Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// if you call this every time the application starts, it will send reports on those launches
        /// (e.g. {1, 10}) that are listed in the launches parameter.  It will get version number and name out of the application.
        /// </summary>
        public static void DoTrivialUsageReport(string emailAddress, string topMessage, int[] launches)
            int launchCount = int.Parse(RegistryAccess.GetStringRegistryValue("launches", "0"));

            foreach (int launch in launches)
                if (launch == launchCount)
                    // Set the Application label to the name of the app
                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
                    string   version  = Application.ProductVersion;
                    if (assembly != null)
                        object[] attributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute), false);
                        version = (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0) ?
                                  ((AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)attributes[0]).Version : Application.ProductVersion;

                    using (UsageEmailDialog d = new SIL.Utils.UsageEmailDialog())
                        d.TopLineText  = topMessage;
                        d.EmailAddress = emailAddress;
                        d.EmailSubject = string.Format("{0} {1} Report {2} Launches", Application.ProductName, version, launchCount);
                        System.Text.StringBuilder bldr = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                        bldr.AppendFormat("<report app='{0}' version='{1}'>", Application.ProductName, version);
                        bldr.AppendFormat("<stat type='launches' value='{0}'/>", launchCount);
                        if (launchCount > 1)
                            int val = RegistryAccess.GetIntRegistryValue("NumberOfSeriousCrashes", 0);
                            bldr.AppendFormat("<stat type='NumberOfSeriousCrashes' value='{0}'/>", val);
                            val = RegistryAccess.GetIntRegistryValue("NumberOfAnnoyingCrashes", 0);
                            bldr.AppendFormat("<stat type='NumberOfAnnoyingCrashes' value='{0}'/>", val);
                            int    csec     = RegistryAccess.GetIntRegistryValue("TotalAppRuntime", 0);
                            int    cmin     = csec / 60;
                            string sRuntime = String.Format("{0}:{1:d2}:{2:d2}",
                                                            cmin / 60, cmin % 60, csec % 60);
                            bldr.AppendFormat("<stat type='TotalAppRuntime' value='{0}'/>", sRuntime);
                        d.Body = bldr.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// if you call this every time the application starts, it will send reports on those launches
		/// (e.g. {1, 10}) that are listed in the launches parameter.  It will get version number and name out of the application.
		/// </summary>
		public static void DoTrivialUsageReport(string emailAddress, string topMessage, int[] launches)
			int launchCount = int.Parse(RegistryAccess.GetStringRegistryValue("launches","0"));
			foreach(int launch in launches)
				if (launch == launchCount)
					// Set the Application label to the name of the app
					Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
					string version = Application.ProductVersion;
					if (assembly != null)
						object[] attributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute), false);
						version = (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0) ?
							((AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)attributes[0]).Version : Application.ProductVersion;

					using (UsageEmailDialog d = new SIL.Utils.UsageEmailDialog())
						d.TopLineText = topMessage;
						d.EmailAddress = emailAddress;
						d.EmailSubject=string.Format("{0} {1} Report {2} Launches", Application.ProductName, version, launchCount);
						System.Text.StringBuilder bldr = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
						bldr.AppendFormat("<report app='{0}' version='{1}'>", Application.ProductName, version);
						bldr.AppendFormat("<stat type='launches' value='{0}'/>", launchCount);
						if (launchCount > 1)
							int val = RegistryAccess.GetIntRegistryValue("NumberOfSeriousCrashes", 0);
							bldr.AppendFormat("<stat type='NumberOfSeriousCrashes' value='{0}'/>", val);
							val = RegistryAccess.GetIntRegistryValue("NumberOfAnnoyingCrashes", 0);
							bldr.AppendFormat("<stat type='NumberOfAnnoyingCrashes' value='{0}'/>", val);
							int csec = RegistryAccess.GetIntRegistryValue("TotalAppRuntime", 0);
							int cmin = csec / 60;
							string sRuntime = String.Format("{0}:{1:d2}:{2:d2}",
								cmin / 60, cmin % 60, csec % 60);
							bldr.AppendFormat("<stat type='TotalAppRuntime' value='{0}'/>", sRuntime);
						d.Body = bldr.ToString();