internal static void WriteToLog(SPContext context, Exception exception) { ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding(); UnicodeEncoding uniEncoding = new UnicodeEncoding(); string errors = exception.Source + " " + exception.Message + " " + exception.StackTrace; SPFile files = context.Web.GetFile("/" + DocumentLibraryName + "/" + LogFileName); if (files.Exists) { byte[] fileContents = files.OpenBinary(); string newContents = enc.GetString(fileContents) + Environment.NewLine + errors; files.SaveBinary(enc.GetBytes(newContents)); } else { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ms, uniEncoding)) { sw.Write(errors); } SPFolder LogLibraryFolder = SPContext.Current.Web.Folders[DocumentLibraryName]; LogLibraryFolder.Files.Add(LogFileName, ms.ToArray(), false); } } SPContext.Current.Web.Update(); }
internal static void WriteToLog(SPContext context, string message) { context.Web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding(); UnicodeEncoding uniEncoding = new UnicodeEncoding(); SPFile files = context.Web.GetFile("/" + DocumentLibraryName + "/" + LogFileName); if (files.Exists) { byte[] fileContents = files.OpenBinary(); string newContents = enc.GetString(fileContents) + Environment.NewLine + message; files.SaveBinary(enc.GetBytes(newContents)); } else { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ms, uniEncoding)) { sw.Write(message); } SPFolder LogLibraryFolder = SPContext.Current.Web.Folders[DocumentLibraryName]; LogLibraryFolder.Files.Add(LogFileName, ms.ToArray(), false); } } files.Update(); context.Web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false; }
public static string getSiteURL(SPContext Context) { if (Context != null) return Context.Site.Url; return "http://epm2007demo/pwa04"; // for developement }
public static string GetDataBaseName(SPContext Context) { if (Context != null) return Utilities.GetProjectServerSQLDatabaseName(Context.Site.Url, Utilities.DatabaseType.ReportingDatabase); // For Development return ""; }
public SharePointContext(SPContext context, ILanguage language, Console console) { _language = language; _console = console; language.SetVar("Console", _console); language.SetVar("__site__", context.Site); language.SetVar("__web__", context.Web); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the user project leader. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The user.</param> /// <param name="serviceContext">The service context.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <returns>The Project Leader SPUser object.</returns> public static SPUser GetUserProjectLeader(SPUser user, SPServiceContext serviceContext, SPContext context) { return context.Web.AllUsers["fp\\fps_pm"]; UserProfileManager manager = new UserProfileManager(serviceContext); var userProfile = manager.GetUserProfile(user.LoginName); var projectLeaderProfile = userProfile.GetManager(); return context.Web.AllUsers[projectLeaderProfile.MultiloginAccounts[0]]; }
public static SPList getListUID(SPContext Context) { if (Context != null) return SPContext.Current.List; using (var Site = new SPSite(getSiteURL(Context))) { return Site.RootWeb.Lists["Shared Documents"]; } }
public bool IsCheckedOut(SPList list, SPListItem listItem) { var cacheId = string.Format("SharePointFile:{0}_{1}", list.Id, listItem.Id); var isCheckedOut = (bool?)cacheService.Get(cacheId, CacheScope.Context | CacheScope.Process); if (isCheckedOut == null) { using (var clientContext = new SPContext(list.SPWebUrl, credentials.Get(list.SPWebUrl))) { var spfile = clientContext.ToFile(list.Id, listItem.Id); clientContext.Load(spfile, item => item.CheckedOutByUser); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); isCheckedOut = !(spfile.CheckedOutByUser.ServerObjectIsNull ?? true); cacheService.Put(cacheId, isCheckedOut, CacheScope.Context | CacheScope.Process, new string[0], CacheTimeOut); } } return(isCheckedOut.Value); }
public Dictionary <int, string> UserCollection(SPList currentList) { var _userCollection = new Dictionary <int, string>(); using (var clientContext = new SPContext(currentList.SPWebUrl, credentials.Get(currentList.SPWebUrl))) { SP.Web web = clientContext.Web; var usersList = web.SiteUserInfoList.GetItems(SP.CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery()); clientContext.Load(usersList, _users => _users .Include(_user => _user["Name"], _user => _user.Id)); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); for (int i = 0, len = usersList.Count; i < len; i++) { _userCollection.Add(usersList[i].Id, usersList[i]["Name"].ToString()); } return(_userCollection); } }
internal static void InstallPackageInWeb(StorePackage package, string targetWebURL) { SPContext context = SPContext.Current; using (SPSite site = new SPSite(targetWebURL)) { using (SPWeb activationWeb = site.OpenWeb()) { WebClient wc = new WebClient(); string tempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); string solutionFileName = package.SolutionFileName; tempFileName = tempFileName.Replace(Path.GetFileName(tempFileName), solutionFileName); wc.UseDefaultCredentials = true; wc.DownloadFile(package.PackageURL, tempFileName); AddPackageContext packageContext = new AddPackageContext(); packageContext.HttpContext = HttpContext.Current; packageContext.SolutionFilePath = tempFileName; packageContext.SPContext = SPContext.Current; packageContext.StorePackage = package; packageContext.TargetWeb = activationWeb; if (package.SolutionType == SolutionType.Farm) { if (SPSINStorePackageUtilities.CanAddFarmSolutions(context, activationWeb)) { SPSINStorePackageUtilities.AddFarmSolution(packageContext); } } else if (package.SolutionType == SolutionType.Sandbox) { if (SPSINStorePackageUtilities.CanAddSandboxSolutions(SPContext.Current, activationWeb)) { SPSINStorePackageUtilities.AddSandboxSolution(packageContext); } } else { // use App type loader } } } }
