Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void FindAllPartyMembers(SMCharacter invokingCharacter)
            if (invokingCharacter.PartyReference != null)
                SMParty sp = SMPartyHelper.GetParty(invokingCharacter.PartyReference.PartyID);

                string stringToSend = "[b]Party Members:[/b] ";
                bool   first        = true;

                foreach (SMPartyMember pm in sp.PartyMembers)
                    if (first)
                        first = false;
                        stringToSend += ", ";
                    stringToSend += pm.CharacterName;

            else // They're not in a party
                invokingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer("[i]You're not in a party.[/i]");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Attack a character
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attackingCharacter">The attacking character</param>
        /// <param name="targetItem">The target string</param>
        public static void Attack(SMCharacter attackingCharacter, SMCharacter targetCharacter)
            // Check that the target has hitpoints
            if (targetCharacter.Attributes.HitPoints > 0)
                // Work out if this is an NPC or not
                SMRoom room = attackingCharacter.GetRoom();

                SMNPC targetNPC = room.GetNPCs().FirstOrDefault(checkChar => checkChar.GetFullName() == targetCharacter.GetFullName());

                if (targetNPC != null)
                    room.ProcessNPCReactions("PlayerCharacter.AttacksThem", attackingCharacter);

                List <SMNPC> NPCsInRoom = targetCharacter.GetRoom().GetNPCs().FindAll(npc => npc.GetFullName() != attackingCharacter.GetFullName());

                if (NPCsInRoom.Count > 0)
                    room.ProcessNPCReactions("PlayerCharacter.Attack", attackingCharacter);

                // Use the skill
                attackingCharacter.UseSkill(GetSkillToUse(attackingCharacter), targetCharacter.GetFullName(), true);
            else             // Report that the target is already dead...
                attackingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer(ResponseFormatterFactory.Get().General($"{targetCharacter.GetFullName()} is already dead!"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Decrease the faction level for a character
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="smc">The Character</param>
        /// <param name="factionName">The Faction Name</param>
        /// <param name="amount">The amount to decrease</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void DecreaseFactionLevel(SMCharacter smc, string factionName, int amount)
            // Find the faction information from the player
            SMFaction smf = GetFactionFromPlayerList(smc, factionName);

            // Check if it's null..
            if (smf != null)
                smf.Level -= amount;
                smf = new SMFaction(factionName, (0 - amount));
                if (smc.Factions == null)
                    smc.Factions = new List <SMFaction>();


            smc.sendMessageToPlayer("[i]" + smf.FactionName + " standing decreased by " + amount + " to " + smf.Level + "[/i]");

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// A new party creation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invokingCharacter">The character creating the party.</param>
        public void CreateParty(SMCharacter invokingCharacter, bool suppressMessage = false)
            if ((invokingCharacter.PartyReference == null) || (invokingCharacter.PartyReference.Status == "Invited"))
                // Create a new id
                PartyID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                // Add the invoking character to the party
                SMPartyMember smpm = new SMPartyMember();
                smpm.CharacterName = invokingCharacter.GetFullName();
                smpm.UserID        = invokingCharacter.UserID;
                PartyMembers       = new List <SMPartyMember>();

                // Add the party to the global memory
                List <SMParty> smp = (List <SMParty>)HttpContext.Current.Application["Parties"];

                // Save the party to the memory.
                HttpContext.Current.Application["Parties"] = smp;

                // Reference the new party against the character
                invokingCharacter.PartyReference = new SMPartyReference(this.PartyID, "Leader");

                if (!suppressMessage)
                    invokingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer("[i]Party created.[/i]");

                // Save the player information to the application.
            else // They are already in a party
                if (!suppressMessage)
                    invokingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer("[i]Can not create a party as you're already in one.[/i]");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Attack a Creature
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="attackingCharacter">The attacking character</param>
 /// <param name="targetCharacter">The target character</param>
 public static void Attack(SMCharacter attackingCharacter, SMCreature targetCreature)
     // Check that the target has hitpoints
     if (targetCreature.Attributes.HitPoints > 0)
         // Use the skill
         attackingCharacter.UseSkill(GetSkillToUse(attackingCharacter), targetCreature.CreatureName, true);
     else // Report that the target can not be found
         attackingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer(ResponseFormatterFactory.Get().General($"{targetCreature.CreatureName} can not be found"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public bool BuyItem(string itemNumber, int numberToBuy, SMCharacter smc)
            // Check that there is an item with that number
            SMShopItem ssi = ShopInventory.FirstOrDefault(item => item.ItemNumber == int.Parse(itemNumber));

