Ejemplo n.º 1
        private string OutputText(string Lat0, string Lon0, string Lat1, string Lon1)
            string result = string.Empty;

            if ((Lat0.Length > 0) && (Lon0.Length > 0) && (Lat1.Length > 0) && (Lon1.Length > 0))
                switch (SectionComboBox.SelectedIndex)
                case 0:             // SIDSTAR
                    result = SCTstrings.SSDout(Lat0, Lon0, Lat1, Lon1) + cr;

                case 1:             // ARTCC
                    result = SCTstrings.BoundaryOut(PrefixTextBox.Text, Lat0, Lon0, Lat1, Lon1) + cr;

                case 2:             // Airway (prefix textbox req'd)
                    result = SCTstrings.AWYout(PrefixTextBox.Text, Lat0, Lon0, Lat1, Lon1, "", "") + cr;

                case 3:             // GEO format
                    result = SCTstrings.GeoOut(Lat0, Lon0, Lat1, Lon1, ColorValueTextBox.Text) + cr;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void WriteLabels(DataTable dtSTL, StreamWriter sw)
            string strText; string Lat; string Long; string TextColor; string Comment;
            string Output;

            // string colorValue = dtColors.Rows[0]["ColorValue"].ToString();
            sw.WriteLine("; Runway labels");
            foreach (DataRow row in dtSTL.AsEnumerable())
                strText   = row["LabelText"].ToString();
                Lat       = row["Latitude"].ToString();
                Long      = row["Longitude"].ToString();
                TextColor = row["TextColor"].ToString();
                Comment   = row["Comment"].ToString();
                if (row["Comment"].ToString().Length != 0)
                    Output = SCTstrings.LabelOut(strText, Lat, Long, TextColor, Comment);
                    Output = SCTstrings.LabelOut(strText, Lat, Long, TextColor);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void WriteRWYLabels(DataTable dtSTL, StreamWriter sw)
            string strText; string Lat; string Long; string Facility; string Comment;
            string Output;

            // string colorValue = dtColors.Rows[0]["ColorValue"].ToString();
            sw.WriteLine("; Runway labels");
            foreach (DataRow row in dtSTL.AsEnumerable())
                strText  = row["LabelText"].ToString();
                Lat      = row["Latitude"].ToString();
                Long     = row["Longitude"].ToString();
                Facility = row["TextColor"].ToString();            // This is actually the Facility ID in ESE
                if (row["Comment"].ToString().Length != 0)
                    Comment = row["Comment"].ToString();
                    Output  = SCTstrings.LabelOut(strText, Lat, Long, Facility, Comment);
                    Output = SCTstrings.LabelOut(strText, Lat, Long, Facility);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void WriteFixes(string path)
            string[]  strOut   = new string[5];
            DataTable FIX      = Form1.FIX;
            DataView  dataView = new DataView(FIX)
                RowFilter = "[Selected]",
                Sort      = "FacilityID"

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path))
                foreach (DataRowView row in dataView)
                    strOut[0] = row["FacilityID"].ToString();
                    strOut[2] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["Latitude"]), true);
                    strOut[3] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["Longitude"]), false);
                    strOut[4] = row["Use"].ToString();
                    sw.WriteLine(SCTstrings.FIXout(strOut));  // Uses 0, 2, 3, and 4
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void WriteNDB(string path)
            string[]  strOut = new string[5]; string LineOut;
            DataTable NDB      = Form1.NDB;
            DataView  dataView = new DataView(NDB)
                RowFilter = "[Selected]",
                Sort      = "FacilityID"

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path))
                foreach (DataRowView row in dataView)
                    strOut[0] = row["FacilityID"].ToString().PadRight(3);
                    strOut[1] = string.Format("{0:000.000}", row["Frequency"]);
                    strOut[2] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["Latitude"]), true);
                    strOut[3] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["Longitude"]), false);
                    strOut[4] = row["Name"].ToString();
                    LineOut   = strOut[0] + " " + strOut[1] + " " +
                                strOut[2] + " " + strOut[3] + " ;" + strOut[4];
                    if (!(strOut[2] + strOut[3]).Contains("-1 "))      // Do NOT write NDBs having no fix
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static void WriteVOR(string path)
            string[] strOut   = new string[6];
            DataView dataView = new DataView(Form1.VOR)
                RowFilter = "[Selected]",
                Sort      = "FacilityID"