public List <Folder> UpToParent(string url, Guid libraryId, string folderPath) { var folderList = new List <Folder>(); try { using (var clientContext = new SPContext(url, credentials.Get(url))) { var list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetById(libraryId); var rootFolder = list.RootFolder; clientContext.Load(rootFolder, f => f.Name, f => f.ServerRelativeUrl, f => f.ItemCount); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); bool pathIsNotEmpty = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath.Trim('/')); bool isARootFolder = rootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl.Trim('/').Equals(folderPath.Trim('/')); bool hasParentFolder = pathIsNotEmpty && !isARootFolder; while (hasParentFolder) { var spfolder = clientContext.Web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(folderPath); clientContext.Load(spfolder, f => f.Name, f => f.ServerRelativeUrl, f => f.ItemCount); clientContext.Load(spfolder.ParentFolder, p => p.ServerRelativeUrl); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); folderList.Add(new Folder(spfolder.Name, spfolder.ServerRelativeUrl, spfolder.ItemCount, libraryId)); folderPath = spfolder.ParentFolder.ServerRelativeUrl; pathIsNotEmpty = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath.Trim('/')); isARootFolder = rootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl.Trim('/').Equals(folderPath.Trim('/')); hasParentFolder = pathIsNotEmpty && !isARootFolder; } folderList.Add(new Folder(rootFolder.Name, rootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, rootFolder.ItemCount, libraryId)); } } catch (Exception ex) { string message = string.Format("An exception of type {0} occurred in the InternalApi.SPFolderService.UpToParent() method LibraryId: {1} ServerRelativeUrl: '{2}' SPWebUrl: '{3}'. The exception message is: {4}", ex.GetType(), libraryId, folderPath, url, ex.Message); SPLog.RoleOperationUnavailable(ex, message); throw new SPInternalException(message, ex); } return(folderList); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SPContext spContext = SPContext.Current; _spWeb = spContext.Web; WebUrl = _spWeb.SafeServerRelativeUrl(); try { UplandInsightId = CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(_spWeb.Site.RootWeb, "UplandInsightId"); } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO handle exception } Scheme = Request.Url.Scheme; }
private void LoadSubProviders(List <IntegrationProvider> collection, IntegrationProvider current) { using (var clientContext = new SPContext(current.SPSiteURL, current.Authentication)) { var site = clientContext.Site; clientContext.Load(site, s => s.Id, s => s.Url); var webs = clientContext.Web.Webs; clientContext.Load(webs, ws => ws.Include(w => w.Id, w => w.ServerRelativeUrl, w => w.Title, w => w.Webs)); try { clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); } catch (Exception) { return; } Parallel.ForEach(webs, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 5 }, website => { var provider = new IntegrationProvider { SPSiteURL = SPSite.MergeUrl(current.SPSiteURL, website.ServerRelativeUrl), TEGroupId = current.TEGroupId, TEGroupName = current.TEGroupName, Authentication = current.Authentication, SPSiteName = website.Title, SPWebID = website.Id, SPSiteID = site.Id }; collection.Add(provider); if (website.Webs.Count > 0) { LoadSubProviders(collection, provider); } }); } }
public SPUser Get(string url, int lookupId) { using (var clientContext = new SPContext(url, credentials.Get(url))) { try { var userProfile = clientContext.Web.SiteUserInfoList.GetItemById(lookupId); clientContext.Load(userProfile, SPUser.InstanceQuery); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); return(new SPUser(userProfile)); } catch (Exception ex) { string message = string.Format("An exception of type {0} occurred in the InternalApi.UserProfileService.Get() method URL: {1}, LookupId: {2}. The exception message is: {4}", ex.GetType(), url, lookupId, ex.Message); SPLog.RoleOperationUnavailable(ex, message); } } return(null); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var db = new SPContext(); var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.UserName, Email = model.Email }; var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { var profile = new UserProfiles(); profile.UserID = user.Id; profile.FirstName = ".."; profile.LastName = ".."; profile.Created = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; db.UserProfiles.Add(profile); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false); await UserManager.AddToRoleAsync(user.Id, model.Roles); // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit // Send an email with this link // string code = await UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id); // var callbackUrl = Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme); // await UserManager.SendEmailAsync(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } ViewBag.Roles = new SelectList(db.Roles.Where(a => !a.Name.Contains("Admin")).ToList(), "Name", "Name"); AddErrors(result); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public List <SPBaseUser> UserList(string url, Authentication authentication) { try { using (var clientContext = new SPContext(url, authentication ?? credentials.Get(url))) { var userInfoList = clientContext.Web.SiteUserInfoList; var users = userInfoList.GetItems(CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery()); clientContext.Load(users, userCollection => userCollection.Include( u => u.Id, u => u["Name"], u => u.DisplayName)); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); var userList = new List <SPBaseUser>(); foreach (var user in users) { try { if (user.FieldValues["Name"] != null) { userList.Add(new SPBaseUser(user.Id, user.FieldValues["Name"].ToString()) { Name = user.DisplayName }); } } catch (Exception ex) { SPLog.UnKnownError(ex, ex.Message); } } return(userList); } } catch (Exception ex) { string message = string.Format("An exception of type {0} occurred in the WidgetApi.V1.SharePointPermissions.GroupList() method for URL: {1}. The exception message is: {2}", ex.GetType(), url, ex.Message); SPLog.UnKnownError(ex, message); } return(null); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { buildParams(); if (SPContext.Current.ViewContext.View != null) { try { typeof(ListTitleViewSelectorMenu).GetField("m_wpSingleInit", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(Page.FindControl("ctl00$PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea$ctl01$ctl00").Controls[1], true); } catch { } try { typeof(ListTitleViewSelectorMenu).GetField("m_wpSingle", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(Page.FindControl("ctl00$PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea$ctl01$ctl00").Controls[1], true); } catch { } } EnsureChildControls(); EPMLiveCore.Act act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(web); activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.WebParts); if (activation != 0) { return; } try { toolbar = new ViewToolBar(); toolbar.EnableViewState = false; list = SPContext.Current.List; view = SPContext.Current.ViewContext.View; SPContext context = SPContext.GetContext(this.Context, view.ID, list.ID, web); toolbar.RenderContext = context; Controls.Add(toolbar); } catch { } }
public SPListItem Update(SPList list, SPListItem item) { using (var clientContext = new SPContext(list.SPWebUrl, credentials.Get(list.SPWebUrl))) { SP.List splist = clientContext.ToList(list.Id); SP.ListItem listItem = clientContext.ToList(list.Id).GetItemById(item.Id); clientContext.Load(listItem); foreach (var field in item.Fields) { listItem[field.Key] = field.Value; } clientContext.ValidateOnClient = true; listItem.Update(); clientContext.Load(listItem); var fieldsQuery = clientContext.LoadQuery(splist.Fields.Where(field => !field.Hidden && field.Group != "_Hidden")); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); cacheService.RemoveByTags(new[] { GetTag(list.Id) }, CacheScope.Context | CacheScope.Process); return(new SPListItem(listItem, fieldsQuery.ToList())); } }
public void CheckOut(string url, Guid libraryId, int itemId) { try { using (var clientContext = new SPContext(url, credentials.Get(url))) { var spfile = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetById(libraryId).GetItemById(itemId).File; spfile.CheckOut(); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = string.Format("An exception of type {0} occurred in the InternalApi.SPFileService.CheckOut() method for URL: {1}, LibraryId: {2}, ItemId: {3}. The exception message is: {4}", ex.GetType(), url, libraryId, itemId, ex.Message); SPLog.RoleOperationUnavailable(ex, message); throw new SPInternalException(message); } }
public FarmUserProfileService(SPProfileSyncProvider settings) { syncSettings = settings; farmUserProfileService = new UserProfileService { UseDefaultCredentials = false, Credentials = syncSettings.Authentication.Credentials(), Url = syncSettings.SPSiteURL.TrimEnd('/') + UserProfileServiceUrl }; farmUserProfileChangeService = new UserProfileChangeService { UseDefaultCredentials = false, Credentials = syncSettings.Authentication.Credentials(), Url = syncSettings.SPSiteURL.TrimEnd('/') + UserProfileChangeServiceUrl }; spcontext = new SPContext(syncSettings.SPSiteURL, syncSettings.Authentication); }
internal static string GetFolderPath(SPContext ctx, HttpContext context, SPList list) { #if SP12 string rootFolder = context.Request.QueryString ["RootFolder"]; #else string rootFolder = ((ctx == null) ? context.Request.QueryString ["RootFolder"] : ctx.RootFolderUrl); #endif if ((rootFolder == null) || "*".Equals(rootFolder)) { rootFolder = string.Empty; } if (rootFolder.StartsWith(SPContext.Current.Web.Url, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { rootFolder = rootFolder.Substring(SPContext.Current.Web.Url.Length); } if (rootFolder.StartsWith(SPContext.Current.Web.ServerRelativeUrl, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { rootFolder = rootFolder.Substring(SPContext.Current.Web.ServerRelativeUrl.Length); } return((rootFolder.Trim('/').StartsWith(list.RootFolder.Url.Trim('/'), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? rootFolder.Trim('/').Substring(list.RootFolder.Url.Trim('/').Length) : rootFolder).Trim('/')); }
