Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override void HandleUpdate()
     foreach (SBBarStool barStool in barStools) {
         if (barStool.SittableComponent().currentDrinker != null && !barStool.SittableComponent().currentDrinker.HasDrink() && barStool.TimerComponent().timer > SBConfig.DRINK_WAIT_TIME) {
             SBDrink drink = new SBDrink("drink");
             if (barStool.tag == 1) {
                 drink.x = Futile.screen.width - SBConfig.BORDER_WIDTH;
                 drink.y = SBConfig.BORDER_WIDTH;
             else if (barStool.tag == 2) {
                 drink.x = SBConfig.BORDER_WIDTH;
                 drink.y = SBConfig.BORDER_WIDTH;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void TakeDrink(SBDrink drink)
        if (HasDrink()) {
            Debug.Log("already have drink, can't take another until you finish the first! what are you, a drunk?");

        isReceivingDrink = true;
        currentDrink = drink;
        Vector2 newPos = rotatingContainer.LocalToLocal(currentDrink.container, new Vector2(currentDrink.x, currentDrink.y));
        currentDrink.x = newPos.x;
        currentDrink.y = newPos.y;
        Go.to(currentDrink, 0.25f, new TweenConfig()
            .floatProp("x", 20f)
            .floatProp("y", -40f)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void HandleFinishedDrinkingDrink()

        Vector2 newPos = rotatingContainer.LocalToGlobal(new Vector2(currentDrink.x, currentDrink.y));
        currentDrink.x = newPos.x;
        currentDrink.y = newPos.y;
        (WTMain.currentScene as SBGameScene).AddFinishedDrink(currentDrink);
        Vector2 goalPos = SBConfig.EmptyGlassPosition(drinkCount_, tag);
        Go.to(currentDrink, 0.5f, new TweenConfig()
            .floatProp("x", goalPos.x)
            .floatProp("y", goalPos.y));

        ProgressBarComponent().progressBar.isVisible = false;
        currentDrink = null;
        isDrinking = false;
        drinkAmountInBodyButNotBladder += 1;
        if (SignalFinishedDrink != null) SignalFinishedDrink(this);
Ejemplo n.º 4
	public void AddFinishedDrink(SBDrink drink) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
	public void SetupPage(int pageNum) {
		//currentPageIsFullySetup = false;
		drinker1.scale = 1;
		drinker2.scale = 1;
		if (pageNum == 0) {
			drinker1.x = Futile.screen.width * 1f/3f;
			drinker1.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight + 50f;
			drinker2.x = Futile.screen.width * 2f/3f;
			drinker2.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight + 50f;
			FLabel label1 = new FLabel("Silkscreen", "This is\nPlayer 1");
			label1.x = drinker1.x;
			label1.y = drinker1.y - 100f;
			label1.color = drinker1.SpriteComponent(1).sprite.color;
			label1.scale = 0.5f;
			FLabel label2 = new FLabel("Silkscreen", "This is\nPlayer 2");
			label2.x = drinker2.x;
			label2.y = drinker2.y - 100f;
			label2.color = drinker2.SpriteComponent(1).sprite.color;
			label2.scale = 0.5f;
			ShowNodes(new FNode[] {drinker1, label1, drinker2, label2}, 0.6f, 0.3f);
		if (pageNum == 1) {
			drinker1.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight + 200f;
			drinker2.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight + 200f;
			SBArcadeButtons ab1 = new SBArcadeButtons(true);
			ab1.joystickIsRotating = true;
			ab1.x = drinker1.x - 75f;
			ab1.y = drinker1.y - 70f;
			ab1.scale = 0.3f;
			SBArcadeButtons ab2 = new SBArcadeButtons(true);
			ab2.joystickIsRotating = true;
			ab2.x = drinker2.x - 75f;
			ab2.y = drinker2.y - 70f;
			ab2.scale = 0.3f;
			SBKeyCodeLabel kcl1 = new SBKeyCodeLabel("WASD", Color.black, new Color(0.3f, 0, 0, 1.0f));
