public async Task RunAsync(
            RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext context,
            CancellationToken token)
            ArgUtil.NotNull(context, nameof(context));
            string artifactName = context.GetInput(DownloadArtifactInputNames.ArtifactName, required: false); // Back compat since we rename input `artifact` to `name`

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(artifactName))
                artifactName = context.GetInput(DownloadArtifactInputNames.Name, required: true);

            string targetPath = context.GetInput(DownloadArtifactInputNames.Path, required: false);
            string defaultWorkingDirectory = context.GetGitHubContext("workspace");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath))
                targetPath = artifactName;

            targetPath = Path.IsPathFullyQualified(targetPath) ? targetPath : Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(defaultWorkingDirectory, targetPath));

            // Build ID
            string buildIdStr = context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault(SdkConstants.Variables.Build.BuildId)?.Value ?? string.Empty;

            if (!int.TryParse(buildIdStr, out int buildId))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Run Id is not an Int32: {buildIdStr}");

            context.Output($"Downloading artifact '{artifactName}' to: '{targetPath}'");

            // Definition ID is a dummy value only used by HTTP client routing purposes
            int definitionId = 1;

            var pipelinesHelper = new PipelinesServer(context.VssConnection);

            var actionsStorageArtifact = await pipelinesHelper.GetActionsStorageArtifact(definitionId, buildId, artifactName, token);

            if (actionsStorageArtifact == null)
                throw new Exception($"The actions storage artifact for '{artifactName}' could not be found, or is no longer available");

            string containerPath = actionsStorageArtifact.Name; // In actions storage artifacts, name equals the path
            long   containerId   = actionsStorageArtifact.ContainerId;

            FileContainerServer fileContainerServer = new FileContainerServer(context.VssConnection, projectId: new Guid(), containerId, containerPath);
            await fileContainerServer.DownloadFromContainerAsync(context, targetPath, token);

            context.Output("Artifact download finished.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task GetSourceAsync(
            RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext executionContext,
            string repositoryPath,
            string repoFullName,
            string sourceBranch,
            string sourceVersion,
            bool clean,
            string submoduleInput,
            int fetchDepth,
            bool gitLfsSupport,
            string accessToken,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Validate args.
            ArgUtil.NotNull(executionContext, nameof(executionContext));
            executionContext.Output($"Syncing repository: {repoFullName}");

            // Repository URL
            var githubUrl     = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("url");
            var githubUri     = new Uri(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(githubUrl) ? githubUrl : "");
            var portInfo      = githubUri.IsDefaultPort ? string.Empty : $":{githubUri.Port}";
            Uri repositoryUrl = new Uri($"{githubUri.Scheme}://{githubUri.Host}{portInfo}/{repoFullName}");

            if (!repositoryUrl.IsAbsoluteUri)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Repository url need to be an absolute uri.");

            string targetPath = repositoryPath;

            // input Submodules can be ['', true, false, recursive]
            // '' or false indicate don't checkout submodules
            // true indicate checkout top level submodules
            // recursive indicate checkout submodules recursively
            bool checkoutSubmodules       = false;
            bool checkoutNestedSubmodules = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(submoduleInput))
                if (string.Equals(submoduleInput, Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.SubmodulesOptions.Recursive, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    checkoutSubmodules       = true;
                    checkoutNestedSubmodules = true;
                    checkoutSubmodules = StringUtil.ConvertToBoolean(submoduleInput);

            executionContext.Debug($"repository url={repositoryUrl}");

            // Initialize git command manager with additional environment variables.
            Dictionary <string, string> gitEnv = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Disable prompting for git credential manager
            gitEnv["GCM_INTERACTIVE"] = "Never";

            // Git-lfs will try to pull down asset if any of the local/user/system setting exist.
            // If customer didn't enable `LFS` in their pipeline definition, we will use ENV to disable LFS fetch/checkout.
            if (!gitLfsSupport)
                gitEnv["GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE"] = "1";

            // Add the public variables.
            foreach (var variable in executionContext.Variables)
                // Add the variable using the formatted name.
                string formattedKey = (variable.Key ?? string.Empty).Replace('.', '_').Replace(' ', '_').ToUpperInvariant();
                gitEnv[formattedKey] = variable.Value?.Value ?? string.Empty;