public Dictionary <string, string> GetValues(SPList currentList, object splistItem, SP.Field field, bool removeSelected) { SPListItem listItem = splistItem as SPListItem; SP.FieldLookup lookupField = field as SP.FieldLookup; if (lookupField == null) { return(new Dictionary <string, string>()); } using (var clientContext = new SPContext(currentList.SPWebUrl, credentials.Get(currentList.SPWebUrl))) { SP.Web lookupWeb = clientContext.Site.OpenWebById(lookupField.LookupWebId); clientContext.Load(lookupWeb); SP.List list = lookupWeb.Lists.GetById(new Guid(lookupField.LookupList)); clientContext.Load(list); SP.ListItemCollection items = list.GetItems(SP.CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery()); clientContext.Load(items); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); SP.FieldLookupValue[] selectedValues = null; if (removeSelected) { selectedValues = GetSelectedValues(listItem, field); } Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (SP.ListItem item in items) { if (removeSelected && selectedValues.Any(v => v.LookupId == item.Id)) { continue; } object lookupVal = item[lookupField.LookupField]; if (lookupVal != null) { values.Add(item.Id.ToString(), (string)lookupVal); } } return(values); } }
private void GetImageFile() { if (ImageFile == null) { SPContext currentContext = SPContext.Current; if (currentContext != null) { SPSite currentSite = currentContext.Site; using (SPWeb fileWeb = currentSite.OpenWeb(Source, false)) { string fullUrl = currentSite.MakeFullUrl(Source); ImageFile = fileWeb.GetFile(fullUrl); } } if (ImageFile != null || !ImageFile.Exists) { throw new FileNotFoundException(FileNotFoundErrorMessage, Source); } } }
public SPWeb OpenWeb() { try { using (var clientContext = new SPContext(siteUrl, auth, runAsServiceAccount: true)) { var web = clientContext.Web; var site = clientContext.Site; clientContext.Load(web, w => w.Title, w => w.Id); clientContext.Load(site, s => s.Id); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); return(new SPWeb(clientContext.Url, site.Id, web.Id, web.Title)); } } catch { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Recycle Folder /// </summary> /// <param name="url">SPWeb Url</param> /// <param name="folderPath"></param> /// <returns>A Guid that represents the transaction ID of the delete transaction.</returns> public Guid Recycle(string url, string folderPath) { try { using (var clientContext = new SPContext(url, credentials.Get(url))) { var spfolder = clientContext.Web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(folderPath); var removedItems = spfolder.Recycle(); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); return(removedItems.Value); } } catch (Exception ex) { string message = string.Format("An exception of type {0} occurred in the InternalApi.SPFolderService.Recycle() method ServerRelativeUrl: '{1}' in SPWebUrl: '{2}'. The exception message is: {3}", ex.GetType(), folderPath, url, ex.Message); SPLog.RoleOperationUnavailable(ex, message); throw new SPInternalException(message, ex); } }
private ClaimsContext(SPContext context) { SPWebApplication webApplication = context.Site.WebApplication; foreach (SPAlternateUrl mapping in webApplication.AlternateUrls) { SPIisSettings settings = webApplication.GetIisSettingsWithFallback(mapping.UrlZone); if (settings.UseFormsClaimsAuthenticationProvider) { this.FormsMembershipProvider = Membership.Providers[settings.FormsClaimsAuthenticationProvider.MembershipProvider]; this.FormsRoleProvider = Roles.Providers[settings.FormsClaimsAuthenticationProvider.RoleProvider]; break; } } SPUser currentUser = context.Web.CurrentUser; if (currentUser != null && SPClaimProviderManager.IsEncodedClaim(currentUser.LoginName)) { SPClaim claim = SPClaimProviderManager.Local.DecodeClaim(currentUser.LoginName); this.IsWindowsUser = claim.OriginalIssuer == "Windows"; if (claim.OriginalIssuer.StartsWith("Forms:")) { if (this.FormsMembershipProvider != null && this.FormsMembershipProvider.Name.Equals(claim.OriginalIssuer.Substring(6), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { this.FormsUser = this.FormsMembershipProvider.GetUser(claim.Value, false); if (this.FormsUser != null) { this.IsFormsUser = true; this.FormsUserId = claim.Value; this.FormsUserProfile = ProfileBase.Create(this.FormsUser.UserName); } } } } this.IsAnonymous = !this.IsFormsUser && !this.IsWindowsUser; }
public PagedList <SPPermissions> List(PermissionsListQuery options) { var spwebUrl = EnsureUrl(options.Url, options.ListId); try { using (var clientContext = new SPContext(spwebUrl, credentials.Get(spwebUrl))) { List splist = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetById(options.ListId); var splistItemCollection = splist.GetItems(options.Id.HasValue ? CAMLQueryBuilder.GetItem(options.Id.Value, new string[] { }) : CAMLQueryBuilder.GetItem(options.ContentId, new string[] { })); var lazyListItems = clientContext.LoadQuery(splistItemCollection.Include(item => item.HasUniqueRoleAssignments, item => item.Id)); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); var splistItem = lazyListItems.First(); IEnumerable <RoleAssignment> lazyRoleAssignmentList = RoleAssignmentsLoadQuery(splistItem, clientContext); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); var roleAssignmentList = lazyRoleAssignmentList.ToList(); return(new PagedList <SPPermissions>(roleAssignmentList.Skip(options.PageSize * options.PageIndex).Take(options.PageSize).Select(ra => ra.ToPermission())) { PageSize = options.PageSize, PageIndex = options.PageIndex, TotalCount = roleAssignmentList.Count }); } } catch (Exception ex) { string listItemId = options.Id.HasValue ? options.Id.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : options.ContentId.ToString(); string message = string.Format("An exception of type {0} occurred in the SPPermissionsService.List() method for ListId: {1} ItemId: {2}. The exception message is: {3}", ex.GetType(), options.ListId, listItemId, ex.Message); SPLog.RoleOperationUnavailable(ex, message); throw new SPInternalException(message, ex); } }