			kcl1.x = drinker1.x - 75f;
			kcl1.y = drinker1.y - 70f;
			kcl1.scale = 0.5f;
			SBKeyCodeLabel kcl2 = new SBKeyCodeLabel("ARROW KEYS", Color.black, new Color(0.3f, 0, 0, 1.0f));
			kcl2.x = drinker2.x - 125f;
			kcl2.y = drinker2.y - 70f;
			kcl2.scale = 0.5f;
			FLabel text = new FLabel("Silkscreen", "Use the joystick to walk.\nThe more you drink, the harder it is!");
			FLabel text = new FLabel("Silkscreen", "Player 1 movement: WASD\nPlayer 2 movement: ARROW KEYS\nThe more you drink, the harder it is!");
			text.scale = 0.8f;
			text.color = Color.black;
			text.anchorY = 1;
			text.x = Futile.screen.halfWidth;
			text.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight - 50f;			

			ShowNodes(new FNode[] {drinker1, ab1, drinker2, ab2, text}, 0.5f, 0.25f);
			ShowNodes(new FNode[] {drinker1, kcl1, drinker2, kcl2, text}, 0.5f, 0.25f);
		if (pageNum == 2) {
			SBBar bar = new SBBar();
			FLabel text = new FLabel("Silkscreen", "Get a drink at your bar,\nthen drink it at your barstool");
			text.scale = 0.8f;
			text.color = Color.black;
			text.anchorY = 1;
			text.x = Futile.screen.halfWidth;
			text.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight + 100f;		
			SBBarStool specialBarStool1 = new SBBarStool("special bar stool 1", new Color(0.3f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
			specialBarStool1.x = 100f;
			specialBarStool1.y = Futile.screen.height - SBConfig.TOP_UI_HEIGHT - 100f;
			specialBarStool1.ProgressBarComponent().progressBar.isVisible = false;
			SBBarStool specialBarStool2 = new SBBarStool("special bar stool 2", new Color(1.0f, 0.3f, 0.5f, 1.0f));
			specialBarStool2.x = Futile.screen.width - 100f;
			specialBarStool2.y = Futile.screen.height - SBConfig.TOP_UI_HEIGHT - 100f;
			specialBarStool2.ProgressBarComponent().progressBar.isVisible = false;
			float xAmt = 190f;
			float yAmt = 220f;
			FSprite drinkHere1 = new FSprite("drinkHere1.psd");
			drinkHere1.color = new Color(0.3f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
			drinkHere1.anchorX = 0;
			drinkHere1.x = xAmt;
			drinkHere1.y = Futile.screen.height - SBConfig.TOP_UI_HEIGHT - yAmt;
			FSprite arrow1 = new FSprite("arrow.psd");
			arrow1.alpha = drinkHere1.alpha;
			arrow1.color = drinkHere1.color;
			arrow1.anchorX = 1;
			arrow1.anchorY = 0;
			arrow1.x = drinkHere1.x - 10f;
			arrow1.y = drinkHere1.y - 5f;
			FSprite drinkHere2 = new FSprite("drinkHere2.psd");
			drinkHere2.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.3f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
			drinkHere2.anchorX = 1;
			drinkHere2.x = Futile.screen.width - xAmt;
			drinkHere2.y = Futile.screen.height - SBConfig.TOP_UI_HEIGHT - yAmt;
			FSprite arrow2 = new FSprite("arrow.psd");
			arrow2.scaleX = -1;
			arrow2.alpha = drinkHere2.alpha;
			arrow2.color = drinkHere2.color;
			arrow2.anchorX = 1;
			arrow2.anchorY = 0;
			arrow2.x = drinkHere2.x + 10f;
			arrow2.y = drinkHere2.y - 5f;
			xAmt = 223f;
			yAmt = 285f;
			FSprite getDrinkHere1 = new FSprite("getDrinkHere1.psd");
			getDrinkHere1.color = new Color(0.3f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
			getDrinkHere1.anchorX = 1;
			getDrinkHere1.x = Futile.screen.width - xAmt;
			getDrinkHere1.y = yAmt;
			FSprite getArrow1 = new FSprite("arrow.psd");
			getArrow1.scale = -1;
			getArrow1.alpha = getDrinkHere1.alpha;
			getArrow1.color = getDrinkHere1.color;
			getArrow1.anchorX = 1;
			getArrow1.anchorY = 0;
			getArrow1.x = getDrinkHere1.x + 10f;
			getArrow1.y = getDrinkHere1.y - 5f;
			FSprite getDrinkHere2 = new FSprite("getDrinkHere2.psd");
