Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void NewRucksack([FromBody] RucksackDataRequest value)
            if (value == null || !ModelState.IsValid)
                Debug.WriteLine("POST get bad value");

            using (ApplicationContext db = new ApplicationContext())
                Rucksack NewRucksack = new Rucksack {
                    Name = value.NameRucksack, Weight = value.WeightRucksack, Cost = 0, Status = false


                foreach (ThingDataRequest thing in value.Things)
                    Thing NewThing = new Thing {
                        Name = thing.Name, Weight = thing.Weight, Cost = thing.Cost, Put = false, Rucksack = NewRucksack
                    db.Things.AddRange(new List <Thing> {

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void HandlePrimaryAction()
            if ((IsLeftSidebarVisible || IsRightSidebarVisible) && HoveredButton.HasValue)
                if (IsLeftSidebarVisible && HoveredButton.Value == SidebarButton.DepositAll)
                    List <Object> ToDeposit = InventorySource.Where(x => x != null && x is Object Obj && Bag.IsValidBagObject(Obj)).Cast <Object>().ToList();
                    Bag.MoveToBag(ToDeposit, ToDeposit.Select(x => x.Stack).ToList(), out int TotalMovedQty, true, InventorySource);
                else if (IsLeftSidebarVisible && HoveredButton.Value == SidebarButton.WithdrawAll)
                    List <Object> ToWithdraw = Bag.Contents.Where(x => x != null).ToList();
                    Bag.MoveFromBag(ToWithdraw, ToWithdraw.Select(x => x.Stack).ToList(), out int TotalMovedQty, true, InventorySource, ActualInventoryCapacity);
                else if (IsLeftSidebarVisible && HoveredButton.Value == SidebarButton.Autoloot)
                    if (Bag is BoundedBag BB)
                        BB.Autofill = !BB.Autofill;
                    else if (Bag is Rucksack RS)
                else if (IsRightSidebarVisible && HoveredButton.Value == SidebarButton.HelpInfo)
                else if (IsRightSidebarVisible && HoveredButton.Value == SidebarButton.CustomizeIcon && Bag.CanCustomizeIcon())
                    ItemBag Copy;
                    if (Bag is BoundedBag BB)
                        if (BB is BundleBag)
                            Copy = new BundleBag(Bag.Size, false);
                            Copy = new BoundedBag(BB.TypeInfo, Bag.Size, false);
                    else if (Bag is Rucksack RS)
                        Copy = new Rucksack(Bag.Size, false);
                    else if (Bag is OmniBag OB)
                        Copy = new OmniBag(Bag.Size);
                        throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Unexpected Bag Type while creating CustomizeIconMenu: {0}", Bag.GetType().ToString()));

                    CustomizeIconMenu = new CustomizeIconMenu(this, this.Bag, Copy, 24);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 internal bool TryDecode(out ItemBag Decoded)
     //  Handle BundleBags
     if (this.TypeId == BundleBag.BundleBagTypeId)
         Decoded = new BundleBag(this);
     //  Handle Rucksacks
     else if (this.TypeId == Rucksack.RucksackTypeId)
         Decoded = new Rucksack(this);
     //  Handle OmniBags
     else if (this.TypeId == OmniBag.OmniBagTypeId)
         Decoded = new OmniBag(this);
     //  Handle all other types of Bags
     else if (ItemBagsMod.BagConfig.IndexedBagTypes.TryGetValue(this.TypeId, out BagType BagType))
         BagSizeConfig SizeConfig = BagType.SizeSettings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Size == this.Size);
         if (SizeConfig != null)
             Decoded = new BoundedBag(BagType, this);
             string Warning = string.Format("Warning - BagType with Id = {0} was found, but it does not contain any settings for Size={1}. Did you manually edit your {2} json file? The saved bag cannot be loaded without the corresponding settings for this size!",
                                            this.TypeId, this.Size.ToString(), ItemBagsMod.BagConfigDataKey);
             ItemBagsMod.ModInstance.Monitor.Log(Warning, LogLevel.Warn);
             Decoded = null;
         string Warning = string.Format("Warning - no BagType with Id = {0} was found. Did you manually edit your {1} json file or delete a .json file from 'Modded Bags' folder? The saved bag cannot be loaded without a corresponding type!",
                                        this.TypeId, ItemBagsMod.BagConfigDataKey);
         ItemBagsMod.ModInstance.Monitor.Log(Warning, LogLevel.Warn);
         Decoded = null;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public RucksackMenu(ItemBagMenu IBM, Rucksack Bag, int Columns, int SlotSize, bool ShowLockedSlots, int Padding)
            this.IBM               = IBM;
            this.Rucksack          = Bag;
            Bag.OnContentsChanged += Bag_ContentsChanged;
            this.Padding           = Padding;