public SPListItem Get(SPList list, string listItemId, [Documentation(Name = "ViewFields", Type = typeof(List <string>))] IDictionary options) { int id; if (!int.TryParse(listItemId, out id)) { return(null); } using (var clientContext = new SPContext(list.SPWebUrl, credentials.Get(list.SPWebUrl))) { var splist = clientContext.ToList(list.Id); IEnumerable <ListItem> itemQuery; if (options != null && options["ViewFields"] != null) { var viewFields = (List <string>)options["ViewFields"]; itemQuery = clientContext.LoadQuery(splist.GetItems(CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery()) .Where(item => item.Id == id) .Include(CreateListItemLoadExpressions(viewFields))); } else { itemQuery = clientContext.LoadQuery(splist.GetItems(CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery()) .Where(item => item.Id == id) .IncludeWithDefaultProperties(SPItemService.InstanceQuery)); } var fieldsQuery = clientContext.LoadQuery(splist.Fields.Where(field => !field.Hidden && field.Group != "_Hidden")); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); var listItem = itemQuery.FirstOrDefault(); if (listItem != null) { return(new SPListItem(listItem, fieldsQuery.ToList())); } return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Tries get config store list from context. /// Without launch exceptions /// </summary> /// <returns>The list</returns> private static SPList TryGetConfigStoreListFromContext() { SPList configList = null; SPContext currentContext = SPContext.Current; if (currentContext != null) { SPSite currentSite = currentContext.Site; SPWeb configWeb = TryGetConfigStoreWeb(currentSite, false); if (configWeb != null) { configList = TryGetConfigStoreList(configWeb, false); } { // we're not in the same site collection as the config web. Exit without disposing any references since // we haven't created any objects.. } } return(configList); }
public Stream GetResumeDetails(Int32 candidateId) { String foldername = this.LobSystemInstance.GetProperties()["FolderName"] as string; if (foldername == null) { throw new LobBusinessErrorException("the folder information is missing to retrive the resume file"); } SPContext context = GetSPContext(); if (context == null) { throw new LobBusinessErrorException("The SPServiceContext is null to get the resume file"); } SPWeb site = context.Web; string fileName = "Candidate" + candidateId + ".docx"; SPFolder resumeFolder = site.GetFolder(foldername); if (resumeFolder == null) { throw new LobBusinessErrorException("The folder cannot be found. Hence exiting...."); } SPFile file = resumeFolder.Files[fileName]; Stream resumeStream = file.OpenBinaryStream(SPOpenBinaryOptions.SkipVirusScan); if (!resumeStream.CanRead) { throw new LobBusinessErrorException("The resume file cannot be read"); } return(resumeStream); }
public void Remove(int[] userOrGroupIds, PermissionsGetQuery options) { if (userOrGroupIds != null && userOrGroupIds.Length > 0) { var spwebUrl = EnsureUrl(options.Url, options.ListId); try { using (var clientContext = new SPContext(spwebUrl, credentials.Get(spwebUrl))) { List splist = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetById(options.ListId); var splistItemCollection = splist.GetItems(options.Id.HasValue ? CAMLQueryBuilder.GetItem(options.Id.Value, new string[] { }) : CAMLQueryBuilder.GetItem(options.ContentId, new string[] { })); var lazyListItems = clientContext.LoadQuery(splistItemCollection.Include(item => item.HasUniqueRoleAssignments, item => item.Id)); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); var splistItem = lazyListItems.First(); foreach (int userOrGroupId in userOrGroupIds) { splistItem.RoleAssignments.GetByPrincipalId(userOrGroupId).DeleteObject(); } clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); } } catch (Exception ex) { string listItemId = options.Id.HasValue ? options.Id.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : options.ContentId.ToString(); string userOrGroupIdsString = string.Join(", ", userOrGroupIds); string message = string.Format("An exception of type {0} occurred in the SPPermissionsService.Remove() method for Users or Groups with Ids: {1} ListId: {2} ItemId: {3}. The exception message is: {4}", ex.GetType(), userOrGroupIdsString, options.ListId, listItemId, ex.Message); SPLog.RoleOperationUnavailable(ex, message); throw new SPInternalException(message, ex); } } }
public List <SPGroup> GroupList(string url, Authentication authentication) { try { using (var clientContext = new SPContext(url, authentication ?? credentials.Get(url))) { SP.Web web = clientContext.Web; IEnumerable <SP.Group> groups = clientContext.LoadQuery(web.SiteGroups); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); return((from g in groups select new SPGroup(g.Id, g.LoginName) { Description = g.Description }).ToList()); } } catch (Exception ex) { string message = string.Format("An exception of type {0} occurred in the WidgetApi.V1.SharePointPermissions.GroupList() method for URL: {1}. The exception message is: {2}", ex.GetType(), url, ex.Message); SPLog.UnKnownError(ex, message); } return(null); }
