContext = new BlurayInfoViewModel(blurayDiscInformation, blurayBurstCuttingArea, blurayDds,
                                                      blurayCartridgeStatus, bluraySpareAreaInformation,
                                                      blurayPowResources, blurayTrackResources, null, null, _view)

            byte[]            xboxDmi                   = null;
            byte[]            xboxSecuritySector        = null;
            SS.SecuritySector?decodedXboxSecuritySector = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                xboxDmi = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.Xbox_DMI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                xboxSecuritySector        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.Xbox_SecuritySector);
                decodedXboxSecuritySector = SS.Decode(xboxSecuritySector);

            XboxInfo = new XboxInfo
                DataContext = new XboxInfoViewModel(null, xboxDmi, xboxSecuritySector, decodedXboxSecuritySector, _view)

            byte[] pcmciaCis = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                pcmciaCis = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.PCMCIA_CIS);

            PcmciaInfo = new PcmciaInfo
                DataContext = new PcmciaInfoViewModel(pcmciaCis, _view)

            DeviceType deviceType = DeviceType.Unknown;

            byte[] cid         = null;
            byte[] csd         = null;
            byte[] ocr         = null;
            byte[] extendedCsd = null;
            byte[] scr         = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                cid        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SD_CID);
                deviceType = DeviceType.SecureDigital;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                csd        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SD_CSD);
                deviceType = DeviceType.SecureDigital;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                ocr        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SD_OCR);
                deviceType = DeviceType.SecureDigital;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                scr        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SD_SCR);
                deviceType = DeviceType.SecureDigital;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                cid        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_CID);
                deviceType = DeviceType.MMC;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                csd        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_CSD);
                deviceType = DeviceType.MMC;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                ocr        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_OCR);
                deviceType = DeviceType.MMC;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                extendedCsd = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_ExtendedCSD);
                deviceType  = DeviceType.MMC;

            SdMmcInfo = new SdMmcInfo
                DataContext = new SdMmcInfoViewModel(deviceType, cid, csd, ocr, extendedCsd, scr)

            if (imageFormat is IOpticalMediaImage opticalMediaImage)
                    if (opticalMediaImage.Sessions != null &&
                        opticalMediaImage.Sessions.Count > 0)
                        foreach (Session session in opticalMediaImage.Sessions)
                    // ignored

                    if (opticalMediaImage.Tracks != null &&
                        opticalMediaImage.Tracks.Count > 0)
                        foreach (Track track in opticalMediaImage.Tracks)
                    // ignored

            if (imageFormat.DumpHardware is null)

            foreach (DumpHardwareType dump in imageFormat.DumpHardware)
                foreach (ExtentType extent in dump.Extents)
                    DumpHardwareList.Add(new DumpHardwareModel
                        Manufacturer    = dump.Manufacturer, Model = dump.Model, Serial = dump.Serial,
                        SoftwareName    = dump.Software.Name, SoftwareVersion = dump.Software.Version,
                        OperatingSystem = dump.Software.OperatingSystem, Start = extent.Start, End = extent.End
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public pnlImageInfo(string imagePath, IFilter filter, IMediaImage imageFormat)
            this.imagePath   = imagePath;
            this.filter      = filter;
            this.imageFormat = imageFormat;

            Stream logo =

            /*            if(logo != null)
             *          {
             *              svgMediaLogo.SvgStream = logo;
             *              svgMediaLogo.Visible   = true;
             *          }
             *          else
             *          {*/
            logo =
            if (logo != null)
                imgMediaLogo.Image   = new Bitmap(logo);
                imgMediaLogo.Visible = true;

            lblImagePath.Text   = $"Path: {imagePath}";
            lblFilter.Text      = $"Filter: {filter.Name}";
            lblImageFormat.Text = $"Image format identified by {imageFormat.Name} ({imageFormat.Id}).";
            lblImageFormat.Text = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.Version)
                                      ? $"Format: {imageFormat.Format} version {imageFormat.Info.Version}"
                                      : $"Format: {imageFormat.Format}";
            lblImageSize.Text = $"Image without headers is {imageFormat.Info.ImageSize} bytes long";
            lblSectors.Text   =
                $"Contains a media of {imageFormat.Info.Sectors} sectors with a maximum sector size of {imageFormat.Info.SectorSize} bytes (if all sectors are of the same size this would be {imageFormat.Info.Sectors * imageFormat.Info.SectorSize} bytes)";
            lblMediaType.Text =
                $"Contains a media of type {imageFormat.Info.MediaType} and XML type {imageFormat.Info.XmlMediaType}";
            lblHasPartitions.Text = $"{(imageFormat.Info.HasPartitions ? "Has" : "Doesn't have")} partitions";
            lblHasSessions.Text   = $"{(imageFormat.Info.HasSessions ? "Has" : "Doesn't have")} sessions";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.Application))
                lblApplication.Visible = true;
                lblApplication.Text    = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.ApplicationVersion)
                                          ? $"Was created with {imageFormat.Info.Application} version {imageFormat.Info.ApplicationVersion}"
                                          : $"Was created with {imageFormat.Info.Application}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.Creator))
                lblCreator.Visible = true;
                lblCreator.Text    = $"Created by: {imageFormat.Info.Creator}";

            if (imageFormat.Info.CreationTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                lblCreationTime.Visible = true;
                lblCreationTime.Text    = $"Created on {imageFormat.Info.CreationTime}";

            if (imageFormat.Info.LastModificationTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                lblLastModificationTime.Visible = true;
                lblLastModificationTime.Text    = $"Last modified on {imageFormat.Info.LastModificationTime}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.Comments))
                grpComments.Visible = true;
                txtComments.Text    = imageFormat.Info.Comments;

            if (imageFormat.Info.MediaSequence != 0 && imageFormat.Info.LastMediaSequence != 0)
                lblMediaSequence.Visible = true;
                lblMediaSequence.Text    =
                    $"Media is number {imageFormat.Info.MediaSequence} on a set of {imageFormat.Info.LastMediaSequence} medias";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaTitle))
                lblMediaTitle.Visible = true;
                lblMediaTitle.Text    = $"Media title: {imageFormat.Info.MediaTitle}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaManufacturer))
                lblMediaManufacturer.Visible = true;
                lblMediaManufacturer.Text    = $"Media manufacturer: {imageFormat.Info.MediaManufacturer}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaModel))
                lblMediaModel.Visible = true;
                lblMediaModel.Text    = $"Media model: {imageFormat.Info.MediaModel}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaSerialNumber))
                lblMediaSerialNumber.Visible = true;
                lblMediaSerialNumber.Text    = $"Media serial number: {imageFormat.Info.MediaSerialNumber}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaBarcode))
                lblMediaBarcode.Visible = true;
                lblMediaBarcode.Text    = $"Media barcode: {imageFormat.Info.MediaBarcode}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaPartNumber))
                lblMediaPartNumber.Visible = true;
                lblMediaPartNumber.Text    = $"Media part number: {imageFormat.Info.MediaPartNumber}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.DriveManufacturer))
                lblDriveManufacturer.Visible = true;
                lblDriveManufacturer.Text    = $"Drive manufacturer: {imageFormat.Info.DriveManufacturer}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.DriveModel))
                lblDriveModel.Visible = true;
                lblDriveModel.Text    = $"Drive model: {imageFormat.Info.DriveModel}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.DriveSerialNumber))
                lblDriveSerialNumber.Visible = true;
                lblDriveSerialNumber.Text    = $"Drive serial number: {imageFormat.Info.DriveSerialNumber}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.DriveFirmwareRevision))
                lblDriveFirmwareRevision.Visible = true;
                lblDriveFirmwareRevision.Text    = $"Drive firmware info: {imageFormat.Info.DriveFirmwareRevision}";

