private void RecuperarInformacion_ExecuteCode(object sender, EventArgs e)
            itemOC = workflowProperties.Item;

                autonomina = this.VerificarAutonomia();

                if (autonomina)
                    #region Aprobar automaticamente el item
                    SPModerationInformation estadoAprobacion = itemOC.ModerationInformation;
                    estadoAprobacion.Status = SPModerationStatusType.Approved;

                    using (DisabledItemEventsScope scope = new DisabledItemEventsScope())
                    {//Para evitar que ejecute una y otra vez el Evento ItemUpdating sobre este item

                    #region Actualizar bitacora

                    #region Notificacion por correo
                    asuntoNotificacion  = "Abastecimiento, orden de compra aprobada";
                    cuerpoNotificacion  = this.CuerpoCorreoNotificacion();
                    usuariosNotificados = this.UsuariosANotificar();
                    usuariosCopiados    = this.UsuariosACopiar();
                    mensajeHistorial    = "Notificación por aprobación automática realizada exitosamente.";

                    #region Iniciar el flujo 'Notificar Descuentos'
                    #region Notificacion por correo
                    asuntoNotificacion  = "Abastecimiento, solictud de aprobación";
                    cuerpoNotificacion  = this.CuerpoCorreoSolicitud();
                    usuariosNotificados = this.UsuariosANotificar();
                    //usuariosCopiados = this.UsuariosACopiar();
                    mensajeHistorial = "Notificación a 'Aprobadores de OC' realizada exitosamente.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                #region Registro de Evento Error
                LogEventos.LogArchivo log = new LogEventos.LogArchivo("LogErrores.txt");
                log.WriteEvent("--- [FLUJO] RecuperarInformacion_ExecuteCode flujo 'Notificar aprobación' ---");

                logNotificarAprobacion.EventId            = SPWorkflowHistoryEventType.WorkflowError;
                logNotificarAprobacion.HistoryOutcome     = "Error";
                logNotificarAprobacion.HistoryDescription = ex.Message;
        internal static SPFolder AddFolder(SPFolder parentFolder, string folderUrl)
            SPFolder   folder = Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities.SPFolderHierarchy.GetSubFolder(parentFolder, folderUrl, true);
            SPListItem item   = null;

                item = folder.Item;
            catch (Exception ex)
                SPDiagnosticsService.Local.WriteTrace(0, new SPDiagnosticsCategory(ex.Source, TraceSeverity.High, EventSeverity.Error), TraceSeverity.High, ex.Message, ex.Data);

            if (item != null)
                SPModerationInformation moderationInformation = item.ModerationInformation;
                if (moderationInformation != null)
                    moderationInformation.Status = SPModerationStatusType.Approved;

        public SPModerationInformationInstance(ObjectInstance prototype, SPModerationInformation moderationInformation)
            : this(prototype)
            if (moderationInformation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("moderationInformation");

            m_moderationInformation = moderationInformation;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private SPFolder EnsureFolder(SPList library, SPFolder parentFolder, FolderInfo folderInfo)
            SPFolder folder = null;

            if (parentFolder == null)
                // We are on at the root folder of the library (i.e. no parent folder).
                // Initialize defaults and pages in here, then move on to subfolders (instead of trying to create the folder)
                folder = library.RootFolder;

                // Ensure folder metadata defaults
                bool isDocumentLibrary = library.BaseType == SPBaseType.DocumentLibrary;
                if (folderInfo.FieldDefaultValues != null && folderInfo.FieldDefaultValues.Count > 0)
                    if (!isDocumentLibrary)
                        throw new ArgumentException("EnsureFolderHierarchy - Impossible to ensure folder MetadataDefaults on a list which is not a Document Library.");

                    this.valueWriter.WriteValuesToFolderDefaults(folder, folderInfo.FieldDefaultValues.ToList());
                else if (isDocumentLibrary)

                // UniqueContentTypeOrder
                EnsureUniqueContentTypeOrder(folder, folderInfo);