public VideoSettings Load() { if (SPContext.Current != null) { _context = SPContext.Current; Load(SPContext.Current.Site); } else { HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; if (context != null) { if (_context != null) { _context = SPContext.GetContext(context); } SPSite site = Context.Site;// (context.Request.Url.ToString()); Load(site); } } return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Register the specified type (class) for the current page. This will also add the common JavaScript file. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The tpye to register i.e. RegisterTypeForAjax(typeof(WebApplication1.WebForm1));</param> /// <param name="page">The Page the script should rendered on.</param> public static void RegisterTypeForAjax(Type type, System.Web.UI.Page page) { RegisterCommonAjax(page); string path = type.FullName + "," + type.Assembly.FullName.Substring(0, type.Assembly.FullName.IndexOf(",")); #if (NET20) if (!Settings.OldStyle.Contains("appCodeQualifiedFullName") && type.Assembly.FullName.StartsWith("App_Code.")) { path = type.FullName + ",App_Code"; } #endif if (Utility.Settings.UseAssemblyQualifiedName) { path = type.AssemblyQualifiedName; } if (Utility.Settings != null && Utility.Settings.UrlNamespaceMappings.ContainsValue(path)) { foreach (string key in Utility.Settings.UrlNamespaceMappings.Keys) { if (Utility.Settings.UrlNamespaceMappings[key].ToString() == path) { path = key; break; } } } //iiunknown added @16:06 2013/11/9 增加AjaxPro客户端请求对SharePoint的SPContext.Current的支持,方便服务器端Ajax方法能正确定位到当前真正的SharePoint路径下的SPContext.Current,而不需要传递过多的参数去自己构造SharePoint上下文环境。 SPContext c = SPContext.Current; string queryString = string.Format("siteid={0}&webid={1}&listid={2}&itemid={3}&lcid={4}&formmode={5}", c.Site.ID, c.Web.ID, c.ListId, c.ItemId, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.LCID, (int)c.FormContext.FormMode); RegisterClientScriptBlock(page, "AjaxType." + type.FullName, "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath + (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath.EndsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + Utility.HandlerPath + "/" + Utility.GetSessionUri() + path + Utility.HandlerExtension + "?" + queryString + "\"></script>"); }
public SPDocumentInfo GetDetails(string url, Guid libraryId, int itemId) { try { using (var clientContext = new SPContext(url, credentials.Get(url))) { var spList = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetById(libraryId); var spFile = spList.GetItemById(itemId).File; clientContext.Load(spList); clientContext.Load(spFile); clientContext.Load(spFile, f => f.CheckedOutByUser); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); return(new SPDocumentInfo(spList, spFile, spFile.CheckedOutByUser)); } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = string.Format("An exception of type {0} occurred in the InternalApi.SPFileService.GetDetails() method for URL: {1}, LibraryId: {2}, ItemId: {3}. The exception message is: {4}", ex.GetType(), url, libraryId, itemId, ex.Message); SPLog.RoleOperationUnavailable(ex, message); throw new SPInternalException(message); } }
/// <summary> /// Sends the email to user on print. /// </summary> /// <param name="results">The results.</param> /// <param name="parentSiteURL">The parent site URL.</param> /// <param name="strAddress">The STR address.</param> /// <param name="contextForMail">The context for mail.</param> public void SendEmailToUserOnPrint(string results, string parentSiteURL, string strAddress, SPContext contextForMail) { DataTable dtPrintChapterDetails = null; ActiveDirectoryService objADS = null; try { try { objADS = new ActiveDirectoryService(); } catch (Exception) { objADS = new ActiveDirectoryService(contextForMail); } dtPrintChapterDetails = new DataTable(); CommonUtility objUtility = new CommonUtility(); objCommonDAL = new CommonDAL(); string strToMailID = string.Empty; string strAccessLink = string.Empty; string strMessage = string.Empty; string strCamlQuery = @"<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='RequestID' /><Value Type='Text'>" + results + "</Value></Eq></Where>"; dtPrintChapterDetails = objCommonDAL.GetChapterPrintDetails(strCamlQuery, parentSiteURL, "DWB Chapter Print Details"); if (dtPrintChapterDetails != null && dtPrintChapterDetails.Rows.Count > 0) { /// Loop through the values in Chapter Print Details list. foreach (DataRow dtRow in dtPrintChapterDetails.Rows) { try { strToMailID = objADS.GetEmailID(dtRow["UserName"].ToString()); } catch (Exception) { } strAccessLink = parentSiteURL + "/Pages/eWBPDFViewer.aspx?mode=chapter&requestID=" + results; objUtility.SendMailforPrintUpdate(strToMailID, strAccessLink, parentSiteURL, strAddress, contextForMail); } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { if (dtPrintChapterDetails != null) dtPrintChapterDetails.Dispose(); } }
public static string GetSiteURL(SPContext Context) { if (Context != null) return Utilities.GetDefaultZoneUri(SPContext.Current.Site); return "http://jump/cimb"; }