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path))
                foreach (DataRowView row in dataView)
                    strOut[0] = row["FacilityID"].ToString();
                    strOut[1] = string.Format("{0:000.000}", row["Frequency"]);
                    strOut[2] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["Latitude"]), true);
                    strOut[3] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["Longitude"]), false);
                    strOut[4] = row["Name"].ToString();
                    strOut[5] = row["FixType"].ToString();
                    if (!(strOut[2] + strOut[3]).Contains("-1 "))      // Do NOT write VORs having no fix
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static void WriteRWY(string path)
            string[]  strOut = new string[9]; string FacID = string.Empty;
            bool      FirstLine = true; string FacName = string.Empty;
            DataTable DRAW  = new SCTdata.DrawLabelDataTable();
            DataTable RWY   = Form1.RWY;
            DataView  dvRWY = new DataView(RWY)
                RowFilter = "[Selected]",
                Sort      = "FacilityID, BaseIdentifier"

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path))
                foreach (DataRowView row in dvRWY)
                    if (row["FacilityID"].ToString() != FacID)
                        if (FirstLine)
                            FirstLine = false;
                        FacID   = row["FacilityID"].ToString();
                        FacName = row["FacilityName"].ToString();
                    strOut[0] = row["BaseIdentifier"].ToString().Trim().PadRight(3);
                    strOut[1] = row["EndIdentifier"].ToString().Trim().PadRight(3);
                    strOut[2] = row["BaseHeading"].ToString().PadRight(3);
                    strOut[3] = row["EndHeading"].ToString().PadRight(3);
                    strOut[4] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["Latitude"]), true);
                    strOut[5] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["Longitude"]), false);
                    strOut[6] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["EndLatitude"]), true);
                    strOut[7] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["EndLongitude"]), false);
                    strOut[8] = FacID + "-" + FacName;
                    sw.Write(SCTstrings.RWYout(strOut, ESformat: true));
                    DRAW.Rows.Add(new object[] { strOut[0].ToString(), strOut[4].ToString(), strOut[5].ToString(), strOut[8].ToString() });
                    DRAW.Rows.Add(new object[] { strOut[1].ToString(), strOut[6].ToString(), strOut[7].ToString(), strOut[8].ToString() });
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static string DrawChar(char c, int[] hFont, PointF origin, int Angle, float Scale)
            // Each vector needs to be (a) rotate to the angle of the line of text and (b) Scaled
            // One unit vector = 1 second or 90-100 feet.  Use the Scale function to adjust.
            string result = string.Empty; float X; float Y;
            bool   isFirst = true; string cr = Environment.NewLine;
            int    angle = (int)InfoSection.MagneticVariation + Angle;
            float  scale = Scale / 3600F;
            PointF end; PointF start = PointF.Empty;

            // Rotate through vectors in usual manner
            for (int i = 2; i < hFont.Length; i += 2)
                Y = hFont[i + 1]; X = hFont[i];                     // X-Lon, Y-Lat
                if ((X == -1) || (Y == -1))                         // Next point is a break
                    end = PointF.Empty;
                else                                                // Get next vector (which will get moved to Start)
                    SizeF vector = new SizeF(X * scale, Y * scale);
                    end = PointF.Add(origin, vector);
                    end = LatLongCalc.RotatePoint(end, origin, angle);
                if (!(start.IsEmpty) && !(end.IsEmpty))
                    result +=
                        SCTstrings.CharOut(Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(start.Y, true), Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(start.X, false),
                                           Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(end.Y, true), Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(end.X, false));
                    if (isFirst)
                        result += ";" + c.ToString();
                        isFirst = false;
                    result += cr;
                start = end;                            // No matter what happened, move End to Start
            return(result);                             // Lat Long string to draw ONE character!  (Sheesh)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void AddLine()
            // Purpose - to Output a series of lines based upon user options
            // RETURNS - Nothing; writes a string to the Output Textbox
            string cr = Environment.NewLine;
            string Msg;

