Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Aligns the rigid bodies by correcting their orienation
        /// This should be called after the simulation step
        /// </summary>
        private void AlignBones()
            // orient the bodies accordingly
            for (var i = this.BoneInset; i < this.simulatedTransforms.Count - this.BoneInset; i++)
                if (!this.simulatedTransforms[i].Dynamic)

                var a = this.simulatedTransforms[i - 1].Position;
                var b = this.simulatedTransforms[i + 1].Position;

                // this is the upVector computed for each bone of the rest pose
                var transform = this.restPoseSpace * this.restPoseTransforms[i]; // todo: direction of multiply?
                var y         = SimdExtensions.CreateQuaternion(transform).Act(new SCNVector3(0f, 1f, 0f));

                var x = SCNVector3.Normalize(b - a);
                var z = SCNVector3.Normalize(SCNVector3.Cross(x, y));
                y = SCNVector3.Normalize(SCNVector3.Cross(z, x));

                var rot = new OpenTK.Matrix3(x.X, y.X, z.X, x.Y, y.Y, z.Y, x.Z, y.Z, z.Z);
                this.simulatedTransforms[i].Orientation = new SCNQuaternion(rot.ToQuaternion());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static SCNQuaternion CreateQuaternion(SCNVector3 v1, SCNVector3 v2)
            var a      = SCNVector3.Cross(v1, v2);
            var w      = (float)Math.Sqrt(v1.LengthSquared * v2.LengthSquared) + SCNVector3.Dot(v1, v2);
            var result = new SCNQuaternion(a.X, a.Y, a.Z, w);


Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static FeatureHitTestResult?HitTestFromOrigin(this ARSCNView view, SCNVector3 origin, SCNVector3 direction)
            FeatureHitTestResult?result = null;

            ARPointCloud features = null;

            using (var frame = view.Session.CurrentFrame)
                features = frame?.RawFeaturePoints;

            if (features != null)
                var points = features.Points;

                // Determine the point from the whole point cloud which is closest to the hit test ray.
                var closestFeaturePoint = origin;
                var minDistance         = float.MaxValue; // Float.greatestFiniteMagnitude

                for (nuint i = 0; i < features.Count; i++)
                    var feature = points[i];

                    var featurePosition = new SCNVector3((Vector3)feature);
                    var originVector    = origin - featurePosition;

                    var crossProduct = SCNVector3.Cross(originVector, direction);
                    var featureDistanceFromResult = crossProduct.Length;

                    if (featureDistanceFromResult < minDistance)
                        closestFeaturePoint = featurePosition;
                        minDistance         = featureDistanceFromResult;

                // Compute the point along the ray that is closest to the selected feature.
                var originToFeature       = closestFeaturePoint - origin;
                var hitTestResult         = origin + (direction * SCNVector3.Dot(direction, originToFeature));
                var hitTestResultDistance = (hitTestResult - origin).Length;

                result = new FeatureHitTestResult
                    Position                   = hitTestResult,
                    DistanceToRayOrigin        = hitTestResultDistance,
                    FeatureHit                 = closestFeaturePoint,
                    FeatureDistanceToHitResult = minDistance

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the interpolated transform at a given length (l from 0.0 to totalLength)
        /// </summary>
        public SCNMatrix4 Transform(float l)
            var position = this.Position(l);
            var x        = this.Tangent(l);
            var y        = SCNVector3.Normalize(this.UpVector);
            var z        = SCNVector3.Normalize(SCNVector3.Cross(x, y));

            y = SCNVector3.Normalize(SCNVector3.Cross(z, x));

            var rot    = new OpenTK.Matrix3(x.X, y.X, z.X, x.Y, y.Y, z.Y, x.Z, y.Z, z.Z);
            var matrix = SCNMatrix4.Rotate(rot.ToQuaternion());