            // If the item isn't null continue
            if (ssi != null)
                // check the player has enough money to pay for the item(s)
                // Get the total value
                int totalValue = numberToBuy * ssi.Cost;

                if (smc.Currency.CheckCurrency(totalValue))
                    // remove the money from the character

                    // add the item to the character
                    while (numberToBuy > 0)
                        smc.ReceiveItem(ssi.Item, true);

                    // Return that the item was bought.
                else // They don't have enough to buy the item
                    smc.sendMessageToPlayer(this.Formatter.Italic("You don't have enough money for that (needed " + totalValue + ", you have " + smc.Currency.AmountOfCurrency + ")"));
            else // Return that the item isn't valid...
                smc.sendMessageToPlayer(this.Formatter.ListItem("The item you've specified isn't valid, please check and try again"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Attack an item
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="attackingCharacter">The attacking character</param>
 /// <param name="targetItem">The target item</param>
 public static void Attack(SMCharacter attackingCharacter, SMItem targetItem)
     // Check that the target has hitpoints
     if (targetItem.HitPoints > 0)
         // Use the skill
         attackingCharacter.UseSkill(GetSkillToUse(attackingCharacter), targetItem.ItemName, true);
     else             // Report that the target can not be found
         attackingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer(targetItem.ItemName + " can not be found");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Recover a given number of HP up to the maxhp attribute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Amount">The integer amount of HP to recover.</param>
        /// <param name="invokingCharacter">The character invoking the HP recovery.</param>
        public void RecoverHp(Int32 Amount, SMCharacter invokingCharacter)
            // Workout how many HP the character is from its max
            Int32 missingHp = this.MaxHitPoints - this.HitPoints;

            // Do nothing if HP already at its max
            if (missingHp == 0)
                invokingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer(ResponseFormatterFactory.Get().Italic($"Your hit points are already full!"));

            // Workout how many hp to recover to ensure we dont go over the characters max HP
            Int32 hpToGain = missingHp < Amount ? missingHp : Amount;

            // Recover the HP
            this.HitPoints += hpToGain;

            // Inform the player how many HP they recovered
            invokingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer(ResponseFormatterFactory.Get().Italic($"You feel better \"{hpToGain}hp\" recovered."));

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void LeaveParty(SMCharacter invokingCharacter, bool suppressMessages = false)
            // Find the current party if they have one (and it's not just at "invited" stage).
            if ((invokingCharacter.PartyReference == null) || (invokingCharacter.PartyReference.Status != "Invited"))
                // Remove them from the party reference.
                // Get the list of parties
                List <SMParty> smp = (List <SMParty>)HttpContext.Current.Application["Parties"];

                // Find the relevant party
                SMParty sp = smp.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PartyID == invokingCharacter.PartyReference.PartyID);

                if (!suppressMessages)
                    sp.SendMessageToAllPartyMembers(sp, "[i]" + invokingCharacter.GetFullName() + " left the party[/i]");

                // Remove the party from the global list element.

                // Find the relevant member
                SMPartyMember pm = sp.PartyMembers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.CharacterName == invokingCharacter.GetFullName());

                // Check there are still people in the party
                if (sp.PartyMembers.Count > 0)
                    // Add the member back to the list

                // Save it out to the global list again
                HttpContext.Current.Application["Parties"] = smp;

                // Remove the party reference from the character file
                invokingCharacter.PartyReference = null;

                // Save the player information to the application.
                if (!suppressMessages)
                    invokingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer("[i]You are not in a party so can't leave one[/i]");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void AddResponse(NPCConversations npcc, NPCConversationStep npccs, SMCharacter invokingCharacter, List <ShortcutToken> stl, string responseOptions)
            // Set up a list to hold them in the character (if there isn't one already)
            if (this.AwaitingCharacterResponses == null)
                this.AwaitingCharacterResponses = new List <SMNPCAwaitingCharacterResponse>();