            if (imageFormat.Info.Cylinders > 0 && imageFormat.Info.Heads > 0 &&
                imageFormat.Info.SectorsPerTrack > 0 &&
                imageFormat.Info.XmlMediaType != XmlMediaType.OpticalDisc &&
                (!(imageFormat is ITapeImage tapeImage) || !tapeImage.IsTape))
                lblMediaGeometry.Visible = true;
                lblMediaGeometry.Text    =
                    $"Media geometry: {imageFormat.Info.Cylinders} cylinders, {imageFormat.Info.Heads} heads, {imageFormat.Info.SectorsPerTrack} sectors per track";

            grpMediaInfo.Visible = lblMediaSequence.Visible || lblMediaTitle.Visible ||
                                   lblMediaManufacturer.Visible ||
                                   lblMediaModel.Visible || lblMediaSerialNumber.Visible ||
                                   lblMediaBarcode.Visible ||
            grpDriveInfo.Visible = lblDriveManufacturer.Visible || lblDriveModel.Visible ||
                                   lblDriveSerialNumber.Visible || lblDriveFirmwareRevision.Visible ||

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null && imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags.Count > 0)
                TreeGridItemCollection mediaTagList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                treeMediaTags.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Tag", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)

                treeMediaTags.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                treeMediaTags.ShowHeader             = false;
                treeMediaTags.DataStore = mediaTagList;

                foreach (MediaTagType tag in imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags.OrderBy(t => t))
                    mediaTagList.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                        Values = new object[] { tag.ToString() }

                grpMediaTags.Visible = true;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableSectorTags != null && imageFormat.Info.ReadableSectorTags.Count > 0)
                TreeGridItemCollection sectorTagList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                treeSectorTags.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Tag", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)

                treeSectorTags.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                treeSectorTags.ShowHeader             = false;
                treeSectorTags.DataStore = sectorTagList;

                foreach (SectorTagType tag in imageFormat.Info.ReadableSectorTags.OrderBy(t => t))
                    sectorTagList.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                        Values = new object[] { tag.ToString() }

                grpSectorTags.Visible = true;

            PeripheralDeviceTypes scsiDeviceType = PeripheralDeviceTypes.DirectAccess;

            byte[] scsiInquiryData          = null;
            Inquiry.SCSIInquiry?scsiInquiry = null;
            Modes.DecodedMode?  scsiMode    = null;
            byte[] scsiModeSense6           = null;
            byte[] scsiModeSense10          = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                scsiInquiryData = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SCSI_INQUIRY);

                scsiDeviceType = (PeripheralDeviceTypes)(scsiInquiryData[0] & 0x1F);

                scsiInquiry = Inquiry.Decode(scsiInquiryData);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                scsiModeSense6 = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SCSI_MODESENSE_6);
                scsiMode       = Modes.DecodeMode6(scsiModeSense6, scsiDeviceType);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                scsiModeSense10 = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SCSI_MODESENSE_10);
                scsiMode        = Modes.DecodeMode10(scsiModeSense10, scsiDeviceType);

            tabScsiInfo tabScsiInfo = new tabScsiInfo();

            tabScsiInfo.LoadData(scsiInquiryData, scsiInquiry, null, scsiMode, scsiDeviceType, scsiModeSense6,
                                 scsiModeSense10, null);

            byte[] ataIdentify   = null;
            byte[] atapiIdentify = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                ataIdentify = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.ATA_IDENTIFY);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                atapiIdentify = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.ATAPI_IDENTIFY);

            tabAtaInfo tabAtaInfo = new tabAtaInfo();

            tabAtaInfo.LoadData(ataIdentify, atapiIdentify, null);

            byte[]                toc                  = null;
            TOC.CDTOC?            decodedToc           = null;
            byte[]                fullToc              = null;
            FullTOC.CDFullTOC?    decodedFullToc       = null;
            byte[]                pma                  = null;
            byte[]                atip                 = null;
            ATIP.CDATIP?          decodedAtip          = null;
            byte[]                cdtext               = null;
            CDTextOnLeadIn.CDText?decodedCdText        = null;
            string                mediaCatalogueNumber = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                toc = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_TOC);

                if (toc.Length > 0)
                    ushort dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(toc, 0));
                    if (dataLen + 2 != toc.Length)
                        byte[] tmp = new byte[toc.Length + 2];
                        Array.Copy(toc, 0, tmp, 2, toc.Length);
                        tmp[0] = (byte)((toc.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                        tmp[1] = (byte)(toc.Length & 0xFF);
                        toc    = tmp;

                    decodedToc = TOC.Decode(toc);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                fullToc = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_FullTOC);

                if (fullToc.Length > 0)
                    ushort dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(fullToc, 0));
                    if (dataLen + 2 != fullToc.Length)
                        byte[] tmp = new byte[fullToc.Length + 2];
                        Array.Copy(fullToc, 0, tmp, 2, fullToc.Length);
                        tmp[0]  = (byte)((fullToc.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                        tmp[1]  = (byte)(fullToc.Length & 0xFF);
                        fullToc = tmp;

                    decodedFullToc = FullTOC.Decode(fullToc);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                pma = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_PMA);

                if (pma.Length > 0)
                    ushort dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(pma, 0));
                    if (dataLen + 2 != pma.Length)
                        byte[] tmp = new byte[pma.Length + 2];
                        Array.Copy(pma, 0, tmp, 2, pma.Length);
                        tmp[0] = (byte)((pma.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                        tmp[1] = (byte)(pma.Length & 0xFF);
                        pma    = tmp;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                atip = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_ATIP);

                uint dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(atip, 0));
                if (dataLen + 4 != atip.Length)
                    byte[] tmp = new byte[atip.Length + 4];
                    Array.Copy(atip, 0, tmp, 4, atip.Length);
                    tmp[0] = (byte)((atip.Length & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
                    tmp[1] = (byte)((atip.Length & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
                    tmp[2] = (byte)((atip.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                    tmp[3] = (byte)(atip.Length & 0xFF);
                    atip   = tmp;

                decodedAtip = ATIP.Decode(atip);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                cdtext = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_TEXT);

                uint dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(cdtext, 0));
                if (dataLen + 4 != cdtext.Length)
                    byte[] tmp = new byte[cdtext.Length + 4];
                    Array.Copy(cdtext, 0, tmp, 4, cdtext.Length);
                    tmp[0] = (byte)((cdtext.Length & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
                    tmp[1] = (byte)((cdtext.Length & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
                    tmp[2] = (byte)((cdtext.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                    tmp[3] = (byte)(cdtext.Length & 0xFF);
                    cdtext = tmp;