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void InitializeHelpers()
            this.computedInputPose        = new ComputedValue <SlingShotPose>(() => this.ComputeInputPose());
            this.computedTangentPositionR = new ComputedValue <SCNVector3>(() => this.TangentPosition(this.FixturePositionR));
            this.computedTangentPositionL = new ComputedValue <SCNVector3>(() => this.TangentPosition(this.FixturePositionL));

            this.computedBetaAngle = new ComputedValue <float>(() =>
                var d = SCNVector3.Normalize(this.ballPosition - this.CenterPosition);
                var t = SCNVector3.Normalize(this.TangentPositionL - this.ballPosition);

                var quaternion = SimdExtensions.CreateQuaternion(d, t);
                quaternion.ToAxisAngle(out SCNVector3 _, out float angle);
                return(2f * angle);

            this.computedCenterPosition = new ComputedValue <SCNVector3>(() =>
                var direction = SCNVector3.Cross(this.UpVector, this.TangentPositionR - this.TangentPositionL);
                return(this.ballPosition - SCNVector3.Normalize(direction) * 1.25f * this.ballRadius);

            this.computedRestPose = new ComputedValue <SlingShotPose>(() =>
                var data = new SlingShotPose();

                for (var i = 0; i < this.restPoseTransforms.Count; i++)
                    var transform = this.restPoseSpace * this.restPoseTransforms[i];
                    var p         = new SCNVector3(transform.Column3.X, transform.Column3.Y, transform.Column3.Z);
                    var t         = SimdExtensions.CreateQuaternion(transform).Act(new SCNVector3(1f, 0f, 0f));

                    var l = 0f;
                    if (i > 0)
                        l = data.Lengths[i - 1] + (p - data.Positions[i - 1]).Length;


Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal NMatrix4 DragPlaneTransform(SCNNode camera)
            // Create a transform for a XZ-plane. This transform can be passed to unproject() to
            // map the user's touch position in screen space onto that plane in 3D space.
            // The plane's transform is constructed from a given normal.
            var yVector     = Direction.Normalized();
            var xVector     = SCNVector3.Cross(yVector, camera.WorldRight);
            var zVector     = SCNVector3.Cross(xVector, yVector).Normalized();
            var asIfsimd4x4 = Utilities.NMatrix4Create(new[] {
                Utilities.SCNVector4Create(xVector, 0),
                Utilities.SCNVector4Create(yVector, 0),
                Utilities.SCNVector4Create(zVector, 0),
                Utilities.SCNVector4Create(Origin, 1)

            // But we're not, so transpose
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal NMatrix4 DragPlaneTransform(SCNVector3 cameraPos)
            var camToRayOrigin = this.Origin - cameraPos;


            // Create a transform for a XZ-plane. This transform can be passed to unproject() to
            // map the user's touch position in screen space onto that plane in 3D space.
            // The plane's transform is constructed such that:
            // 1. The ray along which we want to drag the object is the plane's X axis.
            // 2. The plane's Z axis is ortogonal to the X axis and orthogonal to the vector
            //    from the camera to the object.
            // Defining the plane this way has two main benefits:
            // 1. Since we want to drag the object along an axis (not on a plane), we need to
            //    do one more projection from the plane's 2D space to a 1D axis. Since the axis to
            //    drag on is the plane's X-axis, we can later simply convert the un-projected point
            //    into the plane's local coordinate system and use the value on the X axis.
            // 2. The plane's Z-axis is chosen to maximize the plane's coverage of screen space.
            //    The unprojectPoint() method will stop returning positions if the user drags their
            //    finger on the screen across the plane's horizon, leading to a bad user experience.
            //    So the ideal plane is parallel or almost parallel to the screen, but this is not
            //    possible when dragging along an axis which is pointing at the camera. For that case
            //    we try to find a plane which covers as much screen space as possible.
            var xVector = Direction;
            var zVector = SCNVector3.Cross(xVector, camToRayOrigin).Normalized();
            var yVector = SCNVector3.Cross(xVector, zVector).Normalized();

            var asIfSimd4x4 = Utilities.NMatrix4Create(new[] {
                Utilities.SCNVector4Create(xVector, 0),
                Utilities.SCNVector4Create(yVector, 0),
                Utilities.SCNVector4Create(zVector, 0),
                Utilities.SCNVector4Create(Origin, 1)

            // But we're not, so transpose
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void AnimateVortex()
            if (this.Delegate == null)
                throw new Exception("No delegate");

            if (this.vortexCylinder == null)
                throw new Exception("Vortex animation cylinder not set");

            // Vortex shape from animation
            var vortexShape       = this.vortexCylinder.PresentationNode.Scale;
            var vortexHeightDelta = vortexShape.Y - this.lastVortexHeight;

            this.lastVortexHeight = vortexShape.Y;

            var vortexCenterY      = this.vortexCylinder.PresentationNode.WorldPosition.Y;
            var vortexCenterYDelta = vortexCenterY - this.lastVortexCenterY;

            this.lastVortexCenterY = vortexCenterY;