            this.ColumnCount      = Math.Min(Rucksack.NumSlots, Columns);
            this.OriginalSlotSize = SlotSize;
            this.SlotSize         = SlotSize;
            this.ShowLockedSlots  = ShowLockedSlots;

            this.IsRightSidebarVisible = true;

            SetTopLeft(Point.Zero, false);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static void RegisterAddRucksackCommand()
            List <string> ValidSizes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ContainerSize)).Cast <ContainerSize>().Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList();

            //Possible TODO: Add translation support for this command
            string CommandName = Constants.TargetPlatform == GamePlatform.Android ? "addrucksack" : "player_addrucksack";
            string CommandHelp = string.Format("Adds an empty Rucksack of the desired size to your inventory.\n"
                                               + "Arguments: <BagSize>\n"
                                               + "Example: {0} Large\n\n"
                                               + "Valid values for <BagSize>: {1}\n\n",
                                               CommandName, string.Join(", ", ValidSizes));

            Helper.ConsoleCommands.Add(CommandName, CommandHelp, (string Name, string[] Args) =>
                if (Game1.player.isInventoryFull())
                    Monitor.Log("Unable to execute command: Inventory is full!", LogLevel.Alert);
                else if (Args.Length < 1)
                    Monitor.Log("Unable to execute command: Required arguments missing!", LogLevel.Alert);
                    string SizeName = Args[0];
                    if (!Enum.TryParse(SizeName, out ContainerSize Size) || !ValidSizes.Contains(SizeName))
                        Monitor.Log(string.Format("Unable to execute command: <BagSize> \"{0}\" is not valid. Expected valid values: {1}", SizeName, string.Join(", ", ValidSizes)), LogLevel.Alert);
                            Rucksack NewBag = new Rucksack(Size, true);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Monitor.Log(string.Format("ItemBags: Unhandled error while executing command: {0}", ex.Message), LogLevel.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static void MonsterDrop_Postfix(GameLocation __instance, Monster monster, int x, int y, Farmer who)
                MonsterLootSettings LootSettings = MonsterLootSettings;
                if (who.UniqueMultiplayerID == Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID && LootSettings.CanReceiveBagsAsDrops)
                    //  Roll chance at receiving an ItemBag
                    double Chance  = LootSettings.GetItemBagDropChance(__instance, monster, out double BaseChance, out double LocationMultiplier, out double ExpMultiplier, out double HPMultiplier);
                    bool   Success = Randomizer.NextDouble() <= Chance;
                    string LogMessage;
                    if (Success)
                        if (MonsterLootSettings.LogDropChancesToConsole)
                            LogMessage = string.Format("Succeeded drop chance: Location = {0}, monster.ExperienceGained = {1}, monster.MaxHealth = {2}\n"
                                                       + "BaseChance = {3} ({4}%), LocationMultiplier = {5} (+{6}%), ExpMultiplier = {7}, HPMultiplier = {8} (+{9}%), TotalChance = {10} ({11}%)",
                                                       __instance.Name, monster.ExperienceGained, monster.MaxHealth,
                                                       BaseChance, (BaseChance * 100.0).ToString("0.##"), LocationMultiplier, ((LocationMultiplier - 1.0) * 100.0).ToString("0.##"),
                                                       ExpMultiplier.ToString("#.####"), HPMultiplier, ((HPMultiplier - 1.0) * 100.0).ToString("0.##"), Chance, (Chance * 100.0).ToString("0.###"));
                            Monitor.Log(LogMessage, LogLevel.Info);

                        int SpawnDirection = Randomizer.Next(4);

                        List <ItemBag> OwnedBags = ItemBag.GetAllBags(true);