                decodedCdText = CDTextOnLeadIn.Decode(cdtext);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                byte[] mcn = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_MCN);

                mediaCatalogueNumber = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mcn);

            tabCompactDiscInfo tabCompactDiscInfo = new tabCompactDiscInfo();

            tabCompactDiscInfo.LoadData(toc, atip, null, null, fullToc, pma, cdtext, decodedToc, decodedAtip, null,
                                        decodedFullToc, decodedCdText, null, mediaCatalogueNumber, null);

            byte[] dvdPfi = null;
            byte[] dvdDmi = null;
            byte[] dvdCmi = null;
            byte[] hddvdCopyrightInformation = null;
            byte[] dvdBca = null;
            PFI.PhysicalFormatInformation?decodedPfi = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdPfi     = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_PFI);
                decodedPfi = PFI.Decode(dvdPfi);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdDmi = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_DMI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdCmi = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_CMI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                hddvdCopyrightInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.HDDVD_CPI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdBca = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_BCA);

            tabDvdInfo tabDvdInfo = new tabDvdInfo();

            tabDvdInfo.LoadData(imageFormat.Info.MediaType, dvdPfi, dvdDmi, dvdCmi, hddvdCopyrightInformation, dvdBca,
                                null, decodedPfi);

            byte[] dvdRamDds                     = null;
            byte[] dvdRamCartridgeStatus         = null;
            byte[] dvdRamSpareArea               = null;
            byte[] lastBorderOutRmd              = null;
            byte[] dvdPreRecordedInfo            = null;
            byte[] dvdrMediaIdentifier           = null;
            byte[] dvdrPhysicalInformation       = null;
            byte[] hddvdrMediumStatus            = null;
            byte[] dvdrLayerCapacity             = null;
            byte[] dvdrDlMiddleZoneStart         = null;
            byte[] dvdrDlJumpIntervalSize        = null;
            byte[] dvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba = null;
            byte[] dvdPlusAdip                   = null;
            byte[] dvdPlusDcb                    = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdRamDds = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDRAM_DDS);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdRamCartridgeStatus = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDRAM_MediumStatus);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdRamSpareArea = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDRAM_SpareArea);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                lastBorderOutRmd = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDR_RMD);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdPreRecordedInfo = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDR_PreRecordedInfo);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrMediaIdentifier = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDR_MediaIdentifier);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrPhysicalInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDR_PFI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                hddvdrMediumStatus = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.HDDVD_MediumStatus);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrLayerCapacity = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDDL_LayerCapacity);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrDlMiddleZoneStart = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDDL_MiddleZoneAddress);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrDlJumpIntervalSize = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDDL_JumpIntervalSize);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDDL_ManualLayerJumpLBA);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdPlusAdip = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_ADIP);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdPlusDcb = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DCB);

            tabDvdWritableInfo tabDvdWritableInfo = new tabDvdWritableInfo();

            tabDvdWritableInfo.LoadData(imageFormat.Info.MediaType, dvdRamDds, dvdRamCartridgeStatus, dvdRamSpareArea,
                                        lastBorderOutRmd, dvdPreRecordedInfo, dvdrMediaIdentifier,
                                        dvdrPhysicalInformation, hddvdrMediumStatus, null, dvdrLayerCapacity,
                                        dvdrDlMiddleZoneStart, dvdrDlJumpIntervalSize, dvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba,
                                        null, dvdPlusAdip, dvdPlusDcb);

            byte[] blurayBurstCuttingArea = null;
            byte[] blurayCartridgeStatus  = null;
            byte[] blurayDds                  = null;
            byte[] blurayDiscInformation      = null;
            byte[] blurayPowResources         = null;
            byte[] bluraySpareAreaInformation = null;
            byte[] blurayTrackResources       = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayBurstCuttingArea = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_BCA);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayCartridgeStatus = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_CartridgeStatus);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayDds = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_DDS);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayDiscInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_DI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayPowResources = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_POWResourcesInformation);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                bluraySpareAreaInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_SpareArea);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                bluraySpareAreaInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_TrackResourcesInformation);

            tabBlurayInfo tabBlurayInfo = new tabBlurayInfo();

            tabBlurayInfo.LoadData(blurayDiscInformation, blurayBurstCuttingArea, blurayDds, blurayCartridgeStatus,
                                   bluraySpareAreaInformation, blurayPowResources, blurayTrackResources, null, null);

            byte[]            xboxDmi                   = null;
            byte[]            xboxSecuritySector        = null;
            SS.SecuritySector?decodedXboxSecuritySector = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                xboxDmi = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.Xbox_DMI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                xboxSecuritySector        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.Xbox_SecuritySector);
                decodedXboxSecuritySector = SS.Decode(xboxSecuritySector);

            tabXboxInfo tabXboxInfo = new tabXboxInfo();

            tabXboxInfo.LoadData(null, xboxDmi, xboxSecuritySector, decodedXboxSecuritySector);

            byte[] pcmciaCis = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                pcmciaCis = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.PCMCIA_CIS);

            tabPcmciaInfo tabPcmciaInfo = new tabPcmciaInfo();


            DeviceType deviceType = DeviceType.Unknown;

            byte[] cid         = null;
            byte[] csd         = null;
            byte[] ocr         = null;
            byte[] extendedCsd = null;
            byte[] scr         = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                cid        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SD_CID);
                deviceType = DeviceType.SecureDigital;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                csd        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SD_CSD);
                deviceType = DeviceType.SecureDigital;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                ocr        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SD_OCR);
                deviceType = DeviceType.SecureDigital;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                scr        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SD_SCR);
                deviceType = DeviceType.SecureDigital;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                cid        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_CID);
                deviceType = DeviceType.MMC;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                csd        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_CSD);
                deviceType = DeviceType.MMC;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                ocr        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_OCR);
                deviceType = DeviceType.MMC;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                extendedCsd = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_ExtendedCSD);
                deviceType  = DeviceType.MMC;

            tabSdMmcInfo tabSdMmcInfo = new tabSdMmcInfo();

            tabSdMmcInfo.LoadData(deviceType, cid, csd, ocr, extendedCsd, scr);

            if (imageFormat is IOpticalMediaImage opticalMediaImage)
                    if (opticalMediaImage.Sessions != null && opticalMediaImage.Sessions.Count > 0)
                        TreeGridItemCollection sessionList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                        treeSessions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                            HeaderText = "Session", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
                        treeSessions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                            HeaderText = "First track", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)
                        treeSessions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                            HeaderText = "Last track", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(2)
                        treeSessions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Start", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(3)
                        treeSessions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "End", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(4)

                        treeSessions.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                        treeSessions.ShowHeader             = true;
                        treeSessions.DataStore = sessionList;