            // Create the list of points for the line (if not dashed, returns original points)
            string[] strOut = new string[4];
            strOut[0] = strOut[1] = strOut[2] = strOut[3] = string.Empty;
            double[][] Lines = DashedLine(DashedLineRadioButton.Checked);
            if (SSDRadioButton.Checked)
                foreach (double[] Line in Lines)
                    if (Line[0] == -1)
                        strOut[2] = string.Empty; strOut[3] = string.Empty;
                        strOut[2] = Conversions.Degrees2SCT(Line[0], true);
                        strOut[3] = Conversions.Degrees2SCT(Line[1], false);
                    if ((strOut[0].Length != 0) && (strOut[2].Length != 0))
                        switch (OutputType)
                        case "SSD":
                            OutputTextBox.Text += SCTstrings.SSDout(strOut[0], strOut[1],
                                                                    strOut[2], strOut[3]) + cr;

                        case "AWY":
                            if (PrefixTextBox.TextLength != 0)
                                OutputTextBox.Text += SCTstrings.AWYout(PrefixTextBox.Text, strOut[0], strOut[1],
                                                                        strOut[2], strOut[3], StartFixTextBox.Text, EndFixTextBox.Text) + cr;
                                Msg = "The Airway identifier is required for this format." + cr + "(Place in the prefix text box.)";

                        case "ARTCC":
                            if (PrefixTextBox.TextLength != 0)
                                OutputTextBox.Text += SCTstrings.BoundaryOut(PrefixTextBox.Text, strOut[0], strOut[1],
                                                                             strOut[2], strOut[3]);
                                if (SuffixTextBox.TextLength != 0)
                                    OutputTextBox.Text += SuffixTextBox.Text;
                                OutputTextBox.Text += cr;
                                Msg = "The ARTCC identifier is required for this format." + cr + "(Place in the prefix text box.)";

                        case "GEO":
                            OutputTextBox.Text += SCTstrings.GeoOut(strOut[0], strOut[1],
                                                                    strOut[2], strOut[3], SuffixTextBox.Text) + cr;
                    strOut[0] = strOut[2]; strOut[1] = strOut[3];
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static void WriteSSDrefs()
            // Sends the results of BuildSSD to the designated file
            // This is the header references
            // Write the file for this SSD
            string[] strOut = new string[6];
            BigResult += cr + "[AIRPORT]" + cr;
            DataView dvAPT = new DataView(Form1.APT);
            DataView dvTWR = new DataView(Form1.TWR);

            foreach (string Arpt in APTsUsed)
                dvAPT.RowFilter = "FacilityID = '" + Arpt + "'";
                dvTWR.RowFilter = "FacilityID = '" + Arpt + "'";
                strOut[0]       = Conversions.ICOA(Arpt);
                if (dvTWR.Count != 0)
                    strOut[1] = string.Format("{0:000.000}", dvTWR[0]["LCLfreq"].ToString());
                    strOut[1] = "122.8  ";
                strOut[2]  = Conversions.Degrees2SCT(Convert.ToDouble(dvAPT[0]["Latitude"]), true);
                strOut[3]  = Conversions.Degrees2SCT(Convert.ToDouble(dvAPT[0]["Longitude"]), false);
                strOut[4]  = dvAPT[0]["Name"].ToString();
                BigResult += SCTstrings.APTout(strOut.ToArray()) + cr;
            // Write the NavAids for this curFix
            // Fix, Frequency(opt), Latitude, Longitude, Name, FixType
            if (VORData.Count > 0)
                // NavData: ID(opt), FacilityID, Frequency(opt), Latitude, Longitude, Name, FixType
                BigResult += cr + "[VOR]" + cr;
                foreach (object[] VORs in VORData)
                    // strOut expects 0-Fix, 1-Freq, 2-Lat, 3-Lon, 4-Name, 5-Type
                    strOut[0]  = VORs[1].ToString();
                    strOut[1]  = VORs[2].ToString();
                    strOut[2]  = Conversions.Degrees2SCT(Convert.ToDouble(VORs[3]), true);
                    strOut[3]  = Conversions.Degrees2SCT(Convert.ToDouble(VORs[4]), false);
                    strOut[4]  = VORs[5].ToString();
                    strOut[5]  = VORs[6].ToString();
                    BigResult += SCTstrings.VORout(strOut) + cr;
            // NavData: ID(opt), FacilityID, Frequency(opt), Latitude, Longitude, Name, FixType
            if (NDBData.Count > 0)
                BigResult += cr + "[NDB]" + cr;
                foreach (object[] NDBs in NDBData)
                    strOut[0]  = NDBs[1].ToString();
                    strOut[1]  = NDBs[2].ToString();
                    strOut[2]  = Conversions.Degrees2SCT(Convert.ToDouble(NDBs[3]), true);
                    strOut[3]  = Conversions.Degrees2SCT(Convert.ToDouble(NDBs[4]), false);
                    strOut[4]  = NDBs[5].ToString();
                    strOut[5]  = NDBs[6].ToString();
                    BigResult += SCTstrings.NDBout(strOut) + cr;
            // NavData: ID(opt), FacilityID, Frequency(opt), Latitude, Longitude, FixUse, FixType
            if (FixData.Count > 0)
                BigResult += cr + "[FIXES]" + cr;
                foreach (object[] FIXes in FixData)
                    strOut[0]  = FIXes[1].ToString();
                    strOut[2]  = Conversions.Degrees2SCT(Convert.ToDouble(FIXes[3]), true);
                    strOut[3]  = Conversions.Degrees2SCT(Convert.ToDouble(FIXes[4]), false);
                    strOut[4]  = FIXes[5].ToString();
                    BigResult += SCTstrings.FIXout(strOut) + cr;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static void BuildSSD(DataView dvSSD)
            // Builds ONE SID or STAR from ONE SSD dataview (preselected)
            // RETURNS a string for the diagram
            // Everything goes in List<string>s first
            object[] NavData;
            // Various and sundry variables for the loop
            double Lat1 = -1; double Lon1 = -1; string space = new string(' ', 27);
            double Lat0 = -1; double Lon0 = -1;
            string lastFix = string.Empty; string curFix; string FixType0;
            string FixType1; string SSDname; string TransitionName;
            string SSDcode; string TransitionCode;
            int    FixCount0; int FixCount1;

