public void Update() { //button inputs for camera //rotate-left, rotate-right, tilt-up, tilt-down, zoom-in, zoom-out MovableCamera mc = Camera.main.transform.parent.GetComponent <MovableCamera>(); if (Input.GetButton("Rotate Left")) { if (!mc.IsMoving) { mc.targetRotation = (float)SRPGUtil.LockFacing(mc.targetRotation - 90, FacingLock.Ordinal); } } if (Input.GetButton("Rotate Right")) { if (!mc.IsMoving) { mc.targetRotation = (float)SRPGUtil.LockFacing(mc.targetRotation + 90, FacingLock.Ordinal); } } if (Input.GetButton("Tilt Up")) { if (Mathf.Approximately(mc.targetTilt, 30) && !mc.IsMoving) { mc.targetTilt = 45; } } if (Input.GetButton("Tilt Down")) { if (Mathf.Approximately(mc.targetTilt, 45) && !mc.IsMoving) { mc.targetTilt = 30; } } if (Input.GetButton("Zoom In")) { if (Mathf.Approximately(mc.targetDistance, 45) && !mc.IsMoving) { mc.targetDistance = 30; } } if (Input.GetButton("Zoom Out")) { if (Mathf.Approximately(mc.targetDistance, 30) && !mc.IsMoving) { mc.targetDistance = 45; } } //also, if we're in an active skill, make the selected tile the target pivot if (activeSkill != null) { if (activeSkill is ActionSkillDef) { FocusOnPoint(map.TransformPointWorld(((ActionSkillDef)activeSkill).TargetPosition)); } } }
public Arrow ArrowForFacing(float f) { LockedFacing l = SRPGUtil.LockFacing(f, FacingLock.Cardinal, map.transform.eulerAngles.y); switch (l) { case LockedFacing.XP: return(Arrow.XP); case LockedFacing.YP: return(Arrow.YP); case LockedFacing.XN: return(Arrow.XN); case LockedFacing.YN: return(Arrow.YN); default: Debug.LogError("Bad locked facing " + l + " from " + f); return((Arrow)(-1)); } }
protected float FacingSwitch( Formulae fdb, StatEffectTarget target, SkillDef scontext, Character ccontext, Character tcontext, Equipment econtext, Item icontext ) { if (scontext == null) { Debug.LogError("Relative facing not available for non-attack/reaction skill effects."); return(float.NaN); } Character applier = scontext != null ? scontext.character : ccontext; Character applied = scontext != null ? scontext.currentTargetCharacter : tcontext; CharacterPointing pointing = CharacterPointing.Front; Character x = null, y = null; if (target == StatEffectTarget.Applied) { x = applier; y = applied; } else if (target == StatEffectTarget.Applier) { x = applied; y = applier; } Vector3 xp = x.TilePosition; Vector3 yp = y.TilePosition; //see if y is facing towards x at all float xAngle = SRPGUtil.WrapAngle(x.Facing); float yAngle = SRPGUtil.WrapAngle(y.Facing); float interAngle = Mathf.Atan2(yp.y - xp.y, yp.x - xp.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; float relativeYAngle = SRPGUtil.WrapAngle(yAngle - xAngle); bool towards = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.DeltaAngle(interAngle, xAngle)) < 45; //is theta(y,x) within 45 of yAngle? // Debug.Log("xang "+xAngle); // Debug.Log("yang "+yAngle); // Debug.Log("interang "+interAngle); // Debug.Log("towardsang "+Mathf.Abs(Mathf.DeltaAngle(xAngle, interAngle))); // Debug.Log("relY "+relativeYAngle); if (towards) { //next, get the quadrant //quadrant ~~ theta (target -> other) if (relativeYAngle >= 45 && relativeYAngle < 135) { pointing = CharacterPointing.Left; } else if (relativeYAngle >= 135 && relativeYAngle < 225) { pointing = CharacterPointing.Front; } else if (relativeYAngle >= 225 && relativeYAngle < 315) { pointing = CharacterPointing.Right; } else { pointing = CharacterPointing.Back; } } else { pointing = CharacterPointing.Away; } // Debug.Log("pt "+pointing); //order: //front, left, right, back, away, sides, towards, default //must have null entries if (arguments.Count != 8) { Debug.Log("Bad facing switch in skill " + (scontext != null ? scontext.skillName : "none")); } if (pointing == CharacterPointing.Front && NotNullFormula(arguments[0])) { //front //Debug.Log("ft"); return(arguments[0].GetValue(fdb, scontext, ccontext, tcontext, econtext, icontext)); } else if (pointing == CharacterPointing.Left && NotNullFormula(arguments[1])) { //left //Debug.Log("lt"); return(arguments[1].GetValue(fdb, scontext, ccontext, tcontext, econtext, icontext)); } else if (pointing == CharacterPointing.Right && NotNullFormula(arguments[2])) { //right //Debug.Log("rt"); return(arguments[2].GetValue(fdb, scontext, ccontext, tcontext, econtext, icontext)); } else if (pointing == CharacterPointing.Back && NotNullFormula(arguments[3])) { //back //Debug.Log("bk"); return(arguments[3].GetValue(fdb, scontext, ccontext, tcontext, econtext, icontext)); } else if (pointing == CharacterPointing.Away && NotNullFormula(arguments[4])) { //away //Debug.Log("away"); return(arguments[4].GetValue(fdb, scontext, ccontext, tcontext, econtext, icontext)); } else if ((pointing == CharacterPointing.Left || pointing == CharacterPointing.Right) && NotNullFormula(arguments[5])) { //sides // Debug.Log("sides"); return(arguments[5].GetValue(fdb, scontext, ccontext, tcontext, econtext, icontext)); } else if ((pointing != CharacterPointing.Away) && NotNullFormula(arguments[6])) { //towards // Debug.Log("twds"); return(arguments[6].GetValue(fdb, scontext, ccontext, tcontext, econtext, icontext)); } else if (NotNullFormula(arguments[7])) { //default // Debug.Log("default"); return(arguments[7].GetValue(fdb, scontext, ccontext, tcontext, econtext, icontext)); } else { Debug.LogError("No valid branch for pointing " + pointing + " in skill " + (scontext != null ? scontext.skillName : "none")); return(float.NaN); } }
public void SpecialMove( Vector3 start, bool animateMoveToStart, string moveType, Region lineMove, float specialMoveSpeedXY, float specialMoveSpeedZ, SkillDef cause ) { specialMoveType = moveType; specialMoveExecutor.XYSpeed = specialMoveSpeedXY; specialMoveExecutor.ZSpeedDown = specialMoveSpeedZ; List <Character> collidedCharacters = new List <Character>(); float direction = -1, amount = -1, remaining = -1, dropDistance = -1; PathNode movePath = lineMove.GetLineMove( out direction, out amount, out remaining, out dropDistance, collidedCharacters, this, start ); //move executor special move (path) specialMoveExecutor.Activate(); CharacterSpecialMoveReport rep = new CharacterSpecialMoveReport( this, moveType, lineMove, cause, start, movePath, direction, amount, remaining, dropDistance, collidedCharacters ); map.BroadcastMessage( "WillSpecialMoveCharacter", rep, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver ); MoveExecutor.MoveFinished movedToStart = (srcStart, srcEndNode, srcFinishedNicely) => { Debug.Log("src finished nicely? " + srcFinishedNicely); specialMoveExecutor.SpecialMoveTo( movePath, (src, endNode, finishedNicely) => { Debug.Log( "specially moved character " + + " by " + moveType + " from " + start + " in dir " + direction + " node " + movePath + " into " + ( collidedCharacters.Count == 0 ? "nobody": "" + collidedCharacters.Count + " folks" ) + " left over " + remaining + " dropped " + dropDistance ); map.BroadcastMessage( "DidSpecialMoveCharacter", rep, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver ); specialMoveExecutor.Deactivate(); var allChars = map.CharactersAt(endNode.pos); var otherChars = allChars.Where(c => c != this && c != mountedCharacter).ToArray(); Character[] chars = null; if (otherChars.Length > 0) { //try to fix myself chars = new Character[] { IsMounting?mountedCharacter: this }; } if (chars != null && chars.Length > 0) { //if any collisions left over between me and somebody else... Debug.Log("fix collisions"); bool success = false; if (!success) { Debug.Log("try straight"); success = TrySpecialMoveResponse(direction, endNode, chars, lineMove, cause); } if (!success) { Debug.Log("try left"); success = TrySpecialMoveResponse(SRPGUtil.WrapAngle(direction + 90), endNode, chars, lineMove, cause); } if (!success) { Debug.Log("try right"); success = TrySpecialMoveResponse(SRPGUtil.WrapAngle(direction - 90), endNode, chars, lineMove, cause); } if (!success) { Debug.Log("try back"); success = TrySpecialMoveResponse(SRPGUtil.WrapAngle(direction + 180), endNode, chars, lineMove, cause); } if (!success) { Debug.LogError("Can't shove " + chars.Length + " chars out of the way!"); } } } ); }; if (start != TilePosition) { if (animateMoveToStart) { specialMoveExecutor.SpecialMoveTo( new PathNode(start, null, 0), movedToStart, 3.0f ); } else { specialMoveExecutor.ImmediatelyMoveTo( new PathNode(start, null, 0), movedToStart, 3.0f ); } } else { movedToStart(start, new PathNode(start, null, 0), true); } }