Ejemplo n.º 1
        }// ActiveGridUpdateGroup()

        /// <summary>
        /// Update the cells and flash.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowName"></param>
        /// <param name="columnName"></param>
        /// <param name="newValue1"></param>
        /// <param name="isFlash"></param>
        private void UpdateActiveGridCell(string rowName, string columnName, object newValue1, bool isFlash)
            string  keyCell = GetCellKey(rowName, columnName);
            Decimal newValue;

            if (!Decimal.TryParse(newValue1.ToString(), out newValue))

            SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell aCell = this.activeGrid1.FindCell(keyCell);
            if (aCell != null)
                decimal oldValue = aCell.DecimalValue;
                aCell.DecimalValue = newValue;

                // Set fore colors
                if (newValue >= 0)
                    aCell.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
                else if (newValue < 0)
                    aCell.ForeColor = Color.Red;

                // Flash
                if (isFlash)
                    if (newValue > oldValue)
                        aCell.FlashBackColor = Color.Blue;
                        //aCell.FlashPreText = "▲";
                        //aCell.FlashPostText = String.Empty;
                    else if (newValue < oldValue)
                        aCell.FlashBackColor = Color.Red;
                        //aCell.FlashPreText = "▼";
                        //aCell.FlashPostText = String.Empty;
                        //aCell.FlashBackColor = Color.White;
                        //aCell.FlashPreText = String.Empty;
                        //aCell.FlashPostText = String.Empty;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        } //FindNewProperties()

        private void AddRows()
            // Assume that we add all Fills one for each row, in order of their listing.
            int rowID = activeGrid1.Items.Count;

            while (rowID < m_Fills.Count)
                // Create a new row
                SKACERO.ActiveRow aRow = new SKACERO.ActiveRow();
                aRow.Name = rowID.ToString();
                aRow.Text = rowID.ToString();
                for (int i = 1; i < this.activeGrid1.Columns.Count; i++)
                    SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell cell = new SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell(aRow, String.Empty);
                    cell.Name         = String.Format("{0}_{1}", rowID, this.activeGrid1.Columns[i].Name);
                    cell.DecimalValue = Decimal.Zero;
                    cell.PreTextFont  = new Font("Arial", cell.Font.Size);
                    cell.PostTextFont = new Font("Arial", cell.Font.Size);
                // Update values
                for (int i = 0; i < m_PropertyNames.Count; ++i)
                    string       propertyName = m_PropertyNames[i];
                    object       o            = m_Fills[rowID];
                    PropertyInfo propertyInfo = m_Fills[rowID].GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
                    //if (propertyInfo == null && m_Fills[rowID].FillDetails!=null)
                    //    o = m_Fills[rowID].FillDetails;
                    //    propertyInfo = o.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);           // Property may belong to FillDetails.
                    if (o != null && propertyInfo != null)
                        object value    = propertyInfo.GetValue(o);
                        string cellName = String.Format("{0}_{1}", rowID, propertyName);
                        SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell cell = aRow.SubItems[cellName];
                        cell.Text = string.Format(m_PropertyFormat[i], value);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the rows in the data-grid
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateRows()
            // This is essential as it will prevent the 'flashing' functionality
            // from being triggered while the grid is being initialised.

            // Create a list to hold all of the row items.
            List <SKACERO.ActiveRow> items = new List <SKACERO.ActiveRow>(20);

            foreach (string ccy in this.currencies)
                // Create a new row.
                SKACERO.ActiveRow item = new SKACERO.ActiveRow();
                item.Text = ccy;
                item.Name = ccy;

                // Add the cells to the row, one for each column.
                // N.B. Starting from column ONE not column ZERO as this is
                //      reserved for the row header.
                for (int i = 1; i < this.lvBalances.Columns.Count; i++)
                    SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell cell = new SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell(item, String.Empty);
                    cell.Name         = String.Format("{0}_{1}", ccy, this.lvBalances.Columns[i].Name);
                    cell.DecimalValue = Decimal.Zero;
                    cell.PreTextFont  = new Font("Arial", cell.Font.Size);
                    cell.PostTextFont = new Font("Arial", cell.Font.Size);


            // Add all of the rows to the list view.