                // Create pages
                if (folderInfo.Pages != null && folderInfo.Pages.Count > 0)
                    if ((int)library.BaseTemplate != BuiltInListTemplates.Pages.ListTempateTypeId)
                        // To provision Publishing Pages, you NEED to be inside the Pages library
                        throw new ArgumentException("Publishing pages cannot be provisionned outside of the Pages library. Remove the PageInfo objects from your FolderInfo, or use this FolderInfo to provision content inside the Pages library instead.");

                    this.pageHelper.EnsurePage(library, folder, folderInfo.Pages);

                // Create sub folders
                if (folderInfo.Subfolders != null && folderInfo.Subfolders.Count > 0)
                    library.EnableFolderCreation = true;

                    foreach (var childFolder in folderInfo.Subfolders)
                        this.EnsureFolder(library, folder, childFolder);

                // Set Web HomePage
                if (folderInfo.WelcomePage != null)
                    var rootFolder = library.ParentWeb.RootFolder;
                    rootFolder.WelcomePage = folderInfo.WelcomePage.LibraryRelativePageUrl.ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderInfo.Name))
                    bool isDocumentLibrary = library.BaseType == SPBaseType.DocumentLibrary;

                        if (isDocumentLibrary)
                            folder = parentFolder.SubFolders[folderInfo.Name];
                            string serverRelativeFolderPathToMatch = SPUtility.ConcatUrls(parentFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, folderInfo.Name);
                            folder = library.Folders.Cast <SPListItem>().Single(folderItem => folderItem.Folder.ServerRelativeUrl == serverRelativeFolderPathToMatch).Folder;

                        this.logger.Info("Skipping folder creation for " + folderInfo.Name +
                                         " because it already exists (will still apply values and default metadata)");
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        this.logger.Info("Creating liubrary folder " + folderInfo.Name);
                    catch (InvalidOperationException)
                        this.logger.Info("Creating list folder " + folderInfo.Name);

                    if (folder == null)
                        // Add the folder (if it doesn't already exist)
                        if (isDocumentLibrary)
                            folder = parentFolder.SubFolders.Add(folderInfo.Name);
                            // In a non-doclib list, creating Folders needs to be done in another way (otherwise the SPFolder will not get an associated SPListItem)
                            var folderItem = library.Items.Add(parentFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder);
                            folderItem["Title"] = folderInfo.Name;

                            folder = folderItem.Folder;

                    // Ensure folder metadata defaults
                    if (folderInfo.FieldDefaultValues != null && folderInfo.FieldDefaultValues.Count > 0)
                        if (!isDocumentLibrary)
                            throw new ArgumentException("EnsureFolderHierarchy - Impossible to ensure folder MetadataDefaults on a list which is not a Document Library.");

                        this.valueWriter.WriteValuesToFolderDefaults(folder, folderInfo.FieldDefaultValues.ToList());
                    else if (isDocumentLibrary)

                    // UniqueContentTypeInfo
                    EnsureUniqueContentTypeOrder(folder, folderInfo);

                    // Make sure the folder is published
                    SPModerationInformation folderModerationInfo = folder.Item != null ? folder.Item.ModerationInformation : null;
                    if (folderModerationInfo != null)
                        folderModerationInfo.Comment = "Automatically approved upon creation through Dynamite's FolderHelper utility.";
                        folderModerationInfo.Status  = SPModerationStatusType.Approved;

                    // Create pages
                    if (folderInfo.Pages != null && folderInfo.Pages.Count > 0)
                        if ((int)library.BaseTemplate != BuiltInListTemplates.Pages.ListTempateTypeId)
                            // To provision Publishing Pages, you NEED to be inside the Pages library
                            throw new ArgumentException("Publishing pages cannot be provisionned outside of the Pages library. Remove the PageInfo objects from your FolderInfo, or use this FolderInfo to provision content inside the Pages library instead.");

                    this.pageHelper.EnsurePage(library, folder, folderInfo.Pages);

                // Create sub folders
                foreach (var childFolder in folderInfo.Subfolders)
                    this.EnsureFolder(library, folder, childFolder);
