Ejemplo n.º 1
		void OnLayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e) {
			if(!IsLoaded) return;
			LayoutUpdated -= OnLayoutUpdated;
			Rows rows = new Rows(this);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public Move(Columns column, Rows row, Values value, int score = 0)
     : this()
     Row = row;
     Column = column;
     Value = value;
     Score = score;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public GantChart()
            items = new Rows();

            graphField1.SelectItem += new GraphField.ItemChanged(GraphFieldItemChanged);
            graphField1.SelectLostItem += new GraphField.ItemChanged(GraphFieldItemChangedLost);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="Workspace"/> for a given <see cref="Token"/> with a given <see cref="ICommunication"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token"><see cref="Token">Access token to use</see></param>
        /// <param name="communication"><see cref="ICommunication"/> to use</param>
        public Workspace(Token token, ICommunication communication)
            _communication = communication;

            Groups = new Groups(token, communication);
            Datasets = new Datasets(token, communication);
            Tables = new Tables(token, communication);
            Rows = new Rows(token, communication);
            Dashboards = new Dashboards(token, communication);
            Reports = new Reports(token, communication);
            Tiles = new Tiles(token, communication);
Ejemplo n.º 5
		Rows _Data;				// set dynamically when needed
		internal MatrixEntry(MatrixEntry p, int rowCount)
			_HashData = new Hashtable();
			_ColumnGroup = null;
			_RowGroup = null;
			_SortedData = null;
			_Data = null;
			_rowCount = rowCount;
			_Rows = null;
			_Parent = p;
			_FirstRow = -1;
			_LastRow = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal Worksheet(XlsDocument doc)
            _doc = doc;

            _visibility = WorksheetVisibilities.Default;
            _sheettype = WorksheetTypes.Default;
            _streamByteLength = 0;

            _dbCellOffsets = new int[0];

            _cells = new Cells(this);
            _rows = new Rows();
            _rowBlocks = new RowBlocks(this);

            _cachedBlockRow = CachedBlockRow.Empty;

            _columnInfos = new List<ColumnInfo>();
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a textual representation of the section - eg. to be used in Examine.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Returns an instance of <see cref="System.String"/> representing the value of the section.</returns>
 public virtual string GetSearchableText()
     return(Rows.Aggregate("", (current, row) => current + row.GetSearchableText()));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void clearRowsAndColumns()
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public Values GetCellValue(Columns column, Rows row)
     return this._BoardValues[(int)column, (int)row];
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public IEnumerable<Values> GetValueOptions(Columns column, Rows row)
            var usedValues = GetDeniedValues(column, row);

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                Values candidate = (Values)(1 << i);
                if ((usedValues & candidate) == Values.None)
                    yield return candidate;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        internal void RunPage(Pages pgs, Rows rs, int start, int end, float footerHeight)
            // if no rows output or rows just leave
            if (rs == null || rs.Data == null)

            if (this.Visibility != null && Visibility.IsHidden(pgs.Report, rs.Data[start]))
                return;                 // not visible

            Page p;

            Row row;
            for (int r=start; r <= end; r++)
                p = pgs.CurrentPage;			// this can change after running a row
                row = rs.Data[r];
                float hrows = HeightOfRows(pgs, row);	// height of all the rows in the details
                float height = p.YOffset + hrows;
                if (r == end)
                    height += footerHeight;		// on last row; may need additional room for footer
                if (height > pgs.BottomOfPage)
                    p = OwnerTable.RunPageNew(pgs, p);
                    OwnerTable.RunPageHeader(pgs, row, false, null);
                    _TableRows.RunPage(pgs, row, true);   // force checking since header + hrows might be > BottomOfPage
                    _TableRows.RunPage(pgs, row, hrows > pgs.BottomOfPage);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        int _RowNumber; // Original row #

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // Constructor that uses existing Row data
        internal Row(Rows r, Row rd)
            _R = r;
            _Data = rd.Data;
            _Level = rd.Level;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        protected override void RenderFieldForInput(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellpadding, "0");
            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellspacing, "0");
            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Border, "0");


            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Id, ClientID);
            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Title, Field.Title);
            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Name, UniqueID);
            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "text");
            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, CssClass);
            if (!Width.IsEmpty)
                writer.AddStyleAttribute(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width, Width.ToString());

            if (!AllowFillIn)
                writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.ReadOnly, "readonly");

            if (Rows == 1)
                writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Value, Convert.ToString(Value));
                writer.RenderEndTag(); // input
                writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Rows, Rows.ToString());
                writer.RenderEndTag(); // textarea

            writer.RenderEndTag(); // td

            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Valign, "top");
            writer.AddStyleAttribute(HtmlTextWriterStyle.PaddingLeft, "3px");

            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Href, "javascript:void(0)");
            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Title, "Browser");
            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Onclick, string.Format("__Dialog__{0}()", ClientID));

            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Alt, "Browser");
            writer.AddStyleAttribute(HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderWidth, "0");
            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Src, "/_layouts/images/addressbook.gif");
            writer.RenderEndTag(); // img

            writer.RenderEndTag(); // a
            writer.RenderEndTag(); // td

            writer.RenderEndTag(); // tr
            writer.RenderEndTag(); // table


            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "text/javascript");

            var serverRelativeUrl = GetContextWeb(Context).ServerRelativeUrl;

            if (!serverRelativeUrl.EndsWith("/"))
                serverRelativeUrl += "/";
            var urlToEncode = SPHttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(serverRelativeUrl, false);

            writer.Write(string.Format("function __Dialog__{0}(){{", ClientID));
            writer.Write(string.Format("var dialogUrl = '{0}_layouts/Picker.aspx?MultiSelect={1}&CustomProperty={5}&DefaultSearch=&DialogTitle={2}&DialogImage={3}&PickerDialogType={4}&ForceClaims=False&DisableClaims=False&EnabledClaimProviders=&EntitySeparator=\u00253B\u0025EF\u0025BC\u00259B\u0025EF\u0025B9\u002594\u0025EF\u0025B8\u002594\u0025E2\u00258D\u0025AE\u0025E2\u002581\u00258F\u0025E1\u00258D\u0025A4\u0025D8\u00259B';",
                                       AllowMultipleValues ? "True" : "False",
                                       SelectPeopleOnly ? "User;;15;;;False" : "User,SecGroup,SPGroup;;15;;;False"));
            writer.Write(string.Format("var features = 'resizable: yes; status: no; scroll: no; help: no; center: yes; dialogWidth : {0}px; dialogHeight : {1}px; zoominherit : 1';", DialogWidth, DialogHeight));
            writer.Write(string.Format("commonShowModalDialog(dialogUrl, features, CallbackWrapper_{0});", ClientID));


            writer.Write(string.Format("function CallbackWrapper_{0}(result){{", ClientID));
            writer.Write("var entities = GetEntities(result);");
            writer.Write("if (entities == null) return;");
            writer.Write("var values = [];");
            writer.Write("for(var x = 0; x < entities.childNodes.length; x++){"); // begin for
            writer.Write("var entity = entities.childNodes[x];");
            writer.Write("var accountName = entity.getAttribute(\"Key\");");
            writer.Write("var displayName = entity.getAttribute(\"DisplayText\");");
            writer.Write("var email = '';");

            writer.Write("var extraData = EntityEditor_SelectSingleNode(entity, \"ExtraData\");");
            writer.Write("if(extraData){");                                                     // begin if
            writer.Write("var arrayOfDictionaryEntry = EntityEditor_SelectSingleNode(extraData, \"ArrayOfDictionaryEntry\");");
            writer.Write("if(arrayOfDictionaryEntry){");                                        // begin if
            writer.Write("for(var y = 0; y < arrayOfDictionaryEntry.childNodes.length; y++){"); // begin for
            writer.Write("var key = EntityEditor_SelectSingleNode(arrayOfDictionaryEntry.childNodes[y], \"Key\");");
            writer.Write("if(key.childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'Email'){");
            writer.Write("var value = EntityEditor_SelectSingleNode(arrayOfDictionaryEntry.childNodes[y], \"Value\");");
            writer.Write("if(value){email = value.childNodes[0].nodeValue;}");
            writer.Write("}"); // end if
            writer.Write("}"); // end for