			getDrinkHere2.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.3f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
			getDrinkHere2.anchorX = 0;
			getDrinkHere2.x = xAmt;
			getDrinkHere2.y = yAmt;
			FSprite getArrow2 = new FSprite("arrow.psd");
			getArrow2.scaleY = -1;
			getArrow2.alpha = getDrinkHere2.alpha;
			getArrow2.color = getDrinkHere2.color;
			getArrow2.anchorX = 1;
			getArrow2.anchorY = 0;
			getArrow2.x = getDrinkHere2.x - 10f;
			getArrow2.y = getDrinkHere2.y - 5f;
			ShowNodes(new FNode[] {specialBarStool1, specialBarStool2, drinkHere1, drinkHere2, getDrinkHere1, getDrinkHere2, arrow1, arrow2, getArrow1, getArrow2, bar, text}, 0.25f, 0.125f);
		if (pageNum == 3) {
			SBDrink drink = new SBDrink("drink");
			drink.x = Futile.screen.halfWidth;
			drink.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight + 200f;
			drinker1.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight + 200f;
			drinker2.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight + 200f;
			SBArcadeButtons ab1 = new SBArcadeButtons(true);
			ab1.currentFlashingButton = 6;
			ab1.x = drinker1.x - 75f;
			ab1.y = drinker1.y - 70f;
			ab1.scale = 0.3f;
			SBArcadeButtons ab2 = new SBArcadeButtons(true);
			ab2.currentFlashingButton = 6;
			ab2.x = drinker2.x - 75f;
			ab2.y = drinker2.y - 70f;
			ab2.scale = 0.3f;
			SBKeyCodeLabel kcl1 = new SBKeyCodeLabel("LEFT\nSHIFT", Color.black, new Color(0.3f, 0, 0, 1.0f));
			kcl1.x = drinker1.x - 75f;
			kcl1.y = drinker1.y - 70f;
			kcl1.scale = 0.5f;
			SBKeyCodeLabel kcl2 = new SBKeyCodeLabel("M", Color.black, new Color(0.3f, 0, 0, 1.0f));
			kcl2.x = drinker2.x - 15f;
			kcl2.y = drinker2.y - 70f;
			kcl2.scale = 0.5f;
			FLabel punch = new FLabel("Silkscreen", "Punch each other\nto spill drinks!");
			punch.anchorY = 0;
			punch.color = Color.black;
			punch.scale = 0.8f;
			punch.x = Futile.screen.halfWidth;
			punch.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight - 150f;
			ShowNodes(new FNode[] {drinker1, ab1, drinker2, ab2, drink, punch}, 0.5f, 0.25f);
			ShowNodes(new FNode[] {drinker1, kcl1, drinker2, kcl2, drink, punch}, 0.5f, 0.25f);
		if (pageNum == 4) {
			dc1 = new SBDrinkCounter(7);
			dc1.x = Futile.screen.halfWidth - dc1.GetWidth() / 2f - 325f;
			dc1.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight + 320f;
			dc2 = new SBDrinkCounter(7);
			dc2.x = Futile.screen.halfWidth - dc2.GetWidth() / 2f + 325f;
			dc2.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight + 320f;
			drinker1.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight + 150f;
			drinker2.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight + 150f;
			FLabel text = new FLabel("Silkscreen", "First one to 7 drinks\npasses out and wins!");
			text.scale = 0.8f;
			text.color = Color.black;
			text.anchorY = 1;
			text.x = Futile.screen.halfWidth;
			text.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight - 50f;			
			ShowNodes(new FNode[] {drinker1, drinker2, dc1, dc2, text}, 0.5f, 0.25f);
		if (pageNum == 5) {			
			FSprite bathroom = new FSprite("bathroomTop.psd");
			bathroom.x = Futile.screen.halfWidth;
			bathroom.y = drinker1.y;
			drinker1.SpriteComponent(0).sprite.isVisible = true;
			drinker2.SpriteComponent(0).sprite.isVisible = true;
			FLabel pee = new FLabel("Silkscreen", "But make sure you\ngo to the bathroom before\nyou piss yourself!");
			pee.anchorY = 0;
			pee.color = Color.black;
			pee.scale = 0.8f;
			pee.x = Futile.screen.halfWidth;
			pee.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight - 175f;
			ShowNodes(new FNode[] {drinker1, drinker2, bathroom, pee}, 0.5f, 0.25f);
		if (pageNum == 6) {