private void drawPIDValues(PIDclamp controller, string inputName, SASList controllerID) { stockPIDDisplay[(int)controllerID] = GUILayout.Toggle(stockPIDDisplay[(int)controllerID], inputName, GeneralUI.UISkin.customStyles[(int)myStyles.btnToggle]); if (stockPIDDisplay[(int)controllerID]) { = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.KpLabel,, 45); = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.KiLabel,, 45); controller.kd = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.KdLabel, controller.kd.ToString(), 45); controller.clamp = Math.Max(GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.ScalarLabel, controller.clamp.ToString(), 45), 0.01); } }
private void drawPIDValues(PIDclamp controller, string inputName, SASList controllerID) { stockPIDDisplay[(int)controllerID] = GUILayout.Toggle(stockPIDDisplay[(int)controllerID], inputName, GeneralUI.toggleButton); if (stockPIDDisplay[(int)controllerID]) { = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox("Kp:","G3"), 45); = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox("Ki:","G3"), 45); controller.kd = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox("Kd:", controller.kd.ToString("G3"), 45); controller.clamp = Math.Max(GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox("Scalar:", controller.clamp.ToString("G3"), 45), 0.01); } }
public PIDErrorController(SASList ID, double[] gains) { ctrlID = ID; k_proportional = gains[0]; k_integral = gains[1]; k_derivative = gains[2]; outMin = gains[3]; outMax = gains[4]; integralClampLower = gains[5]; integralClampUpper = gains[6]; scale = gains[7]; easing = gains[8]; }
protected double target_setpoint = 0; // target setpoint #endregion Fields #region Constructors public PIDErrorController(SASList ID, double Kp, double Ki, double Kd, double OutputMin, double OutputMax, double intClampLower, double intClampUpper, double scalar = 1, double easing = 1) { ctrlID = ID; k_proportional = Kp; k_integral = Ki; k_derivative = Kd; outMin = OutputMin; outMax = OutputMax; integralClampLower = intClampLower; integralClampUpper = intClampUpper; scale = scalar; this.easing = easing; }
public PIDErrorController(SASList ID, double Kp, double Ki, double Kd, double OutputMin, double OutputMax, double intClampLower, double intClampUpper, double scalar = 1, double easing = 1) { ctrlID = ID; k_proportional = Kp; k_integral = Ki; k_derivative = Kd; outMin = OutputMin; outMax = OutputMax; integralClampLower = intClampLower; integralClampUpper = intClampUpper; scale = scalar; this.easing = easing; }
/// <summary> /// wait for rate of rotation to fall below 10 degres / s before locking in the target. Derivative only action until that time /// </summary> IEnumerator FadeInAxis(SASList axis) { updateSetpoint(axis, getCurrentVal(axis)); while (Math.Abs(getCurrentRate(axis, ves) * Mathf.Rad2Deg) > 10) { updateSetpoint(axis, getCurrentVal(axis)); yield return(null); } orbitalTarget = ves.transform.rotation; if (axis == SASList.Hdg) { currentTarget = getPlaneRotation(flightData.heading, ves); } }
private void drawPIDValues(SASList controllerID, string inputName) { PID.PID_Controller controller = Utils.GetSAS(controllerID); controller.bShow = GUILayout.Toggle(controller.bShow, inputName, GeneralUI.toggleButton); if (controller.bShow) { controller.PGain = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox("Kp:", controller.PGain.ToString("G3"), 45); controller.IGain = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox("Ki:", controller.IGain.ToString("G3"), 45); controller.DGain = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox("Kd:", controller.DGain.ToString("G3"), 45); controller.Scalar = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox("Scalar:", controller.Scalar.ToString("G3"), 45); fadeReset[(int)controllerID] = Math.Max((float)GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox("Slide:", fadeReset[(int)controllerID].ToString("G3"), 45), 1); } }
/// <summary> /// wait for rate of rotation to fall below 10 degres / s before locking in the target. Derivative only action until that time /// </summary> IEnumerator FadeInAxis(SASList axis) { updateSetpoint(axis, Utils.getCurrentVal(axis, vesModule.vesselData)); while (Math.Abs(Utils.getCurrentRate(axis, vesModule.vesselRef) * Mathf.Rad2Deg) > 10) { updateSetpoint(axis, Utils.getCurrentVal(axis, vesModule.vesselData)); yield return(null); } orbitalTarget = vesModule.vesselRef.transform.rotation; if (axis == SASList.Hdg) { currentTarget = Utils.getPlaneRotation(vesModule.vesselData.heading, vesModule); } }