            // Create the awaiting response token.
            SMNPCAwaitingCharacterResponse acr = new SMNPCAwaitingCharacterResponse();

            acr.ConversationID      = npcc.ConversationID;
            acr.ConversationStep    = npccs.StepID;
            acr.WaitingForCharacter = invokingCharacter;
            acr.RoomID = this.RoomID;

            // Work out the timeout conversation if there is one.
            string nextStepAfterTimeout = null;
            int    timeout = 10000;

            if (npccs.NextStep != null)
                string[] getNextStep = npccs.NextStep.Split('.');
                nextStepAfterTimeout = getNextStep[0];
                timeout = int.Parse(getNextStep[1]);

            // Set the conversation timeout
            acr.ConversationStepAfterTimeout = nextStepAfterTimeout;
            acr.UnixTimeStampTimeout         = Utility.Utils.GetUnixTimeOffset(timeout);

            // Add the item to the character, and send a message to the player regarding the available responses.
            invokingCharacter.SetAwaitingResponse(this.UserID, stl, timeout, this.RoomID);

            if ((responseOptions != null) && (!responseOptions.Contains("{variable}")))
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static string GetSkillToUse(SMCharacter attackingCharacter)
            string skillToUse = "Brawl";

            if (!attackingCharacter.AreHandsEmpty())
                // Get the equipped item from the character if any
                SMItem smi = attackingCharacter.GetEquippedItem();
                skillToUse = "Basic Attack";

                if ((smi != null) && (smi.RequiredSkills != null))
                    // Check the player has the required skills
                    bool hasAllRequiredSkills = true;
                    bool isFirst = true;

                    foreach (SMRequiredSkill smrs in smi.RequiredSkills)
                        if (hasAllRequiredSkills)
                            hasAllRequiredSkills = attackingCharacter.HasRequiredSkill(smrs.SkillName, smrs.SkillLevel);
                            if (isFirst)
                                skillToUse = smrs.SkillName;

                    // If the player has all the required skills
                    if (!hasAllRequiredSkills)
                        // Tell the player they can't really wield that item.
                        attackingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer(ResponseFormatterFactory.Get().General($"You are not skilled with the {smi.ItemFamily}, practicing gives you a chance to increase your skill"));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs someone in with the Slack UserID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">Slack UserID</param>
        /// <returns>A string response</returns>
        public string Login(string userID, bool newCharacter = false, string responseURL = null, string connectionService = "slack", string password = null)
            // Variables for the return string
            string returnString = "";

            // Get all current characters
            List <SMCharacter> smcs      = (List <SMCharacter>)HttpContext.Current.Application["SMCharacters"];
            SMCharacter        character = smcs.FirstOrDefault(smc => smc.UserID == userID);

            // Get the right path, and work out if the file exists.
            string path = FilePathSystem.GetFilePath("Characters", "Char" + userID);

            // Check if the character exists..
            if (!File.Exists(path))
                // If they don't exist inform the person as to how to create a new user
                returnString  = ResponseFormatterFactory.Get().General("You must create a character, to do so, use the command /sm CreateCharacter FIRSTNAME,LASTNAME,SEX,AGE");
                returnString += ResponseFormatterFactory.Get().General("i.e. /sm CreateCharacter Paul,Hutson,m,34");

                // return information [need to return this without a player!]
                if ((character != null) && (!newCharacter))
                    returnString = ResponseFormatterFactory.Get().General("You're already logged in!");
                    // Get the character
                    character = GetCharacter(userID, password);

                    // Reset the character activity, just in case!
                    character.CurrentActivity = null;

                    // Set the response URL of the character
                    if (responseURL != null)
                        character.ResponseURL = responseURL;

                    // Set the connection service
                    character.ConnectionService = connectionService;

                    // Set the last login datetime
                    character.LastLogindate = DateTime.Now;

                    // Check that the currency is OK.
                    if (character.Currency == null)
                        character.Currency = new SMCurrency();
                        character.Currency.AmountOfCurrency = 50;

                    if (!newCharacter)
                        returnString = ResponseFormatterFactory.Get().Bold("Welcome back " + character.FirstName + " " + character.LastName + " (you are level " + character.CalculateLevel() + ")", 1);
                        returnString  = ResponseFormatterFactory.Get().Bold("Welcome to SlackMud!");
                        returnString += ResponseFormatterFactory.Get().General("We've created your character in the magical world of Arrelvia!");                         // TODO, use a welcome script!

