Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static NewRsrc Deserialize(MultiPartFile file)
            NewRsrc nr = new NewRsrc();

            nr.AlignmentShiftCount = file.ReadUInt16();
            nr.TypeInfo            = RsrcTypeInfo.Deserialize(file);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static RsrcTypeInfo Deserialize(MultiPartFile file)
            RsrcTypeInfo rti = new RsrcTypeInfo();

            rti.ID      = file.ReadUInt16();
            rti.rt_nres = file.ReadUInt16();
            rti.rt_proc = file.ReadUInt32();

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Process an NE executable header
        /// </summary>
        private ExecutableType ProcessNe()
            ExecutableType foundExe = ExecutableType.Unknown;

            inputFile.Seek(dataBase + currentFormat.ExecutableOffset);
            IMAGE_OS2_HEADER ne = IMAGE_OS2_HEADER.Deserialize(inputFile);
            long             o  = currentFormat.ExecutableOffset;

            inputFile.Seek(dataBase + currentFormat.ExecutableOffset + ne.SegmentTableOffset + 0 * 8 /* sizeof(NewSeg) */);
            NewSeg codeSegInfo = NewSeg.Deserialize(inputFile);

            inputFile.Seek(dataBase + currentFormat.ExecutableOffset + ne.SegmentTableOffset + 2 * 8 /* sizeof(NewSeg) */);
            NewSeg dataSegInfo = NewSeg.Deserialize(inputFile);

            // Assumption: there are resources and they are at the end ..
            inputFile.Seek(dataBase + currentFormat.ExecutableOffset + ne.ResourceTableOffset);
            short rsAlign = inputFile.ReadInt16();

            // ne.ne_cres is 0 so you have to cheat
            while (inputFile.Position + 8 /* sizeof(rsType) */ <= dataBase + currentFormat.ExecutableOffset + ne.ResidentNameTableOffset)
                RsrcTypeInfo rsType = RsrcTypeInfo.Deserialize(inputFile);
                for (int z2 = 1; z2 < rsType.rt_nres; z2++)
                    RsrcNameInfo rsName = RsrcNameInfo.Deserialize(inputFile);
                    int          a      = rsName.Offset << rsAlign + rsName.Length << rsAlign;
                    if (o < a)
                        o = a;

                currentFormat.ExecutableOffset = 0;
                foundExe = ExecutableType.NE;
