Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override void doRuleQuickFix(SQLConnector eaConnector, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository, int i, string errorMessage)
     if (i == 0)
         EA.Element ownerElement = null;
             ownerElement = repository.GetOriginalRepository().GetElementByID(eaConnector.ClientID);
                 ownerElement = repository.GetOriginalRepository().GetElementByID(eaConnector.SupplierID);
         if (ownerElement != null)
             short z = 0;
             foreach (EA.Connector con in ownerElement.Connectors)
                 if (con.ConnectorGUID == eaConnector.ConnectorGUID)
                     ownerElement.Connectors.DeleteAt(z, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override List <String> doRule(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            List <String> results = new List <string>();

            if (MocaTaggableElement.isIgnored(eaElement))

            if (eaElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.StatementNodeStereotype ||
                eaElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.StoryNodeStereotype ||
                eaElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.StopNodeStereotype)
                int incomingCount = 0;
                foreach (SQLConnector edge in eaElement.Connectors)
                    if (edge.SupplierID == eaElement.ElementID)
                if (incomingCount == 0)
                    results.Add("At least one incoming Edge is needed");
        public override Dictionary <SQLElement, string> doGlobalRule(SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            Dictionary <SQLElement, string> results = new Dictionary <SQLElement, string>();

            String sqlString = "select o.* FROM t_object o, t_diagramobjects a, t_diagramobjects b " +
                               "WHERE a.Object_ID = o.Object_ID " +
                               "AND b.Object_ID <> a.Object_ID " +
                               "AND b.RectRight > a.RectRight " +
                               "AND b.RectLeft < a.RectLeft " +
                               "AND b.RectTop > a.RectTop " +
                               "AND b.RectBottom < a.RectBottom " +
                               "AND a.Diagram_ID = b.Diagram_ID " +
                               "AND o.ParentID <> b.Object_ID";

            foreach (String row in EAUtil.getXMLNodeContentFromSQLQueryString(repository.SQLQuery(sqlString), "Row"))
                if (row != "")
                    SQLElement element = new SQLElement(repository, row);
                    if (element.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.ObjectVariableStereotype || element.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggObjectVariableStereotype)
                        results.Add(element, "Elements diagram bounds are contained by another diagram element which is not its parent");

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override List <String> doRule(SQLConnector eaConnector, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            List <String> results = new List <string>();

            if (eaConnector.Type == ECOREModelingMain.EReferenceConnectorType)
                SQLElement sourceElement = repository.GetElementByID(eaConnector.ClientID);
                SQLElement targetElement = repository.GetElementByID(eaConnector.SupplierID);

                if (sourceElement.Stereotype == ECOREModelingMain.EClassStereotype)
                    String clientResult   = checkCardinality(eaConnector.ClientEnd.Cardinality);
                    String supplierResult = checkCardinality(eaConnector.SupplierEnd.Cardinality);
                    if (clientResult != "")
                    if (supplierResult != "")
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override List <String> doRule(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            List <String> results = new List <string>();

            if (Serialization.MocaTaggableElement.isIgnored(eaElement))

            if (eaElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.StartNodeStereotype)
                checkStartNode(eaElement, results);

            else if (eaElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.StopNodeStereotype)
                checkStopNode(eaElement, results);

            else if (eaElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.StatementNodeStereotype)
                checkStatementNode(eaElement, results);

            else if (eaElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.StoryNodeStereotype)
                checkStoryNode(eaElement, repository, results);
        public override List <String> doRule(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            List <String> results = new List <string>();

            if (eaElement.Stereotype == ECOREModelingMain.EEnumStereotype)
                bool foundEnumConstant = false;
                SQLCollection <SQLAttribute> attributes = eaElement.Attributes;
                foreach (SQLAttribute attribute in attributes)
                    if (ConsistencyUtil.isValidConstantName(attribute.Name))
                        foundEnumConstant = true;
                            foundEnumConstant = true;
                        catch (FormatException)
                if (!foundEnumConstant)
                    results.Add("EEnum should contain at least one enum constant consisting of uppercase letters, digits, and underscores with an integer default value.");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override List <String> doRule(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            List <String> results = new List <string>();