            // Append data
            switch (Format)
            case ExtraUserFieldFormat.DisplayName:

            case ExtraUserFieldFormat.AccountName:

            case ExtraUserFieldFormat.Email:

            case ExtraUserFieldFormat.Custom:
                writer.Write(string.Format("values.push(__Dialog_CustomFormat_{0}(displayName, accountName, email));", ClientID));

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            writer.Write("}"); // end if
            writer.Write("}"); // end if
            writer.Write("}"); // end for

            // Set value for textbox
            if (OverrideValue)
                writer.Write(string.Format("document.getElementById('{0}').value = values.join('; ');", ClientID));
                writer.Write(string.Format("var element = document.getElementById('{0}');", ClientID));
                writer.Write("var oldValue = element.value + '';");
                writer.Write("var separate = ' ';");
                writer.Write("if(oldValue  == ''){separate = '';}");
                writer.Write("element.value = oldValue + separate + values.join('; ');");

            writer.Write("}"); // end function

            if (Format == ExtraUserFieldFormat.Custom)
                writer.Write(string.Format("function __Dialog_CustomFormat_{0}(displayName, accountName, email){{", ClientID));
                writer.Write("var str = '{0}';", CustomFormat);
                writer.Write("str = str.replace(new RegExp(\"\\\\{0\\\\}\", \"gm\"), displayName);");
                writer.Write("str = str.replace(new RegExp(\"\\\\{1\\\\}\", \"gm\"), accountName);");
                writer.Write("str = str.replace(new RegExp(\"\\\\{2\\\\}\", \"gm\"), email);");
                writer.Write("return str;");
                writer.Write("}"); // end function