                        foreach (Session session in opticalMediaImage.Sessions)
                            sessionList.Add(new TreeGridItem
                                Values = new object[]
                                    session.SessionSequence, session.StartTrack,
                                    session.EndTrack, session.StartSector, session.EndSector

                        tabSessions.Visible = true;
                    // ignored

                    if (opticalMediaImage.Tracks != null && opticalMediaImage.Tracks.Count > 0)
                        TreeGridItemCollection tracksList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Track", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Type", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Bps", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(2)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Raw bps", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(3)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                            HeaderText = "Subchannel", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(4)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Pregap", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(5)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Start", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(6)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "End", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(7)

                        treeTracks.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                        treeTracks.ShowHeader             = true;
                        treeTracks.DataStore = tracksList;

                        foreach (Track track in opticalMediaImage.Tracks)
                            tracksList.Add(new TreeGridItem
                                Values = new object[]
                                    track.TrackSequence, track.TrackType,
                                    track.TrackBytesPerSector, track.TrackRawBytesPerSector,
                                    track.TrackSubchannelType, track.TrackPregap,
                                    track.TrackStartSector, track.TrackEndSector

                        tabTracks.Visible = true;
                    // ignored

            if (imageFormat.DumpHardware == null)

            TreeGridItemCollection dumpHardwareList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Manufacturer", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Model", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Serial", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(2)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Software", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(3)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Version", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(4)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                HeaderText = "Operating system", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(5)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Start", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(6)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "End", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(7)

            treeDumpHardware.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
            treeDumpHardware.ShowHeader             = true;
            treeDumpHardware.DataStore = dumpHardwareList;

            foreach (DumpHardwareType dump in imageFormat.DumpHardware)
                foreach (ExtentType extent in dump.Extents)
                    dumpHardwareList.Add(new TreeGridItem
                        Values = new object[]
                            dump.Manufacturer, dump.Model, dump.Serial, dump.Software.Name,
                            dump.Software.Version, dump.Software.OperatingSystem,
                            extent.Start, extent.End

            tabDumpHardware.Visible = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Dumps an Xbox Game Disc using a Kreon drive
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dev">Device</param>
        /// <param name="devicePath">Path to the device</param>
        /// <param name="outputPrefix">Prefix for output data files</param>
        /// <param name="outputPlugin">Plugin for output file</param>
        /// <param name="retryPasses">How many times to retry</param>
        /// <param name="force">Force to continue dump whenever possible</param>
        /// <param name="dumpRaw">Dump raw/long sectors</param>
        /// <param name="persistent">Store whatever data the drive returned on error</param>
        /// <param name="stopOnError">Stop dump on first error</param>
        /// <param name="resume">Information for dump resuming</param>
        /// <param name="dumpLog">Dump logger</param>
        /// <param name="encoding">Encoding to use when analyzing dump</param>
        /// <param name="mediaTags">Media tags as retrieved in MMC layer</param>
        /// <param name="dskType">Disc type as detected in MMC layer</param>
        /// <param name="outputPath">Path to output file</param>
        /// <param name="formatOptions">Formats to pass to output file plugin</param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
        ///     If the provided resume does not correspond with the current in progress
        ///     dump
        /// </exception>
        internal static void Dump(Device dev, string devicePath,
                                  IWritableImage outputPlugin, ushort retryPasses,
                                  bool force, bool dumpRaw,
                                  bool persistent, bool stopOnError,
                                  Dictionary <MediaTagType, byte[]> mediaTags, ref MediaType dskType,
                                  ref Resume resume,
                                  ref DumpLog dumpLog, Encoding encoding,
                                  string outputPrefix, string outputPath,
                                  Dictionary <string, string> formatOptions, CICMMetadataType preSidecar,
                                  uint skip,
                                  bool nometadata, bool notrim)
            bool       sense;
            ulong      blocks;
            const uint BLOCK_SIZE   = 2048;
            uint       blocksToRead = 64;
            DateTime   start;
            DateTime   end;
            double     totalDuration = 0;
            double     currentSpeed  = 0;
            double     maxSpeed      = double.MinValue;
            double     minSpeed      = double.MaxValue;
            bool       aborted       = false;

            System.Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, e) => e.Cancel = aborted = true;

            if (mediaTags.ContainsKey(MediaTagType.DVD_PFI))
            if (mediaTags.ContainsKey(MediaTagType.DVD_DMI))

            dumpLog.WriteLine("Reading Xbox Security Sector.");
            sense = dev.KreonExtractSs(out byte[] ssBuf, out byte[] senseBuf, dev.Timeout, out _);
            if (sense)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot get Xbox Security Sector, not continuing.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot get Xbox Security Sector, not continuing.");

            dumpLog.WriteLine("Decoding Xbox Security Sector.");
            SS.SecuritySector?xboxSs = SS.Decode(ssBuf);
            if (!xboxSs.HasValue)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot decode Xbox Security Sector, not continuing.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot decode Xbox Security Sector, not continuing.");

            byte[] tmpBuf = new byte[ssBuf.Length - 4];
            Array.Copy(ssBuf, 4, tmpBuf, 0, ssBuf.Length - 4);
            mediaTags.Add(MediaTagType.Xbox_SecuritySector, tmpBuf);

            ulong l0Video, l1Video, middleZone, gameSize, totalSize, layerBreak;

            // Get video partition size
            DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Dump-media command", "Getting video partition size");
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Locking drive.");
            sense = dev.KreonLock(out senseBuf, dev.Timeout, out _);
            if (sense)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot lock drive, not continuing.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot lock drive, not continuing.");

            dumpLog.WriteLine("Getting video partition size.");
            sense = dev.ReadCapacity(out byte[] readBuffer, out senseBuf, dev.Timeout, out _);
            if (sense)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot get disc capacity.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot get disc capacity.");

            totalSize = (ulong)((readBuffer[0] << 24) + (readBuffer[1] << 16) + (readBuffer[2] << 8) + readBuffer[3]);
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Reading Physical Format Information.");
            sense = dev.ReadDiscStructure(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, MmcDiscStructureMediaType.Dvd, 0, 0,
                                          MmcDiscStructureFormat.PhysicalInformation, 0, 0, out _);
            if (sense)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot get PFI.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot get PFI.");

            tmpBuf = new byte[readBuffer.Length - 4];
            Array.Copy(readBuffer, 4, tmpBuf, 0, readBuffer.Length - 4);
            mediaTags.Add(MediaTagType.DVD_PFI, tmpBuf);
            DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Dump-media command", "Video partition total size: {0} sectors", totalSize);
            l0Video = PFI.Decode(readBuffer).Value.Layer0EndPSN - PFI.Decode(readBuffer).Value.DataAreaStartPSN + 1;
            l1Video = totalSize - l0Video + 1;
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Reading Disc Manufacturing Information.");
            sense = dev.ReadDiscStructure(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, MmcDiscStructureMediaType.Dvd, 0, 0,
                                          MmcDiscStructureFormat.DiscManufacturingInformation, 0, 0, out _);
            if (sense)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot get DMI.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot get DMI.");

            tmpBuf = new byte[readBuffer.Length - 4];
            Array.Copy(readBuffer, 4, tmpBuf, 0, readBuffer.Length - 4);
            mediaTags.Add(MediaTagType.DVD_DMI, tmpBuf);

