Ejemplo n.º 1
 public bool ShouldAutocropCapturedImageWithModeManualShutter(SBSDKScannerViewController controller, SBSDKShutterMode mode, bool manual)
     // Here you control whether to automatically crop the document image or not,
     // depending on the current shutter mode and how the shutter was released: manually or automatically.
     // Return true, if the detected polygon should be applied to the captured document image, false otherwise.
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void DidCaptureImageWithDetectedPolygon(SBSDKScannerViewController controller, UIImage originalImage, SBSDKPolygon polygon, SBSDKLensCameraProperties properties)
     // Here we get the original (uncropped) image from the camera and an optional polygon that was detected on the image.
     if (cameraDelegate != null)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public UIView GetViewForDetectionStatus(SBSDKScannerViewController controller, SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatus status)
            // Alternative method to "scannerController:localizedTextForDetectionStatus:".
            // Here you can return a custom view that you want to use to visualize the latest detection status.

            var label = new SBSDKDetectionStatusLabel();

            label.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;
            label.TextColor       = UIColor.White;

            if (scannerViewController.EnergySavingActive)
                label.Text            = "Energy Saving active.\nMove your device.";
                label.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Orange;
                switch (status)
                case SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatus.Ok:
                    label.Text            = "Don't move.\nCapturing...";
                    label.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Green;

                case SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatus.OK_SmallSize:
                    label.Text = "Move closer";

                case SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatus.OK_BadAngles:
                    label.Text = "Perspective";

                case SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatus.Error_NothingDetected:
                    label.Text = "No Document";

                case SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatus.Error_Noise:
                    label.Text = "Background too noisy";

                case SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatus.Error_Brightness:
                    label.Text = "Poor light";

                case SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatus.OK_BadAspectRatio:
                    label.Text = "Wrong aspect ratio.\n Rotate your device";


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public UIColor ScannerControllerPolygonColorForDetectionStatus(SBSDKScannerViewController controller, SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatus status)
            // If the detector has found an acceptable polygon we show it with green color
            if (status == SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatus.Ok)

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void ScannerControllerDidCaptureDocumentImage(SBSDKScannerViewController controller, UIImage documentImage)
            // Here we get the perspective corrected and cropped document image after the shutter was (auto)released.
            if (cameraDelegate != null)

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void DidCaptureDocumentImage(SBSDKScannerViewController controller, UIImage documentImage)
            // Here we get the cropped and perspective corrected document image.
            if (cameraDelegate != null)

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void ScannerControllerDidCaptureImageWithDetectedPolygon(SBSDKScannerViewController controller, UIImage image, SBSDKPolygon polygon, SBSDKLensCameraProperties properties)
            // Here we get the full image from the camera and an optional polygon that was detected on the image.

            //this.detectedPolygon = polygon;

            if (cameraDelegate != null)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            var screenSize = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Size;

            // Create a view as container for bottom buttons:
            var buttonsContainerHeight = 120;

            bottomButtonsContainer = new UIView(new CGRect(0, screenSize.Height - buttonsContainerHeight, screenSize.Width, buttonsContainerHeight));
            bottomButtonsContainer.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue;

            // Create a view as container to embed the Scanbot SDK SBSDKScannerViewController:
            scanningContainerView = new UIView(new CGRect(0, 0, screenSize.Width, screenSize.Height - buttonsContainerHeight));

            // Create the SBSDKScannerViewController, embedded into our custom scanningContainerView.
            // As we do not want automatic image storage we pass null here as image storage.
            scannerViewController = new SBSDKScannerViewController(this, scanningContainerView, null, false);

            // =================================================================
            // UI customizations can be implemented via delegate methods from "SBSDKScannerViewControllerDelegate".
            // See some examples below the #region SBSDKScannerViewControllerDelegate
            // Please see the API docs of our native Scanbot SDK for iOS, since all those methods and properties
            // are also available as Scanbot Xamarin bindings.
            // =================================================================

            // Set the delegate to self.
            scannerViewController.WeakDelegate = this;

            // We want unscaled images in full size:
            scannerViewController.ImageScale = 1.0f;

