Ejemplo n.º 1
        public bool SetMapReduce(Mapper mapBlock, Reducer reduceBlock, string version)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((mapBlock != null));
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((version != null));
            this.mapBlock    = mapBlock;
            this.reduceBlock = reduceBlock;
            if (!database.Open())
            // Update the version column in the database. This is a little weird looking
            // because we want to
            // avoid modifying the database if the version didn't change, and because the
            // row might not exist yet.
            SQLiteStorageEngine storageEngine = this.database.GetDatabase();
            // Older Android doesnt have reliable insert or ignore, will to 2 step
            // FIXME review need for change to execSQL, manual call to changes()
            string sql = "SELECT name, version FROM views WHERE name=?";

            string[] args   = new string[] { name };
            Cursor   cursor = null;

                cursor = storageEngine.RawQuery(sql, args);
                if (!cursor.MoveToNext())
                    // no such record, so insert
                    ContentValues insertValues = new ContentValues();
                    insertValues.Put("name", name);
                    insertValues.Put("version", version);
                    storageEngine.Insert("views", null, insertValues);
                ContentValues updateValues = new ContentValues();
                updateValues.Put("version", version);
                updateValues.Put("lastSequence", 0);
                string[] whereArgs    = new string[] { name, version };
                int      rowsAffected = storageEngine.Update("views", updateValues, "name=? AND version!=?"
                                                             , whereArgs);
                return(rowsAffected > 0);
            catch (SQLException e)
                Log.E(Log.TagView, "Error setting map block", e);
                if (cursor != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <exception cref="Couchbase.Lite.Storage.SQLException"></exception>
        public static byte[] ByteArrayResultForQuery(SQLiteStorageEngine database, string
                                                     query, string[] args)
            byte[] result = null;
            Cursor cursor = database.RawQuery(query, args);

            if (cursor.MoveToNext())
                result = cursor.GetBlob(0);