            GitCliManager gitCommandManager = new GitCliManager(gitEnv);
            await gitCommandManager.LoadGitExecutionInfo(executionContext);

            // Make sure the build machine met all requirements for the git repository
            // For now, the requirement we have are:
            // 1. git version greater than 2.9 since we need to use auth header.
            // 2. git-lfs version greater than 2.1 since we need to use auth header.
            // 3. git version greater than 2.14.2 if use SChannel for SSL backend (Windows only)
            RequirementCheck(executionContext, gitCommandManager, gitLfsSupport);

            // prepare askpass for client cert private key, if the repository's endpoint url match the runner config url
            var systemConnection = executionContext.Endpoints.Single(x => string.Equals(x.Name, WellKnownServiceEndpointNames.SystemVssConnection, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            // Check the current contents of the root folder to see if there is already a repo
            // If there is a repo, see if it matches the one we are expecting to be there based on the remote fetch url
            // if the repo is not what we expect, remove the folder
            if (!await IsRepositoryOriginUrlMatch(executionContext, gitCommandManager, targetPath, repositoryUrl))
                // Delete source folder
                IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(targetPath, cancellationToken);
                // delete the index.lock file left by previous canceled build or any operation cause git.exe crash last time.
                string lockFile = Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git\\index.lock");
                if (File.Exists(lockFile))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        executionContext.Debug($"Unable to delete the index.lock file: {lockFile}");

                // delete the shallow.lock file left by previous canceled build or any operation cause git.exe crash last time.
                string shallowLockFile = Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git\\shallow.lock");
                if (File.Exists(shallowLockFile))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        executionContext.Debug($"Unable to delete the shallow.lock file: {shallowLockFile}");

                // When repo.clean is selected for a git repo, execute git clean -ffdx and git reset --hard HEAD on the current repo.
                // This will help us save the time to reclone the entire repo.
                // If any git commands exit with non-zero return code or any exception happened during git.exe invoke, fall back to delete the repo folder.
                if (clean)
                    Boolean softCleanSucceed = true;

                    // git clean -ffdx
                    int exitCode_clean = await gitCommandManager.GitClean(executionContext, targetPath);

                    if (exitCode_clean != 0)
                        executionContext.Debug($"'git clean -ffdx' failed with exit code {exitCode_clean}, this normally caused by:\n    1) Path too long\n    2) Permission issue\n    3) File in use\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git clean -ffdx' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                        softCleanSucceed = false;

                    // git reset --hard HEAD
                    if (softCleanSucceed)
                        int exitCode_reset = await gitCommandManager.GitReset(executionContext, targetPath);

                        if (exitCode_reset != 0)
                            executionContext.Debug($"'git reset --hard HEAD' failed with exit code {exitCode_reset}\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git reset --hard HEAD' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                            softCleanSucceed = false;

                    // git clean -ffdx and git reset --hard HEAD for each submodule
                    if (checkoutSubmodules)
                        if (softCleanSucceed)
                            int exitCode_submoduleclean = await gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleClean(executionContext, targetPath);

                            if (exitCode_submoduleclean != 0)
                                executionContext.Debug($"'git submodule foreach git clean -ffdx' failed with exit code {exitCode_submoduleclean}\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git submodule foreach git clean -ffdx' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                                softCleanSucceed = false;

                        if (softCleanSucceed)
                            int exitCode_submodulereset = await gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleReset(executionContext, targetPath);

                            if (exitCode_submodulereset != 0)
                                executionContext.Debug($"'git submodule foreach git reset --hard HEAD' failed with exit code {exitCode_submodulereset}\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git submodule foreach git reset --hard HEAD' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                                softCleanSucceed = false;

                    if (!softCleanSucceed)
                        //fall back
                        executionContext.Warning("Unable to run \"git clean -ffdx\" and \"git reset --hard HEAD\" successfully, delete source folder instead.");
                        IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(targetPath, cancellationToken);

            // if the folder is missing, create it
            if (!Directory.Exists(targetPath))

            // if the folder contains a .git folder, it means the folder contains a git repo that matches the remote url and in a clean state.
            // we will run git fetch to update the repo.
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git")))
                // init git repository
                int exitCode_init = await gitCommandManager.GitInit(executionContext, targetPath);

                if (exitCode_init != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe init repository under {targetPath}, 'git init' failed with exit code: {exitCode_init}");

                int exitCode_addremote = await gitCommandManager.GitRemoteAdd(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri);

                if (exitCode_addremote != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe add remote 'origin', 'git remote add' failed with exit code: {exitCode_addremote}");