            // Get game partition size
            DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Dump-media command", "Getting game partition size");
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Unlocking drive (Xtreme).");
            sense = dev.KreonUnlockXtreme(out senseBuf, dev.Timeout, out _);
            if (sense)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot unlock drive, not continuing.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot unlock drive, not continuing.");

            dumpLog.WriteLine("Getting game partition size.");
            sense = dev.ReadCapacity(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, dev.Timeout, out _);
            if (sense)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot get disc capacity.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot get disc capacity.");

            gameSize = (ulong)((readBuffer[0] << 24) + (readBuffer[1] << 16) + (readBuffer[2] << 8) + readBuffer[3]) +
            DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Dump-media command", "Game partition total size: {0} sectors", gameSize);

            // Get middle zone size
            DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Dump-media command", "Getting middle zone size");
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Unlocking drive (Wxripper).");
            sense = dev.KreonUnlockWxripper(out senseBuf, dev.Timeout, out _);
            if (sense)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot unlock drive, not continuing.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot unlock drive, not continuing.");

            dumpLog.WriteLine("Getting disc size.");
            sense = dev.ReadCapacity(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, dev.Timeout, out _);
            if (sense)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot get disc capacity.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot get disc capacity.");

            totalSize = (ulong)((readBuffer[0] << 24) + (readBuffer[1] << 16) + (readBuffer[2] << 8) + readBuffer[3]);
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Reading Physical Format Information.");
            sense = dev.ReadDiscStructure(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, MmcDiscStructureMediaType.Dvd, 0, 0,
                                          MmcDiscStructureFormat.PhysicalInformation, 0, 0, out _);
            if (sense)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot get PFI.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot get PFI.");

            DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Dump-media command", "Unlocked total size: {0} sectors", totalSize);
            blocks     = totalSize + 1;
            middleZone =
                totalSize - (PFI.Decode(readBuffer).Value.Layer0EndPSN -
                             PFI.Decode(readBuffer).Value.DataAreaStartPSN +
                             1) - gameSize + 1;

            tmpBuf = new byte[readBuffer.Length - 4];
            Array.Copy(readBuffer, 4, tmpBuf, 0, readBuffer.Length - 4);
            mediaTags.Add(MediaTagType.Xbox_PFI, tmpBuf);

            dumpLog.WriteLine("Reading Disc Manufacturing Information.");
            sense = dev.ReadDiscStructure(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, MmcDiscStructureMediaType.Dvd, 0, 0,
                                          MmcDiscStructureFormat.DiscManufacturingInformation, 0, 0, out _);
            if (sense)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot get DMI.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot get DMI.");

            tmpBuf = new byte[readBuffer.Length - 4];
            Array.Copy(readBuffer, 4, tmpBuf, 0, readBuffer.Length - 4);
            mediaTags.Add(MediaTagType.Xbox_DMI, tmpBuf);

            totalSize  = l0Video + l1Video + middleZone * 2 + gameSize;
            layerBreak = l0Video + middleZone + gameSize / 2;

            DicConsole.WriteLine("Video layer 0 size: {0} sectors", l0Video);
            DicConsole.WriteLine("Video layer 1 size: {0} sectors", l1Video);
            DicConsole.WriteLine("Middle zone size: {0} sectors", middleZone);
            DicConsole.WriteLine("Game data size: {0} sectors", gameSize);
            DicConsole.WriteLine("Total size: {0} sectors", totalSize);
            DicConsole.WriteLine("Real layer break: {0}", layerBreak);

            dumpLog.WriteLine("Video layer 0 size: {0} sectors", l0Video);
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Video layer 1 size: {0} sectors", l1Video);
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Middle zone 0 size: {0} sectors", middleZone);
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Game data 0 size: {0} sectors", gameSize);
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Total 0 size: {0} sectors", totalSize);
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Real layer break: {0}", layerBreak);

            bool read12 = !dev.Read12(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, 0, false, true, false, false, 0, BLOCK_SIZE, 0, 1,
                                      false, dev.Timeout, out _);

            if (!read12)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot read medium, aborting scan...");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot read medium, aborting scan...");

            dumpLog.WriteLine("Using SCSI READ (12) command.");
            DicConsole.WriteLine("Using SCSI READ (12) command.");

            while (true)
                if (read12)
                    sense = dev.Read12(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, BLOCK_SIZE, 0,
                                       blocksToRead, false, dev.Timeout, out _);
                    if (sense || dev.Error)
                        blocksToRead /= 2;

                if (!dev.Error || blocksToRead == 1)

            if (dev.Error)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Device error {0} trying to guess ideal transfer length.", dev.LastError);
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Device error {0} trying to guess ideal transfer length.", dev.LastError);

            if (skip < blocksToRead)
                skip = blocksToRead;

            bool ret = true;

            foreach (MediaTagType tag in mediaTags.Keys)
                if (outputPlugin.SupportedMediaTags.Contains(tag))

                ret = false;
                dumpLog.WriteLine($"Output format does not support {tag}.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine($"Output format does not support {tag}.");

            if (!ret)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Several media tags not supported, {0}continuing...", force ? "" : "not ");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Several media tags not supported, {0}continuing...", force ? "" : "not ");
                if (!force)

            dumpLog.WriteLine("Reading {0} sectors at a time.", blocksToRead);
            DicConsole.WriteLine("Reading {0} sectors at a time.", blocksToRead);

            MhddLog mhddLog = new MhddLog(outputPrefix + ".mhddlog.bin", dev, blocks, BLOCK_SIZE, blocksToRead);
            IbgLog  ibgLog  = new IbgLog(outputPrefix + ".ibg", 0x0010);

            ret = outputPlugin.Create(outputPath, dskType, formatOptions, blocks, BLOCK_SIZE);

            // Cannot create image
            if (!ret)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Error creating output image, not continuing.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Error creating output image, not continuing.");

            start = DateTime.UtcNow;
            double imageWriteDuration = 0;

            double           cmdDuration      = 0;
            uint             saveBlocksToRead = blocksToRead;
            DumpHardwareType currentTry       = null;
            ExtentsULong     extents          = null;

