Ejemplo n.º 1
        public string RenderSummaryInternal(SummaryDocument summary)
            // for how-to see lib\dotnetrtfwriter\demo\program.cs & \demo_psa_summary_rtf\program.cs

            // Create document by specifying paper size and orientation, and default language.
            RtfDocument doc = new RtfDocument(PaperSize.A4, PaperOrientation.Portrait, Lcid.TraditionalChinese);
            // Create fonts and colors for later use
            FontDescriptor courier = doc.CreateFont("Courier New");

            // Don't instantiate RtfTable, RtfParagraph, and RtfImage objects by using
            // ``new'' keyword. Instead, use add* method in objects derived from
            // RtfBlockList class. (See Demos.)
            RtfParagraph svmrParagraph, hrvParagraph, finalParagraph;
            // Don't instantiate RtfCharFormat by using ``new'' keyword, either.
            // An addCharFormat method are provided by RtfParagraph objects.
            RtfCharFormat fmt;

            AddDefParagraph(doc, courier, courier).SetText(strings.SummaryText_P0_Format_Name + summary.Employee.ToString());
            AddDefParagraph(doc, courier, courier).SetText(strings.SummaryText_P1_Format_Date + summary.CompletionTime.ToString(strings.SummaryText_DateFormat));
            AddDefParagraph(doc, courier, courier).SetText(strings.SummaryText_P2_Format_Workstation + summary.HostName);
            AddDefParagraph(doc, courier, courier).SetText(strings.SummaryText_Separator);

            var hrvHeader  = strings.SummaryText_P3_Format_HRV + $"{summary.HrvConclusion.TestId,8}" + Formatter.DefaultSpacing;
            var hrvStatus  = summary.HrvConclusion.Text;
            var svmrHeader = strings.SummaryText_P4_Format_SVMR + $"{summary.SvmrConclusion.TestId,8}" + Formatter.DefaultSpacing;
            var svmrStatus = summary.SvmrConclusion.Text;

            AddDefParagraph(doc, courier, courier, out hrvParagraph).SetText(hrvHeader + hrvStatus);
            AddDefParagraph(doc, courier, courier, out svmrParagraph).SetText(svmrHeader + svmrStatus);

            AddDefParagraph(doc, courier, courier).SetText(" ");
            AddDefParagraph(doc, courier, courier, out finalParagraph).SetText(summary.FinalConclusion.Text);

            _log.Debug("HRV paragraph:  " + hrvParagraph.Text);
            _log.Debug("SVMR paragraph: " + svmrParagraph.Text);
            _log.Debug($"hrv_header.Length =  {hrvHeader.Length,4} ; hrv_status.Length =  {hrvStatus.Length,4}");
            _log.Debug($"svmr_header.Length = {svmrHeader.Length,4} ; svmr_status.Length = {svmrStatus.Length,4}");

            // format HRV conclusion
            fmt = hrvParagraph.AddCharFormat(hrvHeader.Length, hrvHeader.Length + hrvStatus.Length - 1);
            var hrvStatusColor = PsaStatusColorProvider.StatusColor(summary.HrvConclusion.Status);

            fmt.FgColor = doc.CreateColor(hrvStatusColor);
            //      fmt.FontStyle.addStyle(FontStyleFlag.Bold);

            // format SVMR conclusion
            fmt = svmrParagraph.AddCharFormat(svmrHeader.Length, svmrHeader.Length + svmrStatus.Length - 1);
            var svmrStatusColor = PsaStatusColorProvider.StatusColor(summary.SvmrConclusion.Status);

            fmt.FgColor = doc.CreateColor(svmrStatusColor);
            //      fmt.FontStyle.addStyle(FontStyleFlag.Bold);

