public bool RemoveSMU(Manifest manif, SMU item) { using (var db = new OcphDbContext()) { var trans = db.BeginTransaction(); try { if (db.ManifestDetail.Delete(O => O.SMUId == item.Id)) { var note = string.Format(@"Menghapus SMU : T{0:D9} Dari Manifest MT{1:D8}", item.Id, manif.Id); var his = User.GenerateHistory(manif.Id, BussinesType.Manifest, ChangeType.Update, note); if (db.Histories.Insert(his)) { trans.Commit(); return(true); } } throw new SystemException("Data Tidak Terhapus"); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); throw new SystemException(ex.Message); } } }
private void DataGrid_RowEditEnding(object sender, DataGridRowEditEndingEventArgs e) { detailsDg.IsReadOnly = true; SMU selectedRow = e.Row.DataContext as SMU; if (e.EditAction == DataGridEditAction.Commit) { } }
public void SetCancelSMU(SMU selectedItem, string alasan) { using (var db = new OcphDbContext()) { var trans = db.BeginTransaction(); try { if (selectedItem.ActiveStatus != ActivedStatus.Cancel) { var result = (from a in db.ManifestDetail.Where(O => O.SMUId == selectedItem.Id) join b in db.Manifest.Select() on a.manifestoutgoingId equals b.Id select b).FirstOrDefault(); if (result != null && result.IsTakeOff) { throw new SystemException(string.Format("T{0:D9} Tidak Dapat Dibatalkan \r\n Telah Berangkat Dengan Manifest Nomor MT{1:D9}", selectedItem.Id, result.Id)); } if (result != null && !result.IsTakeOff) { throw new SystemException(string.Format("Batalkan T{0:D9} Dari Manifest Nomor MT{1:D8}", selectedItem.Id, result.Id)); } ActivedStatus active = ActivedStatus.Cancel; var updated = db.SMU.Update(O => new { O.ActiveStatus }, new smu { Id = selectedItem.Id, ActiveStatus = active }, O => O.Id == selectedItem.Id); if (updated) { selectedItem.ActiveStatus = ActivedStatus.Cancel; var his = User.GenerateHistory(selectedItem.Id, BussinesType.SMU, ChangeType.Cancel, alasan); if (!db.Histories.Insert(his)) { throw new SystemException("Gagal Diubah"); } trans.Commit(); } else { throw new SystemException("Gagal Diubah"); } } else { throw new SystemException("SMU Telah Batal"); } } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); throw new SystemException(ex.Message); } } }
private async void LoadData(SMU SMUSelected) { var datas = await context.GetSMUDetail(SMUSelected.Id); foreach (var item in datas) { OriginSource.Add(item); } RefreshAll(); }
public BrowseColliesViewModel(SMU selected) { SMUSelected = selected; MyTitle = "Tambah Item PTI Ke SMU"; Source = new ObservableCollection <collies>(); SourceView = (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Source); LoadOutOfManifestData(selected.PTIId); OKCommand = new CommandHandler { CanExecuteAction = OKCommandValidate, ExecuteAction = OKCommandAction }; }
internal async void ShowDetails(SMU selectedSMU) { var res = await context.GetSMUDetail(selectedSMU.Id); selected.Details.Clear(); foreach (var item in res) { selected.Details.Add(item); } GridWidth = new GridLength(30, GridUnitType.Star); }
public bool ManifestIsTakeOf(SMU selectedItem) { using (var db = new OcphDbContext()) { var result = db.ManifestDetail.Where(O => O.SMUId == selectedItem.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (result != null) { var manifest = db.Manifest.Where(O => O.Id == result.manifestoutgoingId).FirstOrDefault(); if (manifest != null && manifest.IsTakeOff) { return(true); } } return(false); } }
public Task InsertPTIItemToSMU(SMU smuSelected, ObservableCollection <collies> source) { using (var db = new OcphDbContext()) { var trans = db.BeginTransaction(); try { foreach (var item in source.Where(O => O.IsSended == true).ToList()) { if (!db.SMUDetails.Insert(new smudetails { colliesId = item.Id, SMUId = smuSelected.Id })) { throw new SystemException("Data Tidak Tersimpan"); } var note = string.Format("Menambah Item Ke SMU No T{0:D9}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}-{5}", smuSelected.Id, item.Content, item.Kemasan, item.Pcs, item.Weight, item.TotalWeight); var histDetail = User.GenerateHistory(smuSelected.Id, BussinesType.SMU, ChangeType.Update, note); if (!db.Histories.Insert(histDetail)) { throw new SystemException("Data Tidak Tersimpan"); } } if (source.Where(O => !O.IsSended).Count() <= 0) { if (!db.PTI.Update(O => new { O.OnSMU }, new pti { OnSMU = true, Id = smuSelected.PTIId }, O => O.Id == smuSelected.PTIId)) { throw new SystemException("Data Tidak Tersimpan"); } } trans.Commit(); return(Task.FromResult(0)); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); throw new SystemException(ex.Message); } } }
