public static Task Discord_Ready(DiscordClient dc, DSharpPlus.EventArgs.ReadyEventArgs args)
            _ = Task.Run(async() => {
                dc.Logger.LogInformation("Looking for Reminders");
                var output = await SQLC.GetReminders();

                if (output.Any())
                    foreach (var item in output)
                        long ID         = item.ID;
                        long ChannelID  = item.ChannelID;
                        long Date       = item.Date;
                        string Reminder = item.Reminder;

                        try {
                            DiscordGuild Guild     = await dc.GetGuildAsync(GuildID);
                            DiscordMember member   = await Guild.GetMemberAsync((ulong)ID);
                            DiscordChannel channel = Guild.GetChannel((ulong)ChannelID);
                            DateTime dateTime      = DateTime.FromBinary(Date);

                            if (dateTime < DateTime.Now)
                                await SQLC.DeleteRemindersWithDate(Date);
                                await channel.SendMessageAsync($":alarm_clock:, {member.Mention} you wanted me to remind you the following but I'm Late:\n\n{Reminder}");

                            _ = Task.Run(async() => {
                                await Task.Delay((int)dateTime.Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalMilliseconds);

                                DiscordGuild Guild     = await dc.GetGuildAsync(GuildID);
                                DiscordMember member   = await Guild.GetMemberAsync((ulong)ID);
                                DiscordChannel channel = Guild.GetChannel((ulong)ChannelID);

                                await channel.SendMessageAsync($":alarm_clock:, {member.Mention} you wanted me to remind you the following:\n\n{Reminder}");

                                await SQLC.DeleteRemindersWithDate(Date);
                        } catch (Exception) {
                            await SQLC.DeleteRemindersWithDate(Date);
                    dc.Logger.LogInformation("Found Reminders and started them");
                    dc.Logger.LogInformation("No Reminders found");

                dc.Logger.LogInformation("Looking for muted Members");
                output = await SQLC.GetTempmutes();
                if (output.Any())
                    foreach (var item in output)
                        long ID   = item.ID;
                        long Date = item.Date;

                        try {
                            DiscordGuild Guild    = await dc.GetGuildAsync(GuildID);
                            DiscordRole MutedRole = Guild.GetRole(Program.MutedRole);
                            DiscordMember member  = await Guild.GetMemberAsync((ulong)ID);
                            DateTime dateTime     = DateTime.FromBinary(Date);

                            if (dateTime < DateTime.Now)
                                await SQLC.DeleteTempmutesWithID(ID);
                                await member.RevokeRoleAsync(MutedRole);

                            _ = Task.Run(async() => {
                                try {
                                    await Task.Delay((int)dateTime.Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalMilliseconds);

                                    DiscordGuild Guild    = await dc.GetGuildAsync(GuildID);
                                    DiscordRole MutedRole = Guild.GetRole(Program.MutedRole);
                                    DiscordMember member  = await Guild.GetMemberAsync((ulong)ID);

                                    var PS   = await SQLC.GetPlayer(member.Id);
                                    PS.Muted = false;
                                    await PS.Save();

                                    await member.RevokeRoleAsync(MutedRole);
                                    await SQLC.DeleteTempmutesWithID(ID);
                                } catch (Exception) {
                                    dc.Logger.LogInformation($"Failed the Tempmute process for {member.Username + member.Discriminator}");
                        } catch (Exception) {
                            await SQLC.DeleteTempmutesWithID(ID);
                    dc.Logger.LogInformation("Found muted Members and starting them");
                    dc.Logger.LogInformation("No muted Members found");

                while (true)
                    foreach (var Status in Statuses)
                        DiscordActivity activity = new DiscordActivity {
                            ActivityType = ActivityType.Playing,
                            Name         = Status
                        await dc.UpdateStatusAsync(activity, UserStatus.DoNotDisturb);
                        dc.Logger.LogInformation("Status Update");
                        await Task.Delay(120000);