Ejemplo n.º 1
 public bool IsSuppressed(EmotionType emotionType)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void Update()
        RunState     runState = runManager.runState;
        EmotionState e        = runState.emotions;
        // fill meters
        List <int> values = new List <int> {
            runState.energy, e.despair, e.anxiety, e.frustration
        int        emoCap = emotionMeterCap;
        List <int> caps   = new List <int> {
            gameManager.profile.energyCap, emoCap, emoCap, emoCap
        List <GameObject> meters = new List <GameObject> {
            energyMeter, despairMeter, anxietyMeter, frustrationMeter

        for (int i = 0; i < meters.Count; i++)
            // Find filler image (meters must have a child called "Filler")
            Image fillerImage = meters[i].transform.Find("Filler").GetComponent <Image>();
            fillerImage.type       = Image.Type.Filled;
            fillerImage.fillMethod = Image.FillMethod.Horizontal;
            float newFillAmount = Mathf.Min(1, (float)values[i] / (float)caps[i]);
            // activate change markers
            Transform increaseMarker = meters[i].transform.Find("IncreaseMarker");
            if (increaseMarker)
                if (newFillAmount > fillerImage.fillAmount)
                    increaseMarker.GetComponent <FadeImage>().Reset();
            // set filler image fill amount
            fillerImage.fillAmount = newFillAmount;

            // color gray and draw X if being suppressed
            EmotionType emotionType = EmotionType.None;
            if (meters[i] == anxietyMeter)
                emotionType = EmotionType.anxiety;
            if (meters[i] == frustrationMeter)
                emotionType = EmotionType.frustration;
            if (meters[i] == despairMeter)
                emotionType = EmotionType.despair;
            Activity activity = runState.CurrentActivity();
            if (activity && runState.IsSuppressed(emotionType))
                fillerImage.color = new Color(.4f, .4f, .4f);
                Image XMark = meters[i].transform.Find("XMark").GetComponent <Image>();
                if (gameManager.showSuppressionTutorial)
                // XMark.color = emotionFillColors[emotionType];
                XMark.enabled = true;
            else if (emotionType != EmotionType.None)
                fillerImage.color = emotionFillColors[emotionType];
                Image XMark = meters[i].transform.Find("XMark").GetComponent <Image>();
                XMark.enabled = false;
            // set text (meters must have a child called "Text")
            Transform textObject = meters[i].transform.Find("Text");
            if (textObject)
                textObject.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = values[i].ToString();
        // rotate timer wheel (must have a child called "Disc")
        Transform disc           = timerWheel.transform.Find("Disc");
        float     targetRotation = 345 - ((float)runState.timeSteps / 15f * 360f) % 360;

        if (System.Math.Abs(disc.localRotation.eulerAngles.z - targetRotation) > System.Math.Abs(timeRotationStep))
            disc.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, timeRotationStep));
        // update the score display
        Transform scoreText = scoreDisplay.transform.Find("Text");

        if (scoreText)
            scoreText.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = runState.score.ToString();
        Transform scoreMultiplierText = scoreDisplay.transform.Find("MultiplierText");

        if (scoreMultiplierText)
            string multiplierString = runState.scoreMultiplier.ToString() + "x";
            scoreMultiplierText.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text  = multiplierString;
            scoreMultiplierText.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().color = new Color(0, 0, 0);
            if (runState.scoreMultiplier < 1)
                scoreMultiplierText.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().color = new Color(255, 0, 0);
            if (runState.scoreMultiplier > 1)
                scoreMultiplierText.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().color = new Color(0, 255, 0);
        Transform comboText = comboCounter.transform.Find("Text");

        if (comboText)
            string comboString = "x" + runState.rhythmCombo.ToString();
            if (comboString != comboText.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text)
                comboText.GetComponent <FadeTMPro>().Reset();
            comboText.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = comboString;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        RunState     runState = runManager.runState;
        EmotionState e        = runState.emotions;
        // change the static background based on the time of day
        Sprite newStaticBG = morning;

        if (runState.timeSteps > 2)
            newStaticBG = midday;
        if (runState.timeSteps > 4)
            newStaticBG = sunset;
        if (runState.timeSteps > 6)
            newStaticBG = night;
        TransitionStaticBG(staticBase.GetComponent <Image>(), newStaticBG);

        // rain if sad
        if (e.despair >= 10 && !runState.IsSuppressed(EmotionType.despair))
            rainAudio.volume += Time.deltaTime / fadeOutDuration;
            rainAudio.volume  = Mathf.Min(rainAudio.volume, maxVolumeFactor * e.despair);
            rainAudio.volume -= Time.deltaTime / fadeOutDuration;
        Color transparent = new Color(1, 1, 1, (float)e.despair / 20f);

        tileRain.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = transparent;
        // lightning if anxious
        if (e.anxiety >= 10 && !runState.IsSuppressed(EmotionType.anxiety))
            FlashLightning(.5f, Mathf.Min(0, (20f - e.anxiety) / 5f));
            thunderAudio.volume += Time.deltaTime / fadeInDuration;
            thunderAudio.volume  = Mathf.Min(thunderAudio.volume, maxVolumeFactor * e.anxiety);
            thunderAudio.volume -= Time.deltaTime / fadeOutDuration;
        // fire if frustrated
        if (e.frustration >= 10 && !runState.IsSuppressed(EmotionType.frustration))
            int maxPlumes = e.frustration / 4;
            SpawnFire(runState.CurrentActivityPlatform(), maxPlumes);
            fireAudio.volume += Time.deltaTime / fadeInDuration;
            fireAudio.volume  = Mathf.Min(fireAudio.volume, maxVolumeFactor * e.frustration);
            fireAudio.volume -= Time.deltaTime / fadeOutDuration;
        // change fogginess based on total emotion level
        int s = e.GetSum();
        int i = fogLevels.Count - 1;

        while (i > 0 && s < fogLevels[i])
        if (!isFogFading)
            TransitionFog(tileBase.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(), fogSprites[i]);