            writer.RenderEndTag(); // script
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * @see https://www.openoffice.org/sc/excelfileformat.pdf
 private static Function[] ProduceFunctions()
     Function[] retval = new Function[368];
     retval[0]                        = new Count();                                          // COUNT
     retval[FunctionID.IF]            = new IfFunc();                                         //nominally 1
     retval[2]                        = LogicalFunction.ISNA;                                 // IsNA
     retval[3]                        = LogicalFunction.ISERROR;                              // IsERROR
     retval[FunctionID.SUM]           = AggregateFunction.SUM;                                //nominally 4
     retval[5]                        = AggregateFunction.AVERAGE;                            // AVERAGE
     retval[6]                        = AggregateFunction.MIN;                                // MIN
     retval[7]                        = AggregateFunction.MAX;                                // MAX
     retval[8]                        = new Row();                                            // ROW
     retval[9]                        = new Column();                                         // COLUMN
     retval[10]                       = new Na();                                             // NA
     retval[11]                       = new Npv();                                            // NPV
     retval[12]                       = AggregateFunction.STDEV;                              // STDEV
     retval[13]                       = NumericFunction.DOLLAR;                               // DOLLAR
     retval[14]                       = new Fixed();                                          // FIXED
     retval[15]                       = NumericFunction.SIN;                                  // SIN
     retval[16]                       = NumericFunction.COS;                                  // COS
     retval[17]                       = NumericFunction.TAN;                                  // TAN
     retval[18]                       = NumericFunction.ATAN;                                 // ATAN
     retval[19]                       = new Pi();                                             // PI
     retval[20]                       = NumericFunction.SQRT;                                 // SQRT
     retval[21]                       = NumericFunction.EXP;                                  // EXP
     retval[22]                       = NumericFunction.LN;                                   // LN
     retval[23]                       = NumericFunction.LOG10;                                // LOG10
     retval[24]                       = NumericFunction.ABS;                                  // ABS
     retval[25]                       = NumericFunction.INT;                                  // INT
     retval[26]                       = NumericFunction.SIGN;                                 // SIGN
     retval[27]                       = NumericFunction.ROUND;                                // ROUND
     retval[28]                       = new Lookup();                                         // LOOKUP
     retval[29]                       = new Index();                                          // INDEX
     retval[30]                       = new Rept();                                           // REPT
     retval[31]                       = TextFunction.MID;                                     // MID
     retval[32]                       = TextFunction.LEN;                                     // LEN
     retval[33]                       = new Value();                                          // VALUE
     retval[34]                       = new True();                                           // TRUE
     retval[35]                       = new False();                                          // FALSE
     retval[36]                       = new And();                                            // AND
     retval[37]                       = new Or();                                             // OR
     retval[38]                       = new Not();                                            // NOT
     retval[39]                       = NumericFunction.MOD;                                  // MOD
     retval[40]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DCOUNT");                 // DCOUNT
     retval[41]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DSUM");                   // DSUM
     retval[42]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DAVERAGE");               // DAVERAGE
     retval[43]                       = new DStarRunner(DStarRunner.DStarAlgorithmEnum.DMIN); // DMIN
     retval[44]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DMAX");                   // DMAX
     retval[45]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DSTDEV");                 // DSTDEV
     retval[46]                       = AggregateFunction.VAR;                                // VAR
     retval[47]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DVAR");                   // DVAR
     retval[48]                       = TextFunction.TEXT;                                    // TEXT
     retval[49]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("LINEST");                 // LINEST
     retval[50]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("TREND");                  // TREND
     retval[51]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("LOGEST");                 // LOGEST
     retval[52]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("GROWTH");                 // GROWTH
     retval[53]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("GOTO");                   // GOTO
     retval[54]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("HALT");                   // HALT
     retval[56]                       = FinanceFunction.PV;                                   // PV
     retval[57]                       = FinanceFunction.FV;                                   // FV
     retval[58]                       = FinanceFunction.NPER;                                 // NPER
     retval[59]                       = FinanceFunction.PMT;                                  // PMT
     retval[60]                       = new Rate();                                           // RATE
     retval[61]                       = new Mirr();                                           // MIRR
     retval[62]                       = new Irr();                                            // IRR
     retval[63]                       = new Rand();                                           // RAND
     retval[64]                       = new Match();                                          // MATCH
     retval[65]                       = DateFunc.instance;                                    // DATE
     retval[66]                       = new TimeFunc();                                       // TIME
     retval[67]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.DAY;                            // DAY
     retval[68]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.MONTH;                          // MONTH
     retval[69]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.YEAR;                           // YEAR
     retval[70]                       = WeekdayFunc.instance;                                 // WEEKDAY
     retval[71]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.HOUR;
     retval[72]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.MINUTE;
     retval[73]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.SECOND;
     retval[74]                       = new Now();
     retval[75]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("AREAS");         // AREAS
     retval[76]                       = new Rows();                                  // ROWS
     retval[77]                       = new Columns();                               // COLUMNS
     retval[FunctionID.OFFSET]        = new Offset();                                //nominally 78
     retval[79]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ABSREF");        // ABSREF
     retval[80]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("RELREF");        // RELREF
     retval[81]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ARGUMENT");      // ARGUMENT
     retval[82]                       = TextFunction.SEARCH;
     retval[83]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("TRANSPOSE");     // TRANSPOSE
     retval[84]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ERROR");         // ERROR
     retval[85]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("STEP");          // STEP
     retval[86]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("TYPE");          // TYPE
     retval[87]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ECHO");          // ECHO
     retval[88]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("SetNAME");       // SetNAME
     retval[89]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("CALLER");        // CALLER
     retval[90]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DEREF");         // DEREF
     retval[91]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("WINDOWS");       // WINDOWS
     retval[92]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("SERIES");        // SERIES
     retval[93]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DOCUMENTS");     // DOCUMENTS
     retval[94]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ACTIVECELL");    // ACTIVECELL
     retval[95]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("SELECTION");     // SELECTION
     retval[96]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("RESULT");        // RESULT
     retval[97]                       = NumericFunction.ATAN2;                       // ATAN2
     retval[98]                       = NumericFunction.ASIN;                        // ASIN
     retval[99]                       = NumericFunction.ACOS;                        // ACOS
     retval[FunctionID.CHOOSE]        = new Choose();                                //nominally 100
     retval[101]                      = new Hlookup();                               // HLOOKUP
     retval[102]                      = new Vlookup();                               // VLOOKUP
     retval[103]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LINKS");         // LINKS
     retval[104]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("INPUT");         // INPUT
     retval[105]                      = LogicalFunction.ISREF;                       // IsREF
     retval[106]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetFORMULA");    // GetFORMULA
     retval[107]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetNAME");       // GetNAME
     retval[108]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SetVALUE");      // SetVALUE
     retval[109]                      = NumericFunction.LOG;                         // LOG
     retval[110]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("EXEC");          // EXEC
     retval[111]                      = TextFunction.CHAR;                           // CHAR
     retval[112]                      = TextFunction.LOWER;                          // LOWER
     retval[113]                      = TextFunction.UPPER;                          // UPPER
     retval[114]                      = TextFunction.PROPER;                         // PROPER
     retval[115]                      = TextFunction.LEFT;                           // LEFT
     retval[116]                      = TextFunction.RIGHT;                          // RIGHT
     retval[117]                      = TextFunction.EXACT;                          // EXACT
     retval[118]                      = TextFunction.TRIM;                           // TRIM
     retval[119]                      = new Replace();                               // Replace
     retval[120]                      = new Substitute();                            // SUBSTITUTE
     retval[121]                      = new Code();                                  // CODE
     retval[122]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NAMES");         // NAMES
     retval[123]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DIRECTORY");     // DIRECTORY
     retval[124]                      = TextFunction.FIND;                           // Find
     retval[125]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CELL");          // CELL
     retval[126]                      = LogicalFunction.ISERR;                       // IsERR
     retval[127]                      = LogicalFunction.ISTEXT;                      // IsTEXT
     retval[128]                      = LogicalFunction.ISNUMBER;                    // IsNUMBER
     retval[129]                      = LogicalFunction.ISBLANK;                     // IsBLANK
     retval[130]                      = new T();                                     // T
     retval[131]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("N");             // N
     retval[132]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FOPEN");         // FOPEN
     retval[133]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FCLOSE");        // FCLOSE
     retval[134]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FSIZE");         // FSIZE
     retval[135]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FReadLN");       // FReadLN
     retval[136]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FRead");         // FRead
     retval[137]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FWriteLN");      // FWriteLN
     retval[138]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FWrite");        // FWrite
     retval[139]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FPOS");          // FPOS
     retval[140]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DATEVALUE");     // DATEVALUE
     retval[141]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TIMEVALUE");     // TIMEVALUE
     retval[142]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SLN");           // SLN
     retval[143]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SYD");           // SYD
     retval[144]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DDB");           // DDB
     retval[145]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetDEF");        // GetDEF
     retval[146]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("REFTEXT");       // REFTEXT
     retval[147]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TEXTREF");       // TEXTREF
     retval[FunctionID.INDIRECT]      = null;                                        // Indirect.Evaluate has different signature
     retval[149]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("REGISTER");      // REGISTER
     retval[150]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CALL");          // CALL
     retval[151]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("AddBAR");        // AddBAR
     retval[152]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("AddMENU");       // AddMENU
     retval[153]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("AddCOMMAND");    // AddCOMMAND
     retval[154]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ENABLECOMMAND"); // ENABLECOMMAND
     retval[155]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CHECKCOMMAND");  // CHECKCOMMAND
     retval[156]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RenameCOMMAND"); // RenameCOMMAND
     retval[157]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SHOWBAR");       // SHOWBAR
     retval[158]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DELETEMENU");    // DELETEMENU
     retval[159]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DELETECOMMAND"); // DELETECOMMAND
     retval[160]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetCHARTITEM");  // GetCHARTITEM
     retval[161]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DIALOGBOX");     // DIALOGBOX
     retval[162]                      = TextFunction.CLEAN;                          // CLEAN
     retval[163]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MDETERM");       // MDETERM
     retval[164]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MINVERSE");      // MINVERSE
     retval[165]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MMULT");         // MMULT
     retval[166]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FILES");         // FILES
     retval[167]                      = new IPMT();
     retval[168]                      = new PPMT();
     retval[169]                      = new Counta();                                         // COUNTA
     retval[170]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CANCELKEY");              // CANCELKEY
     retval[175]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("INITIATE");               // INITIATE
     retval[176]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("REQUEST");                // REQUEST
     retval[177]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("POKE");                   // POKE
     retval[178]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("EXECUTE");                // EXECUTE
     retval[179]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TERMINATE");              // TERMINATE
     retval[180]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RESTART");                // RESTART
     retval[181]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("HELP");                   // HELP
     retval[182]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetBAR");                 // GetBAR
     retval[183]                      = AggregateFunction.PRODUCT;                            // PRODUCT
     retval[184]                      = NumericFunction.FACT;                                 // FACT
     retval[185]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetCELL");                // GetCELL
     retval[186]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetWORKSPACE");           // GetWORKSPACE