private void drawPIDValues(SASList controllerID, string inputName) { SASController controller = controllerID.GetSAS(this); controller.bShow = GUILayout.Toggle(controller.bShow, inputName, GeneralUI.UISkin.customStyles[(int)myStyles.btnToggle]); if (controller.bShow) { controller.PGain = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.KpLabel, controller.PGain.ToString("N3"), 45); controller.IGain = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.KiLabel, controller.IGain.ToString("N3"), 45); controller.DGain = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.KdLabel, controller.DGain.ToString("N3"), 45); controller.Scalar = GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.ScalarLabel, controller.Scalar.ToString("N3"), 45); } }
private void drawPIDValues(SASList controllerID, string inputName) { PIDErrorController controller = GetSAS(controllerID); controller.bShow = GUILayout.Toggle(controller.bShow, inputName, UISkin.customStyles[(int)myStyles.btnToggle]); if (controller.bShow) { controller.PGain = labPlusNumBox(KpLabel, controller.PGain.ToString("N3"), 45); controller.IGain = labPlusNumBox(KiLabel, controller.IGain.ToString("N3"), 45); controller.DGain = labPlusNumBox(KdLabel, controller.DGain.ToString("N3"), 45); controller.Scalar = labPlusNumBox(ScalarLabel, controller.Scalar.ToString("N3"), 45); } }
//public static void saveDefaults() //{ // ConfigNode node = new ConfigNode(); // if (!ReferenceEquals(SSASPreset, null)) // node.AddNode(SSASPresetNode(cP.SSASPreset)); // node.Save(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath.Replace("\\", "/") + defaultsPath); //} //public static void updateDefaults() //{ // instance.craftPresetDict[craftDefaultName].AsstPreset.PIDGains = instance.activeAsstPreset.PIDGains; // instance.craftPresetDict[craftDefaultName].SSASPreset.PIDGains = instance.activeSSASPreset.PIDGains; // instance.craftPresetDict[craftDefaultName].SASPreset.PIDGains = instance.activeSASPreset.PIDGains; // instance.craftPresetDict[craftDefaultName].RSASPreset.PIDGains = instance.activeRSASPreset.PIDGains; // saveDefaults(); //} public static double[] controllerSASGains(ConfigNode node, SASList type) { double[] gains = new double[5]; if (ReferenceEquals(node, null)) return defaultControllerGains(type); double.TryParse(node.GetValue(pGain), out gains[0]); double.TryParse(node.GetValue(iGain), out gains[1]); double.TryParse(node.GetValue(dGain), out gains[2]); double.TryParse(node.GetValue(scalar), out gains[3]); double.TryParse(node.GetValue(delay), out gains[4]); return gains; }
public static double getCurrentVal(SASList ID) { switch (ID) { case SASList.Bank: return(; case SASList.Hdg: return(VesselData.Instance.heading); case SASList.Pitch: default: return(VesselData.Instance.pitch); } }
public static bool hasInput(SASList ID) { switch (ID) { case SASList.Bank: return(hasRollInput()); case SASList.Hdg: return(hasYawInput()); case SASList.Pitch: default: return(hasPitchInput()); } }
public static double getCurrentRate(SASList ID, Vessel v) { switch (ID) { case SASList.Bank: return(v.angularVelocity.y); case SASList.Hdg: return(v.angularVelocity.z); case SASList.Pitch: default: return(v.angularVelocity.x); } }
public static double[] defaultControllerGains(SASList type) { switch (type) { case SASList.Pitch: return(Instance.defaultPresetPitchGains); case SASList.Bank: return(Instance.defaultPresetRollGains); case SASList.Hdg: return(Instance.defaultPresetHdgGains); default: return(Instance.defaultPresetPitchGains); } }
public static double[] controllerSASGains(ConfigNode node, SASList type) { double[] gains = new double[5]; if (node == null) { return(defaultControllerGains(type)); } double.TryParse(node.GetValue(pGain), out gains[0]); double.TryParse(node.GetValue(iGain), out gains[1]); double.TryParse(node.GetValue(dGain), out gains[2]); double.TryParse(node.GetValue(scalar), out gains[3]); double.TryParse(node.GetValue(slide), out gains[4]); return(gains); }
public static double[] defaultControllerGains(SASList type) { switch (type) { case SASList.Pitch: return(SurfSAS.defaultPresetPitchGains); case SASList.Roll: return(SurfSAS.defaultPresetRollGains); case SASList.Yaw: return(SurfSAS.defaultPresetYawGains); default: return(SurfSAS.defaultPresetPitchGains); } }