internal void RemoveItemCollies(SMU item) { try { if (!ManifestSelected.IsTakeOff) { if (context.RemoveSMU(ManifestSelected, item)) { ManifestSelected.Details.Remove(item); Helpers.ShowMessage("SMU Telah Di Hapus"); } } else { throw new SystemException("Pesawat Telah Berangkat, Data Tidak Dapat Dihapus"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Helpers.ShowErrorMessage(ex.Message); } }
public SplitSMUViewModel(SMU SMUSelected) { MyTitle = "SPLIT SMU"; SmuSelected = SMUSelected; PindahkanCommand = new CommandHandler { CanExecuteAction = PindahkanValidate, ExecuteAction = PindahkanAction }; KembaliCommand = new CommandHandler { CanExecuteAction = KembaliValidate, ExecuteAction = KembaliAction }; SaveCommand = new CommandHandler { CanExecuteAction = SaveValidate, ExecuteAction = SaveAction }; CancelCommand = new CommandHandler { CanExecuteAction = x => true, ExecuteAction = x => WindowClose() }; OriginSource = new ObservableCollection <SMUDetail>(); DestinationSource = new ObservableCollection <SMUDetail>(); OriginView = (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(OriginSource); DestinationView = (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(DestinationSource); LoadData(SMUSelected); }
static void Main(string[] args) { double[] curr = new double[4]; double[] volt = new double[4]; int ret = 0; int testHead = 0; int testSite = 0; int initOption = 0xf; bool offline = false; String HardwareProfile = null; HardwareProfile = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "example.amap"); SMU smu = null; try { smu = new SMU(HardwareProfile, testHead, testSite, offline, initOption); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); Console.ReadLine(); } //V1-4 (AM430e) ret += smu.SetIntegration("V1-4", SmuIntegration.Is50Hz); ret += smu.SetNPLC("V1-4", 1); ret += smu.SetBandwidth("V1-4", SmuBandwidth.Normal); ret += smu.ClampCurrent("V1-4", 100e-6); ret += smu.DriveVoltage("V1-4", 0); ret += smu.OnSmuPin("V1-4", true, false); delay_s(1e-3); ret += smu.DriveVoltage("V1-4", 3.3); delay_s(1e-3); ret += smu.ReadVoltage("V1-4", out volt); ret += smu.ReadCurrent("V1-4", out curr); Console.WriteLine("V1-4"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Console.WriteLine("curr[" + i + "]: " + curr[i] + "; volt[" + i + "]: " + volt[i]); } ret += smu.DriveVoltage("V1-4", 0); delay_s(1e-3); ret += smu.OffSmuPin("V1-4"); //Vcc (AM471e) ret += smu.SetIntegration("Vcc", SmuIntegration.Is50Hz); ret += smu.SetNPLC("Vcc", 1); ret += smu.SetBandwidth("Vcc", SmuBandwidth.Normal); ret += smu.ClampCurrent("Vcc", 100e-6); ret += smu.DriveVoltage("Vcc", 0); ret += smu.OnSmuPin("Vcc", true, false); delay_s(1e-3); ret += smu.DriveVoltage("Vcc", 3.3); delay_s(1e-3); ret += smu.ReadVoltage("Vcc", out volt); ret += smu.ReadCurrent("Vcc", out curr); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Vcc:"); Console.WriteLine("curr: " + curr[0] + "; volt: " + volt[0]); ret += smu.DriveVoltage("Vcc", 0); delay_s(1e-3); ret += smu.OffSmuPin("Vcc"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public Task <Tuple <SMU, SMU> > SplitSMU(SMU smuSelected, ObservableCollection <SMUDetail> originSource, ObservableCollection <SMUDetail> destinationSource) { using (var db = new OcphDbContext()) { var trans = db.BeginTransaction(); try { //remove selected Move foreach (var item in destinationSource.ToList()) { if (!db.SMUDetails.Delete(O => O.SMUId == item.Id && O.colliesId == item.ColliesId)) { throw new SystemException("Smu Gagal di