public static string ProjectServerInstanceURL(SPContext context) { if (context != null) return context.Site.Url; return "http://epm2007demo/pwa04"; }
/// <summary> /// Sends the mailfor print update. /// </summary> /// <param name="strToMailID">The STR to mail ID.</param> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> /// <param name="parentSiteURL">The parent site URL.</param> /// <param name="address">The address.</param> /// <param name="contextForMail">The context for mail.</param> public void SendMailforPrintUpdate(string strToMailID, string message, string parentSiteURL, string address, SPContext contextForMail) { try { StringBuilder strMessageBody = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder strAdminMailIDs = new StringBuilder(); string strSubject = string.Empty; string strSignature = string.Empty; StringDictionary objHeaders = null; DataTable objDtListValue = null; DataRow objListRow; objDtListValue = new DataTable(); objMossController = objFactory.GetServiceManager("MossService"); objHeaders = new StringDictionary(); string strCamlQuery = "<FieldRef Name=\"Title\"/><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\"Category\" /><Value Type=\"Choice\">" + "eWB2 Printing</Value></Eq></Where>"; objDtListValue = ((MOSSServiceManager)objMossController).ReadList(parentSiteURL, EMAILTEMPLATELIST, strCamlQuery); if(objDtListValue.Rows.Count > 0) { objListRow = objDtListValue.Rows[0]; strSubject = objListRow["Subject"].ToString(); strMessageBody.Append(objListRow["BodyLine1"].ToString()); strMessageBody.Append("<BR><BR>" + objListRow["BodyLine2"].ToString()); strMessageBody = strMessageBody.Replace("{DREAM portal}", "<a href='" + parentSiteURL + "' >DREAM Portal</a>"); strSignature = objListRow["Signature"].ToString(); strSignature = strSignature.Replace("{Region}", "EPE"); } strMessageBody.Append("<a href='" + message + "'>Click here</a> to access the PDF file.<BR>"); strMessageBody.Append("<BR><BR>" + strSignature); //build String Dictionary Object objHeaders.Add("from", GetSenderEmailId()); objHeaders.Add("to", strToMailID.ToString()); objHeaders.Add("subject", strSubject); SendAlertMail(objHeaders, strMessageBody.ToString(), contextForMail); } catch(Exception Ex) { throw Ex; } }
/// <summary> /// Sends the alert mail. /// </summary> /// <param name="header">The header.</param> /// <param name="messageBody">The message body.</param> /// <param name="contextForMail">The context for mail.</param> private void SendAlertMail(StringDictionary header, string messageBody, SPContext contextForMail) { try { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { SPUtility.SendEmail(contextForMail.Site.OpenWeb(), header, messageBody.ToString()); }); } catch(Exception Ex) { throw Ex; } }
void EnsureFormContext() { if ((this.m_itemContext == null) && (this.Context != null)) { if (base.List == null) { throw new SPException(SPResource.GetString("ListWithTitleDoesNotExist", new object[] { base.ListName })); } if (Page.Request.QueryString["ID"] != null) { //if (this.CurListItemId <= 0) this.CurListItemId = Convert.ToInt32(Page.Request.QueryString["ID"]); if (this.FormMode == SPControlMode.Invalid) this.FormMode = SPControlMode.Display ; } else { if (this.FormMode == SPControlMode.Invalid) this.FormMode = SPControlMode.New ; } this.m_itemContext = SPContext.GetContext(this.Context, this.CurListItemId, this.List.ID, base.Web); if (this._FormMode == SPControlMode.Invalid) { this._FormMode = this.m_itemContext.FormContext.FormMode; } else { this.m_itemContext.FormContext.FormMode = this.FormMode; //this.m_itemContext.FormContext.DisableInitialFocus = this.DisableInitialFocus; this.m_itemContext.FormContext.SetFormMode(this.FormMode, true); } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the print document URL. /// </summary> /// <param name="results">The results.</param> /// <param name="parentSiteURL">The parent site URL.</param> /// <param name="strAddress">The STR address.</param> /// <param name="contextForMail">The context for mail.</param> /// <param name="listName">Name of the list.</param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetPrintDocumentURL(string results, string parentSiteURL, string strAddress, SPContext contextForMail, string listName) { string strDocumentURL = string.Empty; DataTable dtPrintChapterDetails = null; try { string strCamlQuery = @"<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='RequestID' /><Value Type='Text'>" + results + "</Value></Eq></Where>"; dtPrintChapterDetails = objCommonDAL.GetChapterPrintDetails(strCamlQuery, parentSiteURL, listName); if (dtPrintChapterDetails != null && dtPrintChapterDetails.Rows.Count > 0) { /// Loop through the values in Chapter Print Details list. foreach (DataRow dtRow in dtPrintChapterDetails.Rows) { strDocumentURL = dtRow["DocumentURL"].ToString(); } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { if (dtPrintChapterDetails != null) dtPrintChapterDetails.Dispose(); } return strDocumentURL; }
