Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ColorCells(SLDocument document)
            float value = 0;

            DateTime today_from = new DateTime();

            today_from = DateTime.Today;

            DateTime current_date = new DateTime(today_from.Year, today_from.Month, today_from.Day, new GregorianCalendar());

            float.TryParse(oreMacchina.Text, out value); // parso la stringa in un float, lo faccio per poter fare i calcoli

            var list = new List <string>();

            SLWorksheetStatistics stats = document.GetWorksheetStatistics();
            int endColumnIndex          = stats.EndColumnIndex;

            // adesso faccio i calcoli per prima fase
            float    result_1   = (value * storage_value_data_1) / 100; // risultato per le ore relative alla prima lavorazione
            TimeSpan timespan_1 = TimeSpan.FromHours(result_1);         // con il timespan converto i decimali in ore

            // method which don't respect the DRY guide line

            SLConditionalFormatting cf; // I need this for color
            int i, j;

            for (i = today_from.Day; i < 5; ++i)              // control and set the value of the cell
                cf = new SLConditionalFormatting("B5", "H5"); // control the color of the cells

                for (j = 1; j < 7; ++j)                       // control and set the value of the cell
                    if (result_1 > 16)
                        cf = new SLConditionalFormatting("B5", "H5");  // control the color of the cells
                    document.SetCellValue(i, j, result_1);

                    // set a custom color for
                    cf.SetCustom3ColorScale(SLConditionalFormatMinMaxValues.Value, "0", SLThemeColorIndexValues.Accent1Color, 0.2,
                                            SLConditionalFormatRangeValues.Percentile, "35", SLThemeColorIndexValues.Accent3Color, -0.1,
                                            SLConditionalFormatMinMaxValues.Value, "0", SLThemeColorIndexValues.Accent6Color, 0.5);

            foreach (var sheetName in document.GetWorksheetNames())
                // with this for I read data as string in the second row of the excel sheet
                for (int z = 1; z <= endColumnIndex; z++)
                    list.Add(document.GetCellValueAsString(3, z));


                var print_current_day_test_1_cell = document.SetCellValue("D4", current_date.Day + "/" + current_date.Month + "/" + current_date.Year);
                // se metto diverso funziona ma dovrebbe funzionare con l'uguale uguale
                if (document.GetCellValueAsDateTime("2") != document.GetCellValueAsDateTime("D4")) // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scorta di punti esclamativi
                    // works with the dateTime if was stored in a cell but if I try to get the cell value and compare it with DateTime.Today or current_date it doesn't work
                    MessageBox.Show("Ho trovato la data odierna");

                    for (int y = 3; y <= 500; y++)
                        if (document.GetCellValueAsInt32("A" + y) == 0)
                            document.SetCellValue("A" + y, y);

                    document.SetCellValue("G4", "Sono riuscito a trovare la data odierna");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public SLDocument MakeEXCEL(List <DocType> dts)
            int        i  = 1;
            SLDocument sl = new SLDocument();

            sl.RenameWorksheet(SLDocument.DefaultFirstSheetName, "工作表1");

            SLConditionalFormatting cf = new SLConditionalFormatting("C2", "C" + (dts.Count + 1).ToString());

            cf.HighlightCellsEqual(true, "-1", SLHighlightCellsStyleValues.LightRedFill);
            cf = new SLConditionalFormatting("B2", "B" + (dts.Count + 1).ToString());
            cf.HighlightCellsEqual(true, "0", SLHighlightCellsStyleValues.LightRedFill);
            cf = new SLConditionalFormatting("A2", "A" + (dts.Count + 1).ToString());
            cf.HighlightCellsEqual(true, "0", SLHighlightCellsStyleValues.LightRedFill);
            cf = new SLConditionalFormatting("J2", "J" + (dts.Count + 1).ToString());
            cf.HighlightCellsWithFormula("=DATE(YEAR($J2),MONTH($J2)-1,DAY($J2)) <= TODAY()", SLHighlightCellsStyleValues.LightRedFill);

            SLStyle style = sl.CreateStyle();