            // disable git auto gc
            int exitCode_disableGC = await gitCommandManager.GitDisableAutoGC(executionContext, targetPath);

            if (exitCode_disableGC != 0)
                executionContext.Warning("Unable turn off git auto garbage collection, git fetch operation may trigger auto garbage collection which will affect the performance of fetching.");

            // always remove any possible left extraheader setting from git config.
            if (await gitCommandManager.GitConfigExist(executionContext, targetPath, $"http.{repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri}.extraheader"))
                executionContext.Debug("Remove any extraheader setting from git config.");
                await RemoveGitConfig(executionContext, gitCommandManager, targetPath, $"http.{repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri}.extraheader", string.Empty);

            List <string> additionalFetchArgs    = new List <string>();
            List <string> additionalLfsFetchArgs = new List <string>();

            // add accessToken as basic auth header to handle auth challenge.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                additionalFetchArgs.Add($"-c http.extraheader=\"AUTHORIZATION: {GenerateBasicAuthHeader(executionContext, accessToken)}\"");

            // Prepare gitlfs url for fetch and checkout
            if (gitLfsSupport)
                // Initialize git lfs by execute 'git lfs install'
                executionContext.Debug("Setup the local Git hooks for Git LFS.");
                int exitCode_lfsInstall = await gitCommandManager.GitLFSInstall(executionContext, targetPath);

                if (exitCode_lfsInstall != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git-lfs installation failed with exit code: {exitCode_lfsInstall}");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                    string authorityUrl = repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri.Replace(repositoryUrl.PathAndQuery, string.Empty);
                    additionalLfsFetchArgs.Add($"-c http.{authorityUrl}.extraheader=\"AUTHORIZATION: {GenerateBasicAuthHeader(executionContext, accessToken)}\"");

            List <string> additionalFetchSpecs = new List <string>();


            if (IsPullRequest(sourceBranch))

            int exitCode_fetch = await gitCommandManager.GitFetch(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", fetchDepth, additionalFetchSpecs, string.Join(" ", additionalFetchArgs), cancellationToken);

            if (exitCode_fetch != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git fetch failed with exit code: {exitCode_fetch}");

            // Checkout
            // sourceToBuild is used for checkout
            // if sourceBranch is a PR branch or sourceVersion is null, make sure branch name is a remote branch. we need checkout to detached head.
            // (change refs/heads to refs/remotes/origin, refs/pull to refs/remotes/pull, or leave it as it when the branch name doesn't contain refs/...)
            // if sourceVersion provide, just use that for checkout, since when you checkout a commit, it will end up in detached head.
            string sourcesToBuild;

            if (IsPullRequest(sourceBranch) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceVersion))
                sourcesToBuild = GetRemoteRefName(sourceBranch);
                sourcesToBuild = sourceVersion;

            // fetch lfs object upfront, this will avoid fetch lfs object during checkout which cause checkout taking forever
            // since checkout will fetch lfs object 1 at a time, while git lfs fetch will fetch lfs object in parallel.
            if (gitLfsSupport)
                int exitCode_lfsFetch = await gitCommandManager.GitLFSFetch(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", sourcesToBuild, string.Join(" ", additionalLfsFetchArgs), cancellationToken);

                if (exitCode_lfsFetch != 0)
                    // local repository is shallow repository, lfs fetch may fail due to lack of commits history.
                    // this will happen when the checkout commit is older than tip -> fetchDepth
                    if (fetchDepth > 0)
                        executionContext.Warning($"Git lfs fetch failed on shallow repository, this might because of git fetch with depth '{fetchDepth}' doesn't include the lfs fetch commit '{sourcesToBuild}'.");

                    // git lfs fetch failed, get lfs log, the log is critical for debug.
                    int exitCode_lfsLogs = await gitCommandManager.GitLFSLogs(executionContext, targetPath);

                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git lfs fetch failed with exit code: {exitCode_lfsFetch}. Git lfs logs returned with exit code: {exitCode_lfsLogs}.");