     retval[187]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetWINDOW");              // GetWINDOW
     retval[188]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetDOCUMENT");            // GetDOCUMENT
     retval[189]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DPRODUCT");               // DPRODUCT
     retval[190]                      = LogicalFunction.ISNONTEXT;                            // IsNONTEXT
     retval[191]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetNOTE");                // GetNOTE
     retval[192]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NOTE");                   // NOTE
     retval[193]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("STDEVP");                 // STDEVP
     retval[194]                      = AggregateFunction.VARP;                               // VARP
     retval[195]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DSTDEVP");                // DSTDEVP
     retval[196]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DVARP");                  // DVARP
     retval[197]                      = NumericFunction.TRUNC;                                // TRUNC
     retval[198]                      = LogicalFunction.ISLOGICAL;                            // IsLOGICAL
     retval[199]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DCOUNTA");                // DCOUNTA
     retval[200]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DELETEBAR");              // DELETEBAR
     retval[201]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("UNREGISTER");             // UNREGISTER
     retval[204]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("USDOLLAR");               // USDOLLAR
     retval[205]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FindB");                  // FindB
     retval[206]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SEARCHB");                // SEARCHB
     retval[207]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ReplaceB");               // ReplaceB
     retval[208]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LEFTB");                  // LEFTB
     retval[209]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RIGHTB");                 // RIGHTB
     retval[210]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MIDB");                   // MIDB
     retval[211]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LENB");                   // LENB
     retval[212]                      = NumericFunction.ROUNDUP;                              // ROUNDUP
     retval[213]                      = NumericFunction.ROUNDDOWN;                            // ROUNDDOWN
     retval[214]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ASC");                    // ASC
     retval[215]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DBCS");                   // DBCS
     retval[216]                      = new Rank();                                           // RANK
     retval[219]                      = new Address();                                        // AddRESS
     retval[220]                      = new Days360();                                        // DAYS360
     retval[221]                      = new Today();                                          // TODAY
     retval[222]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("VDB");                    // VDB
     retval[227]                      = AggregateFunction.MEDIAN;                             // MEDIAN
     retval[228]                      = new Sumproduct();                                     // SUMPRODUCT
     retval[229]                      = NumericFunction.SINH;                                 // SINH
     retval[230]                      = NumericFunction.COSH;                                 // COSH
     retval[231]                      = NumericFunction.TANH;                                 // TANH
     retval[232]                      = NumericFunction.ASINH;                                // ASINH
     retval[233]                      = NumericFunction.ACOSH;                                // ACOSH
     retval[234]                      = NumericFunction.ATANH;                                // ATANH
     retval[235]                      = new DStarRunner(DStarRunner.DStarAlgorithmEnum.DGET); // DGet
     retval[236]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CreateOBJECT");           // CreateOBJECT
     retval[237]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("VOLATILE");               // VOLATILE
     retval[238]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LASTERROR");              // LASTERROR
     retval[239]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CUSTOMUNDO");             // CUSTOMUNDO
     retval[240]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CUSTOMREPEAT");           // CUSTOMREPEAT
     retval[241]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FORMULAConvert");         // FORMULAConvert
     retval[242]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetLINKINFO");            // GetLINKINFO
     retval[243]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TEXTBOX");                // TEXTBOX
     retval[244]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("INFO");                   // INFO
     retval[245]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GROUP");                  // GROUP
     retval[246]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetOBJECT");              // GetOBJECT
     retval[247]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DB");                     // DB
     retval[248]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PAUSE");                  // PAUSE
     retval[250]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RESUME");                 // RESUME
     retval[252]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FREQUENCY");              // FREQUENCY
     retval[253]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("AddTOOLBAR");             // AddTOOLBAR
     retval[254]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DELETETOOLBAR");          // DELETETOOLBAR
     retval[FunctionID.EXTERNAL_FUNC] = null;                                                 // ExternalFunction is a FreeREfFunction
     retval[256]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RESetTOOLBAR");           // RESetTOOLBAR
     retval[257]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("EVALUATE");               // EVALUATE
     retval[258]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetTOOLBAR");             // GetTOOLBAR
     retval[259]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetTOOL");                // GetTOOL
     retval[260]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SPELLINGCHECK");          // SPELLINGCHECK
     retval[261]                      = new Errortype();                                      // ERRORTYPE
     retval[262]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("APPTITLE");               // APPTITLE
     retval[263]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("WINDOWTITLE");            // WINDOWTITLE
     retval[264]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SAVETOOLBAR");            // SAVETOOLBAR
     retval[265]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ENABLETOOL");             // ENABLETOOL
     retval[266]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PRESSTOOL");              // PRESSTOOL
     retval[267]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("REGISTERID");             // REGISTERID
     retval[268]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetWORKBOOK");            // GetWORKBOOK
     retval[269]                      = AggregateFunction.AVEDEV;                             // AVEDEV
     retval[270]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("BETADIST");               // BETADIST
     retval[271]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GAMMALN");                // GAMMALN
     retval[272]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("BETAINV");                // BETAINV
     retval[273]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("BINOMDIST");              // BINOMDIST
     retval[274]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CHIDIST");                // CHIDIST
     retval[275]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CHIINV");                 // CHIINV
     retval[276]                      = NumericFunction.COMBIN;                               // COMBIN
     retval[277]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CONFIDENCE");             // CONFIDENCE
     retval[278]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CRITBINOM");              // CRITBINOM
     retval[279]                      = new Even();                                           // EVEN
     retval[280]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("EXPONDIST");              // EXPONDIST
     retval[281]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FDIST");                  // FDIST
     retval[282]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FINV");                   // FINV
     retval[283]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FISHER");                 // FISHER
     retval[284]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FISHERINV");              // FISHERINV
     retval[285]                      = NumericFunction.FLOOR;                                // FLOOR
     retval[286]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GAMMADIST");              // GAMMADIST
     retval[287]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GAMMAINV");               // GAMMAINV
     retval[288]                      = NumericFunction.CEILING;                              // CEILING
     retval[289]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("HYPGEOMDIST");            // HYPGEOMDIST
     retval[290]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LOGNORMDIST");            // LOGNORMDIST
     retval[291]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LOGINV");                 // LOGINV
     retval[292]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NEGBINOMDIST");           // NEGBINOMDIST
     retval[293]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NORMDIST");               // NORMDIST
     retval[294]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NORMSDIST");              // NORMSDIST
     retval[295]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NORMINV");                // NORMINV
     retval[296]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NORMSINV");               // NORMSINV
     retval[297]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("STANDARDIZE");            // STANDARDIZE
     retval[298]                      = new Odd();                                            // ODD
     retval[299]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PERMUT");                 // PERMUT
     retval[300]                      = NumericFunction.POISSON;                              // POISSON
     retval[301]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TDIST");                  // TDIST
     retval[302]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("WEIBULL");                // WEIBULL
     retval[303]                      = new Sumxmy2();                                        // SUMXMY2
     retval[304]                      = new Sumx2my2();                                       // SUMX2MY2
     retval[305]                      = new Sumx2py2();                                       // SUMX2PY2
     retval[306]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CHITEST");                // CHITEST
     retval[307]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CORREL");                 // CORREL
     retval[308]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("COVAR");                  // COVAR
     retval[309]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FORECAST");               // FORECAST
     retval[310]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FTEST");                  // FTEST
     retval[311]                      = new Intercept();                                      // INTERCEPT
     retval[312]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PEARSON");                // PEARSON
     retval[313]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RSQ");                    // RSQ
     retval[314]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("STEYX");                  // STEYX
     retval[315]                      = new Slope();                                          // SLOPE
     retval[316]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TTEST");                  // TTEST
     retval[317]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PROB");                   // PROB
     retval[318]                      = AggregateFunction.DEVSQ;                              // DEVSQ
     retval[319]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GEOMEAN");                // GEOMEAN
     retval[320]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("HARMEAN");                // HARMEAN
     retval[321]                      = AggregateFunction.SUMSQ;                              // SUMSQ
     retval[322]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("KURT");                   // KURT
     retval[323]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SKEW");                   // SKEW
     retval[324]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ZTEST");                  // ZTEST
     retval[325]                      = AggregateFunction.LARGE;                              // LARGE
     retval[326]                      = AggregateFunction.SMALL;                              // SMALL
     retval[327]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("QUARTILE");               // QUARTILE
     retval[328]                      = AggregateFunction.PERCENTILE;                         // PERCENTILE
     retval[329]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PERCENTRANK");            // PERCENTRANK
     retval[330]                      = new Mode();                                           // MODE
     retval[331]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TRIMMEAN");               // TRIMMEAN
     retval[332]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TINV");                   // TINV
     retval[334]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MOVIECOMMAND");           // MOVIECOMMAND
     retval[335]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetMOVIE");               // GetMOVIE
     retval[336]                      = TextFunction.CONCATENATE;                             // CONCATENATE
     retval[337]                      = NumericFunction.POWER;                                // POWER
     retval[338]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PIVOTAddDATA");           // PIVOTAddDATA
     retval[339]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetPIVOTTABLE");          // GetPIVOTTABLE
     retval[340]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetPIVOTFIELD");          // GetPIVOTFIELD
     retval[341]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetPIVOTITEM");           // GetPIVOTITEM
     retval[342]                      = NumericFunction.RADIANS;
     ;                                                                                        // RADIANS
     retval[343] = NumericFunction.DEGREES;                                                   // DEGREES
     retval[344] = new Subtotal();                                                            // SUBTOTAL
     retval[345] = new Sumif();                                                               // SUMIF
     retval[346] = new Countif();                                                             // COUNTIF
     retval[347] = new Countblank();                                                          // COUNTBLANK
     retval[348] = new NotImplementedFunction("SCENARIOGet");                                 // SCENARIOGet
     retval[349] = new NotImplementedFunction("OPTIONSLISTSGet");                             // OPTIONSLISTSGet
     retval[350] = new NotImplementedFunction("IsPMT");                                       // IsPMT
     retval[351] = new NotImplementedFunction("DATEDIF");                                     // DATEDIF
     retval[352] = new NotImplementedFunction("DATESTRING");                                  // DATESTRING
     retval[353] = new NotImplementedFunction("NUMBERSTRING");                                // NUMBERSTRING
     retval[354] = new Roman();                                                               // ROMAN
     retval[355] = new NotImplementedFunction("OPENDIALOG");                                  // OPENDIALOG
     retval[356] = new NotImplementedFunction("SAVEDIALOG");                                  // SAVEDIALOG
     retval[357] = new NotImplementedFunction("VIEWGet");                                     // VIEWGet
     retval[358] = new NotImplementedFunction("GetPIVOTDATA");                                // GetPIVOTDATA
     retval[359] = new Hyperlink();                                                           // HYPERLINK
     retval[360] = new NotImplementedFunction("PHONETIC");                                    // PHONETIC
     retval[361] = new NotImplementedFunction("AVERAGEA");                                    // AVERAGEA
     retval[362] = MinaMaxa.MAXA;                                                             // MAXA
     retval[363] = MinaMaxa.MINA;                                                             // MINA
     retval[364] = new NotImplementedFunction("STDEVPA");                                     // STDEVPA
     retval[365] = new NotImplementedFunction("VARPA");                                       // VARPA
     retval[366] = new NotImplementedFunction("STDEVA");                                      // STDEVA
     retval[367] = new NotImplementedFunction("VARA");                                        // VARA
Ejemplo n.º 15
        protected override void AddAttributesToRender(HtmlTextWriter w)
            Page page = Page;