            // format final conclusion
            fmt = finalParagraph.AddCharFormat(0, summary.FinalConclusion.Text.Length - 1);
            var finalStatusColor = PsaStatusColorProvider.StatusColor(summary.FinalConclusion.Status);

            fmt.FgColor = doc.CreateColor(finalStatusColor);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create document by specifying paper size and orientation,
            // and default language.
            var doc = new RtfDocument(PaperSize.A4, PaperOrientation.Landscape, Lcid.English);

            // Create fonts and colors for later use
            var times            = doc.CreateFont("Times New Roman");
            var courier          = doc.CreateFont("Courier New");
            var red              = doc.CreateColor(new RtfColor("ff0000"));
            var blue             = doc.CreateColor(new RtfColor(0, 0, 255));
            var white            = doc.CreateColor(new RtfColor(255, 255, 255));
            var colorTableHeader = doc.CreateColor(new RtfColor("76923C"));
            var colorTableRow    = doc.CreateColor(new RtfColor("D6E3BC"));
            var colorTableRowAlt = doc.CreateColor(new RtfColor("FFFFFF"));

            // Don't instantiate RtfTable, RtfParagraph, and RtfImage objects by using
            // ``new'' keyword. Instead, use add* method in objects derived from
            // RtfBlockList class. (See Demos.)
            RtfTable     table;
            RtfParagraph par;
            RtfImage     img;
            // Don't instantiate RtfCharFormat by using ``new'' keyword, either.
            // An addCharFormat method are provided by RtfParagraph objects.
            RtfCharFormat fmt;

            // ==========================================================================
            // Demo 1: Font Setting
            // ==========================================================================
            // If you want to use Latin characters only, it is as simple as assigning
            // ``Font'' property of RtfCharFormat objects. If you want to render Far East
            // characters with some font, and Latin characters with another, you may
            // assign the Far East font to ``Font'' property and the Latin font to
            // ``AnsiFont'' property.
            par           = doc.AddParagraph();
            par.Alignment = Align.Left;
            par.DefaultCharFormat.Font     = times;
            par.DefaultCharFormat.AnsiFont = courier;

            // ==========================================================================
            // Demo 2: Character Formatting
            // ==========================================================================
            par = doc.AddParagraph();
            par.DefaultCharFormat.Font = times;
            par.SetText("Demo2: Character Formatting");
            // Besides setting default character formats of a paragraph, you can specify
            // a range of characters to which formatting is applied. For convenience,
            // let's call it range formatting. The following section sets formatting
            // for the 4th, 5th, ..., 8th characters in the paragraph. (Note: the first
            // character has an index of 0)
            fmt          = par.AddCharFormat(4, 8);
            fmt.FgColor  = blue;
            fmt.BgColor  = red;
            fmt.FontSize = 18;
            // Sets another range formatting. Note that when range formatting overlaps,
            // the latter formatting will overwrite the former ones. In the following,
            // formatting for the 8th chacacter is overwritten.
            fmt = par.AddCharFormat(8, 10);
            fmt.Font = courier;

            // ==========================================================================
            // Demo 3: Footnote
            // ==========================================================================
            par = doc.AddParagraph();
            par.SetText("Demo3: Footnote");
            // In this example, the footnote is inserted just after the 7th character in
            // the paragraph.
            par.AddFootnote(7).AddParagraph().SetText("Footnote details here.");

            // ==========================================================================
            // Demo 4: Header and Footer
            // ==========================================================================
            // You may use ``Header'' and ``Footer'' properties of RtfDocument objects to
            // specify information to be displayed in the header and footer of every page,
            // respectively.
            par = doc.Footer.AddParagraph();
            par.SetText("Demo4: Page: / Date: Time:");
            par.Alignment = Align.Center;
            par.DefaultCharFormat.FontSize = 15;
            // You may insert control words, including page number, total pages, date and
            // time, into the header and/or the footer.
            par.AddControlWord(12, RtfFieldControlWord.FieldType.Page);
            par.AddControlWord(13, RtfFieldControlWord.FieldType.NumPages);
            par.AddControlWord(19, RtfFieldControlWord.FieldType.Date);
            par.AddControlWord(25, RtfFieldControlWord.FieldType.Time);
            // Here we also add some text in header.
            par = doc.Header.AddParagraph();
            par.SetText("Demo4: Header");

