Ejemplo n.º 1
 public SQLResult Get(string category, string name, string profile = null, int timeOut = 0, bool columnInfo = false
                      , string p0 = null, string p1 = null, string p2 = null, string p3 = null, string p4 = null
                      , string p5 = null, string p6 = null, string p7 = null, string p8 = null, string p9 = null)
     try {
         if (!SAPB1.brokerConf.uq)
             throw new Exception("User Query module was disabled in web.config for SQL Broker");
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
             throw new Exception("No name was defined for User Query");
         SQLQuery q = new SQLQuery {
             userQuery = name, columnInfo = columnInfo, uqCategory = category
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(profile))
             q.connection = new ConnectionParams {
                 Profile = profile
         q.timeOut       = timeOut;
         q.parameters    = new string[10];
         q.parameters[0] = p0; q.parameters[1] = p1; q.parameters[2] = p2; q.parameters[3] = p3; q.parameters[4] = p4;
         q.parameters[5] = p5; q.parameters[6] = p6; q.parameters[7] = p7; q.parameters[8] = p8; q.parameters[9] = p9;
         return(SAPB1.SQLQuery(q, true, new SQLResult(Request)));
     } catch (Exception e) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public BOResult Post([FromBody] BORequest boReq, string name)
     try {
         return(SAPB1.BORequest(q: boReq, name: name, id: null, post: true, result: new BOResult(Request)));
     } catch (Exception e) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public BOResult Put([FromBody] BORequest boReq, string name, string id, string profile = null)
     try {
         applyProfileFromURI(boReq, profile);
         return(SAPB1.BORequest(q: boReq, name: name, id: id, put: true, result: new BOResult(Request)));
     } catch (Exception e) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public SQLResult Get([FromBody] SQLQuery value)
     try {
         if (!SAPB1.brokerConf.sql)
             throw new Exception("SQL module was disabled in web.config for SQL Broker");
         return(SAPB1.SQLQuery(value, true, new SQLResult(Request)));
     } catch (Exception e) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public BOResult Get(/*[FromBody]BORequest boReq,*/ string name, string id, string profile = null, bool rawXml = false, bool xmlSchema = false)
     try {
         BORequest boReq = new BORequest {
             connection = new ConnectionParams {
                 Profile = profile
         applyProfileFromURI(boReq, profile, rawXml, xmlSchema);
         return(SAPB1.BORequest(q: boReq, name: name, id: id, result: new BOResult(Request)));
     } catch (Exception e) {
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public BOResult Delete(/*BORequest boReq,*/ string name, string id, string profile = null)
     try {
         BORequest boReq = new BORequest {
             connection = new ConnectionParams {
                 Profile = profile
         applyProfileFromURI(boReq, profile);
         return(SAPB1.BORequest(q: boReq, name: name, id: id, delete: true, result: new BOResult(Request)));
     } catch (Exception e) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public MultiResult Post([FromBody] MultiRequest mr, string profile = null)
            MultiResult result = new MultiResult(Request);

            try {
                if (mr == null)
                    throw new Exception("The body is missing or not formatted correctly. Maybe just a comma is missing between two attributes.");
                //Apply profile from URI
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(profile))
                    if (mr.connection == null)
                        mr.connection = new ConnectionParams {
                            Profile = profile
                    else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mr.connection.Profile))
                        mr.connection.Profile = profile;
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                var cp = SAPB1.getEffectiveConnectionParams(mr?.connection, ref result.connection);
                //START Transaction with using and pass the same transaction object to each request processor
                using (var t = DIConnection.startTransaction(cp)) {                 //Must be used with using !!!
                    MReqResult reqResult = null;
                    try {
                        result.totalJobsRequested = mr.requests.Count;
                        for (int i = 0; i < mr.requests.Count; i++)
                            result.index = i;
                            MReqJob mrJob = mr.requests[i];
                            reqResult = new MReqResult();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mrJob.boName) || mrJob.boReq != null)
                                //result.reqJob = mrJob;
                                bool post   = false;
                                bool delete = false;
                                bool put    = false;
                                bool getReq = false;
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mrJob.reqType))
                                    throw new SQLBrokerError($"Multi-Request BO job {mrJob.boName} has no reqType property (GET, PUT, DELETE, POST)");
                                    switch (mrJob.reqType)
                                    case "GET": getReq = true; break;

                                    case "POST": post = true; break;

                                    case "PUT": put = true; break;

                                    case "DELETE": delete = true; break;

                                    default: {
                                        throw new SQLBrokerError($"Multi-Request BO job {mrJob.boName} reqType {mrJob.reqType} is invalid. Use GET, PUT, DELETE, POST");
                                if (mrJob.boReq == null)
                                    if (getReq || delete)
                                        mrJob.boReq = new BORequest {
                                            connection = new ConnectionParams {
                                                Profile = profile
                                        throw new SQLBrokerError($"Multi-Request BO job {mrJob.boName} no boReq object defined for PUT, POST");
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mrJob.boName))
                                    throw new SQLBrokerError("Multi-request BO job has no boName property");
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mrJob.boId))
                                    if (getReq || put || delete)
                                        throw new SQLBrokerError($"Multi-Request BO job {mrJob.boName} reqType {mrJob.reqType} requires non-empty boId property.");
                                    if (post)
                                        throw new SQLBrokerError($"Multi-Request BO job {mrJob.boName} reqType {mrJob.reqType} doesn't allow boId property. Delete boId from your request.");
                                reqResult.boResult            = new BOResult(Request);
                                reqResult.boResult.connection = new NoPwdConnectionParams(cp);
                                reqResult.boResult.jobNumber  = i;
                                SAPB1.BOJob(t, q: mrJob.boReq, name: mrJob.boName, id: mrJob.boId, post: post, delete: delete, put: put, result: reqResult.boResult);
                            if (mrJob.sqlReq != null)
                                throw new SQLBrokerError($"Multi-Request SQL is not supported currently. Stay tuned, however.");
                                //var sqlResult = SAPB1.SQLQuery(value, false, new SQLResult(Request));
                        result.execMillis = (int)sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
                    } catch (Exception) {
                        result.errorResult = reqResult;
                        //ROLLBACK Transaction, if not rolled back alreadt
                //COMMIT the transacyion if no errors occured
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (e is SQLBrokerError)
                    SQLBrokerError brokerError = e as SQLBrokerError;
                    if (result.errorResult == null)
                        result.errorResult = new MReqResult();
                    result.errorResult.boResult  = brokerError.boResult;
                    result.errorResult.sqlResult = brokerError.sqlResult;
                return(result.setResponseStatus(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, e));