Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Main()
            Debug.Print("SI7021 Test");
            var si7021 = new SI7021(updateInterval: 0);

            Debug.Print("Serial number: " + si7021.SerialNumber);
            Debug.Print("Firmware revision: " + si7021.FirmwareRevision);
            Debug.Print("Sensor type: " + si7021.SensorType);
            Debug.Print("Current resolution: " + si7021.Resolution);
            while (true)
                Debug.Print("Temperature: " + si7021.Temperature.ToString("f2"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Main()
            Debug.Print("SI7021 Test");
            var si7021 = new SI7021(updateInterval: 2000);

            Debug.Print("Serial number: " + si7021.SerialNumber);
            Debug.Print("Firmware revision: " + si7021.FirmwareRevision);
            Debug.Print("Sensor type: " + si7021.SensorType);
            //Debug.Print("Current resolution: " + si7021.Resolution);
            si7021.TemperatureChanged += (s, e) =>
                Debug.Print("Temperature changed to: " + si7021.Temperature.ToString("f2"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void Main()
            int ifttIntervalMinutes = 10;
            int mqttIntervalSeconds = 5;

            int sleepMS = 0;

            // Create an output port (a port that can be written to)
            // and wire it to the onboard LED
            OutputPort led = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);

            HumiditySensorController sensorOne   = new HumiditySensorController(N.Pins.GPIO_PIN_A0, N.Pins.GPIO_PIN_D7);
            HumiditySensorController sensorTwo   = new HumiditySensorController(N.Pins.GPIO_PIN_A1, N.Pins.GPIO_PIN_D6);
            HumiditySensorController sensorThree = new HumiditySensorController(N.Pins.GPIO_PIN_A2, N.Pins.GPIO_PIN_D5);
            bool   hasSi7021 = false;
            SI7021 si7021    = null;

                si7021 = new SI7021(updateInterval: 0);
                Debug.Print("Serial number: " + si7021.SerialNumber);
                Debug.Print("Firmware revision: " + si7021.FirmwareRevision);
                Debug.Print("Sensor type: " + si7021.SensorType);
                hasSi7021 = true;
            catch (Exception)
                Debug.Print("Cannot find SI7021");
                hasSi7021 = false;

            var lightSensor = new GUVAS12SD(N.Pins.GPIO_PIN_A3);

            DateTime uploadToIFTTTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-(ifttIntervalMinutes + 1));
            DateTime mqttMessageTime  = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-(mqttIntervalSeconds + 1));

            while (true)

                string temp = "", hum = "", humAdjusted = "";
                if (hasSi7021)
                    temp        = si7021.Temperature.ToString("f2");
                    hum         = si7021.Humidity.ToString("f2");
                    humAdjusted = (si7021.Humidity / 2).ToString("f2");
                    Debug.Print("Temperature: " + temp + ", humidity: " + hum);
                string soil1 = getReading(sensorOne).final.ToString();
                string soil2 = getReading(sensorTwo).final.ToString();
                string soil3 = getReading(sensorThree).final.ToString();

                var lightValue = lightSensor.Read();
                // string lightValue.sensorReading + " = " + lightValue.sensorVoltage + "v, UV: " + lightValue.uvIndex

                string csvDelim = "|";
                string csv      = soil1 + csvDelim + soil2 + csvDelim + soil3 + csvDelim + temp + csvDelim + hum + csvDelim + humAdjusted
                                  + csvDelim + lightValue.sensorReading + csvDelim + lightValue.sensorVoltage + csvDelim + lightValue.uvIndex;


                if (DateTime.Now > uploadToIFTTTime)
                    led.Write(true); // turn on the LED
                        sleepMS = 1000 * ifttIntervalMinutes * 60;
                        sendToIFTT("living_room_window", csv);

                        uploadToIFTTTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(ifttIntervalMinutes);
                        Debug.Print("Next upload to IFFT: " + uploadToIFTTTime);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Debug.Print("Upload batch to IFTTT failed");
                if (DateTime.Now > mqttMessageTime)
                    led.Write(true); // turn on the LED
                        IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry("");
                        // Create socket and connect to the broker's IP address and port
                        var mySocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                            mySocket.Connect(new IPEndPoint(hostEntry.AddressList[0], 1883));
                        catch (SocketException SE)
                            Debug.Print("Connection Error: " + SE.ErrorCode);
                            throw (SE);

                        int returnCode = NetduinoMQTT.ConnectMQTT(mySocket, "netduinoPlus", 500, true);
                        if (returnCode != 0)
                            var error = "Connection Error: " + returnCode.ToString();
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(error);

                        string windowLocation = "window";
                        if (hasSi7021)
                            NetduinoMQTT.PublishMQTT(mySocket, buildMqttTopic(windowLocation, "temperature"), temp);
                            NetduinoMQTT.PublishMQTT(mySocket, buildMqttTopic(windowLocation, "humidity"), hum);
                            NetduinoMQTT.PublishMQTT(mySocket, buildMqttTopic(windowLocation, "humidityAdjusted"), humAdjusted);
                        //lightValue.sensorReading + csvDelim + lightValue.sensorVoltage + csvDelim + lightValue.uvIndex
                        NetduinoMQTT.PublishMQTT(mySocket, buildMqttTopic(windowLocation, "lightReading"), lightValue.sensorReading.ToString());
                        NetduinoMQTT.PublishMQTT(mySocket, buildMqttTopic(windowLocation, "lightVoltage"), lightValue.sensorVoltage.ToString());
                        NetduinoMQTT.PublishMQTT(mySocket, buildMqttTopic(windowLocation, "uvIndex"), lightValue.uvIndex.ToString());

                        var metric = "soilmoisture";
                        NetduinoMQTT.PublishMQTT(mySocket, buildMqttTopic("aralia", metric), soil1);
                        NetduinoMQTT.PublishMQTT(mySocket, buildMqttTopic("bonsai", metric), soil2);
                        NetduinoMQTT.PublishMQTT(mySocket, buildMqttTopic("amaryllis", metric), soil3);

                        mqttMessageTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(mqttIntervalSeconds);
                        Debug.Print("Next MQTT messaging: " + mqttMessageTime);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.Print("MQTT failed" + e.InnerException.Message);

                    led.Write(false); // turn off the LED