                    // Check if the player was last in an instanced location.
                    if (character.RoomID.Contains("||"))
                        // Find the details of the original room type
                        SMRoom originalRoom = GetRoom(character.RoomID.Substring(0, character.RoomID.IndexOf("||")));
                        character.RoomID = originalRoom.InstanceReloadLocation;

                    // Clear out any old party references
                    character.PartyReference = null;

                    // Get the location details
                    returnString += GetLocationDetails(character.RoomID, character);

                    // Clear old responses an quests from the character
                    if (character.NPCsWaitingForResponses != null)
                        character.NPCsWaitingForResponses.RemoveAll(a => a.NPCID != "");

                    // Return the text output

                    // Walk the character in
                    SMRoom room = character.GetRoom();
                    if (room != null)
                        // Announce someone has walked into the room.
                        room.Announce(ResponseFormatterFactory.Get().Italic(character.GetFullName() + " walks in."));
                        room.ProcessNPCReactions("PlayerCharacter.Enter", character);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void ProcessConversationStep(NPCConversations npcc, string stepID, SMCharacter invokingCharacter)
            NPCConversationStep npccs = npcc.ConversationSteps.FirstOrDefault(cs => cs.StepID == stepID);
            bool continueToNextStep   = true;

            if (npccs != null)
                switch (npccs.Scope.ToLower())
                case "choice":
                    string[] choices       = npccs.AdditionalData.Split(',');
                    int      choicesNumber = choices.Count();
                    int      randomChoice  = (new Random().Next(1, choicesNumber + 1)) - 1;
                    if (randomChoice > choicesNumber)
                        randomChoice = 0;
                    ProcessConversationStep(npcc, choices[randomChoice], invokingCharacter);

                case "say":
                    this.Say(ProcessResponseString(npccs.AdditionalData, invokingCharacter));

                case "shout":
                    this.Shout(ProcessResponseString(npccs.AdditionalData, invokingCharacter));

                case "whisper":
                    this.Whisper(ProcessResponseString(npccs.AdditionalData, invokingCharacter), invokingCharacter.GetFullName());

                case "emote":
                    this.GetRoom().ChatEmote(ProcessResponseString(npccs.AdditionalData, invokingCharacter), this, this);

                case "saytoplayer":
                    // Construct the message
                    string sayToPlayerMessage = OutputFormatterFactory.Get().Italic(this.GetFullName() + " says:", 0) + " \"" + ProcessResponseString(npccs.AdditionalData, invokingCharacter) + "\"";

                    // Send the message

                case "emotetoplayer":
                    // Construct the message
                    string emoteToPlayerMessage = OutputFormatterFactory.Get().Italic(this.GetFullName() + " " + ProcessResponseString(npccs.AdditionalData, invokingCharacter));

                    // Send the message

                case "attack":
                    // Simply attack a target player

                case "giveitem":
                    // give an item to the player
                    string[] additionalDataSplit = npccs.AdditionalData.Split(',');
                    string[] itemParts           = additionalDataSplit[0].Split('.');

                    // Create the item..
                    if (itemParts.Count() == 2)
                        int numberToCreate = int.Parse(additionalDataSplit[1]);

                        // Create the right number of the items.
                        while (numberToCreate > 0)
                            // Get the item (with a new GUID)
                            SMItem itemBeingGiven = SMItemFactory.Get(itemParts[0], itemParts[1]);

                            // Pass it to the player
                            invokingCharacter.PickUpItem("", itemBeingGiven, true);