            if (page != null)

            switch (TextMode)
            case TextBoxMode.MultiLine:
                if (Columns != 0)
                    w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cols, Columns.ToString(), false);
#if NET_2_0
                    w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cols, "20", false);

                if (Rows != 0)
                    w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Rows, Rows.ToString(), false);
#if NET_2_0
                    w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Rows, "2", false);

                if (!Wrap)
                    w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Wrap, "off", false);


            case TextBoxMode.SingleLine:
            case TextBoxMode.Password:

                if (TextMode == TextBoxMode.Password)
                    w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "password", false);
                    w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "text", false);
                    if (Text.Length > 0)
                        w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Value, Text);

                if (Columns != 0)
                    w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Size, Columns.ToString(), false);

                if (MaxLength != 0)
                    w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Maxlength, MaxLength.ToString(), false);

#if NET_2_0
                if (AutoCompleteType != AutoCompleteType.None && TextMode == TextBoxMode.SingleLine)
                    if (AutoCompleteType != AutoCompleteType.Disabled)
                        w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.VCardName, VCardValues [(int)AutoCompleteType]);
                        w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.AutoComplete, "off", false);

#if NET_2_0
            if (AutoPostBack)
                w.AddAttribute("onkeypress", "if (WebForm_TextBoxKeyHandler(event) == false) return false;", false);

                if (page != null)
                    string onchange = page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(GetPostBackOptions(), true);
                    onchange = String.Concat("setTimeout('", onchange.Replace("\\", "\\\\").Replace("'", "\\'"), "', 0)");
                    w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Onchange, BuildScriptAttribute("onchange", onchange));
            else if (page != null)
                page.ClientScript.RegisterForEventValidation(UniqueID, String.Empty);
            if (page != null && AutoPostBack)
                                                    page.ClientScript.GetPostBackClientHyperlink(this, "")));

            if (ReadOnly)
                w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.ReadOnly, "ReadOnly", false);

            w.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Name, UniqueID);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public IMatrix SoftmaxActivation()
            var activation = Rows.Select(r => r.Softmax().AsIndexable()).ToList();

            return(new CpuMatrix(DenseMatrix.Create(RowCount, ColumnCount, (x, y) => activation[x][y])));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// 功能描述:加载column
        /// 作  者:HZH
        /// 创建日期:2019-08-08 17:51:50
        /// 任务编号:POS
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadColumns()
                if (DesignMode)

                ControlHelper.FreezeControl(this.panHead, true);

                if (m_columns != null && m_columns.Count() > 0)
                    int intColumnsCount = m_columns.Count();
                    if (m_isShowCheckBox)
                    this.panColumns.ColumnCount = intColumnsCount;
                    for (int i = 0; i < intColumnsCount; i++)
                        Control c = null;
                        if (i == 0 && m_isShowCheckBox)
                            this.panColumns.ColumnStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 30F));

                            UCCheckBox box = new UCCheckBox();
                            box.TextValue           = "";
                            box.Size                = new Size(30, 30);
                            box.CheckedChangeEvent += (a, b) =>
                                Rows.ForEach(p => p.IsChecked = box.Checked);
                                if (HeadCheckBoxChangeEvent != null)
                                    HeadCheckBoxChangeEvent(a, b);
                            c = box;
                            var item = m_columns[i - (m_isShowCheckBox ? 1 : 0)];
                            this.panColumns.ColumnStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(item.WidthType, item.Width));
                            Label lbl = new Label();
                            lbl.Name       = "dgvColumns_" + i;
                            lbl.Text       = item.HeadText;
                            lbl.Font       = m_headFont;
                            lbl.ForeColor  = m_headTextColor;
                            lbl.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                            lbl.AutoSize   = false;
                            lbl.Dock       = DockStyle.Fill;
                            lbl.MouseDown += (a, b) =>
                                if (HeadColumnClickEvent != null)
                                    HeadColumnClickEvent(a, b);
                            c = lbl;
                        this.panColumns.Controls.Add(c, i, 0);
                ControlHelper.FreezeControl(this.panHead, false);
 public WT_ScheduleTaskRow findByPrimaryKey(String WTST_ScheduleTaskId)
     return((WT_ScheduleTaskRow)(Rows.Find(new object[] { WTST_ScheduleTaskId })));
Ejemplo n.º 19
            public void InitializeStruct(DataTable tableInNAlg, DataTable tableOutNAlg, DataTable tableComp, Dictionary <int, object[]> dict_profile, DataTable tableRatio)
                this.CellValueChanged -= new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(cellEndEdit);
                DataRow[]      colums_in;
                DataRow[]      colums_out;
                DataRow[]      rows;
                List <DataRow> col_in  = new List <DataRow>();
                List <DataRow> col_out = new List <DataRow>();

                m_dbRatio = tableRatio.Copy();

                switch (m_ViewValues)
                case INDEX_VIEW_VALUES.Block:

                    rows = tableComp.Select("ID_COMP=1000 or ID_COMP=1");

                case INDEX_VIEW_VALUES.Output:
                    //colums_in = nAlgTable.Select("N_ALG='2'");
                    //colums_out = nAlgOutTable.Select("N_ALG='2'");
                    rows = tableComp.Select("ID_COMP=2000 or ID_COMP=1");

                case INDEX_VIEW_VALUES.TeploBL:
                    //colums_in = nAlgTable.Select("N_ALG='3'");
                    //colums_out = nAlgOutTable.Select("N_ALG='3'");
                    rows = tableComp.Select("ID_COMP=1");

                case INDEX_VIEW_VALUES.TeploOP:
                    //colums_in = nAlgTable.Select("N_ALG='4'");
                    //colums_out = nAlgOutTable.Select("N_ALG='4'");
                    rows = tableComp.Select("ID_COMP=1");

                case INDEX_VIEW_VALUES.Param:
                    //colums_in = nAlgTable.Select("N_ALG='5'");
                    //colums_out = nAlgOutTable.Select("N_ALG='5'");
                    rows = tableComp.Select("ID_COMP=1");

                case INDEX_VIEW_VALUES.PromPlozsh:
                    //colums_in = nAlgTable.Select("N_ALG='6'");
                    //colums_out = nAlgOutTable.Select("N_ALG='6'");
                    rows = tableComp.Select("ID_COMP=3000 or ID_COMP=1");

                    //colums_in = nAlgTable.Select();
                    //colums_out = nAlgOutTable.Select();
                    rows = tableComp.Select();

                foreach (object[] list in dict_profile[(int)m_ViewValues])
                    if ((TepCommon.HandlerDbTaskCalculate.TaskCalculate.TYPE)list[1] == TepCommon.HandlerDbTaskCalculate.TaskCalculate.TYPE.IN_VALUES)
                        m_dict_ProfileNALG_IN = (Dictionary <string, HTepUsers.DictionaryProfileItem>)list[2];

                        foreach (Double id in (double[])list[0])
                            col_in.Add(tableInNAlg.Select("N_ALG='" + id.ToString().Trim().Replace(',', '.') + "'")[0]);

                    if ((TepCommon.HandlerDbTaskCalculate.TaskCalculate.TYPE)list[1] == TepCommon.HandlerDbTaskCalculate.TaskCalculate.TYPE.OUT_VALUES)
                        m_dict_ProfileNALG_OUT = (Dictionary <string, HTepUsers.DictionaryProfileItem>)list[2];

                        foreach (Double id in (double[])list[0])
                            col_out.Add(tableOutNAlg.Select("N_ALG='" + id.ToString().Trim().Replace(',', '.') + "'")[0]);
                colums_in  = col_in.ToArray();
                colums_out = col_out.ToArray();

                this.AddColumn("Компонент", true, "Comp");
                foreach (DataRow c in colums_in)
                    this.AddColumn(c["NAME_SHR"].ToString().Trim(), true, c["NAME_SHR"].ToString().Trim(), (c["N_ALG"]).ToString(), true);

                foreach (DataRow c in colums_out)
                    this.AddColumn(c["NAME_SHR"].ToString().Trim(), true, c["NAME_SHR"].ToString().Trim(), (c["N_ALG"]).ToString(), false);

                foreach (DataRow r in rows)
                    this.Rows.Add(new object[this.ColumnCount]);
                    this.Rows[Rows.Count - 1].Cells[0].Value   = r["DESCRIPTION"].ToString().Trim();
                    this.Rows[Rows.Count - 1].HeaderCell.Value = r["ID"];

                if (Rows.Count > 1)
                    this.Rows[Rows.Count - 1].Cells[0].Value   = "Итого";
                    this.Rows[Rows.Count - 1].HeaderCell.Value = rows[0]["ID"].ToString().Trim();

                this.CellValueChanged += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(cellEndEdit);
Ejemplo n.º 20
		internal void SetData(Report rpt, IEnumerable ie, Fields flds, Filters f)
			if (ie == null)			// Does user want to remove user data?
				SetMyUserData(rpt, null);

			Rows rows = new Rows(rpt, null,null,null);		// no sorting and grouping at base data

