internal Rect GetRect(RowView rowView, RowBinding rowBinding) { var position = GetPosition(rowView, rowBinding); var size = GetSize(rowView, rowBinding); return(new Rect(position, size)); }
private void SetCurrentRowFromView() { Debug.Assert(_focusTo != null); UpdateCurrentContainerView(_focusTo); CurrentRow = _focusTo.RowPresenter; _focusTo = null; }
private static void VerifyRowBindingRect(LayoutManager layoutManager, RowView rowView, int rowBindingIndex, Rect expectedRect) { var rowBindings = rowView.RowBindings; var rect = layoutManager.GetRect(rowView, rowBindings[rowBindingIndex]); Assert.AreEqual(expectedRect, rect); }
private void Swap(RowView oldValue, RowView newValue) { var oldRowPresenter = oldValue.RowPresenter; var newRowPresenter = newValue.RowPresenter; var oldBlockView = oldValue.GetBlockView(); var newBlockView = newValue.GetBlockView(); var oldCollection = GetPosition(oldValue, out int oldIndex); var newCollection = GetPosition(newValue, out int newIndex); if (oldCollection == newCollection && oldIndex < newIndex) { newCollection.RemoveAt(newIndex); oldCollection.RemoveAt(oldIndex); } else { oldCollection.RemoveAt(oldIndex); newCollection.RemoveAt(newIndex); } oldValue.Reload(newRowPresenter); newValue.Reload(oldRowPresenter); newValue.SetBlockView(oldBlockView); oldValue.SetBlockView(newBlockView); if (oldCollection == newCollection && newIndex < oldIndex) { newCollection.Insert(newIndex, oldValue); oldCollection.Insert(oldIndex, newValue); } else { oldCollection.Insert(oldIndex, newValue); newCollection.Insert(newIndex, oldValue); } }
private IElementCollection GetPosition(RowView rowView, out int index) { if (Template.ContainerKind == ContainerKind.Row) { var placement = GetContainerViewPlacement(rowView.RowPresenter); if (placement == CurrentContainerViewPlacement.WithinList) { index = ContainerViewListStartIndex + GetContainerView(rowView).ContainerOrdinal - ContainerViewList.First.ContainerOrdinal; } else if (placement == CurrentContainerViewPlacement.BeforeList) { index = HeadScalarElementsCount; } else { Debug.Assert(placement == CurrentContainerViewPlacement.AfterList); index = ContainerViewListStartIndex + ContainerViewList.Count; } return(ElementCollection); } else { var blockView = rowView.GetBlockView(); index = blockView.BlockBindingsSplit + (rowView.RowPresenter.Index % FlowRepeatCount); return(blockView.ElementCollection); } }
private void BeginEdit(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { var rowView = RowView.GetCurrent((InPlaceEditor)sender); var rowPresenter = rowView.RowPresenter; rowPresenter.BeginEdit(); }
internal ValidationInfo GetInfo(RowView rowView) { Debug.Assert(rowView != null); var rowPresenter = rowView.RowPresenter; for (int i = 0; i < Inputs.Count; i++) { if (HasError(rowPresenter, Inputs[i], true) || IsValidatingStatus(rowPresenter, Inputs[i], true)) { return(ValidationInfo.Empty); } } var errors = GetErrors(ValidationErrors.Empty, rowPresenter, null, false); errors = GetErrors(errors, rowPresenter, null, true); if (errors.Count > 0) { return(ValidationInfo.Error(errors.Seal())); } foreach (var asyncValidator in AsyncValidators) { if (asyncValidator.Status == AsyncValidatorStatus.Running) { return(ValidationInfo.Validating); } } return(ValidationInfo.Empty); }
public static Dictionary <int, double> Czebyszew(RowView newRow, List <RowView> allRows) { double max = 0; double mod = 0; Dictionary <int, double> results = new Dictionary <int, double>(); //List<double> results = new List<double>(); double value; double newValue; int rowId = 0; foreach (var row in allRows) { for (int i = 0; i < newRow.Value.Count - 1; i++) { value = Convert.ToDouble(row.Value[i]); newValue = Convert.ToDouble(newRow.Value[i]); mod = value - newValue; mod = Math.Abs(mod); max = Math.Max(max, mod); } results.Add(rowId, max); max = 0; mod = 0; //results.Add(sum); rowId++; } return(results); }
public static Dictionary <int, double> Euklides(RowView newRow, List <RowView> allRows) { double sum = 0; double pow = 0; Dictionary <int, double> results = new Dictionary <int, double>(); //List<double> results = new List<double>(); double value; double newValue; int rowId = 0; foreach (var row in allRows) { for (int i = 0; i < newRow.Value.Count - 1; i++) { value = Convert.ToDouble(row.Value[i]); newValue = Convert.ToDouble(newRow.Value[i]); pow = value - newValue; pow = Math.Pow(pow, 2); sum += pow; } sum = Math.Sqrt(sum); results.Add(rowId, sum); sum = 0; pow = 0; //results.Add(sum); rowId++; } return(results); }