            ResumeSupport.Process(true, true, totalSize, dev.Manufacturer, dev.Model, dev.Serial, dev.PlatformId,
                                  ref resume, ref currentTry, ref extents);
            if (currentTry == null || extents == null)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Could not process resume file, not continuing...");

            outputPlugin.SetTracks(new List <Track>
                new Track
                    TrackBytesPerSector    = (int)BLOCK_SIZE,
                    TrackEndSector         = blocks - 1,
                    TrackSequence          = 1,
                    TrackRawBytesPerSector = (int)BLOCK_SIZE,
                    TrackSubchannelType    = TrackSubchannelType.None,
                    TrackSession           = 1,
                    TrackType = TrackType.Data

            ulong currentSector = resume.NextBlock;

            if (resume.NextBlock > 0)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Resuming from block {0}.", resume.NextBlock);
            bool newTrim = false;

            dumpLog.WriteLine("Reading game partition.");
            for (int e = 0; e <= 16; e++)
                if (aborted)
                    resume.NextBlock   = currentSector;
                    currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents);

                if (currentSector >= blocks)

                ulong extentStart, extentEnd;
                // Extents
                if (e < 16)
                    if (xboxSs.Value.Extents[e].StartPSN <= xboxSs.Value.Layer0EndPSN)
                        extentStart = xboxSs.Value.Extents[e].StartPSN - 0x30000;
                        extentStart = (xboxSs.Value.Layer0EndPSN + 1) * 2 -
                                      ((xboxSs.Value.Extents[e].StartPSN ^ 0xFFFFFF) + 1) - 0x30000;
                    if (xboxSs.Value.Extents[e].EndPSN <= xboxSs.Value.Layer0EndPSN)
                        extentEnd = xboxSs.Value.Extents[e].EndPSN - 0x30000;
                        extentEnd = (xboxSs.Value.Layer0EndPSN + 1) * 2 -
                                    ((xboxSs.Value.Extents[e].EndPSN ^ 0xFFFFFF) + 1) - 0x30000;
                // After last extent
                    extentStart = blocks;
                    extentEnd   = blocks;

                if (currentSector > extentEnd)

                for (ulong i = currentSector; i < extentStart; i += blocksToRead)
                    saveBlocksToRead = blocksToRead;

                    if (aborted)
                        currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents);

                    if (extentStart - i < blocksToRead)
                        blocksToRead = (uint)(extentStart - i);

                    #pragma warning disable RECS0018 // Comparison of floating point numbers with equality operator
                    if (currentSpeed > maxSpeed && currentSpeed != 0)
                        maxSpeed = currentSpeed;
                    if (currentSpeed < minSpeed && currentSpeed != 0)
                        minSpeed = currentSpeed;
                    #pragma warning restore RECS0018 // Comparison of floating point numbers with equality operator

                    DicConsole.Write("\rReading sector {0} of {1} ({2:F3} MiB/sec.)", i, totalSize, currentSpeed);

                    sense = dev.Read12(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, 0, false, false, false, false, (uint)i, BLOCK_SIZE,
                                       0, blocksToRead, false, dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration);
                    totalDuration += cmdDuration;

                    if (!sense && !dev.Error)
                        mhddLog.Write(i, cmdDuration);
                        ibgLog.Write(i, currentSpeed * 1024);
                        DateTime writeStart = DateTime.Now;
                        outputPlugin.WriteSectors(readBuffer, i, blocksToRead);
                        imageWriteDuration += (DateTime.Now - writeStart).TotalSeconds;
                        extents.Add(i, blocksToRead, true);
                        // TODO: Reset device after X errors
                        if (stopOnError)
                            return;             // TODO: Return more cleanly
                        if (i + skip > blocks)
                            skip = (uint)(blocks - i);

                        // Write empty data
                        DateTime writeStart = DateTime.Now;
                        outputPlugin.WriteSectors(new byte[BLOCK_SIZE * skip], i, skip);
                        imageWriteDuration += (DateTime.Now - writeStart).TotalSeconds;

                        for (ulong b = i; b < i + skip; b++)

                        DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Dump-Media", "READ error:\n{0}", Sense.PrettifySense(senseBuf));
                        mhddLog.Write(i, cmdDuration < 500 ? 65535 : cmdDuration);

                        ibgLog.Write(i, 0);

                        dumpLog.WriteLine("Skipping {0} blocks from errored block {1}.", skip, i);
                        i += skip - blocksToRead;
                        string[] senseLines = Sense.PrettifySense(senseBuf).Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine },
                        foreach (string senseLine in senseLines)
                        newTrim = true;

                    double newSpeed =
                        (double)BLOCK_SIZE * blocksToRead / 1048576 / (cmdDuration / 1000);
                    if (!double.IsInfinity(newSpeed))
                        currentSpeed = newSpeed;
                    blocksToRead     = saveBlocksToRead;
                    currentSector    = i + 1;
                    resume.NextBlock = currentSector;

                for (ulong i = extentStart; i <= extentEnd; i += blocksToRead)
                    saveBlocksToRead = blocksToRead;
                    if (aborted)
                        currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents);

                    if (extentEnd - i < blocksToRead)
                        blocksToRead = (uint)(extentEnd - i) + 1;

                    mhddLog.Write(i, cmdDuration);
                    ibgLog.Write(i, currentSpeed * 1024);
                    // Write empty data
                    DateTime writeStart = DateTime.Now;
                    outputPlugin.WriteSectors(new byte[BLOCK_SIZE * blocksToRead], i, blocksToRead);
                    imageWriteDuration += (DateTime.Now - writeStart).TotalSeconds;
                    blocksToRead        = saveBlocksToRead;
                    extents.Add(i, blocksToRead, true);
                    currentSector    = i + 1;
                    resume.NextBlock = currentSector;

                if (!aborted)
                    currentSector = extentEnd + 1;

            // Middle Zone D
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Writing Middle Zone D (empty).");
            for (ulong middle = currentSector - blocks - 1; middle < middleZone - 1; middle += blocksToRead)
                if (aborted)
                    currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents);

                if (middleZone - 1 - middle < blocksToRead)
                    blocksToRead = (uint)(middleZone - 1 - middle);

                DicConsole.Write("\rReading sector {0} of {1} ({2:F3} MiB/sec.)", middle + currentSector, totalSize,

                mhddLog.Write(middle + currentSector, cmdDuration);
                ibgLog.Write(middle + currentSector, currentSpeed * 1024);
                // Write empty data
                DateTime writeStart = DateTime.Now;
                outputPlugin.WriteSectors(new byte[BLOCK_SIZE * blocksToRead], middle + currentSector, blocksToRead);
                imageWriteDuration += (DateTime.Now - writeStart).TotalSeconds;
                extents.Add(currentSector, blocksToRead, true);

                currentSector   += blocksToRead;
                resume.NextBlock = currentSector;

            blocksToRead = saveBlocksToRead;

            dumpLog.WriteLine("Locking drive.");
            sense = dev.KreonLock(out senseBuf, dev.Timeout, out _);
            if (sense)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot lock drive, not continuing.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot lock drive, not continuing.");

            sense = dev.ReadCapacity(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, dev.Timeout, out _);
            if (sense)
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot get disc capacity.");

            // Video Layer 1
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Reading Video Layer 1.");
            for (ulong l1 = currentSector - blocks - middleZone + l0Video; l1 < l0Video + l1Video; l1 += blocksToRead)
                if (aborted)
                    currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents);

                if (l0Video + l1Video - l1 < blocksToRead)
                    blocksToRead = (uint)(l0Video + l1Video - l1);

                #pragma warning disable RECS0018 // Comparison of floating point numbers with equality operator
                if (currentSpeed > maxSpeed && currentSpeed != 0)
                    maxSpeed = currentSpeed;
                if (currentSpeed < minSpeed && currentSpeed != 0)
                    minSpeed = currentSpeed;
                #pragma warning restore RECS0018 // Comparison of floating point numbers with equality operator