            List<Row> ar = new List<Row>();
			rows.Data = ar;
			int rowCount=0;
			int maxRows = _RowLimit > 0? _RowLimit: int.MaxValue;
			int fieldCount = flds.Items.Count;
			foreach (object dt in ie)
				// Get the type.
				Type myType = dt.GetType();

				// Build the row
				Row or = new Row(rows, fieldCount);

				// Go thru each field and try to obtain a value
				foreach (Field fld in flds)
					// Get the type and fields of FieldInfoClass.
					FieldInfo fi = myType.GetField(fld.Name.Nm, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
					if (fi != null)
						or.Data[fld.ColumnNumber] = fi.GetValue(dt);

				// Apply the filters 
				if (f == null || f.Apply(rpt, or))
					or.RowNumber = rowCount;	// 
				if (--maxRows <= 0)				// don't retrieve more than max
            ar.TrimExcess();		// free up any extraneous space; can be sizeable for large # rows
			if (f != null)
				f.ApplyFinalFilters(rpt, rows, false);

			SetMyUserData(rpt, rows);
Ejemplo n.º 21
		internal void SetData(Report rpt, DataTable dt, Fields flds, Filters f)
			if (dt == null)			// Does user want to remove user data?
				SetMyUserData(rpt, null);

			Rows rows = new Rows(rpt,null,null,null);		// no sorting and grouping at base data

            List<Row> ar = new List<Row>();
			rows.Data = ar;
			int rowCount=0;
			int maxRows = _RowLimit > 0? _RowLimit: int.MaxValue;

			int fieldCount = flds.Items.Count;
			foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
				Row or = new Row(rows, fieldCount);
				// Loop thru the columns obtaining the data values by name
				foreach (Field fld in flds.Items.Values)
					or.Data[fld.ColumnNumber] = dr[fld.DataField];
				// Apply the filters 
				if (f == null || f.Apply(rpt, or))
					or.RowNumber = rowCount;	// 
				if (--maxRows <= 0)				// don't retrieve more than max
            ar.TrimExcess();		// free up any extraneous space; can be sizeable for large # rows
			if (f != null)
				f.ApplyFinalFilters(rpt, rows, false);

			SetMyUserData(rpt, rows);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public void SetHeader(params string[] headers)
     HeaderSet = true;
     Rows.Add(new Row(_rowIndex++, true, headers));
Ejemplo n.º 23
		internal void AddPageExpressionRow(Report rpt, string exprname, Row r)
			if (exprname == null || r == null)

			if (_PageExprReferences == null)
				_PageExprReferences = new Dictionary<string, Rows>();

			Rows rows=null;
            _PageExprReferences.TryGetValue(exprname, out rows);
            if (rows == null)
				rows = new Rows(rpt);
				rows.Data = new List<Row>();
				_PageExprReferences.Add(exprname, rows);
			Row row = new Row(rows, r);	// have to make a new copy
			row.RowNumber = rows.Data.Count;
			rows.Data.Add(row);			// add row to rows
Ejemplo n.º 24
 private void AddRow(bool isHeader = false, params object[] values)
     Rows.Add(new Row(_rowIndex++, isHeader, values));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private void calculateSnapPoints()
            if (!EnableSnapTo)
            // build up a full set of snap points/details, from (a) the static snap points for the grid, and
            // (b) calculated snap points for this move (ie. other elements in the row[s]).

            // iterate through the rows, calculating snap points for every single element in each row that has any selected elements
            foreach (Row row in Rows.Where(x => x.Visible))
                // This would skip generating snap points for elements on any rows that have nothing selected.
                // However, we still need to do that; as we might be dragging elements vertically into rows that
                // (currently) have nothing selected. So we'll generate for everything, but that's going to be
                // quite overkill. So, the big TODO: here is to regenerate element snap points for only rows with
                // selected elements, but also regenerate them whenever we move vertically.

                foreach (Element element in row)
                    // skip it if it's a selected element; we don't want to snap to them, as they'll be moving as well
                    if (element.Selected)

                    // if it's a non-selected element, generate snap points for it; for the start and end times. Also record the
                    // row its from in the generated point, so when snapping we can check against only elements from this row.
                    SnapDetails details = CalculateSnapDetailsForPoint(element.StartTime, SnapPriorityForElements, Color.Empty, false, false);
                    details.SnapRow = row;

                    if (!CurrentDragSnapPoints.ContainsKey(details.SnapTime))
                        CurrentDragSnapPoints[details.SnapTime] = new List <SnapDetails>();

                    details         = CalculateSnapDetailsForPoint(element.EndTime, SnapPriorityForElements, Color.Empty, false, false);
                    details.SnapRow = row;

                    if (!CurrentDragSnapPoints.ContainsKey(details.SnapTime))
                        CurrentDragSnapPoints[details.SnapTime] = new List <SnapDetails>();

            //Add in our static snap points as a copy so they are not modified
            foreach (var staticSnapPoint in StaticSnapPoints)
                if (CurrentDragSnapPoints.ContainsKey(staticSnapPoint.Key))
                    CurrentDragSnapPoints.Add(staticSnapPoint.Key, staticSnapPoint.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button    oBtn = sender as Button;
            DataTable dt   = new DataTable();
            IList <TLCSV_PuchaseOrderDetail> PODetail  = new List <TLCSV_PuchaseOrderDetail>();
            IList <TLCSV_StockOnHand>        SOHDetail = new List <TLCSV_StockOnHand>();
            List <DATA> SOHGrouped = new List <DATA>();

            BindingSource bindingSource1 = new BindingSource();

            if (oBtn != null && formloaded)
                if (UserD._External)
                    if (QueryParms.Customers.Count == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please select a customer from the drop down list");

                    if (QueryParms.Whses.Count == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please select a warehouse fro the drop down list");

                using (var context = new TTI2Entities())
                    DGVOutput.DataSource = null;

                    if (rbAvailable.Checked || rbGrossStock.Checked)
                        // Can be either Gross Stock or Available stock data needed
                        // Start with Gross Stock always
                        SOHDetail = repo.GrossSOHQuery(QueryParms).ToList();
                        if (rbAvailable.Checked)
                            // Available Stock only
                            SOHDetail = SOHDetail.Where(x => !x.TLSOH_Picked).ToList();

                        if (SOHDetail.Count == 0)
                            DGVOutput.Visible = false;
                            MessageBox.Show("No records found for selection made");

                        var GroupedData = SOHDetail.GroupBy(x => new { x.TLSOH_Style_FK, x.TLSOH_Colour_FK, x.TLSOH_Size_FK }).ToList();
                        foreach (var Grouped in GroupedData)
                            var Sty    = Grouped.FirstOrDefault().TLSOH_Style_FK;
                            var Clr    = Grouped.FirstOrDefault().TLSOH_Colour_FK;
                            var xSize  = Grouped.FirstOrDefault().TLSOH_Size_FK;
                            var BoxQty = Grouped.Sum(x => (int?)x.TLSOH_BoxedQty ?? 0);
                            var Record = SOHGrouped.Find(x => x._StyleFK == Sty && x._ColourFK == Clr && x._SizeFK == xSize);

                            var index = SOHGrouped.IndexOf(Record);

                            if (index < 0)
                                DATA dd = new DATA();
                                dd._BoxedQty = BoxQty;
                                dd._ColourFK = Clr;
                                dd._SizeFK   = xSize;
                                dd._StyleFK  = Sty;

                                Record._BoxedQty += BoxQty;

                        //now ready to display
                        dt = new DataTable();
                        DataColumn column;

                        // Create column 1
                        column            = new DataColumn();
                        column.DataType   = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
                        column.ColumnName = "Style";

                        // Create column 2
                        column            = new DataColumn();
                        column.DataType   = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
                        column.ColumnName = "Colour";
                        // Add the size names to the top of the grid box
                        foreach (var soh in SOHGrouped)
                            var xSize = context.TLADM_Sizes.Find(soh._SizeFK).SI_Description;
                            if (!dt.Columns.Contains(xSize))
                                dt.Columns.Add(xSize, typeof(Int32));

                        foreach (var soh in SOHGrouped)
                            var xStyle  = context.TLADM_Styles.Find(soh._StyleFK).Sty_Description;
                            var xColour = context.TLADM_Colours.Find(soh._ColourFK).Col_Display;
                            var xSize   = context.TLADM_Sizes.Find(soh._SizeFK).SI_Description;
                            var index   = dt.Columns.IndexOf(xSize);