private void drawPIDValues(PIDRclamp controller, string inputName, SASList controllerID) { stockPIDDisplay[(int)controllerID] = GUILayout.Toggle(stockPIDDisplay[(int)controllerID], inputName, GeneralUI.UISkin.customStyles[(int)myStyles.btnToggle]); if (stockPIDDisplay[(int)controllerID]) { float kp, ki, kd; kp = (float)GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.KpLabel, controller.KP.ToString(), 45); ki = (float)GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.KiLabel, controller.KI.ToString(), 45); kd = (float)GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.KdLabel, controller.KD.ToString(), 45); if (kp != controller.KP || ki != controller.KI || kd != controller.KD) { controller.ReinitializePIDsOnly(kp, ki, kd); } } }
void setCtrlState(SASList ID, double error, double rate, ref float axisCtrlState) { PIDmode mode = PIDmode.PID; if (!vesModule.vesselRef.checkLanded() && vesModule.vesselRef.IsControllable) { mode = PIDmode.PD; // no integral when it can't do anything useful } if (allowControl(ID)) { axisCtrlState = ID.GetSAS(this).ResponseF(error, rate, mode); } else if (!Utils.hasInput(ID)) { axisCtrlState = 0; // kill off stock SAS inputs } // nothing happens if player input is present }
/// <summary> /// Draws a toggle button and text box of specified widths with update button. /// </summary> /// <param name="toggleText"></param> /// <param name="boxVal"></param> /// <param name="toggleWidth"></param> /// <param name="boxWidth"></param> /// <returns></returns> public double TogPlusNumBox(string toggleText, SASList controllerID, double currentVal, float toggleWidth, float boxWidth) { double setPoint = controllerID.GetSAS(this).SetPoint; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); bool tempState = GUILayout.Toggle(bActive[(int)controllerID], toggleText, GeneralUI.UISkin.customStyles[(int)myStyles.btnToggle], GUILayout.Width(toggleWidth)); if (tempState != bActive[(int)controllerID]) { bActive[(int)controllerID] = tempState; if (bActive[(int)controllerID]) { setPoint = currentVal; targets[(int)controllerID] = currentVal.ToString("0.00"); } } string tempText = GUILayout.TextField(targets[(int)controllerID], GeneralUI.UISkin.customStyles[(int)myStyles.numBoxText], GUILayout.Width(boxWidth)); targets[(int)controllerID] = tempText; if (GUILayout.Button("u")) { double temp; if (double.TryParse(targets[(int)controllerID], out temp)) { setPoint = temp; } bActive[(int)controllerID] = true; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); return(setPoint); }
/// <summary> /// wait for rate of rotation to fall below 10 degres / s before locking in the target. Derivative only action until that time /// </summary> IEnumerator FadeInAxis(SASList axis) { updateSetpoint(axis, Utils.getCurrentVal(axis, vesModule.vesselData)); while (Math.Abs(Utils.getCurrentRate(axis, vesModule.vesselRef) * Mathf.Rad2Deg) > 10) { updateSetpoint(axis, Utils.getCurrentVal(axis, vesModule.vesselData)); yield return null; } orbitalTarget = vesModule.vesselRef.transform.rotation; if (axis == SASList.Hdg) currentTarget = Utils.getPlaneRotation(vesModule.vesselData.heading, vesModule); }
public PIDErrorController(SASList ID, double Kp, double Ki, double Kd, double OutputMin, double OutputMax, double intClampLower, double intClampUpper, double scalar = 1, double easing = 1) : base(ID, Kp, Ki, Kd, OutputMin, OutputMax, intClampLower, intClampUpper, scalar, easing) { }
public SASController(SASList ID, double Kp, double Ki, double Kd, double OutputMin, double OutputMax, double intClampLower, double intClampUpper, double scalar = 1, double easing = 1) : base(Kp, Ki, Kd, OutputMin, OutputMax, intClampLower, intClampUpper, scalar, easing) { ctrlID = ID; }
public PIDErrorController(SASList ID, double[] gains) : base(ID, gains) { }
void setCtrlState(SASList ID, double error, double rate, ref float axisCtrlState) { PIDmode mode = PIDmode.PID; if (!ves.checkLanded() && ves.IsControllable) mode = PIDmode.PD; // no integral when it can't do anything useful if (allowControl(ID)) axisCtrlState = GetSAS(ID).ResponseF(error, rate, mode); else if (!hasInput(ID)) axisCtrlState = 0; // kill off stock SAS inputs // nothing happens if player input is present }