                DicConsole.Write("\rReading sector {0} of {1} ({2:F3} MiB/sec.)", currentSector, totalSize,

                sense = dev.Read12(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, 0, false, false, false, false, (uint)l1, BLOCK_SIZE, 0,
                                   blocksToRead, false, dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration);
                totalDuration += cmdDuration;

                if (!sense && !dev.Error)
                    mhddLog.Write(currentSector, cmdDuration);
                    ibgLog.Write(currentSector, currentSpeed * 1024);
                    DateTime writeStart = DateTime.Now;
                    outputPlugin.WriteSectors(readBuffer, currentSector, blocksToRead);
                    imageWriteDuration += (DateTime.Now - writeStart).TotalSeconds;
                    extents.Add(currentSector, blocksToRead, true);
                    // TODO: Reset device after X errors
                    if (stopOnError)
                        return;             // TODO: Return more cleanly
                    // Write empty data
                    DateTime writeStart = DateTime.Now;
                    outputPlugin.WriteSectors(new byte[BLOCK_SIZE * skip], currentSector, skip);
                    imageWriteDuration += (DateTime.Now - writeStart).TotalSeconds;

                    // TODO: Handle errors in video partition
                    //errored += blocksToRead;
                    DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Dump-Media", "READ error:\n{0}", Sense.PrettifySense(senseBuf));
                    mhddLog.Write(l1, cmdDuration < 500 ? 65535 : cmdDuration);

                    ibgLog.Write(l1, 0);
                    dumpLog.WriteLine("Skipping {0} blocks from errored block {1}.", skip, l1);
                    l1 += skip - blocksToRead;
                    string[] senseLines = Sense.PrettifySense(senseBuf).Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine },
                    foreach (string senseLine in senseLines)

                double newSpeed =
                    (double)BLOCK_SIZE * blocksToRead / 1048576 / (cmdDuration / 1000);
                if (!double.IsInfinity(newSpeed))
                    currentSpeed = newSpeed;
                currentSector   += blocksToRead;
                resume.NextBlock = currentSector;

            dumpLog.WriteLine("Unlocking drive (Wxripper).");
            sense = dev.KreonUnlockWxripper(out senseBuf, dev.Timeout, out _);
            if (sense)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Cannot unlock drive, not continuing.");
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot unlock drive, not continuing.");

            sense = dev.ReadCapacity(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, dev.Timeout, out _);
            if (sense)
                DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Cannot get disc capacity.");

            end = DateTime.UtcNow;
            ibgLog.Close(dev, blocks, BLOCK_SIZE, (end - start).TotalSeconds, currentSpeed * 1024,
                         BLOCK_SIZE * (double)(blocks + 1) / 1024 / (totalDuration / 1000),
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Dump finished in {0} seconds.", (end - start).TotalSeconds);
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Average dump speed {0:F3} KiB/sec.",
                              (double)BLOCK_SIZE * (double)(blocks + 1) / 1024 / (totalDuration / 1000));
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Average write speed {0:F3} KiB/sec.",
                              (double)BLOCK_SIZE * (double)(blocks + 1) / 1024 / imageWriteDuration);

            #region Trimming
            if (resume.BadBlocks.Count > 0 && !aborted && !notrim && newTrim)
                start = DateTime.UtcNow;
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Trimming bad sectors");

                ulong[] tmpArray = resume.BadBlocks.ToArray();
                foreach (ulong badSector in tmpArray)
                    if (aborted)
                        currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents);

                    DicConsole.Write("\rTrimming sector {0}", badSector);

                    sense = dev.Read12(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, 0, false, false, false, false, (uint)badSector,
                                       BLOCK_SIZE, 0, 1, false, dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration);
                    totalDuration += cmdDuration;

                    if (sense || dev.Error)

                    outputPlugin.WriteSector(readBuffer, badSector);

                end = DateTime.UtcNow;
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Trimmming finished in {0} seconds.", (end - start).TotalSeconds);
            #endregion Trimming

            #region Error handling
            if (resume.BadBlocks.Count > 0 && !aborted && retryPasses > 0)
                List <ulong> tmpList = new List <ulong>();

                foreach (ulong ur in resume.BadBlocks)
                    for (ulong i = ur; i < ur + blocksToRead; i++)


                int  pass              = 1;
                bool forward           = true;
                bool runningPersistent = false;

                resume.BadBlocks = tmpList;
                Modes.ModePage?currentModePage = null;
                byte[]         md6;
                byte[]         md10;

                if (persistent)
                    Modes.ModePage_01_MMC pgMmc;

                    sense = dev.ModeSense6(out readBuffer, out _, false, ScsiModeSensePageControl.Current, 0x01,
                                           dev.Timeout, out _);
                    if (sense)
                        sense = dev.ModeSense10(out readBuffer, out _, false, ScsiModeSensePageControl.Current,
                                                0x01, dev.Timeout, out _);

                        if (!sense)
                            Modes.DecodedMode?dcMode10 =
                                Modes.DecodeMode10(readBuffer, PeripheralDeviceTypes.MultiMediaDevice);

                            if (dcMode10.HasValue)
                                foreach (Modes.ModePage modePage in dcMode10.Value.Pages)
                                    if (modePage.Page == 0x01 && modePage.Subpage == 0x00)
                                        currentModePage = modePage;
                        Modes.DecodedMode?dcMode6 =
                            Modes.DecodeMode6(readBuffer, PeripheralDeviceTypes.MultiMediaDevice);

                        if (dcMode6.HasValue)
                            foreach (Modes.ModePage modePage in dcMode6.Value.Pages)
                                if (modePage.Page == 0x01 && modePage.Subpage == 0x00)
                                    currentModePage = modePage;

                    if (currentModePage == null)
                        pgMmc =
                            new Modes.ModePage_01_MMC {
                            PS = false, ReadRetryCount = 0x20, Parameter = 0x00
                        currentModePage = new Modes.ModePage
                            Page         = 0x01,
                            Subpage      = 0x00,
                            PageResponse = Modes.EncodeModePage_01_MMC(pgMmc)

                    pgMmc =
                        new Modes.ModePage_01_MMC {
                        PS = false, ReadRetryCount = 255, Parameter = 0x20
                    Modes.DecodedMode md = new Modes.DecodedMode
                        Header = new Modes.ModeHeader(),
                        Pages  = new[]
                            new Modes.ModePage
                                Page         = 0x01,
                                Subpage      = 0x00,
                                PageResponse = Modes.EncodeModePage_01_MMC(pgMmc)
                    md6  = Modes.EncodeMode6(md, dev.ScsiType);
                    md10 = Modes.EncodeMode10(md, dev.ScsiType);

                    dumpLog.WriteLine("Sending MODE SELECT to drive (return damaged blocks).");
                    sense = dev.ModeSelect(md6, out senseBuf, true, false, dev.Timeout, out _);
                    if (sense)
                        sense = dev.ModeSelect10(md10, out senseBuf, true, false, dev.Timeout, out _);

                    if (sense)
                        .WriteLine("Drive did not accept MODE SELECT command for persistent error reading, try another drive.");
                        DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Error: {0}", Sense.PrettifySense(senseBuf));
                        dumpLog.WriteLine("Drive did not accept MODE SELECT command for persistent error reading, try another drive.");
                        runningPersistent = true;

                ulong[] tmpArray = resume.BadBlocks.ToArray();
                foreach (ulong badSector in tmpArray)
                    if (aborted)
                        currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents);