                            var SingleRow = (from Rows in dt.Rows.Cast <DataRow>()
                                             where Rows.Field <String>(0) == xStyle && Rows.Field <String>(1) == xColour
                                             select Rows).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (SingleRow != null)
                                SingleRow[index] = soh._BoxedQty;
                                var TheNewRow = dt.NewRow();
                                TheNewRow[0]     = xStyle;
                                TheNewRow[1]     = xColour;
                                TheNewRow[index] = soh._BoxedQty;


                        DataView DataV = dt.DefaultView;
                        DataV.Sort = dt.Columns[0].ColumnName + "," + dt.Columns[1].ColumnName;

                        DGVOutput.DataSource = DataV.ToTable();
                        DGVOutput.Visible    = true;
                        //  this section of the code does the outstanding purchase orders
                        var Data = repo.POQuery(QueryParms);
                        if (Data.Count() == 0)
                            DGVOutput.Visible = false;
                            MessageBox.Show("No records found for selection made");

                        var GroupedData = Data.GroupBy(x => new { x.TLCUSTO_Style_FK, x.TLCUSTO_Colour_FK, x.TLCUSTO_Size_FK }).ToList();
                        foreach (var Grouped in GroupedData)
                            var Sty    = Grouped.FirstOrDefault().TLCUSTO_Style_FK;
                            var Clr    = Grouped.FirstOrDefault().TLCUSTO_Colour_FK;
                            var xSize  = Grouped.FirstOrDefault().TLCUSTO_Size_FK;
                            var BoxQty = Grouped.Sum(x => (int?)x.TLCUSTO_Qty ?? 0);
                            var Record = SOHGrouped.Find(x => x._StyleFK == Sty && x._ColourFK == Clr && x._SizeFK == xSize);
                            var index  = SOHGrouped.IndexOf(Record);

                            if (index < 0)
                                DATA dd = new DATA();
                                dd._BoxedQty = BoxQty;
                                dd._ColourFK = Clr;
                                dd._SizeFK   = xSize;
                                dd._StyleFK  = Sty;

                                Record._BoxedQty += BoxQty;
                        //now ready to display
                        dt = new DataTable();
                        DataColumn column;

                        // Create column 1
                        column            = new DataColumn();
                        column.DataType   = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
                        column.ColumnName = "Style";

                        // Create column 2
                        column            = new DataColumn();
                        column.DataType   = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
                        column.ColumnName = "Colour";
                        // Add the size names to the top of the grid box
                        foreach (var soh in SOHGrouped)
                            var xSize = context.TLADM_Sizes.Find(soh._SizeFK).SI_Description;
                            if (!dt.Columns.Contains(xSize))
                                dt.Columns.Add(xSize, typeof(Int32));

                        foreach (var soh in SOHGrouped)
                            var xStyle  = context.TLADM_Styles.Find(soh._StyleFK).Sty_Description;
                            var xColour = context.TLADM_Colours.Find(soh._ColourFK).Col_Display;
                            var xSize   = context.TLADM_Sizes.Find(soh._SizeFK).SI_Description;
                            var index   = dt.Columns.IndexOf(xSize);

                            var SingleRow = (from Rows in dt.Rows.Cast <DataRow>()
                                             where Rows.Field <String>(0) == xStyle && Rows.Field <String>(1) == xColour
                                             select Rows).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (SingleRow != null)
                                SingleRow[index] = soh._BoxedQty;
                                var TheNewRow = dt.NewRow();
                                TheNewRow[0]     = xStyle;
                                TheNewRow[1]     = xColour;
                                TheNewRow[index] = soh._BoxedQty;


                        DataView DataV = dt.DefaultView;
                        DataV.Sort           = dt.Columns[0].ColumnName + "," + dt.Columns[1].ColumnName;
                        DGVOutput.DataSource = DataV.ToTable();
                        DGVOutput.Visible    = true;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private int NumberOfSquaresInRegionCouldUseValue(Columns column, Rows row, Values value)
            int r = (int)row / 3;
            int c = (int)column / 3;
            var result = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j ++ )
                    Rows ro = (Rows)(r*3+i);
                    Columns co = (Columns)(c * 3 + i);
                    if (CouldPutValueInSquare(co, ro, value)) result++;

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        void DrawGrid()
            if (Grid)
                var n_Rpws    = Grid_Rows * 1.0;
                var n_Columns = Grid_Columns * 1.0;
                for (int i = 1; i < n_Rpws; i++)
                    Control c;
                    if (i < Rows.Count)
                        c = Rows[i];
                        c = new Control();
                    c.Visible   = true;
                    c.Left      = 0;
                    c.Top       = (int)((i / n_Rpws) * Height);
                    c.Width     = this.Width;
                    c.Height    = 1;
                    c.BackColor = Grid_Color;

                for (int i = 1; i < n_Columns; i++)
                    Control c;
                    if (i < Columns.Count)
                        c = Columns[i];
                        c = new Control();
                    c.Visible   = true;
                    c.Left      = (int)((i / n_Columns) * Width);
                    c.Top       = 0;
                    c.Width     = 1;
                    c.Height    = this.Height;
                    c.BackColor = Grid_Color;
                for (int i = (int)n_Rpws; i < Rows.Count; i++)
                    Rows[i].Visible = false;
                for (int i = (int)n_Columns; i < Columns.Count; i++)
                    Columns[i].Visible = false;
                foreach (var c in Rows)
                    if (c != null)
                        c.Visible = false;
                foreach (var c in Columns)
                    if (c != null)
                        c.Visible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public Values GetRegionValues(Columns oneCellColumn, Rows oneCellRow)
     int column = (int)oneCellColumn;
     int row = (int)oneCellRow;
     return _RegionValues[column / 3, row / 3];
 public void RemoveEmptyRows()
     Rows.RemoveAll(r => !r.Fields.Any());
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public void AddRow(params string[] cells)
     Rows.Add(new ConsoleDisplayTableRow(cells));
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public DataRow FindByID(uint id)
     return((DataRow_security)Rows.Find(new object[] { id }));
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public void AddRowInternal(ArrayDataRecord rec)
     Rows.AddInternal(new CdlRow(this, rec, CdlRowState.Unchanged, m_structure));
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public void Add_Row(DataRow_timeframe row)
Ejemplo n.º 35
		// Obtain the data from the XML
		internal void GetData(Report rpt, string xmlData, Fields flds, Filters f)
			Rows uData = this.GetMyUserData(rpt);
			if (uData != null)
				this.SetMyData(rpt, uData);

			int fieldCount = flds.Items.Count;

			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
			doc.PreserveWhitespace = false;

			XmlNode xNode;
			xNode = doc.LastChild;
			if (xNode == null || !(xNode.Name == "Rows" || xNode.Name == "fyi:Rows"))
				throw new Exception("Error: XML Data must contain top level rows.");

			Rows _Data = new Rows(rpt, null,null,null);
            List<Row> ar = new List<Row>();
			_Data.Data = ar;

			int rowCount=0;
			foreach(XmlNode xNodeRow in xNode.ChildNodes)
				if (xNodeRow.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
				if (xNodeRow.Name != "Row")
				Row or = new Row(_Data, fieldCount);
				foreach (XmlNode xNodeColumn in xNodeRow.ChildNodes)
					Field fld = (Field) (flds.Items[xNodeColumn.Name]);	// Find the column
					if (fld == null)
						continue;			// Extraneous data is ignored
					TypeCode tc = fld.qColumn != null? fld.qColumn.colType: fld.Type;

					if (xNodeColumn.InnerText == null || xNodeColumn.InnerText.Length == 0)
						or.Data[fld.ColumnNumber] = null;
					else if (tc == TypeCode.String)
						or.Data[fld.ColumnNumber] = xNodeColumn.InnerText;
							or.Data[fld.ColumnNumber] = 
								Convert.ChangeType(xNodeColumn.InnerText, tc, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
						catch	// all conversion errors result in a null value
							or.Data[fld.ColumnNumber] = null;
				// Apply the filters 
				if (f == null || f.Apply(rpt, or))
					or.RowNumber = rowCount;	// 

            ar.TrimExcess();		// free up any extraneous space; can be sizeable for large # rows
			if (f != null)
				f.ApplyFinalFilters(rpt, _Data, false);