            // The minimum score in percent (0 - 100) of the perspective distortion to accept a detected document.
            // Default is 75.0. Set lower values to accept more perspective distortion. Warning: Lower values result in more blurred document images.
            scannerViewController.AcceptedAngleScore = 70;

            // The minimum size in percent (0 - 100) of the screen size to accept a detected document. It is sufficient that height or width match the score.
            // Default is 80.0. Warning: Lower values result in low resolution document images.
            scannerViewController.AcceptedSizeScore = 80;

            // Sensitivity factor for automatic capturing. Must be in the range [0.0...1.0]. Invalid values are threated as 1.0.
            // Defaults to 0.66 (1 sec).s A value of 1.0 triggers automatic capturing immediately, a value of 0.0 delays the automatic by 3 seconds.
            scannerViewController.AutoCaptureSensitivity = 0.7f;

            // The orientation captured images are locked onto. By default it is SBSDKOrientationLockNone.
            // Setting this property to any other value will suppress the document detection status ‘SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatusOK_BadAspectRatio’.
            // If the lock is enabled the detection status UI will be orientation-locked too.
            scannerViewController.ImageOrientationLock = SBSDKOrientationLock.Portrait;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Create the SBSDKScannerViewController.
            // We want it to be embedded into self.
            // As we do not want automatic image storage we pass nil here for the image storage.
            scannerViewController = new SBSDKScannerViewController(this, null);

            // =================================================================
            // UI customizations can be implemented via delegate methods from "SBSDKScannerViewControllerDelegate".
            // Please check the API docs of our native Scanbot SDK for iOS, since all those methods and properties are also available as Scanbot Xamarin bindings.
            // =================================================================

            // Set the delegate to self.
            scannerViewController.WeakDelegate = this;

            // We want unscaled images in full size:
            scannerViewController.ImageScale = 1.0f;

            // The minimum score in percent (0 - 100) of the perspective distortion to accept a detected document.
            // Default is 75.0. Set lower values to accept more perspective distortion. Warning: Lower values result in more blurred document images.
            scannerViewController.AcceptedAngleScore = 70;

            // The minimum size in percent (0 - 100) of the screen size to accept a detected document. It is sufficient that height or width match the score.
            // Default is 80.0. Warning: Lower values result in low resolution document images.
            scannerViewController.AcceptedSizeScore = 80;

            // Sensitivity factor for automatic capturing. Must be in the range [0.0...1.0]. Invalid values are threated as 1.0.
            // Defaults to 0.66 (1 sec).s A value of 1.0 triggers automatic capturing immediately, a value of 0.0 delays the automatic by 3 seconds.
            scannerViewController.AutoCaptureSensitivity = 0.7f;

            // The orientation captured images are locked onto. By default it is SBSDKOrientationLockNone.
            // Setting this property to any other value will suppress the document detection status ‘SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatusOK_BadAspectRatio’.
            // If the lock is enabled the detection status UI will be orientation-locked too.
            scannerViewController.ImageOrientationLock = SBSDKOrientationLock.Portrait;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public string ScannerControllerLocalizedTextForDetectionStatus(SBSDKScannerViewController controller, SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatus status)
     // Alternative method to "scannerController:viewForDetectionStatus:"
     // Here you can return just the localized text for the status label depending on the detection status.
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void ScannerControllerDidDetectPolygonWithStatus(SBSDKScannerViewController controller, SBSDKPolygon polygon, SBSDKDocumentDetectionStatus status)
     // Everytime the document detector finishes detection it calls this delegate method.
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public bool ScannerControllerShouldAnalyseVideoFrame(SBSDKScannerViewController controller)
     return(autoSnappingEnabled && viewAppeared && PresentedViewController == null);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public CGPoint GetCenterForShutterButton(SBSDKScannerViewController controller)
     return(new CGPoint(bottomButtonsContainer.Frame.Width / 2, bottomButtonsContainer.Frame.Height / 2));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public UIView GetSuperViewForShutterButton(SBSDKScannerViewController controller)
     // Optional delegate for returning a custom view on which to place the shutter button.
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public UIButton GetCustomShutterButton(SBSDKScannerViewController controller)
     // Optional delegate for returning a custom shutter button.
     //return customShutterButton;