            // Deform shape over time
            var maxOuterRadius      = vortexShape.X;
            var maxInnerRadius      = maxOuterRadius * 0.2f; // 20 % from experiment
            var maxOuterRadiusDelta = maxOuterRadius - this.lastOuterRadius;

            this.lastOuterRadius = maxOuterRadius;

            // Orbital velocity
            var currentFront     = this.vortexCylinder.PresentationNode.WorldFront;
            var orbitalMoveDelta = (currentFront - this.lastFront).Length * maxInnerRadius;

            this.lastFront = currentFront;

            var orbitalVelocityFactor = 5f;
            var orbitalVelocity       = (orbitalMoveDelta / (float)GameTime.DeltaTime) * orbitalVelocityFactor;

            var topBound    = vortexCenterY + vortexShape.Y * 0.5f;
            var bottomBound = vortexCenterY - vortexShape.Y * 0.5f;

            var blockObjects = this.Delegate.AllBlockObjects;
            var up           = SCNVector3.UnitY;

            foreach (var block in blockObjects)
                if (block.PhysicsNode?.PhysicsBody != null)
                    var position           = block.PhysicsNode.PresentationNode.WorldPosition;
                    var positionWithoutY   = new SCNVector3(position.X, 0f, position.Z);
                    var distanceFromCenter = positionWithoutY.Length;
                    var directionToCenter  = -SCNVector3.Normalize(positionWithoutY);

                    // Adjust radius into curve
                    // Equation representing a half radius chord of circle equation
                    var normalizedY  = DigitExtensions.Clamp(position.Y / topBound, 0f, 1f);
                    var radiusFactor = (float)Math.Sqrt(4f - 3f * normalizedY * normalizedY) - 1f;
                    radiusFactor = radiusFactor * 0.8f + 0.2f;
                    var innerRadius = maxInnerRadius * radiusFactor;
                    var outerRadius = maxOuterRadius * radiusFactor;

                    // Cap velocity
                    var maxVelocity = 30f;
                    if (block.PhysicsNode.PhysicsBody.Velocity.Length > maxVelocity)
                        block.PhysicsNode.PhysicsBody.Velocity = SCNVector3.Normalize(block.PhysicsNode.PhysicsBody.Velocity) * maxVelocity;

                    var force = SCNVector3.Zero;

                    // Stage specific manipulation
                    var vortexDirection        = SCNVector3.Cross(directionToCenter, up);
                    var speedInVortexDirection = SCNVector3.Dot(block.PhysicsNode.PhysicsBody.Velocity, vortexDirection);

                    // Stable vortex pull
                    var pullForceMagnitude = (speedInVortexDirection * speedInVortexDirection) * (float)(block.PhysicsNode.PhysicsBody.Mass) / distanceFromCenter;
                    force += pullForceMagnitude * directionToCenter;

                    // Pull into outer radius
                    var radialInwardForceMagnitude = RadialSpringConstant * (float)Math.Max(0d, distanceFromCenter - outerRadius);
                    force += radialInwardForceMagnitude * directionToCenter;

                    // Pull away from inner radius
                    var radialOutwardForceMagnitude = RadialSpringConstant * (float)Math.Max(0d, innerRadius - distanceFromCenter);
                    force += -radialOutwardForceMagnitude * directionToCenter;

                    // Vortex velocity adjustment
                    if (distanceFromCenter > innerRadius)
                        var tangentForceMagnitude = TangentVelocitySpringContant * (speedInVortexDirection - orbitalVelocity);
                        force += -tangentForceMagnitude * vortexDirection * (0.5f + (float)(random.NextDouble() * 1d));

                    // Random forces/torque
                    force += force.Length * (float)((random.NextDouble() * 2d - 1d) * MaxRandomVortexForce) * up;
                    this.ApplyRandomTorque(block.PhysicsNode.PhysicsBody, MaxRandomVortexTorque);

                    // Top bound pull down
                    var topBoundForceMagnitude = RadialSpringConstant * (float)Math.Max(0d, position.Y - topBound);
                    force += topBoundForceMagnitude * -up;