            // Get the name and code for this SSD
            SSDname = dvSSD[0]["SSDName"].ToString();
            SSDcode = dvSSD[0]["SSDcode"].ToString();

            SSDlines.Add(SSDHeader(SSDcode, "(" + SSDname + ")", 1, '-'));

            // Now loop the entire SSD to get the lines, etc.
            foreach (DataRowView SSDrow in dvSSD)
                // Get the basics - usual process: Lat1, shift to Lat0 or not, print...
                // Regardless, do a shift at the end (Making values empty indicates pen up)
                curFix = SSDrow["NavAid"].ToString();

                // The FixType tells us what to do next
                FixType1 = SSDrow["FixType"].ToString();
                // If it's an airport, record the APT ICOA and move to next row
                if (FixType1 == "AA" || FixType1 == "NA")
                    // Save the APTs for later...
                    Add2ListIfNew(APTsUsed, curFix);
                    curFix = string.Empty;      // Pen up next 2 loops
                    // Save the FIX for later if new...
                    FixCount0 = FixesUsed.Count;
                    Add2ListIfNew(FixesUsed, curFix);
                    FixCount1 = FixesUsed.Count;
                    // NavData: ID(opt), FacilityID, Frequency(opt), Latitude, Longitude, NameOrFixUse, FixType
                    NavData = SCTcommon.GetNavData(curFix);
                    if (FixCount1 > FixCount0)
                        if (NavData[6].ToString().IndexOf("FIX") != -1)
                        if (NavData[6].ToString().IndexOf("VOR") != -1)
                        if (NavData[6].ToString().IndexOf("NDB") != -1)
                    Lat1 = Convert.ToDouble(NavData[3]);
                    Lon1 = Convert.ToDouble(NavData[4]);
                // If there's a Transition Name, it starts a new line set.
                // Keep these coordinates to start the line
                TransitionName = SSDrow["TransitionName"].ToString();
                TransitionCode = SSDrow["TransitionCode"].ToString();
                if (TransitionName.Length != 0)
                    SSDlines.Add(space + "; " + TransitionName);
                    // Finally get the line between waypoints
                    if ((lastFix.Length != 0) && (curFix.Length != 0) && (lastFix != curFix))
                        SSDlines.Add(SCTstrings.SSDout(Lat0, Lon0, Lat1, Lon1, lastFix, curFix, InfoSection.UseFixesAsCoords));
                        // Draw the fix names.  Angle and Scale not used for SSDs
                // Shift the values for the next item
                Lat0           = Lat1; Lon0 = Lon1; lastFix = curFix; FixType0 = FixType1;
                TransitionCode = TransitionName = string.Empty;
            // Lastly insert the symbols and labels
            if (InfoSection.DrawFixSymbolsOnDiagrams || InfoSection.DrawFixLabelsOnDiagrams)
            // Need to add the ALT and Speed items here
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void WriteARB(string path, bool High)
            // This doesn't work as designed.  Need to search for affected ARTCCs,
            // then draw all the ARTCCs (filter ARTCC =) with ANY borders in the area.
            // MAY want to do that in the "SELECTED" phase (dgvARB), then sort by ARTCC.
            DataTable ARB = Form1.ARB;
            string    FacID0 = string.Empty; string FacID1;
            string    ARBname; string HL;  string filter; string Sector;
            string    Lat1; string Long1; string Descr1; string Descr0 = string.Empty;
            string    Lat0 = string.Empty; string Long0 = string.Empty;
            string    LatFirst = string.Empty; string LongFirst = string.Empty;
            string    Output = Environment.NewLine;

