Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void btnSave_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //double total;
                //DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
                //total =double.Parse(txtPrice.Text) * Int32.Parse (txtQty.Text);

                //pro.sqladd = "INSERT INTO tblstockin (Barcode,DateReceived,Price,ReceivedQty,SubTotal,UserId) " +
                //    " Values('" + txtBarcode.Text + "','" + today + "','" + txtPrice.Text + "','" + txtQty.Text + "','" + total + "',1)";


                pro.sqlselect = "SELECT * FROM tblproduct WHERE ProductId='" + lblProductId.Text + "'";

                pro.sqladd = "INSERT INTO tblproduct (ProductId,Barcode,ProductName,Description,OriginalPrice,MarkupPrice,ProductQty,CategoryId) " +
                             " VALUES ('" + lblProductId.Text + "','" + txtBarcode.Text + "','" + txtProduct.Text + "','" + txtDescription.Text + "','" + txtPrice.Text + "','" + txtMarkupPrice.Text + "',0," + cboCategory.SelectedValue + ")";

                pro.sqledit = "UPDATE tblproduct Set ProductId='" + lblProductId.Text +
                              "',Barcode='" + txtBarcode.Text +
                              "',ProductName='" + txtProduct.Text +
                              "',Description='" + txtDescription.Text +
                              "',OriginalPrice='" + txtPrice.Text +
                              "',MarkupPrice='" + txtMarkupPrice.Text +
                              "',CategoryId=" + cboCategory.SelectedValue +
                              "  WHERE ProductId = '" + lblProductId.Text + "'";

                pro.msgadd = "New Product has been saved in the database.";

                pro.msgedit = "Product has been updated in the database.";

                pro.SaveUpdate(pro.sqlselect, pro.sqladd, pro.msgadd, pro.sqledit, pro.msgedit);

                if (pro.msg == "New Product has been saved in the database.")
                    pro.msg = "";

                frmProduct_Load(sender, e);
            catch (Exception ex)