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles changes to an individual cell within the grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void CellUpdate(CellUpdateEventArgs e)
            lock (syncRoot)
                    // There are three options for locating the cell we wish to update.

                    // OPTION 1
                    // In this simulation, the data-feed generates a random cell based on
                    // column-index and row-index. This makes life very easy when locating
                    // the cell we need to update but it's not very realistic in a real-world
                    // application.
                    // SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell cell = this.lvBalances[e.Row, e.Column];

                    // OPTION 2
                    // In the real world it's unlikely that we'll know the cell indices;
                    // we're more likely to know the row key and the column-header key values which
                    // means that we have to actually find the cell instead of going straight
                    // to it.
                    // string keyRow = currencies[e.Row];
                    // string keyColumn = currencies[e.Column-1];
                    // SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell cell = this.lvBalances.FindCell(keyRow, keyColumn);

                    // OPTION 3
                    // If every cell is assigned a unique name then we can use it to locate
                    // the cell within the grid. In this example, the unique key was simply generated
                    // as a composite of the row name and column name but it could just as well have
                    // been an integer or a guid.
                    string keyCell = String.Format("{0}_{1}", currencies[e.Row], currencies[e.Column - 1]);
                    SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell cell = this.lvBalances.FindCell(keyCell);

                    if (cell != null)
                        // Create a new value for the cell.
                        decimal newValue = Decimal.Add(cell.DecimalValue, e.Increment);

                        // Has the value been reduced, increased, or left unchanged?
                        if (newValue < cell.DecimalValue)
                            // Reduced
                            cell.FlashBackColor         = this.cbColourful.Checked ? Color.LightGreen : Color.Yellow;
                            cell.FlashPreTextForeColor  = Color.Red;
                            cell.FlashPostTextForeColor = Color.Red;
                            cell.FlashPreText           = "▼";
                            cell.FlashPostText          = String.Empty;
                        else if (newValue > cell.DecimalValue)
                            // Increased
                            cell.FlashBackColor         = this.cbColourful.Checked ? Color.PowderBlue : Color.Yellow;
                            cell.FlashPreTextForeColor  = Color.Blue;
                            cell.FlashPostTextForeColor = Color.Blue;
                            cell.FlashPreText           = "▲";
                            cell.FlashPostText          = String.Empty;
                            // Unchanged
                            cell.FlashBackColor = Color.Yellow;
                            cell.FlashPreText   = String.Empty;
                            cell.FlashPostText  = String.Empty;

                        cell.DecimalValue = newValue;
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException exc)
Ejemplo n.º 5

        // ****             Create Summary Rows()               ****
        /// <summary>
        /// This creates a summary row, with a SortKey to group it just above
        /// those rows it describes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowBaseName"></param>
        /// <param name="exchangeName"></param>
        /// <param name="prodName"></param>
        /// <param name="sortString"></param>
        private void CreateSummaryRows(string rowBaseName, string exchangeName, string prodName, string sortString = "")
            SKACERO.ActiveRow aRow = new SKACERO.ActiveRow();
            aRow.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rowBaseName))
                aRow.Name = GroupRowNamePrefix;
                aRow.Name = string.Format("{0}{1}", GroupRowNamePrefix, rowBaseName);
            aRow.Text = aRow.Name;
            // Load the remaining cells - empty.
            for (int i = 1; i < this.activeGrid1.Columns.Count; i++)
                SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell cell = new SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell(aRow, String.Empty);
                cell.Name         = GetCellKey(aRow.Name, this.activeGrid1.Columns[i].Name);
                cell.DecimalValue = Decimal.Zero;
                cell.PreTextFont  = new Font("Arial", cell.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold);
                cell.PostTextFont = new Font("Arial", cell.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold);
                Font font = cell.Font;
                cell.Font   = new Font(font.Name, font.Size, FontStyle.Bold);
                cell.Format = "+0;-0; ";
                cell.Text   = "";
            // SortKey must be constructed so this row appears just above the group it summarizes.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortString))
                aRow.SubItems[GetCellKey(aRow.Name, "SortKey")].Text = string.Format("{0}", sortString);    // user overriding sortString manually.
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rowBaseName))
                aRow.SubItems[GetCellKey(aRow.Name, "SortKey")].Text = string.Format("0{0}", aRow.Name);
                aRow.SubItems[GetCellKey(aRow.Name, "SortKey")].Text = string.Format("{0}0", rowBaseName);  // usual sorting key.
            // Display content of row now.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exchangeName))
                aRow.SubItems[GetCellKey(aRow.Name, "Exchange")].Text = exchangeName;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prodName))
                aRow.SubItems[GetCellKey(aRow.Name, "Product")].Text = prodName;