/// <inheritdoc/> protected internal override void Refresh(RowView rowView) { if (_backgroudnBrushes.Length == 0) { return; } rowView.Background = _backgroudnBrushes[rowView.RowPresenter.Index % AlternationCount]; }
IEnumerable <CommandEntry> RowView.ICommandService.GetCommandEntries(RowView rowView) { var baseService = this.GetRegisteredService <RowView.ICommandService>(); foreach (var entry in baseService.GetCommandEntries(rowView)) { yield return(entry); } yield return(Commands.SelectCurrent.Bind(new KeyGesture(System.Windows.Input.Key.Enter), new MouseGesture(MouseAction.LeftDoubleClick))); }
IEnumerable <CommandEntry> RowView.ICommandService.GetCommandEntries(RowView rowView) { var baseService = ServiceManager.GetRegisteredService <RowView.ICommandService>(this); foreach (var entry in baseService.GetCommandEntries(rowView)) { yield return(entry); } yield return(GotoSourceCommand.Bind(new KeyGesture(Key.Enter), new MouseGesture(MouseAction.LeftDoubleClick))); }
private void CanBeginEdit(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) { var rowView = RowView.GetCurrent((InPlaceEditor)sender); var rowPresenter = rowView.RowPresenter; e.CanExecute = rowPresenter.IsCurrent && !rowPresenter.IsEditing; if (!e.CanExecute) { e.ContinueRouting = true; } }
private void PreventCurrentRowViewFromLosingFocus(RowView newFocusedRowView) { // Focus management is tricky, we choose not to manage focus at all: // instead of setting focus back to current RowView, we reload CurrentRow // to the newly focused RowView. var oldValue = newFocusedRowView.RowPresenter; UpdateCurrentContainerView(newFocusedRowView); ContainerViewList.VirtualizeAll(); CurrentContainerView.ReloadCurrentRow(oldValue); }
private ContainerView GetContainerView(RowView rowView) { if (Template.ContainerKind == ContainerKind.Row) { return(rowView); } else { return(rowView.GetBlockView()); } }
protected virtual void CoerceCurrentRowView(RowView oldValue) { Debug.Assert(ContainerViewList.Count > 0); Debug.Assert(oldValue != null); Debug.Assert(CurrentContainerView == GetContainerView(oldValue)); var oldPlacement = CurrentContainerViewPlacement; var newPlacement = GetContainerViewPlacement(CurrentRow); if (IsIsolated(oldPlacement)) { if (IsIsolated(newPlacement)) { CurrentContainerView.ReloadCurrentRow(oldValue.RowPresenter); if (oldPlacement != newPlacement) { ContainerViewList.VirtualizeAll(); newPlacement = CurrentContainerViewPlacement.Alone; } } else { var newValue = CurrentRow.View; Swap(oldValue, newValue); var removalIndex = HeadScalarElementsCount; if (CurrentContainerViewPlacement == CurrentContainerViewPlacement.AfterList) { removalIndex += ContainerViewList.Count; } Cleanup((ContainerView)Elements[removalIndex]); ElementCollection.RemoveAt(removalIndex); } } else { if (IsIsolated(newPlacement)) { Debug.Assert(CurrentRow.View == null); var containerView = Setup(CurrentRow); Debug.Assert(CurrentRow.View != null); var insertIndex = HeadScalarElementsCount; if (newPlacement == CurrentContainerViewPlacement.AfterList) { insertIndex += ContainerViewList.Count; } ElementCollection.Insert(insertIndex, containerView); } Swap(oldValue, CurrentRow.View); } CurrentContainerView = GetContainerView(CurrentRow.View); CurrentContainerViewPlacement = newPlacement; }
public void ReadFileFromPath(string path, bool firstRowHeader) { AllRows.ClearFullFile(); AllRows allColumns = AllRows.GetInstance(); char[] delimiters = new[] { ' ', ';', '\t' }; string line; string[] splitLine; bool firstRow = true; StreamReader file = new StreamReader(path); while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { splitLine = line.Split(delimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (splitLine.Length > 0) { if (splitLine[0].FirstOrDefault() != '#') { if (firstRowHeader && firstRow) { allColumns.HeaderName = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < splitLine.Length; i++) { allColumns.HeaderName.Add(splitLine[i]); } firstRow = false; } else if (!firstRowHeader && firstRow) { RowView column = new RowView(); allColumns.HeaderName = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < splitLine.Length; i++) { column.Value.Add(splitLine[i]); allColumns.HeaderName.Add("Kolumna__" + (i + 1)); } allColumns.FullFile.Add(column); } else { RowView column = new RowView(); for (int i = 0; i < splitLine.Length; i++) { //List<string> column = new List<string>(); column.Value.Add(splitLine[i]); } allColumns.FullFile.Add(column); } } } } }
