Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected int _AddCart(string pno, int qty)
            int ret = 0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pno) && CurrentUser != null)
                Domain.Models.Product.PROD_MASTER prod = PROD_MASTERService.GetProduct(pno);
                if (prod != null)
                    if (CurrentUser.AccountInfo != null)
                        string unitPriceType = string.Empty;
                        double uPrice        = 0;
                        PROD_MASTERService.GetSellingPrice(prod.ProductNo, CurrentUser.AccountInfo.Account_no, out uPrice, out unitPriceType);
                        if (uPrice == 0)
                            uPrice = (double)prod.ListPrice;
                        var model = new SALES_EBASKETModel
                            ID          = Quick.Framework.Tool.CombHelper.NewComb().ToString(),
                            ContactID   = CurrentUser.Id,
                            CreateDate  = DateTime.Now,
                            Creator     = CurrentUser.AccountInfo.Account_no,
                            CustomerID  = CurrentUser.AccountInfo.Account_no,//request
                            ModiDate    = DateTime.Now,
                            Modifier    = CurrentUser.AccountInfo.Account_no,
                            ProductNo   = prod.ProductNo,
                            Quantity    = Convert.ToDouble(qty),
                            Unit        = prod.BaseUOFM,
                            UnitPrice   = uPrice,
                            UnitPType   = unitPriceType,
                            Status      = 0,
                            MakeOrderID = "",
                        if ((bool)CurrentUser.IsContractLimit && unitPriceType != "L") //only to purchase contract goods
                            if (unitPriceType == "S")                                  //Special Price
                                bool hasContractPrice = SALES_CONTRACTPRICEService.IsExist(CurrentUser.AccountInfo.Account_no, prod.ProductNo);
                                if (!hasContractPrice)
                                    //return Json(new { success = false, message = "You need to purchase contract goods." });
                        ret = SALES_EBASKETService.ModificationCart(model); //成功了
                        //ret = SALES_EBASKETService.ModificationByProce(model);//有问题不可以使用
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public int ModificationCart(SALES_EBASKETModel model)
            var entity = SALES_EBASKETList.ToList().Where(t =>
                                                          t.CustomerID == model.CustomerID &&
                                                          t.ContactID == model.ContactID &&
                                                          t.ProductNo == model.ProductNo && t.Status == 0).FirstOrDefault();

            if (entity == null)
                entity = new SALES_EBASKET
                    ID          = CombHelper.NewComb().ToString(),
                    CustomerID  = model.CustomerID,
                    ContactID   = model.ContactID,
                    ProductNo   = model.ProductNo,
                    Quantity    = model.Quantity,
                    UnitPrice   = model.UnitPrice,
                    Unit        = model.Unit,
                    Creator     = model.Creator,
                    Modifier    = model.Modifier,
                    CreateDate  = model.CreateDate,
                    ModiDate    = model.ModiDate,
                    MakeOrderID = model.MakeOrderID,
                    //RowID = model.RowID,
                    Status    = model.Status,
                    UnitPType = model.UnitPType,
                //entity.ID = model.ID;
                //entity.CustomerID = model.CustomerID;
                //entity.ContactID = model.ContactID;
                //entity.ProductNo = model.ProductNo;
                entity.Quantity += model.Quantity;
                //entity.UnitPrice = model.UnitPrice;
                //entity.Unit = model.Unit;
                //entity.Creator = model.Creator;
                entity.Modifier = model.Modifier;
                //entity.CreateDate = model.CreateDate;
                entity.ModiDate = model.ModiDate;
                //entity.MakeOrderID = model.MakeOrderID;
                //entity.RowID = model.RowID;
                //entity.Status = model.Status;
                //entity.UnitPType = model.UnitPType;

                return(SALES_EBASKETRepository.Update(entity));  //这个是可以成功; 注意entity是通过entities集成读取

                //return SALES_EBASKETRepository.Update(e => new { e.Quantity }, entity); //这个局部更新
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public OperationResult Insert(SALES_EBASKETModel model)
            var entity = new SALES_EBASKET
                ID          = model.ID,
                CustomerID  = model.CustomerID,
                ContactID   = model.ContactID,
                ProductNo   = model.ProductNo,
                Quantity    = model.Quantity,
                UnitPrice   = model.UnitPrice,
                Unit        = model.Unit,
                Creator     = model.Creator,
                Modifier    = model.Modifier,
                CreateDate  = model.CreateDate,
                ModiDate    = model.ModiDate,
                MakeOrderID = model.MakeOrderID,
                RowID       = model.RowID,
                Status      = model.Status,
                UnitPType   = model.UnitPType,

            return(new OperationResult(OperationResultType.Success, "Added successfully"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 使用存储过程更新, 但不知道怎样可以同步上下文;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int ModificationByProce(SALES_EBASKETModel model)
            var entity = SALES_EBASKETRepository.EntitiesToList.Where(t =>
                                                                      t.CustomerID == model.CustomerID &&
                                                                      t.ContactID == model.ContactID &&
                                                                      t.ProductNo == model.ProductNo && t.Status == 0).FirstOrDefault();

            if (entity == null)
                entity = new SALES_EBASKET
                    ID          = CombHelper.NewComb().ToString(),
                    CustomerID  = model.CustomerID,
                    ContactID   = model.ContactID,
                    ProductNo   = model.ProductNo,
                    Quantity    = model.Quantity,
                    UnitPrice   = model.UnitPrice,
                    Unit        = model.Unit,
                    Creator     = model.Creator,
                    Modifier    = model.Modifier,
                    CreateDate  = model.CreateDate,
                    ModiDate    = model.ModiDate,
                    MakeOrderID = model.MakeOrderID,
                    //RowID = model.RowID,
                    Status    = model.Status,
                    UnitPType = model.UnitPType,
                //entity.ID = model.ID;
                entity.CustomerID = model.CustomerID;
                entity.ContactID  = model.ContactID;
                entity.ProductNo  = model.ProductNo;
                entity.Quantity   = model.Quantity;
                entity.UnitPrice  = model.UnitPrice;
                entity.Unit       = model.Unit;
                //entity.Creator = model.Creator;
                entity.Modifier = model.Modifier;
                //entity.CreateDate = model.CreateDate;
                entity.ModiDate    = model.ModiDate;
                entity.MakeOrderID = model.MakeOrderID;
                //entity.RowID = model.RowID;
                //entity.Status = model.Status;
                entity.UnitPType = model.UnitPType;

            int ret = SALES_EBASKETRepository.ModificationByProce(entity);

            //var entity_new = SALES_EBASKETRepository.EntitiesToList.Where(t => t.ID == entity.ID);
            //if (entity_new.Count() > 0) { SALES_EBASKETRepository.ReLoad(entity_new.FirstOrDefault()); } else
            //    SALES_EBASKETRepository.Add(entity);