                    DicConsole.Write("\rRetrying sector {0}, pass {1}, {3}{2}", badSector, pass,
                                     forward ? "forward" : "reverse",
                                     runningPersistent ? "recovering partial data, " : "");

                    sense = dev.Read12(out readBuffer, out senseBuf, 0, false, false, false, false, (uint)badSector,
                                       BLOCK_SIZE, 0, 1, false, dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration);
                    totalDuration += cmdDuration;

                    if (!sense && !dev.Error)
                        outputPlugin.WriteSector(readBuffer, badSector);
                        dumpLog.WriteLine("Correctly retried block {0} in pass {1}.", badSector, pass);
                    else if (runningPersistent)
                        outputPlugin.WriteSector(readBuffer, badSector);

                if (pass < retryPasses && !aborted && resume.BadBlocks.Count > 0)
                    forward = !forward;
                    goto repeatRetry;

                if (runningPersistent && currentModePage.HasValue)
                    Modes.DecodedMode md = new Modes.DecodedMode
                        Header = new Modes.ModeHeader(),
                        Pages  = new[] { currentModePage.Value }
                    md6  = Modes.EncodeMode6(md, dev.ScsiType);
                    md10 = Modes.EncodeMode10(md, dev.ScsiType);

                    dumpLog.WriteLine("Sending MODE SELECT to drive (return device to previous status).");
                    sense = dev.ModeSelect(md6, out senseBuf, true, false, dev.Timeout, out _);
                    if (sense)
                        dev.ModeSelect10(md10, out senseBuf, true, false, dev.Timeout, out _);

            #endregion Error handling

            currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <MediaTagType, byte[]> tag in mediaTags)
                ret = outputPlugin.WriteMediaTag(tag.Value, tag.Key);
                if (ret || force)

                // Cannot write tag to image
                dumpLog.WriteLine($"Cannot write tag {tag.Key}.");
                throw new ArgumentException(outputPlugin.ErrorMessage);

            foreach (ulong bad in resume.BadBlocks)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Sector {0} could not be read.", bad);
            currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents);

            if (preSidecar != null)
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Closing output file.");
            DicConsole.WriteLine("Closing output file.");
            DateTime closeStart = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime closeEnd = DateTime.Now;
            dumpLog.WriteLine("Closed in {0} seconds.", (closeEnd - closeStart).TotalSeconds);

            if (aborted)

            double totalChkDuration = 0;
            if (!nometadata)
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Creating sidecar.");
                FiltersList filters     = new FiltersList();
                IFilter     filter      = filters.GetFilter(outputPath);
                IMediaImage inputPlugin = ImageFormat.Detect(filter);
                if (!inputPlugin.Open(filter))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Could not open created image.");

                DateTime         chkStart = DateTime.UtcNow;
                CICMMetadataType sidecar  = Sidecar.Create(inputPlugin, outputPath, filter.Id, encoding);
                end = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (preSidecar != null)
                    preSidecar.OpticalDisc = sidecar.OpticalDisc;
                    sidecar = preSidecar;

                totalChkDuration = (end - chkStart).TotalMilliseconds;
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Sidecar created in {0} seconds.", (end - chkStart).TotalSeconds);
                dumpLog.WriteLine("Average checksum speed {0:F3} KiB/sec.",
                                  (double)BLOCK_SIZE * (double)(blocks + 1) / 1024 / (totalChkDuration / 1000));

                foreach (KeyValuePair <MediaTagType, byte[]> tag in mediaTags)
                    Mmc.AddMediaTagToSidecar(outputPath, tag, ref sidecar);

                List <(ulong start, string type)> filesystems = new List <(ulong start, string type)>();
                if (sidecar.OpticalDisc[0].Track != null)
                    filesystems.AddRange(from xmlTrack in sidecar.OpticalDisc[0].Track
                                         where xmlTrack.FileSystemInformation != null
                                         from partition in xmlTrack.FileSystemInformation
                                         where partition.FileSystems != null
                                         from fileSystem in partition.FileSystems
                                         select((ulong)partition.StartSector, fileSystem.Type));

                if (filesystems.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var filesystem in filesystems.Select(o => new { o.start, o.type }).Distinct())
                        dumpLog.WriteLine("Found filesystem {0} at sector {1}", filesystem.type, filesystem.start);

                sidecar.OpticalDisc[0].Layers = new LayersType
                    type          = LayersTypeType.OTP,
                    typeSpecified = true,
                    Sectors       = new SectorsType[1]
                sidecar.OpticalDisc[0].Layers.Sectors[0] = new SectorsType {
                    Value = (long)layerBreak
                sidecar.OpticalDisc[0].Sessions   = 1;
                sidecar.OpticalDisc[0].Dimensions = Dimensions.DimensionsFromMediaType(dskType);
                Metadata.MediaType.MediaTypeToString(dskType, out string xmlDskTyp, out string xmlDskSubTyp);
                sidecar.OpticalDisc[0].DiscType    = xmlDskTyp;
                sidecar.OpticalDisc[0].DiscSubType = xmlDskSubTyp;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <MediaTagType, byte[]> tag in mediaTags)
                    if (outputPlugin.SupportedMediaTags.Contains(tag.Key))
                        Mmc.AddMediaTagToSidecar(outputPath, tag, ref sidecar);

                DicConsole.WriteLine("Writing metadata sidecar");

                FileStream xmlFs = new FileStream(outputPrefix + ".cicm.xml", FileMode.Create);

                XmlSerializer xmlSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CICMMetadataType));
                xmlSer.Serialize(xmlFs, sidecar);

            DicConsole.WriteLine("Took a total of {0:F3} seconds ({1:F3} processing commands, {2:F3} checksumming, {3:F3} writing, {4:F3} closing).",
                                 (end - start).TotalSeconds, totalDuration / 1000,
                                 totalChkDuration / 1000,
                                 imageWriteDuration, (closeEnd - closeStart).TotalSeconds);
            DicConsole.WriteLine("Avegare speed: {0:F3} MiB/sec.",
                                 (double)BLOCK_SIZE * (double)(blocks + 1) / 1048576 / (totalDuration / 1000));
            DicConsole.WriteLine("Fastest speed burst: {0:F3} MiB/sec.", maxSpeed);
            DicConsole.WriteLine("Slowest speed burst: {0:F3} MiB/sec.", minSpeed);
            DicConsole.WriteLine("{0} sectors could not be read.", resume.BadBlocks.Count);

            Statistics.AddMedia(dskType, true);