                        //  Compute the odds of receiving each type of bag
                        bool CanReceiveRucksack    = LootSettings.RucksackDropSettings.SizeWeights.Any(size => size.Value > 0);
                        int  RucksackWeight        = CanReceiveRucksack ? LootSettings.RucksackDropSettings.TypeWeight : 0;
                        bool CanReceiveOmniBag     = LootSettings.OmniBagDropSettings.SizeWeights.Any(size => size.Value > 0);
                        int  OmniBagWeight         = CanReceiveOmniBag ? LootSettings.OmniBagDropSettings.TypeWeight : 0;
                        bool CanReceiveBundleBag   = LootSettings.BundleBagDropSettings.SizeWeights.Any(size => BundleBag.ValidSizes.Contains(size.Key) && size.Value > 0 && !IsSizeObsolete(OwnedBags, BundleBag.BundleBagTypeId, size.Key));
                        int  BundleBagWeight       = CanReceiveBundleBag ? LootSettings.BundleBagDropSettings.TypeWeight : 0;
                        bool CanReceiveStandardBag = LootSettings.StandardBagDropSettings.SizeWeights.Any(size => size.Value > 0);
                        int  StandardBagWeight     = CanReceiveStandardBag ? LootSettings.StandardBagDropSettings.TypeWeight : 0;

                        int TotalTypeWeight = RucksackWeight + OmniBagWeight + BundleBagWeight + StandardBagWeight;
                        if (TotalTypeWeight > 0)
                            ItemBag ChosenBag;

                            //  Pick the type of bag to spawn (Rucksack, OmniBag, BundleBag or a standard BoundedBag)
                            int ChosenTypeWeight = Randomizer.Next(0, TotalTypeWeight);
                            if (ChosenTypeWeight < RucksackWeight)
                                ContainerSize CurrentSize = GetWeightedRandomSize(LootSettings.RucksackDropSettings.SizeWeights);

                                //  Try to force a non-obsolete bag to spawn
                                if (RollDice(LootSettings.ForceNewBagTypeChance))
                                    List <ContainerSize> ValidSizes = LootSettings.RucksackDropSettings.SizeWeights.Where(size => size.Value > 0).Select(size => size.Key).ToList();
                                    ContainerSize        MaxSize    = ValidSizes.DefaultIfEmpty(ContainerSize.Small).Max();

                                    while (CurrentSize < MaxSize && IsSizeObsolete(OwnedBags, Rucksack.RucksackTypeId, CurrentSize))
                                        CurrentSize = ValidSizes.Where(size => size > CurrentSize).OrderBy(size => size).First();

                                //  Spawn a Rucksack
                                ChosenBag = new Rucksack(CurrentSize, false);
                            else if (ChosenTypeWeight < RucksackWeight + OmniBagWeight)
                                ContainerSize CurrentSize = GetWeightedRandomSize(LootSettings.OmniBagDropSettings.SizeWeights);

                                //  Try to force a non-obsolete bag to spawn
                                if (RollDice(LootSettings.ForceNewBagTypeChance))
                                    List <ContainerSize> ValidSizes = LootSettings.OmniBagDropSettings.SizeWeights.Where(size => size.Value > 0).Select(size => size.Key).ToList();
                                    ContainerSize        MaxSize    = ValidSizes.DefaultIfEmpty(ContainerSize.Small).Max();

                                    while (CurrentSize < MaxSize && IsSizeObsolete(OwnedBags, OmniBag.OmniBagTypeId, CurrentSize))
                                        CurrentSize = ValidSizes.Where(size => size > CurrentSize).OrderBy(size => size).First();

                                //  Spawn an OmniBag
                                ChosenBag = new OmniBag(CurrentSize);
                            else if (ChosenTypeWeight < RucksackWeight + OmniBagWeight + BundleBagWeight)
                                //  Spawn a BundleBag
                                ContainerSize Size = GetWeightedRandomSize(LootSettings.BundleBagDropSettings.SizeWeights.Where(size => BundleBag.ValidSizes.Contains(size.Key) && !IsSizeObsolete(OwnedBags, BundleBag.BundleBagTypeId, size.Key)));
                                ChosenBag = new BundleBag(Size, true);
                                ContainerSize CurrentSize = GetWeightedRandomSize(LootSettings.StandardBagDropSettings.SizeWeights);

                                //  Get all standard BagTypes that are available in the chosen size
                                List <BagType> StandardTypes = ItemBagsMod.BagConfig.BagTypes.Where(type => type.SizeSettings.Any(sizeCfg => sizeCfg.Size == CurrentSize)).ToList();