            if (eaElement.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggRuleStereotype)
                SQLPackage rulesPackage     = repository.GetPackageByID(eaElement.PackageID);
                SQLPackage tggSchemaPackage = repository.GetPackageByID(rulesPackage.ParentID);
                foreach (SQLElement corrType in tggSchemaPackage.Elements)
                    if (corrType.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggCorrespondenceTypeStereotype)
                        if (corrType.Name == eaElement.Name)
                            results.Add("TGG Rule name shouldnt be equal to TGG CorrespondenceType name");

                if (!ConsistencyUtil.isValidTGGRuleName(eaElement.Name))
                    results.Add("TGG Rule name should consist of the following letters: a-z,A-Z,0-9,_,-");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override void doRuleQuickFix(SQLElement eaObject, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository, int i, string errorMessage)
            string sqlString = @"SELECT o.Object_ID from t_diagram d, t_diagramobjects a, t_diagramobjects b, t_object o,t_object x 
                                                              WHERE d.Diagram_ID = a.Diagram_ID 
                                                              AND o.Object_ID = a.Object_ID 
                                                              AND b.Diagram_ID = a.Diagram_ID 
                                                              AND b.RectTop <= a.RectTop 
                                                              AND b.RectBottom >= a.RectBottom 
                                                              AND b.RectLeft >= a.RectLeft 
                                                              AND b.RectRight <= a.RectRight 
                                                              AND b.Object_ID <> a.Object_ID 
                                                              AND x.Object_ID = b.Object_ID 
                                                              AND x.ParentID  <> o.Object_ID
                                                              AND o.Stereotype = '" + TGGModelingMain.TggRuleSetStereotype + @"' 
                                                              AND x.Stereotype = '" + TGGModelingMain.TggRuleStereotype + @"' 
                                                              AND x.Object_ID = " + eaObject.ElementID;
            String result    = repository.SQLQuery(sqlString);
            String id        = EAUtil.getXMLNodeContentFromSQLQueryString(result, "Object_ID")[0];

            if (id != "")
                int parentId = int.Parse(id);
                eaObject.getRealElement().ParentID = parentId;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override List <String> doRule(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            List <String> results = new List <string>();

            if (eaElement.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggObjectVariableStereotype || eaElement.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggCorrespondenceStereotype)
                foreach (SQLConnector outgoingLink in eaElement.Connectors)
                    if (outgoingLink.ClientID == eaElement.ElementID)
                        if (outgoingLink.Stereotype != TGGModelingMain.TggLinkVariableStereotype && outgoingLink.Type == Main.EAAssociationType)
                            results.Add("At least one outgoing LinkVariable has the wrong stereotype. Delete and recreate it");

            if (eaElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.ObjectVariableStereotype)
                foreach (SQLConnector outgoingLink in eaElement.Connectors)
                    if (outgoingLink.ClientID == eaElement.ElementID)
                        if (outgoingLink.Stereotype != SDMModelingMain.LinkVariableStereotype && outgoingLink.Type == Main.EAAssociationType)
                            results.Add("At least one outgoing LinkVariable has the wrong stereotype. Delete and recreate it");