            // Add to our collection

            // Clean up old instrument entries that are part of my subgroup.
            // This optional feature is that instrument rows will not display an
            // exchange nor product label when they have been grouped beneath a summary
            // row with this info.
            if (IsSuppressRepetativeExchangeProductLabels)
                List <string> members;
                if (m_ExchangeGroups.TryGetValue(rowBaseName, out members))
                    foreach (string instrName in members)
                        string keyCell = GetCellKey(instrName, "Exchange");
                        SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell aCell = this.activeGrid1.FindCell(keyCell);
                        if (aCell != null)
                            //Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Minor, "Viewer: Deleting cell {0} for {1}.", keyCell, instrName);
                            aCell.Text = string.Empty;
                if (m_ProductGroups.TryGetValue(rowBaseName, out members))
                    foreach (string instrName in members)
                        string keyCell = GetCellKey(instrName, "Product");
                        SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell aCell = this.activeGrid1.FindCell(keyCell);
                        if (aCell != null)
                            //Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Minor, "Viewer: Deleting cell {0} for {1}.", keyCell, instrName);
                            aCell.Text = string.Empty;
Ejemplo n.º 6

        #endregion //ActiveGrid Update Methods

        #region ActiveGrid Creation Methods
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****             Active Grid Creation Methods                ****
        // *****************************************************************
        private void ActiveGridAddNewRow(FillHub.PositionBookChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
            InstrumentName instrumentName = eventArgs.Instrument;

            if (m_InstrumentInfos.ContainsKey(instrumentName.FullName) &&
            {   // We already have a row for this instrument!  Update its values.
                // Update things that depend on the the currency rate too... since this may have updated!  [04 Jun 2013]
                InstrumentRowData info = m_InstrumentInfos[instrumentName.FullName];
                IFillBook         positionBook;
                if (m_FillHub.TryEnterReadBook(instrumentName, out positionBook))
                    info.StartingRealPnL = Math.Round(positionBook.RealizedStartingDollarGains, 2);
                    info.RealPnL         = Math.Round(positionBook.RealizedDollarGains, 2);
                    info.UnrealPnL       = Math.Round(positionBook.UnrealizedDollarGains(), 2);

                SKACERO.ActiveRow row = activeGrid1.Items[instrumentName.FullName];
                row.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, ColumnName_StartingRealPnL)].Text = info.StartingRealPnL.ToString("0.00");
                row.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, ColumnName_RealPnL)].Text         = info.RealPnL.ToString("0.00");
                row.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, ColumnName_UnrealPnL)].Text       = info.UnrealPnL.ToString("0.00");
                row.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, "Expiry")].Text   = m_InstrumentInfos[instrumentName.FullName].ExpirationDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                row.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, "Currency")].Text = info.CurrencyCode;
                row.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, "SortKey")].Text  = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", instrumentName.Product.Exchange, instrumentName.Product.Type.ToString(), instrumentName.Product.ProductName, m_InstrumentInfos[instrumentName.FullName].ExpirationDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
                activeGrid1.Sort();                                                                 // sort again, now we've changed the SortKey.