            // Finally, checkout the sourcesToBuild (if we didn't find a valid git object this will throw)
            int exitCode_checkout = await gitCommandManager.GitCheckout(executionContext, targetPath, sourcesToBuild, cancellationToken);

            if (exitCode_checkout != 0)
                // local repository is shallow repository, checkout may fail due to lack of commits history.
                // this will happen when the checkout commit is older than tip -> fetchDepth
                if (fetchDepth > 0)
                    executionContext.Warning($"Git checkout failed on shallow repository, this might because of git fetch with depth '{fetchDepth}' doesn't include the checkout commit '{sourcesToBuild}'.");

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git checkout failed with exit code: {exitCode_checkout}");

            // Submodule update
            if (checkoutSubmodules)

                int exitCode_submoduleSync = await gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleSync(executionContext, targetPath, checkoutNestedSubmodules, cancellationToken);

                if (exitCode_submoduleSync != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git submodule sync failed with exit code: {exitCode_submoduleSync}");

                List <string> additionalSubmoduleUpdateArgs = new List <string>();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                    string authorityUrl = repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri.Replace(repositoryUrl.PathAndQuery, string.Empty);
                    additionalSubmoduleUpdateArgs.Add($"-c http.{authorityUrl}.extraheader=\"AUTHORIZATION: {GenerateBasicAuthHeader(executionContext, accessToken)}\"");

                int exitCode_submoduleUpdate = await gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleUpdate(executionContext, targetPath, fetchDepth, string.Join(" ", additionalSubmoduleUpdateArgs), checkoutNestedSubmodules, cancellationToken);

                if (exitCode_submoduleUpdate != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git submodule update failed with exit code: {exitCode_submoduleUpdate}");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task RunAsync(
            RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext context,
            CancellationToken token)
            string artifactName = context.GetInput(PublishArtifactInputNames.ArtifactName, required: false);  // Back compat since we rename input `artifactName` to `name`

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(artifactName))
                artifactName = context.GetInput(PublishArtifactInputNames.Name, required: true);

            string targetPath = context.GetInput(PublishArtifactInputNames.Path, required: true);
            string defaultWorkingDirectory = context.GetGitHubContext("workspace");

            targetPath = Path.IsPathFullyQualified(targetPath) ? targetPath : Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(defaultWorkingDirectory, targetPath));

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(artifactName))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Artifact name can not be empty string");

            if (Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars().Any(x => artifactName.Contains(x)))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Artifact name is not valid: {artifactName}. It cannot contain '\\', '/', \"', ':', '<', '>', '|', '*', and '?'");

            // Build ID
            string buildIdStr = context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault(SdkConstants.Variables.Build.BuildId)?.Value ?? string.Empty;

            if (!int.TryParse(buildIdStr, out int buildId))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Run Id is not an Int32: {buildIdStr}");

            string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(targetPath);
            bool   isFile   = File.Exists(fullPath);
            bool   isDir    = Directory.Exists(fullPath);

            if (!isFile && !isDir)
                // if local path is neither file nor folder
                throw new FileNotFoundException($"Path does not exist {targetPath}");

            // Container ID
            string containerIdStr = context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault(SdkConstants.Variables.Build.ContainerId)?.Value ?? string.Empty;

            if (!long.TryParse(containerIdStr, out long containerId))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Container Id is not an Int64: {containerIdStr}");

            context.Output($"Uploading artifact '{artifactName}' from '{fullPath}' for run #{buildId}");

            FileContainerServer fileContainerHelper = new FileContainerServer(context.VssConnection, projectId: Guid.Empty, containerId, artifactName);
            var propertiesDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            long size = 0;

                size = await fileContainerHelper.CopyToContainerAsync(context, fullPath, token);

                propertiesDictionary.Add("artifactsize", size.ToString());

                context.Output($"Uploaded '{size}' bytes from '{fullPath}' to server");
            // if any of the results were successful, make sure to attach them to the build
                // Definition ID is a dummy value only used by HTTP client routing purposes
                int definitionId = 1;

                PipelinesServer pipelinesHelper = new PipelinesServer(context.VssConnection);

                var artifact = await pipelinesHelper.AssociateActionsStorageArtifactAsync(

                context.Output($"Associated artifact {artifactName} ({artifact.ContainerId}) with run #{buildId}");
        public async Task RunAsync(RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext executionContext, CancellationToken token)
            string runnerWorkspace = executionContext.GetRunnerContext("workspace");