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override Dictionary <SQLElement, string> doGlobalRule(SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            Dictionary <SQLElement, string> results = new Dictionary <SQLElement, string>();

            string sqlString = @"SELECT x.* from t_diagram d, t_diagramobjects a, t_diagramobjects b, t_object o,t_object x 
                                                              WHERE d.Diagram_ID = a.Diagram_ID 
                                                              AND o.Object_ID = a.Object_ID 
                                                              AND b.Diagram_ID = a.Diagram_ID 
                                                              AND b.RectTop <= a.RectTop 
                                                              AND b.RectBottom >= a.RectBottom 
                                                              AND b.RectLeft >= a.RectLeft 
                                                              AND b.RectRight <= a.RectRight 
                                                              AND b.Object_ID <> a.Object_ID 
                                                              AND x.Object_ID = b.Object_ID 
                                                              AND x.ParentID  <> o.Object_ID
                                                              AND o.Stereotype = '" + TGGModelingMain.TggRuleSetStereotype + @"' 
                                                              AND x.Stereotype = '" + TGGModelingMain.TggRuleStereotype + "'";

            String result = repository.SQLQuery(sqlString);

            foreach (String row in EAUtil.getXMLNodeContentFromSQLQueryString(result, "Row"))
                if (row != "")
                    SQLElement element = new SQLElement(repository, row);
                    results.Add(element, "The Rule should be a children of the containing Rule-Set");
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override Dictionary <SQLElement, string> doGlobalRule(SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            Dictionary <SQLElement, string> results = new Dictionary <SQLElement, string>();

            String ruleElements = repository.SQLQuery("select * from t_object where Stereotype = '" + TGGModelingMain.TggRuleStereotype + "'");

            foreach (String row in EAUtil.getXMLNodeContentFromSQLQueryString(ruleElements, "Row"))
                if (row != "")
                    SQLElement ruleElement  = new SQLElement(repository, row);
                    SQLDiagram ruleDiagram  = ruleElement.Diagrams.GetAt(0) as SQLDiagram;
                    EA.Diagram rruleDiagram = EAUtil.sqlEAObjectToOriginalObject(repository, ruleDiagram) as EA.Diagram;

                    foreach (EA.DiagramObject diagObject in rruleDiagram.DiagramObjects)
                        SQLElement diagElement = repository.GetElementByID(diagObject.ElementID);
                        if (diagElement.ParentID != ruleElement.ElementID &&
                            (diagElement.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggObjectVariableStereotype ||
                             diagElement.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggCorrespondenceStereotype))
                            results.Add(diagElement, "Element is no child of Rule: " + ruleElement.Name + " but is contained on its Rule Diagram");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override List <String> doRule(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            List <String> results = new List <string>();

            if (eaElement.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggCorrespondenceTypeStereotype)
                SQLPackage pkg = repository.GetPackageByID(eaElement.PackageID);
                foreach (SQLElement elem in pkg.Elements)
                    if (elem.Name == eaElement.Name && elem.ElementID != eaElement.ElementID)
                        results.Add("name of CorrespondenceType must be unique");

            if (eaElement.MetaType == ECOREModelingMain.EClassStereotype)
                SQLPackage pkg = repository.GetPackageByID(eaElement.PackageID);
                foreach (SQLElement elem in pkg.Elements)
                    if (elem.Name == eaElement.Name && elem.ElementID != eaElement.ElementID)
                        results.Add("name of classes in a package must be unique");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override void doRuleQuickFix(SQLElement sqlElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository, int i, String errorMessage)
            EA.Element realElement = sqlElement.getRealElement();
            if (errorMessage == "TGG Rule name shouldnt be equal to TGG CorrespondenceType name")
                if (i == 0)
                    realElement.Name = "Rule" + realElement.Name;

                    TGGRule tggRule = new TGGRule(repository, sqlElement);
            else if (errorMessage == "TGG Rule name must not contain spaces")
                if (i == 0)
                    realElement.Name = realElement.Name.Replace(" ", "");