            // ==========================================================================
            // Demo 5: Image
            // ==========================================================================
            img = doc.AddImage("../../demo5.jpg", ImageFileType.Jpg);
            // You may set the width only, and let the height be automatically adjusted
            // to keep aspect ratio.
            img.Width = 130;
            // Place the image on a new page. The ``StartNewPage'' property is also supported
            // by paragraphs and tables.
            //img.StartNewPage = true;
            img.StartNewPara = true;

            // ==========================================================================
            // demo 6: ���
            // ==========================================================================
            // Please be careful when dealing with tables, as most crashes come from them.
            // If you follow steps below, the resulting RTF is not likely to crash your
            // MS Word.
            // Step 1. Plan and draw the table you want on a scratch paper.
            // Step 2. Start with a MxN regular table.
            table = doc.AddTable(5, 4, 415.2f, 12);
            table.Margins[Direction.Bottom] = 20;
            table.SetInnerBorder(BorderStyle.Dotted, 1f);
            table.SetOuterBorder(BorderStyle.Single, 2f);

            table.HeaderBackgroundColor = colorTableHeader;
            table.RowBackgroundColor    = colorTableRow;
            table.RowAltBackgroundColor = colorTableRowAlt;

            // Step 3. (Optional) Set text alignment for each cell, row height, column width,
            //			border style, etc.
            for (var i = 0; i < table.RowCount; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < table.ColCount; j++)
                    table.Cell(i, j).AddParagraph().SetText("CELL " + i + "," + j);

            // Step 4. Merge cells so that the resulting table would look like the one you drew
            //			on paper. One cell cannot be merged twice. In this way, we can construct
            //			almost all kinds of tables we need.
            table.Merge(1, 0, 3, 1);
            // Step 5. You may start inserting content for each cell. Actually, it is adviced
            //			that the only thing you do after merging cell is inserting content.
            table.Cell(4, 3).BackgroundColor = red;
            table.Cell(4, 3).AddParagraph().SetText("Demo6: Table");

            // ==========================================================================
            // Demo 7: ``Two in one'' format
            // ==========================================================================
            // This format is provisioned for Far East languages. This demo uses Traditional
            // Chinese as an example.
            par = doc.AddParagraph();
            par.SetText("Demo7: aaa�ñƤ�raaa");
            fmt = par.AddCharFormat(10, 13);
            fmt.TwoInOneStyle = TwoInOneStyle.Braces;
            fmt.FontSize      = 16;

            // ==========================================================================
            // Demo 7.1: Hyperlink
            // ==========================================================================
            par = doc.AddParagraph();
            par.SetText("Demo 7.1: Hyperlink to target (Demo9)");
            fmt = par.AddCharFormat(10, 18);
            fmt.LocalHyperlink    = "target";
            fmt.LocalHyperlinkTip = "Link to target";
            fmt.FgColor           = blue;

            // ==========================================================================
            // Demo 8: New page
            // ==========================================================================
            par = doc.AddParagraph();
            par.StartNewPage = true;
            par.SetText("Demo8: New page");

            // ==========================================================================
            // Demo 9: Set bookmark
            // ==========================================================================
            par = doc.AddParagraph();
            par.SetText("Demo9: Set bookmark");
            fmt          = par.AddCharFormat(0, 18);
            fmt.Bookmark = "target";

            // ==========================================================================
            // Save
            // ==========================================================================
            // You may also retrieve RTF code string by calling to render() method of
            // RtfDocument objects.

            // ==========================================================================
            // Open the RTF file we just saved
            // ==========================================================================
            var p = new Process {
                StartInfo = { FileName = "Demo.rtf" }