            ArgUtil.Directory(runnerWorkspace, nameof(runnerWorkspace));
            string tempDirectory = executionContext.GetRunnerContext("temp");

            ArgUtil.Directory(tempDirectory, nameof(tempDirectory));

            var repoFullName = executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Repository);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(repoFullName))
                repoFullName = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("repository");

            var repoFullNameSplit = repoFullName.Split("/", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            if (repoFullNameSplit.Length != 2)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(repoFullName);

            string expectRepoPath;
            var    path = executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Path);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                expectRepoPath = IOUtil.ResolvePath(runnerWorkspace, path);
                if (!expectRepoPath.StartsWith(runnerWorkspace.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Input path '{path}' should resolve to a directory under '{runnerWorkspace}', current resolved path '{expectRepoPath}'.");
                // When repository doesn't has path set, default to sources directory 1/repoName
                expectRepoPath = Path.Combine(runnerWorkspace, repoFullNameSplit[1]);

            var workspaceRepo = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("repository");

            // for self repository, we need to let the worker knows where it is after checkout.
            if (string.Equals(workspaceRepo, repoFullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var workspaceRepoPath = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("workspace");

                executionContext.Debug($"Repository requires to be placed at '{expectRepoPath}', current location is '{workspaceRepoPath}'");
                if (!string.Equals(workspaceRepoPath.Trim(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar), expectRepoPath.Trim(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar), IOUtil.FilePathStringComparison))
                    executionContext.Output($"Repository is current at '{workspaceRepoPath}', move to '{expectRepoPath}'.");
                    var count   = 1;
                    var staging = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, $"_{count}");
                    while (Directory.Exists(staging))
                        staging = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, $"_{count}");

                        executionContext.Debug($"Move existing repository '{workspaceRepoPath}' to '{expectRepoPath}' via staging directory '{staging}'.");
                        IOUtil.MoveDirectory(workspaceRepoPath, expectRepoPath, staging, CancellationToken.None);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        executionContext.Debug("Catch exception during repository move.");
                        executionContext.Warning("Unable move and reuse existing repository to required location.");
                        IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(expectRepoPath, CancellationToken.None);

                    executionContext.Output($"Repository will locate at '{expectRepoPath}'.");

                executionContext.Debug($"Update workspace repository location.");
                executionContext.SetRepositoryPath(repoFullName, expectRepoPath, true);

            string sourceBranch;
            string sourceVersion;
            string refInput = executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Ref);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(refInput))
                sourceBranch  = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("ref");
                sourceVersion = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("sha");
                sourceBranch  = refInput;
                sourceVersion = executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Version);  // version get removed when checkout move to repo in the graph
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceVersion) && RegexUtility.IsMatch(sourceBranch, WellKnownRegularExpressions.SHA1))
                    sourceVersion = sourceBranch;

                    // If Ref is a SHA and the repo is self, we need to use github.ref as source branch since it might be refs/pull/*
                    if (string.Equals(workspaceRepo, repoFullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        sourceBranch = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("ref");
                        sourceBranch = "refs/heads/master";

            bool   clean          = StringUtil.ConvertToBoolean(executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Clean), true);
            string submoduleInput = executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Submodules);

            int fetchDepth = 0;

            if (!int.TryParse(executionContext.GetInput("fetch-depth"), out fetchDepth) || fetchDepth < 0)
                fetchDepth = 0;

            bool   gitLfsSupport = StringUtil.ConvertToBoolean(executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Lfs));
            string accessToken   = executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Token);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                accessToken = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("token");

            // register problem matcher
            string problemMatcher = @"    
    ""problemMatcher"": [
            ""owner"": ""checkout-git"",
            ""pattern"": [
                    ""regexp"": ""^fatal: (.*)$"",
                    ""message"": 1
            string matcherFile    = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, $"git_{Guid.NewGuid()}.json");

            File.WriteAllText(matcherFile, problemMatcher, new UTF8Encoding(false));
                await new GitHubSourceProvider().GetSourceAsync(executionContext,
                executionContext.Output("##[remove-matcher owner=checkout-git]");