public PowerWebEventReceiver() { httpContext = HttpContext.Current; spContext = SPContext.Current; }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { try { foreach (SINCycleReceiver receiver in SINCycleReceivers) { SINCycleContext scContext = new SINCycleContext(); receiver.BeforeContextLoad(scContext); } SPContext currentcontext = SPContext.Current; HttpContext httpContext = HttpContext.Current; foreach (SINCycleReceiver receiver in SINCycleReceivers) { SINCycleContext scContext = new SINCycleContext(); scContext.SPContext = currentcontext; scContext.HttpContext = httpContext; receiver.AfterContextLoad(scContext); } foreach (SINCycleReceiver receiver in SINCycleReceivers) { SINCycleContext scContext = new SINCycleContext(); scContext.SPContext = currentcontext; scContext.HttpContext = httpContext; receiver.BeforeResourceItemsLoad(scContext); } List <SPListItem> allItems = Utilities.GetAllItemsForContext(currentcontext, SINCycleReceivers); foreach (SINCycleReceiver receiver in SINCycleReceivers) { SINCycleContext scContext = new SINCycleContext(); scContext.SPContext = currentcontext; scContext.HttpContext = httpContext; receiver.AfterResourceItemsLoad(scContext, allItems); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (SPListItem item in allItems) { SPContentType ct = item.ContentType; string ctResourceConfiguration = ct.XmlDocuments[""]; XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(ctResourceConfiguration); string receiverAssembly = xmlDoc["ScriptResourceReceiver"]["ReceiverAssembly"].InnerText; string receiverClass = xmlDoc["ScriptResourceReceiver"]["ReceiverClass"].InnerText; Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(receiverAssembly); SPSINResourceHandler resourceItem = (SPSINResourceHandler)assembly.CreateInstance(receiverClass); SPSINContext context = new SPSINContext(); context.Context = currentcontext; context.Item = item; context.HttpContext = httpContext; string resourceString = ""; foreach (SINCycleReceiver receiver in SINCycleReceivers) { SINCycleContext scContext = new SINCycleContext(); scContext.SPContext = currentcontext; scContext.HttpContext = httpContext; scContext.AllResourceItems = allItems; scContext.CurrentResourceItem = item; resourceString += receiver.BeforeResourceItemGetResourceStringEvaluation(scContext, item); } resourceString += resourceItem.GetResourceString(context); foreach (SINCycleReceiver receiver in SINCycleReceivers) { SINCycleContext scContext = new SINCycleContext(); scContext.SPContext = currentcontext; scContext.HttpContext = httpContext; scContext.AllResourceItems = allItems; scContext.CurrentResourceItem = item; resourceString = receiver.AfterResourceItemGetResourceStringEvaluation(scContext, item, resourceString); } sb.Append(resourceString); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } string output = sb.ToString(); foreach (SINCycleReceiver receiver in SINCycleReceivers) { SINCycleContext scContext = new SINCycleContext(); scContext.SPContext = currentcontext; scContext.HttpContext = httpContext; scContext.AllResourceItems = allItems; output = receiver.AfterProcessingComplete(scContext, output); } Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(output)); } catch (Exception e) { Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(string.Format(@"<!-- SP SIN Encountered an exception while processing: {0} -->", e.ToString()))); } }
public BackOffice(SPContext spContext) { this._spweb = spContext.Web; this._isWebFromSPContext = true; this._userGroups = spContext.Web.CurrentUser.Groups.Cast<SPGroup>().Select<SPGroup, string>(g => g.Name).ToList<string>(); }
public static DataTable GetProjectTasks(SPContext context, Guid ProjectUID) { var ResultTaskTable = new DataTable(); try { string SiteUrl = ProjectServerInstanceURL(context); SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate { using (var site = new SPSite(SiteUrl)) { SiteUrl = Utilities.GetDefaultZoneUri(site); } } ); var Project_Svc = new Project { UseDefaultCredentials = true, Url = (SiteUrl + "/_vti_bin/psi/project.asmx"), AllowAutoRedirect = true }; var projectDataSet = Project_Svc.ReadProjectEntities(ProjectUID, 2, DataStoreEnum.WorkingStore); ResultTaskTable.Columns.Add("ID"); ResultTaskTable.Columns.Add("Task"); ResultTaskTable.Columns.Add("UID"); ResultTaskTable.Columns.Add("start date"); ResultTaskTable.Columns.Add("end date"); foreach (ProjectDataSet.TaskRow taskRow in projectDataSet.Task.Rows) { DataRow NewRow = ResultTaskTable.NewRow(); NewRow["ID"] = taskRow.TASK_ID; NewRow["Task"] = taskRow.TASK_NAME; NewRow["UID"] = taskRow.TASK_UID; if (!taskRow.IsTASK_START_DATENull()) NewRow["start date"] = taskRow.TASK_START_DATE.ToString("dd/MM/yy"); else NewRow["start date"] = " -- "; if (!taskRow.IsTASK_FINISH_DATENull()) NewRow["end date"] = taskRow.TASK_FINISH_DATE.ToString("dd/MM/yy"); else NewRow["end date"] = " -- "; ResultTaskTable.Rows.Add(NewRow); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog("Error at getting project tasks due to " + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } return ResultTaskTable; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ActiveDirectoryService"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> public ActiveDirectoryService(SPContext context) { try { strADFullPathName = PortalConfiguration.GetInstance().GetKey("ADFullPathName", context.Web.Url.ToString()); strADServerName = PortalConfiguration.GetInstance().GetKey("ADServerName", context.Web.Url.ToString()); strADUserName = PortalConfiguration.GetInstance().GetKey("ADUserName", context.Web.Url.ToString()); strADPassword = PortalConfiguration.GetInstance().GetKey("ADPassword", context.Web.Url.ToString()); } catch(Exception) { throw; } }
internal CustomViewSelectorMenu(SPContext renderContext) { base.RenderContext = renderContext; }