                            // Reduce the number to create

                case "addquest":
                    // Load the quest
                    SMQuest smq = SMQuestFactory.Get(npccs.AdditionalData);
                    if (smq != null)

                case "updatequest":
                    // Load the quest
                    SMQuest qtu = SMQuestFactory.Get(npccs.AdditionalData);
                    if (qtu != null)

                case "checkquestinprogress":
                    // Check the quest log isn't null
                    if (invokingCharacter.QuestLog != null)
                        if (invokingCharacter.QuestLog.Count(questcheck => (questcheck.QuestName.ToLower() == npccs.AdditionalData.ToLower()) && (questcheck.Completed)) > 0)
                            continueToNextStep = false;

                case "setplayerattribute":
                    // Add a response option
                    switch (npccs.AdditionalData.ToLower())
                    case "firstname":
                        invokingCharacter.FirstName = invokingCharacter.VariableResponse;

                    case "lastname":
                        invokingCharacter.LastName = invokingCharacter.VariableResponse;

                    case "sex":
                        invokingCharacter.Sex = char.Parse(invokingCharacter.VariableResponse);

                case "setvariableresponse":
                    invokingCharacter.VariableResponse = npccs.AdditionalData.ToLower();

                case "teachskill":
                    // Check if the player already has the skill
                    if (invokingCharacter.Skills == null)
                        invokingCharacter.Skills = new List <SMSkillHeld>();

                    // Get the skill and level to teach to
                    string[] skillToTeach = npccs.AdditionalData.Split('.');

                    // Check if the character already has the skill
                    if (invokingCharacter.Skills.Count(skill => skill.SkillName == skillToTeach[0]) == 0)
                        // Create a new skill help object
                        SMSkillHeld smsh = new SMSkillHeld();
                        smsh.SkillName  = skillToTeach[0];
                        smsh.SkillLevel = int.Parse(skillToTeach[1]);

                        // Finally add it to the player

                        // Save the player

                        // Inform the player they have learnt a new skill
                        invokingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer(OutputFormatterFactory.Get().Italic($"You learn a new skill: {smsh.SkillName}({smsh.SkillLevel})."));


                case "wait":
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(int.Parse(npccs.AdditionalData) * 1000);

                if (continueToNextStep)
                    if (npccs.ResponseOptions != null)
                        if (npccs.ResponseOptions.Count > 0)
                            ProcessResponseOptions(npcc, npccs, invokingCharacter);

                    if (npccs.NextStep != null)
                        string[] splitNextStep = npccs.NextStep.Split('.');
                        if (splitNextStep[1] != "0")
                            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(int.Parse(splitNextStep[1]) * 1000);
                        ProcessConversationStep(npcc, splitNextStep[0], invokingCharacter);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void ChatSendMessage(SMCharacter smc, string msg)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Inspect a person, object, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="smc">The character doing the inspecting</param>
        /// <param name="thingToInspect">The thing that the person wants to inspect</param>
        public void InspectThing(SMCharacter smc, string thingToInspect)
            // Check if it's a character first
            SMCharacter targetCharacter = this.GetPeople().FirstOrDefault(checkChar => (checkChar.GetFullName().ToLower() == thingToInspect.ToLower()) || (checkChar.FirstName.ToLower() == thingToInspect.ToLower()) || (checkChar.LastName.ToLower() == thingToInspect.ToLower()));

            if (targetCharacter != null)
                string levelText = "";
                if (int.Parse(targetCharacter.CalculateLevel()) > 0)
                    levelText = " (Level " + targetCharacter.CalculateLevel() + ")";

                smc.sendMessageToPlayer(this.Formatter.Bold("Description of " + targetCharacter.GetFullName() + levelText + ":"));
                if ((targetCharacter.Description != null) && (targetCharacter.Description != ""))
                    smc.sendMessageToPlayer(this.Formatter.Italic("No description set..."));

                List <string> inventory       = targetCharacter.GetInventoryList();
                string        inventoryOutput = String.Empty;

                if (inventory.Any())
                    foreach (string item in inventory)
                        inventoryOutput += this.Formatter.ListItem(item);

                    inventoryOutput += this.Formatter.GetNewLines(1);


                targetCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer(this.Formatter.Italic(smc.GetFullName() + " looks at you"));