            // Create all tables we need for each new instrument.
            m_InstrumentInfos.Add(instrumentName.FullName, new InstrumentRowData(instrumentName));

            string strKey = instrumentName.Product.Exchange;

            if (!m_ExchangeGroups.ContainsKey(strKey))                                              // Exchange group
                m_ExchangeGroups.Add(strKey, new List <string>());                                  // maintain an entry for each ex
            if (!m_ExchangeGroups[strKey].Contains(instrumentName.FullName))
                if (m_ExchangeGroups[strKey].Count >= m_MinMembersForExchangeGroupRow &&
                    (!activeGrid1.Items.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}{1}", GroupRowNamePrefix, strKey))))
                    CreateSummaryRows(strKey, instrumentName.Product.Exchange, string.Empty);
            strKey = GetProductGroupKey(instrumentName);                                            // Product group: construct the exch+prod group name.
            if (!m_ProductGroups.ContainsKey(strKey))                                               // first time this product group showed up!
                m_ProductGroups.Add(strKey, new List <string>());                                   // create a place for this prod group to hold its membership list.
            if (!m_ProductGroups[strKey].Contains(instrumentName.FullName))                         // If this instrument is not yet part of group, add him.
                m_ProductGroups[strKey].Add(instrumentName.FullName);                               // add new member of group
                if ((m_ProductGroups[strKey].Count >= m_MinMembersForProductGroupRow) &&
                    (!activeGrid1.Items.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}{1}", GroupRowNamePrefix, strKey))))
                    CreateSummaryRows(strKey, string.Empty, instrumentName.Product.ProductName);    // need to add a new summary line

            // Create the row.
            SKACERO.ActiveRow aRow = new SKACERO.ActiveRow();
            aRow.Name = instrumentName.FullName;
            aRow.Text = instrumentName.FullName;                                                    // this will appear in the zeroth column of the row.
            for (int i = 1; i < this.activeGrid1.Columns.Count; i++)
                SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell cell = new SKACERO.ActiveRow.ActiveCell(aRow, String.Empty);
                cell.Name         = GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, this.activeGrid1.Columns[i].Name);
                cell.DecimalValue = Decimal.Zero;
                cell.PreTextFont  = new Font("Arial", cell.Font.Size);
                cell.PostTextFont = new Font("Arial", cell.Font.Size);

            // Load constant cells
            aRow.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, "Expiry")].Text         = m_InstrumentInfos[instrumentName.FullName].ExpirationDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            aRow.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, "SortKey")].Text        = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", instrumentName.Product.Exchange, instrumentName.Product.Type.ToString(), instrumentName.Product.ProductName, m_InstrumentInfos[instrumentName.FullName].ExpirationDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            aRow.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, ColumnName_Alias)].Text = instrumentName.SeriesName;

            // Load Exchange cell optionally
            strKey = instrumentName.Product.Exchange;
            if (IsSuppressRepetativeExchangeProductLabels && activeGrid1.Items.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}{1}", GroupRowNamePrefix, strKey)))
                aRow.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, "Exchange")].Text = string.Empty;
                aRow.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, "Exchange")].Text = instrumentName.Product.Exchange;

            // Load Product cell, optionally.
            strKey = GetProductGroupKey(instrumentName);
            if (IsSuppressRepetativeExchangeProductLabels && activeGrid1.Items.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}{1}", GroupRowNamePrefix, strKey)))
                aRow.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, "Product")].Text = string.Empty;
                aRow.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, "Product")].Text = instrumentName.Product.ProductName;

            // Set currency column as empty string.
            aRow.SubItems[GetCellKey(instrumentName.FullName, "Currency")].Text = string.Empty;

            // Add row to our collection
                if (!this.activeGrid1.Items.ContainsKey(aRow.Name))
            catch (Exception e)
                if (Log != null)
                    Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Major, "ActiveGridAddNewRow: Failed to add new row with name {0}. Execption {1}", aRow.Name, e.Message);

            // Update the row