                    // Bottom bound pull up
                    var bottomBoundForceMagnitude = RadialSpringConstant * (float)Math.Max(0d, bottomBound - position.Y);
                    force += bottomBoundForceMagnitude * up;

                    block.PhysicsNode.PhysicsBody.ApplyForce(force, false);

                    // Scale the vortex
                    // The higher position in the bound, more it should move upward to scale the vortex
                    var normalizedPositionInBoundY = DigitExtensions.Clamp((position.Y - bottomBound) / vortexShape.Y, 0f, 1f);
                    var heightMoveFactor           = Math.Abs(normalizedPositionInBoundY - 0.5f);
                    var newPositionY = position.Y + vortexCenterYDelta + vortexHeightDelta * heightMoveFactor;

                    var positionXZ       = new SCNVector3(position.X, 0f, position.Z);
                    var radialMoveFactor = DigitExtensions.Clamp(distanceFromCenter / outerRadius, 0f, 1f);
                    var newPositionXZ    = positionXZ + maxOuterRadiusDelta * radialMoveFactor * -directionToCenter;

                    block.PhysicsNode.WorldPosition    = new SCNVector3(newPositionXZ.X, newPositionY, newPositionXZ.Z);
                    block.PhysicsNode.WorldOrientation = block.PhysicsNode.PresentationNode.WorldOrientation;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public SlingShotPose ComputeInputPose()
            // note the -1 here differs from other usage
            var data = new SlingShotPose {
                UpVector = -this.UpVector                            /* negated because the strap Y-axis points down */

            var startBend            = this.CurrentLengthL / this.CurrentTotalLength;
            var endBend              = 1f - this.CurrentLengthR / this.CurrentTotalLength;
            var leatherOnStraights   = this.OriginalLeatherLength - this.CurrentLengthOnBall;
            var segmentAStart        = 0f;
            var segmentAEnd          = this.CurrentLengthL - leatherOnStraights * 0.5f;
            var segmentCStart        = segmentAEnd + this.OriginalLeatherLength;
            var segmentCEnd          = this.CurrentTotalLength;
            var originalLeatherRange = this.OriginalLeatherLength / this.OriginalTotalLength;
            var currentLeatherRange  = this.OriginalLeatherLength / this.CurrentTotalLength;

            for (var i = 0; i < this.SimulatedTransformCount; i++)
                var l = this.OriginalTotalLength * (float)i / (float)(this.SimulatedTransformCount - 1f);
                var u = l / this.OriginalTotalLength;

                // remap the u value depending on the material (rubber vs leather)
                var isRubber = Math.Abs(0.5f - u) > originalLeatherRange * 0.5f;
                if (isRubber)
                    if (u < 0.5f)
                        u = u / (0.5f - originalLeatherRange * 0.5f);
                        u = (segmentAStart + (segmentAEnd - segmentAStart) * u) / this.CurrentTotalLength;
                        u = 1f - (1f - u) / (0.5f - originalLeatherRange * 0.5f);
                        u = (segmentCStart + (segmentCEnd - segmentCStart) * u) / this.CurrentTotalLength;
                    u = (startBend + endBend) * 0.5f - (0.5f - u) * (currentLeatherRange / originalLeatherRange);

                var p = SCNVector3.Zero;
                var t = SCNVector3.UnitX;
                if (u < startBend)
                    // left straight
                    var value = u / startBend;
                    p = SimdExtensions.Mix(this.FixturePositionL,
                                           new SCNVector3(value, value, value)); // left rubber band
                    t = SCNVector3.Normalize(this.TangentPositionL - this.FixturePositionL);
                else if (u > endBend)
                    // right straight
                    var value = (1f - u) / (1f - endBend);
                    p = SimdExtensions.Mix(this.FixturePositionR,
                                           new SCNVector3(value, value, value)); // right rubber band
                    t = SCNVector3.Normalize(this.FixturePositionR - this.TangentPositionR);
                    // on the ball
                    var upv = this.UpVector;
                    var rot = SCNQuaternion.FromAxisAngle(upv, -this.BetaAngle * (u - startBend) / (endBend - startBend));
                    p = this.ballPosition + rot.Act(this.TangentPositionL - this.ballPosition);
                    t = SCNVector3.Cross(upv, SCNVector3.Normalize(this.ballPosition - p));


Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override void OnDidApplyConstraints(ISCNSceneRenderer renderer)
            var frameSkips = 3;

            if ((GameTime.FrameCount + this.Index) % frameSkips == 0)
                if (this.PhysicsNode != null)
                    if (this.worldPositions.Count > (this.MaxTrailPositions / frameSkips))

                    var position = this.PhysicsNode.PresentationNode.WorldPosition;

                    SCNVector3 trailDir;
                    if (this.worldPositions.Any())
                        var previousPosition = this.worldPositions.LastOrDefault();
                        trailDir = position - previousPosition;

                        var lengthSquared = trailDir.LengthSquared;
                        if (lengthSquared < Epsilon)
                            var tempPositions = this.tempWorldPositions.Select(tempPosition => this.trailNode.PresentationNode.ConvertPositionFromNode(tempPosition, null)).ToList();
                            this.trailNode.PresentationNode.Geometry = this.CreateTrailMesh(tempPositions, this.colors);

                        trailDir = SCNVector3.Normalize(trailDir);
                        trailDir = this.ObjectRootNode.WorldFront;

                    var right = SCNVector3.Cross(SCNVector3.UnitY, trailDir);
                    right = SCNVector3.Normalize(right);
                    var scale     = 1f; //Float(i - 1) / worldPositions.count
                    var halfWidth = this.TrailHalfWidth;
                    if (this.TrailShouldNarrow)
                        halfWidth *= scale;

                    var u = position + right * halfWidth;
                    var v = position - right * halfWidth;



                    var localPositions = this.tempWorldPositions.Select(tempPosition => this.trailNode.PresentationNode.ConvertPositionFromNode(tempPosition, null)).ToList();
                    this.trailNode.PresentationNode.Geometry = this.CreateTrailMesh(localPositions, this.colors);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static IList <FeatureHitTestResult> HitTestWithFeatures(this ARSCNView view,
                                                                       CGPoint point,
                                                                       float coneOpeningAngleInDegrees,
                                                                       float minDistance = 0,
                                                                       float maxDistance = float.MaxValue,
                                                                       int maxResults    = 1)
            var results = new List <FeatureHitTestResult>();

            ARPointCloud features = null;

            using (var frame = view.Session.CurrentFrame)
                features = frame?.RawFeaturePoints;

            if (features != null)
                var ray = view.HitTestRayFromScreenPosition(point);
                if (ray.HasValue)
                    var maxAngleInDegrees = Math.Min(coneOpeningAngleInDegrees, 360f) / 2f;
                    var maxAngle          = (maxAngleInDegrees / 180f) * Math.PI;

                    var points = features.Points;
                    for (nuint j = 0; j < features.Count; j++)
                        var feature = points[j];

                        var featurePosition = new SCNVector3((Vector3)feature);
                        var originToFeature = featurePosition - ray.Value.Origin;

                        var crossProduct = SCNVector3.Cross(originToFeature, ray.Value.Direction);
                        var featureDistanceFromResult = crossProduct.Length;

                        var hitTestResult         = ray.Value.Origin + (ray.Value.Direction * SCNVector3.Dot(ray.Value.Direction, originToFeature));
                        var hitTestResultDistance = (hitTestResult - ray.Value.Origin).Length;

                        if (hitTestResultDistance < minDistance || hitTestResultDistance > maxDistance)
                            // Skip this feature - it is too close or too far away.

                        var originToFeatureNormalized = SCNVector3.Normalize(originToFeature);
                        var angleBetweenRayAndFeature = Math.Acos(SCNVector3.Dot(ray.Value.Direction, originToFeatureNormalized));

                        if (angleBetweenRayAndFeature > maxAngle)
                            // Skip this feature - is outside of the hit test cone.

                        // All tests passed: Add the hit against this feature to the results.
                        results.Add(new FeatureHitTestResult
                            Position                   = hitTestResult,
                            DistanceToRayOrigin        = hitTestResultDistance,
                            FeatureHit                 = featurePosition,
                            FeatureDistanceToHitResult = featureDistanceFromResult

                    // Sort the results by feature distance to the ray.
                    results = results.OrderBy(result => result.DistanceToRayOrigin).ToList();

                    // Cap the list to maxResults.
                    var cappedResults = new List <FeatureHitTestResult>();
                    var i             = 0;

                    while (i < maxResults && i < results.Count)
                        i += 1;

                    results = cappedResults;