            if (High)
                filter = "[Selected] AND (" +
                         " ([DECODE] = 'UTA') OR " +
                         " ([DECODE] = 'FIR ONLY') OR " +
                         " ([DECODE] = 'BDRY') OR " +
                         " ([DECODE] = 'HIGH') )";
                HL     = "_H_CTR";
                Sector = "HIGH";
                filter = "([DECODE] = 'LOW') AND [Selected]";     //
                HL     = "_L_CTR";
                Sector = "LOW";
            // First, find all the ARBs in the group (may be more than one)
            DataView ARBview = new DataView(ARB)
                RowFilter = filter,
                Sort      = "Sequence",

            Console.WriteLine("ARB lines found: " + ARBview.Count);
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path))
                Output += "[ARTCC " + Sector + "]" + cr;
                if (ARBview.Count != 0)
                    // Build a list of the boundaries. The last one always has "To Point of Beginning"
                    // OR... It's a different ARTCC
                    var ARBlist = new List <string>();
                    foreach (DataRowView ARBdataRowView in ARBview)
                        if (Lat0.Length == 0)                   // First point of line
                            Lat1     = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(ARBdataRowView["Latitude"]), true);
                            Long1    = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(ARBdataRowView["Longitude"]), false);
                            LatFirst = Lat1; LongFirst = Long1;            // Save the first point
                            Descr1   = ARBdataRowView["Description"].ToString();
                            ARBname  = ARBdataRowView["Name"].ToString();  // Initialize AARTC name
                            FacID1   = ARBdataRowView["ARTCC"].ToString(); // Initialize FacID
                            Output  += "; " + ARBname + cr;
                            FacID1 = ARBdataRowView["ARTCC"].ToString();
                            Descr1 = ARBdataRowView["Description"].ToString();
                            Lat1   = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(ARBdataRowView["Latitude"]), true);
                            Long1  = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(ARBdataRowView["Longitude"]), false);
                            if ((FacID0.Length != 0) && (FacID0 == FacID1))
                                Output += SCTstrings.BoundaryOut(FacID1 + HL, Lat0, Long0, Lat1, Long1, Descr0) + cr;
                        if (Descr1.IndexOf("POINT OF BEGINNING") != -1)    // Last line in this group
                            Output += SCTstrings.BoundaryOut(FacID1 + HL, Lat0, Long0, Lat1, Long1, Descr0) + cr;
                            Output += SCTstrings.BoundaryOut(FacID1 + HL, Lat1, Long1, LatFirst, LongFirst) + cr;
                            Lat1 = Long1 = FacID1 = Descr1 = Output = string.Empty;
                        if ((FacID0.Length != 0) && (FacID0 != FacID1))    // Changed ARTCC
                            // Do NOT add a line to close boundary
                            // Check for dual condition; end of group AND new ARTCC...
                            if (Output.Length != 0)
                            Output = string.Empty;
                        Lat0 = Lat1; Long0 = Long1; FacID0 = FacID1; Descr0 = Descr1;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static void WriteAWY(string path, bool IsLow)
            DataTable AWY = Form1.AWY;
            string    Awy0 = string.Empty; string Awy1;
            string    NavAid0 = string.Empty; string NavAid1;
            double    Lat0 = -1; double Lat1 = -1;
            double    Lon0 = -1; double Lon1 = -1;
            bool      IsBreak;
            string    filter = "[Selected]";

            if (IsLow)
                filter += " AND [IsLow]";
                filter += " AND NOT [IsLow]";
            DataView dvAWY = new DataView(AWY)
                RowFilter = filter,
                Sort      = "AWYID, Sequence",