            // If not a character, check if it is an NPC...
            SMNPC targetNPC = this.GetNPCs().FirstOrDefault(checkChar => (checkChar.GetFullName().ToLower() == thingToInspect.ToLower()) || (checkChar.NPCType.ToLower() == thingToInspect.ToLower()));

            if (targetNPC != null)
                string levelText = "";
                if (int.Parse(targetNPC.CalculateLevel()) > 0)
                    levelText = " (Level " + targetNPC.CalculateLevel() + ")";

                smc.sendMessageToPlayer(this.Formatter.Bold("Description of " + targetNPC.GetFullName() + levelText + ":"));
                if ((targetNPC.Description != null) && (targetNPC.Description != ""))
                    smc.sendMessageToPlayer(this.Formatter.Italic("No description set..."));

                List <string> inventory       = targetNPC.GetInventoryList();
                string        inventoryOutput = String.Empty;

                if (inventory.Any())
                    foreach (string item in inventory)
                        inventoryOutput += this.Formatter.ListItem(item);

                    inventoryOutput += this.Formatter.GetNewLines(1);


                targetNPC.GetRoom().ProcessNPCReactions("PlayerCharacter.ExaminesThem", smc, targetNPC.UserID);
                targetNPC.GetRoom().ProcessNPCReactions("PlayerCharacter.Examines", smc);

            // If not an NPC, check the players equipped items and the items in the room...
            SMItem smi = smc.GetEquippedItem(thingToInspect);

            if (smi == null)
                smi = SMItemHelper.GetItemFromList(this.RoomItems, thingToInspect);

            if (smi != null)
                string itemDeatils = this.Formatter.Bold("Description of \"" + smi.ItemName + "\":", 1);
                itemDeatils += this.Formatter.General(smi.ItemDescription, 1);

                if (smi.CanHoldOtherItems())
                    itemDeatils += this.Formatter.Italic($"This \"{smi.ItemName}\" contains the following items:", 1);
                    itemDeatils += SMItemHelper.GetContainerContents(smi);

                if (smi.Effects != null)


            // Otherwise nothing found
            smc.sendMessageToPlayer(this.Formatter.Italic("Can not inspect that item."));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Invite someone to a party.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invokingCharacter"></param>
        /// <param name="characterName"></param>
        /// <param name="suppressMessages"></param>
        public void InviteToParty(SMCharacter invokingCharacter, string characterName, bool suppressMessages = false)
            // See if the person being invited exists in memory
            SMCharacter smc = ((List <SMCharacter>)HttpContext.Current.Application["SMCharacters"]).FirstOrDefault(ch => ch.GetFullName() == characterName);

            // check that the player exists...
            if (smc != null)
                // Check that they're not already in a party
                if ((smc.PartyReference == null))
                    // For use later
                    bool canJoinParty = true;

                    // Check the invoking player is in a party... and they're the leader
                    if (invokingCharacter.PartyReference != null)
                        if (invokingCharacter.PartyReference.Status != "Leader")
                            canJoinParty = false;
                            if (!suppressMessages)
                                invokingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer("[i]You are not the party leader so can not invite someone[/i]");
                    else // The player inviting does't have a party yet..
                        // .. so lets create it.
                        new SMParty().CreateParty(invokingCharacter, true);

                    // If the player can join the party...
                    if (canJoinParty)
                        if (!suppressMessages)
                            // Send a message to the player being invited...
                            smc.sendMessageToPlayer("[i]You have been invited to a party by " + invokingCharacter.GetFullName() + " - to accept type \"AcceptInvite\"[/i]");

                        // Add the SMPartyReference to the character
                        smc.PartyReference = new SMPartyReference(invokingCharacter.PartyReference.PartyID, "Invited");