                                //  Try to force a non-obsolete bag to spawn
                                if (RollDice(LootSettings.ForceNewBagTypeChance))
                                    StandardTypes.RemoveAll(type => IsSizeObsolete(OwnedBags, type.Id, CurrentSize));

                                    //  If all bag types were obsolete, then keep incrementing the size until we find a non-obsolete bag to spawn
                                    if (!StandardTypes.Any())
                                        List <ContainerSize> ValidSizes = LootSettings.StandardBagDropSettings.SizeWeights.Where(size => size.Value > 0).Select(size => size.Key).ToList();
                                        ContainerSize        MaxSize    = ValidSizes.DefaultIfEmpty(ContainerSize.Small).Max();

                                        while (CurrentSize < MaxSize && !StandardTypes.Any())
                                            CurrentSize   = ValidSizes.Where(size => size > CurrentSize).OrderBy(size => size).First();
                                            StandardTypes = ItemBagsMod.BagConfig.BagTypes.Where(type => type.SizeSettings.Any(sizeCfg => sizeCfg.Size == CurrentSize) && !IsSizeObsolete(OwnedBags, type.Id, CurrentSize)).ToList();

                                if (StandardTypes.Any())
                                    //  Spawn a standard BoundedBag
                                    int ChosenTypeIndex = Randomizer.Next(StandardTypes.Count);
                                    ChosenBag = new BoundedBag(StandardTypes[ChosenTypeIndex], CurrentSize, false);
                                    ChosenBag = null;

                            if (ChosenBag != null)
                                Game1.createItemDebris(ChosenBag, Game1.player.getStandingPosition(), SpawnDirection, null, -1);
                    else if (MonsterLootSettings.LogDropChancesToConsole)
                        LogMessage = string.Format("Failed drop chance: Location = {0}, monster.ExperienceGained = {1}, monster.MaxHealth = {2}\n"
                                                   + "BaseChance = {3} ({4}%), LocationMultiplier = {5} (+{6}%), ExpMultiplier = {7}, HPMultiplier = {8} (+{9}%), TotalChance = {10} ({11}%)",
                                                   __instance.Name, monster.ExperienceGained, monster.MaxHealth,
                                                   BaseChance, (BaseChance * 100.0).ToString("0.##"), LocationMultiplier, ((LocationMultiplier - 1.0) * 100.0).ToString("0.##"),
                                                   ExpMultiplier.ToString("#.####"), HPMultiplier, ((HPMultiplier - 1.0) * 100.0).ToString("0.##"), Chance, (Chance * 100.0).ToString("0.###"));
                        Monitor.Log(LogMessage, LogLevel.Info);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Monitor.Log(string.Format("Unhandled Error in {0}:\n{1}", nameof(MonsterDrop_Postfix), ex), LogLevel.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void Display_MenuChanged(object sender, MenuChangedEventArgs e)
            //  Refresh completed Bundles in the community center
            if (e.OldMenu != null && e.OldMenu is JunimoNoteMenu)
                CommunityCenterBundles.Instance = new CommunityCenterBundles();

            if (e.NewMenu is ShopMenu SM)
                //  Determine if the shop menu belongs to one of our managed shops
                bool    IsModifiableShop = false;
                BagShop BagShop          = BagShop.Pierre;
                if (SM.portraitPerson?.Name != null)
                    //TODO test if the Stardew Valley Expanded shops like Isaac/Sophia/Alesia have non-null values for ShopMenu.portraitPerson.Name
                    if (Enum.TryParse(SM.portraitPerson.Name, out BagShop))
                        IsModifiableShop = true;
                else if (SM.storeContext != null)
                    if (SM.storeContext.Equals("Forest", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        if (SM.onPurchase?.GetMethodInfo().Name == "onTravelingMerchantShopPurchase") // nameof(Utility.onTravelingMerchantShopPurchase)
                            BagShop = BagShop.TravellingCart;
                            BagShop = BagShop.HatMouse;
                        IsModifiableShop = true;
                    else if (SM.storeContext.Equals("Town", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && SM.potraitPersonDialogue != null && SM.potraitPersonDialogue.Contains("Khadija"))
                        BagShop          = BagShop.Khadija;
                        IsModifiableShop = true;