/// <summary> /// wait for rate of rotation to fall below 10 degres / s before locking in the target. Derivative only action until that time /// </summary> IEnumerator FadeInAxis(SASList axis) { updateSetpoint(axis, getCurrentVal(axis)); while (Math.Abs(getCurrentRate(axis, ves) * Mathf.Rad2Deg) > 10) { updateSetpoint(axis, getCurrentVal(axis)); yield return null; } orbitalTarget = ves.transform.rotation; if (axis == SASList.Hdg) currentTarget = getPlaneRotation(flightData.heading, ves); }
bool allowControl(SASList ID) { return bActive[(int)ID] && !bPause[(int)ID]; }
/// <summary> /// Draws a toggle button and text box of specified widths with update button. /// </summary> /// <param name="toggleText"></param> /// <param name="boxVal"></param> /// <param name="toggleWidth"></param> /// <param name="boxWidth"></param> /// <returns></returns> public double TogPlusNumBox(string toggleText, SASList controllerID, double currentVal, float toggleWidth, float boxWidth) { double setPoint = GetSAS(controllerID).SetPoint; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); bool tempState = GUILayout.Toggle(bActive[(int)controllerID], toggleText, UISkin.customStyles[(int)myStyles.btnToggle], GUILayout.Width(toggleWidth)); if (tempState != bActive[(int)controllerID]) { bActive[(int)controllerID] = tempState; if (bActive[(int)controllerID]) { setPoint = currentVal; targets[(int)controllerID] = currentVal.ToString("0.00"); } } string tempText = GUILayout.TextField(targets[(int)controllerID], UISkin.customStyles[(int)myStyles.numBoxText], GUILayout.Width(boxWidth)); targets[(int)controllerID] = tempText; if (GUILayout.Button("u")) { double temp; if (double.TryParse(targets[(int)controllerID], out temp)) setPoint = temp; bActive[(int)controllerID] = true; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); return setPoint; }
public static double[] defaultControllerGains(SASList type) { switch (type) { case SASList.Pitch: return Instance.defaultPresetPitchGains; case SASList.Bank: return Instance.defaultPresetRollGains; case SASList.Hdg: return Instance.defaultPresetHdgGains; default: return Instance.defaultPresetPitchGains; } }
public static PID_Controller GetSAS(SASList id) { return(SurfSAS.SASControllers[(int)id]); }
void updateSetpoint(SASList ID, double setpoint) { GetSAS(ID).SetPoint = setpoint; targets[(int)ID] = setpoint.ToString("0.00"); }
public static double getCurrentRate(SASList ID, Vessel v) { switch (ID) { case SASList.Bank: return v.angularVelocity.y; case SASList.Hdg: return v.angularVelocity.z; case SASList.Pitch: default: return v.angularVelocity.x; } }
public SASController(SASList ID, double[] gains) : base(gains) { ctrlID = ID; }
public static PIDErrorController GetSAS(this SASList id, SurfSAS instance) { return(instance.SASControllers[(int)id]); }
bool allowControl(SASList ID) { return(bActive[(int)ID] && !bPause[(int)ID]); }
public PIDErrorController GetSAS(SASList id) { return(SASControllers[(int)id]); }
void updateSetpoint(SASList ID, double setpoint) { ID.GetSAS(this).SetPoint = setpoint; targets[(int)ID] = setpoint.ToString("0.00"); }
private void drawPIDValues(PIDRclamp controller, string inputName, SASList controllerID) { stockPIDDisplay[(int)controllerID] = GUILayout.Toggle(stockPIDDisplay[(int)controllerID], inputName, GeneralUI.UISkin.customStyles[(int)myStyles.btnToggle]); if (stockPIDDisplay[(int)controllerID]) { float kp, ki, kd; kp = (float)GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.KpLabel, controller.KP.ToString(), 45); ki = (float)GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.KiLabel, controller.KI.ToString(), 45); kd = (float)GeneralUI.labPlusNumBox(GeneralUI.KdLabel, controller.KD.ToString(), 45); if (kp != controller.KP || ki != controller.KI || kd != controller.KD) controller.ReinitializePIDsOnly(kp, ki, kd); } }
public static bool hasInput(SASList ID) { switch (ID) { case SASList.Bank: return hasRollInput(); case SASList.Hdg: return hasYawInput(); case SASList.Pitch: default: return hasPitchInput(); } }
public static double getCurrentVal(SASList ID) { switch (ID) { case SASList.Bank: return; case SASList.Hdg: return VesselData.Instance.heading; case SASList.Pitch: default: return VesselData.Instance.pitch; } }
public PIDErrorController GetSAS(SASList id) { return SASControllers[(int)id]; }