            // Rotate output as in other output loops
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path))
                if (IsLow)
                    sw.WriteLine("[LOW AIRWAY]");
                    sw.WriteLine("[HIGH AIRWAY]");
                foreach (DataRowView rowAWY in dvAWY)
                    Awy1    = rowAWY["AWYID"].ToString();
                    NavAid1 = rowAWY["NAVAID"].ToString();
                    IsBreak = (bool)rowAWY["IsBreak"];
                    Lat1    = Convert.ToSingle(rowAWY["Latitude"]);
                    Lon1    = Convert.ToSingle(rowAWY["Longitude"]);
                    if (IsBreak)
                        Lat1 = -1f;            // Break in awy; restart sequence with next
                    if (Awy1 != Awy0)
                        Lat0 = -1f;                     // New air, last segment was written (but save this coord)
                        if ((Lat0 != -1) && (Lat1 != -1))
                                                           Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(Lat0), true),
                                                           Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(Lon0), false),
                                                           Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(Lat1), true),
                                                           Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(Lon1), false),
                                                           NavAid0, NavAid1));
                    // Shift all items
                    Awy0 = Awy1; NavAid0 = NavAid1;
                    Lat0 = Lat1; Lon0 = Lon1;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static void WriteRWY(string path)
            // Need to develop color entries
            string[]  strOut = new string[9]; string FacID = string.Empty;
            double    MagBHdg; double MagEHdg;
            bool      FirstLine = true; string FacFullName = string.Empty;
            DataTable DRAW  = new SCTdata.DrawLabelDataTable();
            DataTable RWY   = Form1.RWY;
            DataView  dvRWY = new DataView(RWY)
                RowFilter = "[Selected]",
                Sort      = "FacilityID, BaseIdentifier"

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path))
                foreach (DataRowView row in dvRWY)
                    if (row["FacilityID"].ToString() != FacID)
                        if (FirstLine)
                            FirstLine = false;
                        FacID       = row["FacilityID"].ToString();
                        FacFullName = FacID + '-' + row["FacilityName"].ToString();
                    // FAA RWY bearings are in "True" format and must be converted to "Magnetic"
                    // Brg = True - Declination, where W is negative.
                    strOut[0] = row["BaseIdentifier"].ToString().Trim().PadRight(3);
                    strOut[1] = row["EndIdentifier"].ToString().Trim().PadRight(3);
                    MagBHdg   = Convert.ToDouble(row["BaseHeading"]) - InfoSection.MagneticVariation;
                    if (MagBHdg > 360)
                        MagBHdg %= 360;
                    else if (MagBHdg < 0)
                        MagBHdg = (MagBHdg + 360) % 360;
                    if (MagBHdg == 0)
                        MagBHdg = 360;
                    strOut[2] = Convert.ToString(MagBHdg).PadRight(3);
                    MagEHdg   = Convert.ToDouble(row["EndHeading"]) - InfoSection.MagneticVariation;
                    if (MagEHdg > 360)
                        MagEHdg %= 360;
                    else if (MagBHdg < 0)
                        MagEHdg = (MagEHdg + 360) % 360;
                    if (MagBHdg == 0)
                        MagBHdg = 360;
                    strOut[3] = Convert.ToString(MagEHdg).PadRight(3);
                    strOut[4] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["Latitude"]), true);
                    strOut[5] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["Longitude"]), false);
                    strOut[6] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["EndLatitude"]), true);
                    strOut[7] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["EndLongitude"]), false);
                    strOut[8] = FacFullName;
                    DRAW.Rows.Add(new object[] { strOut[0].ToString(), strOut[4].ToString(), strOut[5].ToString(), "", FacFullName });
                    DRAW.Rows.Add(new object[] { strOut[1].ToString(), strOut[6].ToString(), strOut[7].ToString(), "", FacFullName });
                WriteLabels(DRAW, sw);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static void WriteAPT(string path)
            string[]  strOut = new string[7]; string ATIStype = "ATIS";
            DataTable APT   = Form1.APT;
            DataTable TWR   = Form1.TWR;
            DataView  dvTWR = new DataView(TWR);
            DataView  dvAPT = new DataView(APT)
                RowFilter = "[Selected]",
                Sort      = "FacilityID"
            // Output only what we need
            DataTable dataTable = dvAPT.ToTable(true, "ID", "FacilityID", "ICAO", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Name", "Public");
            DataRow   foundRow; string LCL; string ATIS;