            style.Alignment.WrapText   = true;
            style.Alignment.Horizontal = HorizontalAlignmentValues.Center;
            style.Alignment.Vertical   = VerticalAlignmentValues.Center;
            sl.SetCellStyle(1, 1, style);
            sl.SetCellStyle(1, 2, style);
            sl.SetCellStyle(1, 3, style);
            sl.SetCellStyle(1, 4, style);
            sl.SetCellStyle(1, 5, style);
            sl.SetCellStyle(1, 6, style);
            sl.SetCellStyle(1, 7, style);
            sl.SetCellStyle(1, 8, style);
            sl.SetCellStyle(1, 9, style);
            sl.SetCellStyle(1, 10, style);
            sl.SetCellStyle(1, 11, style);
            sl.SetCellStyle(1, 12, style);
            sl.SetCellStyle(1, 13, style);
            sl.SetColumnWidth(1, 10);
            sl.SetColumnWidth(2, 15);
            sl.SetColumnWidth(3, 10);
            sl.SetColumnWidth(4, 60);
            sl.SetColumnWidth(5, 10);
            sl.SetColumnWidth(6, 20);
            sl.SetColumnWidth(7, 15);
            sl.SetColumnWidth(8, 20);
            sl.SetColumnWidth(9, 20);
            sl.SetColumnWidth(10, 20);
            sl.SetColumnWidth(11, 10);
            sl.SetColumnWidth(12, 10);
            sl.SetColumnWidth(13, 50);
            sl.SetCellValue(1, 1, "表單序號");
            sl.SetCellValue(1, 2, "表單代號");
            sl.SetCellValue(1, 3, "網頁代碼");
            sl.SetCellValue(1, 4, "表單名稱");
            sl.SetCellValue(1, 5, "版本");
            sl.SetCellValue(1, 6, "制訂單位");
            sl.SetCellValue(1, 7, "文件類別");
            sl.SetCellValue(1, 8, "首次公佈時間");
            sl.SetCellValue(1, 9, "最近檢視時間");
            sl.SetCellValue(1, 10, "預計檢視時間");
            sl.SetCellValue(1, 11, "負責同仁");
            sl.SetCellValue(1, 12, "備註");
            sl.SetCellValue(1, 13, "備註(2)");
            style.Font.FontColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            foreach (var y in dts)
                //sl.SetCellValue(i + 1, 1, Convert.ToInt64(y.Index));
                sl.SetCellValue(i + 1, 2, y.ID);
                if (y.Eng)
                    sl.SetCellStyle(i + 1, 2, style);
                sl.SetCellValue(i + 1, 3, Convert.ToInt64(y.webID));
                sl.SetCellValue(i + 1, 4, y.Name);
                sl.SetCellValue(i + 1, 5, Convert.ToDouble(y.Version));
                sl.SetCellValue(i + 1, 6, y.Depart);
                sl.SetCellValue(i + 1, 7, y.doctp);
                sl.SetCellValue(i + 1, 8, y.Stime);
                sl.SetCellValue(i + 1, 9, y.Rtime);
                //sl.SetCellValue(i + 1, 10, y.Ntime.ToString("yyy-MM-dd"));
                sl.SetCellValue(i + 1, 10, string.Format("=IF(I{0}=\"\",\"\",DATE(YEAR(I{0})+{1},MONTH(I{0}),DAY(I{0})))", i + 1, y.Ntime.Year - y.Rtime.Year));
                if (y.Ntime.AddMonths(-1) < DateTime.Now)
                    sl.SetCellStyle(i + 1, 5, style);
                    sl.SetCellStyle(i + 1, 9, style);
                    sl.SetCellStyle(i + 1, 10, style);
                sl.SetCellValue(i + 1, 11, y.Own);
                //sl.SetCellValue(i + 1, 13, y.Color);

                SLStyle st2 = sl.CreateStyle();
                st2.FormatCode = "#,##0.0";
                sl.SetCellStyle(i + 1, 5, st2);
                st2.FormatCode = "yyyy/mm/dd";
                sl.SetCellStyle(i + 1, 8, st2);
                sl.SetCellStyle(i + 1, 9, st2);
                sl.SetCellStyle(i + 1, 10, st2);
                SLStyle stp = sl.CreateStyle();
                stp.Protection.Locked = false;
                stp.Fill.SetPattern(PatternValues.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 204, 255, 255), System.Drawing.Color.DarkSalmon);
                stp.SetRightBorder(BorderStyleValues.Thin, System.Drawing.Color.DarkSalmon);
                stp.SetLeftBorder(BorderStyleValues.Thin, System.Drawing.Color.DarkSalmon);
                stp.SetTopBorder(BorderStyleValues.Thin, System.Drawing.Color.DarkSalmon);
                stp.SetBottomBorder(BorderStyleValues.Thin, System.Drawing.Color.DarkSalmon);
                sl.SetCellStyle(i + 1, 5, stp);
                sl.SetCellStyle(i + 1, 9, stp);

            SLSheetProtection sp = new SLSheetProtection();

            sp.AllowInsertRows          = false;
            sp.AllowInsertColumns       = false;
            sp.AllowFormatCells         = true;
            sp.AllowDeleteColumns       = false;
            sp.AllowDeleteRows          = false;
            sp.AllowSelectUnlockedCells = true;
            sp.AllowSelectLockedCells   = false;