                    TGGRule tggRule = new TGGRule(repository, sqlElement);
        public override List <String> doRule(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            List <String> results = new List <string>();

            if (Serialization.MocaTaggableElement.isIgnored(eaElement))

            if (eaElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.StoryNodeStereotype)
                StoryNode storyNode = new StoryNode(repository, eaElement);
                if (!storyNode.loadTreeFromTaggedValue())
                    results.Add("StoryNode is invalid and has to be updated manually");
            else if (eaElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.StatementNodeStereotype)
                StatementNode stNode = new StatementNode(repository, eaElement);
                if (!stNode.loadTreeFromTaggedValue())
                    results.Add("StatementNode is invalid and has to be updated manually");
            else if (eaElement.Stereotype == SDMModelingMain.StopNodeStereotype)
                StopNode stopNode = new StopNode(repository, eaElement);
                if (!stopNode.loadTreeFromTaggedValue())
                    results.Add("StopNode is invalid and has to be updated manually");
 public override void doRuleQuickFix(SQLConnector eaConnector, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository, int i, string errorMessage)
     if (i == 0)
         EReference eref = new EReference(eaConnector, repository);
 public override void doRuleQuickFix(SQLPackage eaPackage, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository, int i, String errorMessage)
     if (i == 0)
         eaPackage.getRealPackage().Name = Regex.Replace(eaPackage.Name, " ", "");
 public override void doRuleQuickFix(SQLPackage eaPackage, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository, int i, String errorMessage)
     if (i == 0)
         NewTGGProjectDialog dialog = new NewTGGProjectDialog(repository, eaPackage);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public override void doRuleQuickFix(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository, int i, String errorMessage)
            Activity activity = new Activity(eaElement, repository);

            EA.Element realElement = eaElement.getRealElement();
            realElement.ParentID = activity.OwningOperation.EaMethod.ParentID;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public override void doRuleQuickFix(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository, int i, String errorMessage)
     if (i == 0)
         ObjectVariable ov       = ObjectVariable.createCorrectOvType(eaElement, repository);
         OvDialog       ovDialog = new OvDialog(repository, ov);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public override List <string> doRule(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            List <String> result = new List <string>();

            if (eaElement.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggCorrespondenceTypeStereotype)
                List <SQLElement> baseClasses = EAUtil.getBaseClasses(eaElement);
                if (baseClasses.Count > 1)
                    foreach (SQLConnector con in eaElement.Connectors)
                        if (con.Type != Main.EAGeneralizationConType)
                            result.Add("Only the top level correspondence type in inheritance hierarchy should have connectors besides inheritance ");
                    int  count = 0;
                    bool valid = true;
                    foreach (SQLConnector con in eaElement.Connectors)
                        if (con.Type == Main.EAAssociationType)
                            SQLConnectorEnd rightEnd = null;
                            SQLConnectorEnd wrongEnd = null;
                            if (con.ClientID == eaElement.ElementID)
                                wrongEnd = con.ClientEnd;
                                rightEnd = con.SupplierEnd;
                            else if (con.SupplierID == eaElement.ElementID)
                                wrongEnd = con.SupplierEnd;
                                rightEnd = con.ClientEnd;

                            valid &= wrongEnd.Role == "";
                            valid &= !wrongEnd.IsNavigable;

                            valid &= (rightEnd.Role == "source" || rightEnd.Role == "target");
                            valid &= rightEnd.IsNavigable;
                            valid &= rightEnd.Cardinality == "1";

                    if (count != 2 || !valid)
                        result.Add("Correspondence type should only have source and target EReference with multiplicity 1");
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public override void doRuleQuickFix(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository, int i, string errorMessage)
            if (i == 0)
                List <SQLConnector> toDelte     = new List <SQLConnector>();
                List <SQLElement>   baseClasses = EAUtil.getBaseClasses(eaElement);
                if (baseClasses.Count > 1)
                    foreach (SQLConnector con in eaElement.Connectors)
                        if (con.Type != Main.EAGeneralizationConType)

                    foreach (SQLConnector con in eaElement.Connectors)
                        if (con.Type == Main.EAAssociationType)
                            bool            valid    = true;
                            SQLConnectorEnd rightEnd = null;
                            SQLConnectorEnd wrongEnd = null;
                            if (con.ClientID == eaElement.ElementID)
                                wrongEnd = con.ClientEnd;
                                rightEnd = con.SupplierEnd;
                            else if (con.SupplierID == eaElement.ElementID)
                                wrongEnd = con.SupplierEnd;
                                rightEnd = con.ClientEnd;