Split"); } } var firstColly = originSource.FirstOrDefault(); var ptiModel = new PTI { Id = firstColly.PTIId, ShiperID = smuSelected.ShiperId, RecieverId = smuSelected.RecieverId, PayType = firstColly.PayType }; var source = new ObservableCollection <collies>(); foreach (var item in destinationSource) { source.Add(new collies { Id = item.ColliesId, Content = item.Content, IsSended = true, Pcs = item.Pcs, Price = item.Price, PtiId = item.PTIId, Weight = item.Weight }); } smuSelected.Pcs = originSource.Sum(O => O.Pcs); smuSelected.Weight = originSource.Sum(O => O.Weight); smuSelected.Biaya = originSource.Sum(O => O.Biaya); //SUMU var smudata = new smu { PTIId = smuSelected.PTIId, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }; smudata.Id = db.SMU.InsertAndGetLastID(smudata); if (smudata.Id <= 0) { throw new SystemException("Data Tidak Tersimpan"); } foreach (var item in source.Where(O => O.IsSended)) { var data = new smudetails { colliesId = item.Id, SMUId = smudata.Id }; if (!db.SMUDetails.Insert(data)) { throw new SystemException("Data Tidak Tersimpan"); } } var memo = string.Format("Split Dari SMU T{0:D9}", smuSelected.Id); var history = User.GenerateHistory(smudata.Id, BussinesType.SMU, ChangeType.Create, memo); if (!db.Histories.Insert(history)) { throw new SystemException("Gagal Simpan Data"); } SMU sm = new SMU { CreatedDate = smuSelected.CreatedDate, Id = smudata.Id, IsSended = false, Pcs = source.Sum(O => O.Pcs), RecieverId = smuSelected.RecieverId, RecieverName = smuSelected.RecieverName, ShiperId = ptiModel.ShiperID, ShiperName = smuSelected.ShiperName, Weight = source.Sum(O => O.Weight), Biaya = source.Sum(O => O.Biaya) }; // trans.Commit(); return(Task.FromResult(new Tuple <SMU, SMU>(smuSelected, sm))); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); throw new SystemException(ex.Message); } } }
public Task <SMU> CreateNewSMU(PTI pTISelected, ObservableCollection <collies> source) { using (var db = new OcphDbContext()) { var date = DateTime.Now; var trans = db.BeginTransaction(); try { var smudata = new smu { PTIId = pTISelected.Id, CreatedDate = pTISelected.CreatedDate }; smudata.Id = db.SMU.InsertAndGetLastID(smudata); if (smudata.Id <= 0) { throw new SystemException("Data Tidak Tersimpan"); } foreach (var item in source.Where(O => O.IsSended)) { var data = new smudetails { colliesId = item.Id, SMUId = smudata.Id }; if (!db.SMUDetails.Insert(data)) { throw new SystemException("Data Tidak Tersimpan"); } } if (source.Where(O => !O.IsSended).Count() <= 0) { if (!db.PTI.Update(O => new { O.OnSMU }, new pti { Id = pTISelected.Id, OnSMU = true }, O => O.Id == pTISelected.Id)) { throw new SystemException("Data Tidak Tersimpan"); } else { pTISelected.OnSMU = true; } var h = User.GenerateHistory(pTISelected.Id, BussinesType.PTI, ChangeType.Update, string.Format("Dibuatkan SMU dengan Nomor T{0:D9}", smudata.Id)); if (!db.Histories.Insert(h)) { throw new SystemException("Gagal Simpan Data"); } } var history = User.GenerateHistory(smudata.Id, BussinesType.SMU, ChangeType.Create, ""); if (!db.Histories.Insert(history)) { throw new SystemException("Gagal Simpan Data"); } SMU sm = new SMU { CreatedDate = date, Id = smudata.Id, IsSended = false, Pcs = source.Sum(O => O.Pcs), RecieverId = pTISelected.RecieverId, RecieverName = pTISelected.RecieverName, ShiperId = pTISelected.ShiperID, ShiperName = pTISelected.ShiperName, Weight = source.Sum(O => O.Weight), Biaya = source.Sum(O => O.Biaya) }; trans.Commit(); return(Task.FromResult(sm)); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); throw new SystemException(ex.Message); } } }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); ols = new Ols(); hMutexPci = new Mutex(); smu = new Zen2Settings(); try { CheckOlsStatus(); } catch (ApplicationException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, @"Error"); Dispose(); Application.Exit(); } CPUID = GetCpuInfo() & 0xFFFFFFF0; #if !DEBUG if (CPUID != 0x00830F00 && CPUID != 0x00830F10) // EPYC Rome ES { MessageBox.Show(@"CPU not