private RowView CreateRow(KeyBinding binding) { RowView row = CreateEmptyRow(); row.Command = binding.CommandName; row.Key = binding.DisplayKey; if (isAllowedToRebind) { row.keyButton.onClick.AddListener( () =>; } return(row); }
internal Size Measure(RowView rowView, Size constraintSize) { Debug.Assert(IsMeasuring); if (IsPreparingMeasure) { PrepareMeasure(rowView); } else { FinalizeMeasure(rowView); } return(constraintSize); }
internal void ArrangeChildren(RowView rowView) { var rowBindings = rowView.RowBindings; if (rowBindings.Count == 0) { return; } foreach (var rowBinding in rowBindings) { var element = rowView.Elements[rowBinding.Ordinal]; var rect = GetRect(rowView, rowBinding); var clip = GetFrozenClip(rowView, rowBinding); Arrange(element, rowBinding, rect, clip); } }
private void UpdateCurrentContainerView(RowView rowView) { if (CurrentContainerViewPlacement != CurrentContainerViewPlacement.WithinList) { Cleanup(CurrentContainerView); if (CurrentContainerViewPlacement == CurrentContainerViewPlacement.BeforeList) { ElementCollection.RemoveAt(HeadScalarElementsCount); } else { Debug.Assert(CurrentContainerViewPlacement == CurrentContainerViewPlacement.AfterList); ElementCollection.RemoveAt(HeadScalarElementsCount + ContainerViewList.Count); } CurrentContainerViewPlacement = CurrentContainerViewPlacement.WithinList; } CurrentContainerView = GetContainerView(rowView); }
private void PrepareMeasure(RowView rowView) { var autoSizeBindings = GetAutoSizeBindings(rowView); if (autoSizeBindings.Count == 0) { return; } var containerView = this[rowView]; foreach (var rowBinding in autoSizeBindings) { var element = rowView.Elements[rowBinding.Ordinal]; var availableAutoSize = GetAvailableAutoSize(rowBinding, rowView.RowPresenter, out var autoWidthColumns, out var measuredWidth, out var autoHeightRows, out var measuredHeight); element.Measure(availableAutoSize); UpdateAutoSize(containerView, autoWidthColumns, measuredWidth, autoHeightRows, measuredHeight, element.DesiredSize); } }
internal void OnFocused(RowView rowView) { if (rowView.RowPresenter != CurrentRow) { SuspendInvalidateView(); _currentRowChangedByInsertSuspended = true; _focusTo = rowView; if (!CanChangeCurrentRow) { PreventCurrentRowViewFromLosingFocus(rowView); } else if (_focusTo != null) // _focusTo can be null from OnRowsChanged. { SetCurrentRowFromView(); } _currentRowChangedByInsertSuspended = false; ResumeInvalidateView(); } }
private void FinalizeMeasure(RowView rowView) { var rowBindings = rowView.RowBindings; if (rowBindings.Count == 0) { return; } foreach (var rowBinding in rowBindings) { // Resizing auto size binding should invalidate measure, the binding should only be measured with infinity length, which was done in previous PrepareMeasure. if (IsAutoSize(rowBinding, rowView)) { continue; } var element = rowView.Elements[rowBinding.Ordinal]; element.Measure(GetSize(rowView, rowBinding)); } }
public void HeavyMethod() { AllRows allColumns = AllRows.GetInstance(); RowView row = new RowView(); for (int i = 0; i < allColumns.FullFile[0].Value.Count; i++) { Binding binding = new Binding(String.Format("Value[{0}]", i)); DataGridTextColumn column = new DataGridTextColumn(); binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay; binding.ValidatesOnDataErrors = true; column.Binding = binding; column.CanUserSort = false; column.Header = allColumns.HeaderName[i]; dataGrid.Columns.Add(column); row.Value.Add(""); } NewObjects.Add(row); dataGrid.ItemsSource = NewObjects; //dataGrid.ItemsSource = allColumns.FullFile; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public DataAccess(RowView view, params String[] roles) { this.RowViews = view; this.AllowedRoles = roles; }
protected ContainerView this[RowView rowView] { get { return(this[rowView.ContainerOrdinal]); } }
/// <summary> /// Cleanup the <see cref="RowView"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="rowView">The <see cref="RowView"/>.</param> protected internal abstract void Cleanup(RowView rowView);
protected override Point GetPosition(RowView rowView, RowBinding rowBinding) { return(Template.RowRange.GetRelativePosition(rowBinding.GridRange)); }
internal override Thickness GetFrozenClip(RowView rowView, RowBinding rowBinding) { return(new Thickness()); }
protected override Size GetSize(RowView rowView, RowBinding rowBinding) { return(rowBinding.GridRange.MeasuredSize); }