                            valid &= wrongEnd.Role == "";
                            valid &= !wrongEnd.IsNavigable;

                            valid &= (rightEnd.Role == "source" || rightEnd.Role == "target");
                            valid &= rightEnd.IsNavigable;
                            valid &= rightEnd.Cardinality == "1";
                            if (!valid)
                foreach (EA.Connector toDeleteCon in toDelte)
                    EAUtil.deleteConnector(toDeleteCon, repository.GetOriginalRepository());
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public override Dictionary <SQLElement, string> doGlobalRule(SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            NameValueCollection             parentIdToName = new NameValueCollection();
            Dictionary <SQLElement, String> results        = new Dictionary <SQLElement, string>();

            //SDM ObjectVariables
            string result = repository.SQLQuery(@"select a.* from t_object a, t_object b, t_object c 
                                WHERE a.Name = b.Name 
                                AND a.ea_guid <> b.ea_guid 
                                AND a.ParentID = c.Object_ID
                                AND b.parentID = c.Object_ID
                                AND a.Stereotype = '" + SDMModelingMain.ObjectVariableStereotype + @"'
                                AND b.Stereotype = '" + SDMModelingMain.ObjectVariableStereotype + @"'
                                AND c.Stereotype = '" + SDMModelingMain.StoryNodeStereotype + "'");

            foreach (String row in EAUtil.getXMLNodeContentFromSQLQueryString(result, "Row"))
                if (row != "")
                    SQLElement element = new SQLElement(repository, row);
                    String[]   names   = parentIdToName.GetValues(element.ParentID + "");
                    if (names == null || !names.Contains(element.Name))
                        results.Add(element, "ObjectVariable name in a single StoryPattern must be explicit");
                        parentIdToName.Add(element.ParentID + "", element.Name);

            result = repository.SQLQuery(@"select a.* from t_object a, t_object b, t_object c 
                                WHERE a.Name = b.Name 
                                AND a.ea_guid <> b.ea_guid 
                                AND a.ParentID = c.Object_ID
                                AND b.parentID = c.Object_ID
                                AND (a.Stereotype = '" + TGGModelingMain.TggObjectVariableStereotype + @"' OR a.Stereotype = '" + TGGModelingMain.TggCorrespondenceStereotype + @"')
                                AND (b.Stereotype = '" + TGGModelingMain.TggObjectVariableStereotype + @"' OR b.Stereotype = '" + TGGModelingMain.TggCorrespondenceStereotype + @"')
                                AND c.Stereotype = '" + TGGModelingMain.TggRuleStereotype + "'");

            foreach (String row in EAUtil.getXMLNodeContentFromSQLQueryString(result, "Row"))
                if (row != "")
                    SQLElement element = new SQLElement(repository, row);
                    String[]   names   = parentIdToName.GetValues(element.ParentID + "");
                    if (names == null || !names.Contains(element.Name))
                        results.Add(element, "ObjectVariable name in a single Rule must be explicit");
                        parentIdToName.Add(element.ParentID + "", element.Name);

Ejemplo n.º 23
        private static void transformConstraintToCSPElement(SQLElement eaElement2, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository sqlRep, EA.Repository repository)
            EA.Element eaElement = EAUtil.sqlEAObjectToOriginalObject(sqlRep, eaElement2) as EA.Element;
            String     result    = repository.SQLQuery("select Diagram_ID from t_diagramobjects where Object_ID = " + eaElement.ElementID);
            string     diagramId = EAUtil.getXMLNodeContentFromSQLQueryString(result, "Diagram_ID")[0];

            if (diagramId != "")
                EA.Diagram       diagram       = repository.GetDiagramByID(int.Parse(diagramId));
                EA.DiagramObject oldDiagObject = EAUtil.findDiagramObject(sqlRep, eaElement, diagram);
                EA.Element       ruleElement   = repository.GetElementByID(diagram.ParentID);
                if (ruleElement.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggRuleStereotype)
                    List <EA.Connector> outgoingCons = new List <EA.Connector>();

                    foreach (EA.Connector con in eaElement.Connectors)
                        if (con.Stereotype == "ConstraintLink" && con.ClientID == eaElement.ElementID)