			SetMyData(rpt, _Data);
Ejemplo n.º 36
 public void Remove_Row(DataRow_timeframe row)
Ejemplo n.º 37
		internal void SetData(Report rpt, IDataReader dr, Fields flds, Filters f)
			if (dr == null)			// Does user want to remove user data?
				SetMyUserData(rpt, null);

			Rows rows = new Rows(rpt,null,null,null);		// no sorting and grouping at base data

            List<Row> ar = new List<Row>();
			rows.Data = ar;
			int rowCount=0;
			int maxRows = _RowLimit > 0? _RowLimit: int.MaxValue;
			while (dr.Read())
				Row or = new Row(rows, dr.FieldCount);
				// Apply the filters 
				if (f == null || f.Apply(rpt, or))
					or.RowNumber = rowCount;	// 
				if (--maxRows <= 0)				// don't retrieve more than max
            ar.TrimExcess();		// free up any extraneous space; can be sizeable for large # rows
			if (f != null)
				f.ApplyFinalFilters(rpt, rows, false);

			SetMyUserData(rpt, rows);
Ejemplo n.º 38
 public DataRow FindByID(uint id)
     return((DataRow_timeframe)Rows.Find(new object[] { id }));
Ejemplo n.º 39
		internal void SetData(Report rpt, XmlDocument xmlDoc, Fields flds, Filters f)
			if (xmlDoc == null)			// Does user want to remove user data?
				SetMyUserData(rpt, null);

			Rows rows = new Rows(rpt,null,null,null);		// no sorting and grouping at base data
			XmlNode xNode;
			xNode = xmlDoc.LastChild;
			if (xNode == null || !(xNode.Name == "Rows" || xNode.Name == "fyi:Rows"))
				throw new Exception("XML Data must contain top level element Rows.");

            List<Row> ar = new List<Row>();
			rows.Data = ar;

			int rowCount=0;
			int fieldCount = flds.Items.Count;
			foreach(XmlNode xNodeRow in xNode.ChildNodes)
				if (xNodeRow.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
				if (xNodeRow.Name != "Row")
				Row or = new Row(rows, fieldCount);
				foreach (XmlNode xNodeColumn in xNodeRow.ChildNodes)
					Field fld = (Field) (flds.Items[xNodeColumn.Name]);	// Find the column
					if (fld == null)
						continue;			// Extraneous data is ignored
					if (xNodeColumn.InnerText == null || xNodeColumn.InnerText.Length == 0)
						or.Data[fld.ColumnNumber] = null;
					else if (fld.Type == TypeCode.String)
						or.Data[fld.ColumnNumber] = xNodeColumn.InnerText;
							or.Data[fld.ColumnNumber] = 
								Convert.ChangeType(xNodeColumn.InnerText, fld.Type, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
						catch	// all conversion errors result in a null value
							or.Data[fld.ColumnNumber] = null;
				// Apply the filters 
				if (f == null || f.Apply(rpt, or))
					or.RowNumber = rowCount;	// 

            ar.TrimExcess();		// free up any extraneous space; can be sizeable for large # rows
			if (f != null)
				f.ApplyFinalFilters(rpt, rows, false);

			SetMyUserData(rpt, rows);
Ejemplo n.º 40
		private void SetMyData(Report rpt, Rows data)
			if (data == null)
				rpt.Cache.Remove(this, "data");
				rpt.Cache.AddReplace(this, "data", data);
Ejemplo n.º 41
 internal Row(Rows r, int columnCount)
     _R = r;
     _Data = new object[columnCount];
Ejemplo n.º 42
		internal void SetRows(Report rpt, Rows rows)
			WorkClass wc = GetValue(rpt);
			wc.rows = rows;
Ejemplo n.º 43
        internal void Run(IPresent ip, Rows rs, int start, int end)
            // if no rows output or rows just leave
            if (rs == null || rs.Data == null)
            if (this.Visibility != null && Visibility.IsHidden(ip.Report(), rs.Data[start]) && Visibility.ToggleItem == null)
                return;                 // not visible

            for (int r=start; r <= end; r++)
                _TableRows.Run(ip, rs.Data[r]);
Ejemplo n.º 44
		internal bool AnyRowsPage(Pages pgs, Rows data)
			if (data != null && data.Data != null &&
				data.Data.Count > 0)
				return true;

			string msg;
			if (this.NoRows != null)
				msg = this.NoRows.EvaluateString(pgs.Report, null);
				msg = null;

			if (msg == null)
				return false;

			// OK we have a message we need to put out
			RunPageRegionBegin(pgs);				// still perform page break if needed

			PageText pt = new PageText(msg);
			SetPagePositionAndStyle(pgs.Report, pt, null);

			if (pt.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
				pt.SI.BackgroundImage.H = pt.H;		//   and in the background image


			RunPageRegionEnd(pgs);					// perform end page break if needed
			return false;
Ejemplo n.º 45
 public void Add_Row(DataRow_candle row)
Ejemplo n.º 46
 public void TestInit()
     rowsXml           = XElement.Parse(SampleData.TableXml);
     Settings.ssPrefix = rowsXml.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("ss");
     rows = new Rows(rowsXml);
Ejemplo n.º 47
Archivo: List.cs Proyecto: mnisl/OD
            internal List<GroupEntry> Groups;			// Runtime groups; array of GroupEntry
			internal WorkClass(List l)
				CalcHeight = l.Height == null? 0: l.Height.Points;
Ejemplo n.º 48
 public void Remove_Row(DataRow_candle row)
Ejemplo n.º 49
		internal bool AnyRows(IPresent ip, Rows data)
			if (data == null || data.Data == null ||
				data.Data.Count <= 0)
				string msg;
				if (this.NoRows != null)
					msg = this.NoRows.EvaluateString(ip.Report(), null);
					msg = null;
				ip.DataRegionNoRows(this, msg);
				return false;

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 50
 public DataRow FindByDT(DateTime dt)
     return((DataRow_candle)Rows.Find(new object[] { dt }));
Ejemplo n.º 51
		internal Rows GetFilteredData(Report rpt, Row row)
				Rows data;
				if (this._Filters == null)
					if (this._ParentDataRegion == null)
						data = DataSetDefn.Query.GetMyData(rpt);
						return data == null? null: new Rows(rpt, data);	// We need to copy in case DataSet is shared by multiple DataRegions
						return GetNestedData(rpt, row);

				if (this._ParentDataRegion == null)
					data = DataSetDefn.Query.GetMyData(rpt);
					if (data != null)
						data = new Rows(rpt, data);
					data = GetNestedData(rpt, row);

				if (data == null)
					return null;

				List<Row> ar = new List<Row>();
				foreach (Row r in data.Data)
					if (_Filters.Apply(rpt, r))
				data.Data = ar;
				_Filters.ApplyFinalFilters(rpt, data, true);

				// Adjust the rowcount
				int rCount = 0;
				foreach (Row r in ar)
					r.RowNumber = rCount++;
				return data;
			catch (Exception e)
				this.OwnerReport.rl.LogError(8, e.Message);
				return null;
Ejemplo n.º 52
 public void Add_Row(DataRow_security row)
Ejemplo n.º 53
 private bool CouldPutValueInSquare(Columns column, Rows row, Values value)
     int r = (int)row;
     int c = (int)column;
     return (
         ((_RowValues[r] & value) == 0) &&
         ((_ColumnValues[c] & value) > 0) &&
         ((_RegionValues[c / 3, r / 3] & value) == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 54
 public void Remove_Row(DataRow_security row)
Ejemplo n.º 55
 private int NumberOfSquaresInRowCouldUseValue(Rows row, Values value)
     var result = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
         Columns c = (Columns)i;
         if (CouldPutValueInSquare(c, row, value))
             result ++;
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 56
 public void Add_Row(DataRow_stopOrder row)
Ejemplo n.º 57
 public Values GetDeniedValues(Columns column, Rows row)
     return GetRowValues(row) |
         GetColumnValues(column) |
         GetRegionValues(column, row);
Ejemplo n.º 58
 public void Remove_Row(DataRow_stopOrder row)
Ejemplo n.º 59
 public Values GetRowValues(Rows row)
     return _RowValues[(int)row];
Ejemplo n.º 60
 public DataRow FindByID(int id)
     return((DataRow_stopOrder)Rows.Find(new object[] { id }));