                        // Save the player information to the application.
                    if (!suppressMessages)
                        invokingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer("[i]Can not invite that character to a party as they are already in a party.[/i]");
                if (!suppressMessages)
                    invokingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer("[i]Can not find a character named + \"" + characterName + "\"[/i]");
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Inspect a person, object, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="smc">The character doing the inspecting</param>
        /// <param name="thingToInspect">The thing that the person wants to inspect</param>
        public void InspectThing(SMCharacter smc, string thingToInspect)
            // Check if it's a character first
            SMCharacter targetCharacter = this.GetPeople().FirstOrDefault(checkChar => checkChar.GetFullName().ToLower() == thingToInspect.ToLower());

            if (targetCharacter != null)
                smc.sendMessageToPlayer(OutputFormatterFactory.Get().Bold("Description of " + targetCharacter.GetFullName() + " (Level " + targetCharacter.CalculateLevel() + "):"));
                if ((targetCharacter.Description != null) || (targetCharacter.Description != ""))
                    smc.sendMessageToPlayer(OutputFormatterFactory.Get().Italic("No description set..."));
                targetCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer(OutputFormatterFactory.Get().Italic(smc.GetFullName() + " looks at you"));

            // If not a character, check if it is an NPC...
            SMNPC targetNPC = this.GetNPCs().FirstOrDefault(checkChar => checkChar.GetFullName().ToLower() == thingToInspect.ToLower());

            if (targetNPC != null)
                smc.sendMessageToPlayer(OutputFormatterFactory.Get().Bold("Description of " + targetNPC.GetFullName() + " (Level " + targetNPC.CalculateLevel() + "):"));
                if ((targetNPC.Description != null) || (targetNPC.Description != ""))
                    smc.sendMessageToPlayer(OutputFormatterFactory.Get().Italic("No description set..."));
                targetNPC.GetRoom().ProcessNPCReactions("PlayerCharacter.ExaminesThem", smc, targetNPC.UserID);
                targetNPC.GetRoom().ProcessNPCReactions("PlayerCharacter.Examines", smc);

            // If not an NPC, check the players equipped items and the items in the room...
            SMItem smi = smc.GetEquippedItem(thingToInspect);

            if (smi == null)
                smi = SMItemHelper.GetItemFromList(this.RoomItems, thingToInspect);

            if (smi != null)
                string itemDeatils = OutputFormatterFactory.Get().Bold("Description of \"" + smi.ItemName + "\":");
                itemDeatils += OutputFormatterFactory.Get().ListItem(smi.ItemDescription);

                if (smi.CanHoldOtherItems())
                    itemDeatils += OutputFormatterFactory.Get().Italic($"This \"{smi.ItemName}\" contains the following items:");
                    itemDeatils += SMItemHelper.GetContainerContents(smi);


            // Otherwise nothing found
            smc.sendMessageToPlayer(OutputFormatterFactory.Get().Italic("Can not inspect that item."));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void JoinParty(SMCharacter invokingCharacter, bool suppressMessages = false)
            // Check the character has an open invite
            if ((invokingCharacter.PartyReference != null) && (invokingCharacter.PartyReference.Status == "Invited"))
                // Find the party in the list of parties
                List <SMParty> smp = (List <SMParty>)HttpContext.Current.Application["Parties"];

                // Find the relevant party
                SMParty sp = smp.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PartyID == invokingCharacter.PartyReference.PartyID);

                // If it exists...
                if (sp != null)
                    // Remove the party from the global list for a mo..

                    // ... add the character to the party.
                    SMPartyMember smpm = new SMPartyMember();
                    smpm.CharacterName = invokingCharacter.GetFullName();
                    smpm.UserID        = invokingCharacter.UserID;

                    // Add the party to the list again..

                    // .. and save the list out
                    HttpContext.Current.Application["Parties"] = smp;

                    // ... send a message to all the people in the party.
                    if (!suppressMessages)
                        sp.SendMessageToAllPartyMembers(sp, "[i]" + smpm.CharacterName + " joined the party[/i]");

                    // ... change the status of the party element on the character to "joined"
                    invokingCharacter.PartyReference.Status = "Joined";

                    // Save the player information to the application.
                else // .. the party no longer exists, so can't be joined
                    // Tell the player
                    if (!suppressMessages)
                        invokingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer("[i]That party no longer exists.[/i]");

                    // Remove the reference from their party invite list.
                    invokingCharacter.PartyReference = null;

                    // Save the player information to the application.
            else // No party
                if (!suppressMessages)
                    invokingCharacter.sendMessageToPlayer("[i]You have no open party invites.[/i]");