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path))
                foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.AsEnumerable())
                    strOut[0]  = Conversions.ICOA(row["FacilityID"].ToString()).PadRight(4);
                    dvTWR.Sort = "ID";
                    foundRow   = TWR.Rows.Find(row["ID"]);
                    if (foundRow != null)
                        LCL  = foundRow["LCLfreq"].ToString();
                        ATIS = foundRow["ATISfreq"].ToString();
                        if (Convert.ToBoolean(foundRow["IsD-ATIS"]))
                            ATIStype = "D-ATIS:";
                            ATIStype = "ATIS:";
                        if (Convert.ToBoolean(row["Public"]))
                            LCL = "122.8";
                            LCL = "0";
                        ATIS = string.Empty;
                    strOut[1] = LCL.PadRight(7);
                    strOut[2] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["Latitude"]), true);
                    strOut[3] = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(Convert.ToSingle(row["Longitude"]), false);
                    strOut[4] = row["Name"].ToString();
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(row["Public"]))
                        strOut[5] = " (Public) ";
                        strOut[5] = " {Private} ";
                    strOut[6] = ATIS;
                    if (ATIS.Length != 0)
                        strOut[6] = ATIStype + strOut[6];
                        strOut[6] = string.Empty;
                    if (!(strOut[2] + " " + strOut[3]).Contains("-1 "))      // Do NOT write APTs having no fix
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static string DrawSymbol(object[] FixData)
            // FixData contains: ID(opt), FacilityID, Frequency(opt), Latitude, Longitude, NameOrUse, FixType
            string Lat0; string Lon0; string Lat1; string Lon1;
            string cr = Environment.NewLine; string space = new string(' ', 27);
            int    angle   = (int)InfoSection.MagneticVariation;
            string Fix     = FixData[1].ToString();
            string FixType = FixData[6].ToString();

            if (FixType == "FIX")
                FixType = FixData[5].ToString();
            float lat = Convert.ToSingle(FixData[3]);
            float lon = Convert.ToSingle(FixData[4]);

            int[] Symbol = SymbolRef(FixType);
            // Declare values used in loop below
            PointF[] Coords = new PointF[Symbol[0]];
            float    myX; float myY;
            // Loop through the symbol points, creating the initial pattern
            int Counter = 0;

            for (int i = 2; i <= Symbol[0] * 2; i += 2)
                myX = Symbol[i + 1]; myY = Symbol[i];           // Lat is Y, Lon is X
                if ((myY != -1) && (myX != -1))
                    Coords[Counter] = new PointF(myX /= 3600F, myY /= 3600F);
                    Coords[Counter] = new PointF(-1F, -1F);
            // Rotate the symbol to True North - with the first point as the origin (skip breaks)
            // WHY is Mag Var correct, but rotation is NOT?
            PointF PenUp = new PointF(-1, -1);

            for (int i = 0; i < Coords.Length; i++)
                if (Coords[i] != PenUp)
                    Coords[i] = LatLongCalc.RotatePoint(Coords[i], Coords[0], angle);
            // Get the centroid
            PointF centroid = LatLongCalc.Centroid(Coords);
            // Find the offset of the centroid from the FIX
            SizeF CentOffset = new SizeF(lon - centroid.X, lat - centroid.Y);

            // Move the symbol so it appears over the FIX
            for (int i = 0; i < Coords.Length; i++)
                if (Coords[i] != PenUp)
                    Coords[i] = PointF.Add(Coords[i], CentOffset);
            // Now write out the symbol strings in typical end-to-start rotation
            PointF start = PointF.Empty; PointF end;
            string Result = space + "; Symbol for " + FixType + " " + Fix + cr;

            foreach (PointF pointF in Coords)
                if (pointF != PenUp)
                    end = pointF;
                    end = PointF.Empty;
                if (!(start.IsEmpty) && !(end.IsEmpty))
                    Lat0    = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(start.Y, true);
                    Lat1    = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(end.Y, true);
                    Lon0    = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(start.X, false);
                    Lon1    = Conversions.DecDeg2SCT(end.X, false);
                    Result += SCTstrings.SSDout(Lat0, Lon0, Lat1, Lon1) + cr;
                start = end;