                    EA.Element newCsp = ruleElement.Elements.AddNew("", Main.EAClassType) as EA.Element;
                    newCsp.Notes      = eaElement.Notes;
                    newCsp.Stereotype = TGGModelingMain.CSPConstraintStereotype;

                    EA.TaggedValue oldTag = EAUtil.findTaggedValue(eaElement, Main.MoflonExportTreeTaggedValueName);
                    if (oldTag != null)
                        EAUtil.setTaggedValueNotes(sqlRep, newCsp, oldTag.Name, oldTag.Notes);

                    EA.DiagramObject newDiagObject = diagram.DiagramObjects.AddNew("", Main.EAClassType) as EA.DiagramObject;
                    newDiagObject.ElementID = newCsp.ElementID;
                    newDiagObject.left      = oldDiagObject.left;
                    newDiagObject.right     = oldDiagObject.right;
                    newDiagObject.bottom    = oldDiagObject.bottom;
                    newDiagObject.top       = oldDiagObject.top;

                    foreach (EA.Connector con in outgoingCons)
                        con.ClientID = newCsp.ElementID;

                    EAUtil.deleteDiagramObject(repository, diagram, eaElement);
                    EAUtil.deleteElement(eaElement, sqlRep);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public override List <String> doRule(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            List <String> results = new List <string>();

            if (Consistency.Util.ConsistencyUtil.nameIsKeyword(eaElement.Name))
                results.Add("No keywords should be used for element names");
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public override List <String> doRule(SQLMethod eaMethod, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            List <String> results = new List <string>();

            if (eaMethod.Name.Contains(" "))
                results.Add("Blanks are not allowed in method names");
        public override List <String> doRule(SQLAttribute eaAttribute, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            List <String> results = new List <string>();

            if (eaAttribute.Name.Contains(" "))
                results.Add("Blanks are not allowed in attribute names");
        public override List <String> doRule(SQLPackage eaPackage, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
            List <String> results = new List <string>();

            handleObsoleteTaggedValue(eaPackage, results, "Moflon::ValidationFilter");
            handleObsoleteTaggedValue(eaPackage, results, "Moflon::CustomNsUri");
            handleObsoleteTaggedValue(eaPackage, results, "validated");
            handleObsoleteTaggedValue(eaPackage, results, "Moflon::CustomNsPrefix");

Ejemplo n.º 28
 public override void doRuleQuickFix(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository sqlRep, int i, string errorMessage)
     EA.Repository repository = sqlRep.GetOriginalRepository();
     if (errorMessage == "Tgg CSP is outdated and cant be modified - quickfix is recommended")
         if (i == 0)
             transformConstraintToCSPElement(eaElement, sqlRep, repository);
 public LiteralExpressionForm(string textFieldContent, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository)
     StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
     this.repository = repository;
     this.literalExpressionTextBox.Text = textFieldContent;
     this.literalExpressionTextBox.AutoCompleteSource       = System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
     this.literalExpressionTextBox.AutoCompleteMode         = System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;
     this.literalExpressionTextBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = this.source;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public override void doRuleQuickFix(SQLElement eaElement, SQLWrapperClasses.SQLRepository repository, int i, string errorMessage)
     if (i == 0)
         if (eaElement.Stereotype == TGGModelingMain.TggRuleStereotype)
             TGGRule tggRule = new TGGRule(repository, eaElement);