                //  Add Bag items to the shop's stock
                if (IsModifiableShop)
                    Dictionary <ISalable, int[]> Stock = SM.itemPriceAndStock;

                    bool ShouldModifyStock = true;
                    if (BagShop == BagShop.Clint)
                        //  Assume user is viewing Clint tool upgrades if the stock doesn't contain Coal
                        if (!Stock.Any(x => x.Key is Object Obj && Obj.Name.Equals("Coal", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                            ShouldModifyStock = false;

                    if (ShouldModifyStock)
                        bool HasChangedStock = false;

                        List <ItemBag> OwnedBags = UserConfig.HideObsoleteBagsFromShops ? ItemBag.GetAllBags(true) : new List <ItemBag>();

                        //  Add Bounded Bags to stock
                        foreach (BagType Type in BagConfig.BagTypes)
                            foreach (BagSizeConfig SizeCfg in Type.SizeSettings)
                                bool IsSoldByShop = UserConfig.IsSizeVisibleInShops(SizeCfg.Size) && SizeCfg.Sellers.Contains(BagShop);
                                //IsSoldByShop = true;
                                if (IsSoldByShop)
                                    bool IsObsolete = false;
                                    if (UserConfig.HideObsoleteBagsFromShops)
                                        IsObsolete = OwnedBags.Any(x => x is BoundedBag BB && BB.TypeInfo == Type && (int)BB.Size > (int)SizeCfg.Size);

                                    if (!IsObsolete)
                                        BoundedBag SellableInstance = new BoundedBag(Type, SizeCfg.Size, false);
                                        int        Price            = SellableInstance.GetPurchasePrice();
                                        //Price = 1 + (int)SizeCfg.Size;
                                        Stock.Add(SellableInstance, new int[] { Price, ShopMenu.infiniteStock });
                                        HasChangedStock = true;

                        //  Add Bundle Bags to stock
                        foreach (BundleBagSizeConfig SizeCfg in UserConfig.BundleBagSettings)
                            ContainerSize Size = SizeCfg.Size;
                            if (BundleBag.ValidSizes.Contains(Size) && SizeCfg.Sellers.Contains(BagShop) && UserConfig.IsSizeVisibleInShops(Size))
                                bool IsObsolete = false;
                                if (UserConfig.HideObsoleteBagsFromShops)
                                    IsObsolete = OwnedBags.Any(x => x is BundleBag BB && (int)BB.Size > (int)Size);

                                if (!IsObsolete)
                                    BundleBag BundleBag = new BundleBag(Size, true);
                                    int       Price     = BundleBag.GetPurchasePrice();
                                    Stock.Add(BundleBag, new int[] { Price, ShopMenu.infiniteStock });
                                    HasChangedStock = true;

                        //  Add Rucksacks to stock
                        foreach (RucksackSizeConfig SizeCfg in UserConfig.RucksackSettings)
                            ContainerSize Size = SizeCfg.Size;
                            if (SizeCfg.Sellers.Contains(BagShop) && UserConfig.IsSizeVisibleInShops(Size))
                                bool IsObsolete = false;
                                if (UserConfig.HideObsoleteBagsFromShops)
                                    IsObsolete = OwnedBags.Any(x => x is Rucksack RS && (int)RS.Size > (int)Size);

                                if (!IsObsolete)
                                    Rucksack Rucksack = new Rucksack(Size, false, AutofillPriority.Low);
                                    int      Price    = Rucksack.GetPurchasePrice();
                                    Stock.Add(Rucksack, new int[] { Price, ShopMenu.infiniteStock });
                                    HasChangedStock = true;

                        //  Add Omni Bags to stock
                        foreach (OmniBagSizeConfig SizeCfg in UserConfig.OmniBagSettings)
                            ContainerSize Size = SizeCfg.Size;
                            if (SizeCfg.Sellers.Contains(BagShop) && UserConfig.IsSizeVisibleInShops(Size))
                                bool IsObsolete = false;
                                if (UserConfig.HideObsoleteBagsFromShops)
                                    IsObsolete = OwnedBags.Any(x => x is OmniBag OB && (int)OB.Size > (int)Size);

                                if (!IsObsolete)
                                    OmniBag OmniBag = new OmniBag(Size);
                                    int     Price   = OmniBag.GetPurchasePrice();
                                    Stock.Add(OmniBag, new int[] { Price, ShopMenu.infiniteStock });
                                    HasChangedStock = true;

                        if (HasChangedStock)