supported!", @"Error"); Dispose(); Application.Exit(); return; } #endif #if DEBUG var res = MessageBox.Show( @"This is an experimental version of this software. Keep in mind that it is possible to encounter bugs.", @"Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); if (res != DialogResult.OK) { Dispose(); Application.Exit(); } #endif var mg = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_Processor").Get() .Cast <ManagementBaseObject>(); _coreCount = mg.Sum(item => int.Parse(item["NumberOfCores"].ToString())); _cpuName = (string)mg.First()["Name"]; _cpuName = _cpuName.Replace("AMD Eng Sample: ", "").Trim(); InitDefaultForm(); _presetFunctions = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Action> > { { "64", new Dictionary <string, Action> { { "High Multi-core", () => { ApplyFreqLock(false); ApplyVoltage((decimal)1.05, 12, 128); ApplyFrequencyAllCoreSetting(3800); ApplyEDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(30), 0, 800); ApplyTDCSetting(0, 0, 600); ApplyPPTSetting(0, 0, 1500); } }, { "Best of both", () => { RevertVoltage(); if (_cpuName.StartsWith("2S1")) { ApplyVoltage((decimal)1.05, 12, 128); } ApplyFrequencyAllCoreSetting(3200); ApplyFreqLock(true); ApplyEDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(600), 0, 800); ApplyTDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(0), 0, 600); ApplyPPTSetting(Convert.ToInt32(0), 0, 1500); } }, { "High Single-core", () => { RevertVoltage(); if (_cpuName.StartsWith("2S1")) { ApplyVoltage((decimal)1.1, 12, 128); // ? } ApplyFrequencyAllCoreSetting(3400); ApplyFreqLock(true); ApplyEDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(700), 0, 700); ApplyTDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(700), 0, 700); ApplyPPTSetting(Convert.ToInt32(1500), 0, 1500); } } } }, { "48", new Dictionary <string, Action> { { "High Multi-core", () => { ApplyVoltage((decimal)1.05, 12, 128); ApplyFrequencyAllCoreSetting(3800); ApplyFreqLock(true); ApplyEDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(45), 0, 200); ApplyTDCSetting(0, 0, 1); ApplyPPTSetting(0, 0, 1); } }, { "Best of both", () => { ApplyFreqLock(false); RevertVoltage(); if (_cpuName.StartsWith("2S1")) { ApplyVoltage((decimal)1.05, 12, 128); } ApplyFrequencyAllCoreSetting(3300); ApplyEDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(600), 0, 800); ApplyTDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(0), 0, 600); ApplyPPTSetting(Convert.ToInt32(0), 0, 1500); } }, { "High Single-core", () => { ApplyFreqLock(false); RevertVoltage(); if (_cpuName.StartsWith("2S1")) { ApplyVoltage((decimal)1.1, 12, 128); // ? } ApplyFrequencyAllCoreSetting(3500); ApplyEDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(700), 0, 700); ApplyTDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(700), 0, 700); ApplyPPTSetting(Convert.ToInt32(1500), 0, 1500); } } } }, { "32", new Dictionary <string, Action> { { "High Multi-core", () => { RevertVoltage(); if (_cpuName.StartsWith("2S1")) { ApplyVoltage((decimal)1.05, 12, 128); } ApplyFrequencyAllCoreSetting(3450); ApplyFreqLock(true); ApplyEDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(600), 0, 700); ApplyTDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(600), 0, 700); ApplyPPTSetting(Convert.ToInt32(1500), 0, 1500); } }, { "Best of both", () => { ApplyFreqLock(false); RevertVoltage(); if (_cpuName.StartsWith("2S1")) { ApplyVoltage((decimal)1.05, 12, 128); } ApplyFrequencyAllCoreSetting(3300); ApplyEDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(600), 0, 800); ApplyTDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(0), 0, 600); ApplyPPTSetting(Convert.ToInt32(0), 0, 1500); } }, { "High Single-core", () => { ApplyFreqLock(false); RevertVoltage(); if (_cpuName.StartsWith("2S1")) { ApplyVoltage((decimal)1.1, 12, 128); // ? } ApplyFrequencyAllCoreSetting(3500); ApplyEDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(700), 0, 700); ApplyTDCSetting(Convert.ToInt32(700), 0, 700); ApplyPPTSetting(Convert.ToInt32(1500), 0, 1500); } } } } }; }